Chapter 37

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Harry's POV

I have not left her side for one second. The thought of leaving her alone makes me feel like somebody's going to try to take her away from me and I don't think I could go through that again at all. I've been sitting here for what seems like hours just holding her hand, stroking it repeatedly with the pad of my thumb. All this time I've been intently watching her facial features. How even though she's been through hell she still manages to look as beautiful as ever. I love this girl so much and I'm afraid that once she wakes up she's going to kick me out.

I should feel bad for not letting Liam have his own time with her, but I'm just so selfish about it right now and nothing about it bothers me. To know that she's finally safe from those people, it's a tranquilizing feeling. Though I know I'm not as safe as I portray myself to be, because I know I'm the one who has damaged her greatly, and for that I will always loathe myself.

"I love you," I whisper softly, staring at her peaceful face. I wish she were awake so I could kiss her, boy do I want to kiss her. My eyes keep darting to her pink lips, so full and warm just like I remember them. It's hard to believe that the first time I kissed her was the only time I kissed her. I should've wrapped my arms around her waist and hips and kissed her at that damn party.

Even like this, I still have these desires for her. She's incredibly sexy, confident, and perfect. She's simply perfect. She's much more valuable than just having simple sex with her, because even though I desire it, it's the furthest thing on my mind at the moment. I just want her to wake up and stare into those sparkling eyes of hers.

What will everyone think when they find out about what's been happening these last few days? I know I kept it from everyone to avoid any unnecessary attention, the most important thing was to find her. And here she is. I have to keep reminding myself that I found her, that she's here and I can protect her from everything that is malicious.

Holding her small hand into mine, I pray that she wakes up soon. It's been hours, I know she was given a high dose but I think it should be wearing off soon. I put my head down, sighing with relief that at least the nightmare of not knowing where she is, is finally over with. Suddenly, I feel small movements coming from her fingers making me snap my head up abruptly as a small glimpse of hope courses through my body.

I get up, placing my hand on her cheek, staring at her intently as her eyelids begin to flutter open slowly. She's waking up. I can't help but smile as she begins to regain consciousness.


My eyes slightly flicker open, to a small minimum. Lights are piercing through the windows, not too much of a bothersome. My body feels so exhausted as I begin to wake up from my slumber, only this time.. I'm on a bed? My eyes swiftly circulate the room, noticing the forest green walls that look rich in a way, large windows to the left side of the room. It takes a few more seconds for me to finally realize that I'm not in the warehouse anymore. Where the hell am I then? I hear the beeping of what sounds to be a, heart monitor?

My eyes make an abrupt switch as they return to their normal vision. I instantly freeze noticing a tall figure looking down at me, and if I'm not mistaken that's, that's Harry. I have to be dreaming, this isn't really happening. But the more I think of it, the realization sets in that I'm no longer in that warehouse, I'm in a hospital.

"Y/N," he speaks softly. I'm still dazed and confused over this. What the hell happened? How did I end up here? I feel his hand reach up to my hair, gently tucking hair behind my ear, feeling the very tips of his fingertips brush my skin.

"You're awake," he says with glistening eyes. His emerald green eyes bore into mine with sheer happiness and content clearly latched onto them. My throat is extremely dry, trying to get words to come out but I can't. They won't.

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