Chapter 1

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"Harry, stop!" I said laughing. "Harry stop tickling me oh my god." I scolded at my best friend while laughing hysterically.

"Okay, okay. I think you've suffered enough." He finally moves to the other side of the couch.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked sitting cross legged on his couch.

"Whatever you want!" He beamed.

"We already did that Harry, come on let's do something fun." I playfully punched him on the shoulder.

"I've got an idea." He pauses staring into the air.

"Hello, Harold? Come back to Earth." I wave my hand in front of him.
"I'm thinking." He murmurs.

"You said you had an idea." I lightly laugh.

"That was before I thought of a new one. I got it though, lets go." He pulls me by arm laughing, to the point where his cute dimples show.


"Harry, what is this? Where are we?" I say as he drives along a line of trees and nothing but a forest.

"You'll see Y/N. I just discovered it the other day when I was exercising up here. It's really nice. It high up in the city, and no one comes up here. It's so isolated and I don't know why. But I've claimed it as my spot, it's mine now." He turns smiling at me. I shake my head and can't help the smile that forms on my head. That's so him, when he wants something its his. There's no arguing with him, he's a smooth talker, and I'm sure it's his thick British accent that wins everyone over.

"You're crazy, Styles." I laugh at him.

"Little bit. I'm an enthusiast Y/N." he smiles.
"That you are." I agree.

He finally makes a stop. I have no idea where we are, but it's beautiful. It's so secluded, nature everywhere surrounding us. No wonder he finds this place so serene, it's away from everyone. The city, the fame, all the crazy stuff that happens down there is all forgotten once you're up here. He turns off the ignition and gets out of the car. Like the gentlemen that he is, he opens my door. "Harry, this place really is nice." I say as my eyes scan the place.

"It is isn't it? The moment I discovered it I fell in love with it." He says it with such emotion.

That's Harry, he could describe the most dull thing and make it the most interesting thing in the world. He views things so differently, he finds the good things in everything. Even people who hate him for no reason.
"So why did you bring me here?" I emphasize the 'me'.

"Because I wanted to share this with my best friend. You Y/N. I want this to be our runaway spot when shit hits the fan and we come here to just forget about everything." He says seriously. I give him a small smile and nod. He places his hand on my back, "come. There's more to see."

We walk a little bit, trees in sight minimizing as we walk. There's an opening and he leads us through it. "This is it!" He says. The view is much more than what I expected, it's overlooking the city. I figured it'd be something not too astonishing, since to Harry everything is out of this world. You can see everything from up here, it all looks so small, so unimportant.

"So what do you think?" He snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Harry this is beautiful. Really, wow." I say in amusement. "When I was running here the other day, it reminded me of you. This place brought me peace and sanity, which is something you always do. You never let anything get in way over my head, you remind me that I'm no different than everyone else."

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