Chapter 30

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Only minutes later, the man is back and this time with a mischievous grin plastered across his face that sends a chill up my spine.

I sit still on the small couch with my hands tied behind my back and my feet placed firmly on the floor.

He's walked to the table while he lowly chuckles about god knows what. It must've been that call he made while he was out there.

"Well Y/N I was just on the phone and asked for your rescue money. In three days I'll be five million dollars richer," he chuckles. My mouth nearly drops at the sound of him saying five million dollars. Who does this guy think he is and why in the hell am I worth that much fucking money?

I don't know anyone who just has five million dollars laying around. That's an enormous amount of money and he sure as hell didn't ask anyone I know.

"Who did you ask all that money for? I have absolutely no idea who would pay that much money to save me," and they'd be crazy to. This asshole doesn't deserve anything.

"Your friend, or friends shall I say," my eyes widen and my chest tightens as the only people that come into mind are Harry and Liam. I haven't even had time to think if they noticed I'm gone. This is all so confusing. I don't know if the boys knew or if this is news to them. Either way, I could never let those boys use five million dollars on me, I'd rather he kill me.

"They know?"

"Of course they do. I was told by my informant that this young man named Liam was seen approaching your home last night and then followed by another young man named Henry?"

"Harry," I correct him. He rolls his eyes at me while shaking his head. You would think with the boys being famous and all, people like this guy would at least know what they're names are.

"My point is that I want my money in three days or else something very bad will happen to you. See I said I had my orders and one of my orders was that if I don't get my money, then it's all up to me on what to do to you." I can't even begin to think the things this could possibly do to me. It makes me stomach sick and I can feel myself about to hurl over the thought.

"They won't give you shit, I promise that," my threat doesn't sound as threatening as I intended for it to be. He laughs mockingly at me, staring at me with this cold, blue frosty eyes that seep through mine.

"We'll see sweetheart," he winks. He turns away from me and walks to towards the wall of the warehouse with his phone in hand. My eyes dart to the door and back to him. I guess the idiot isn't too bright since he didn't notice his pocket knife was missing from the table. Now's the chance at getting the hell out of here. With one hard tug at the ropes tied around my ankles, I set them free and unlink my arms as quick as I can. Before I know it, I'm up from the couch and bolting, sprinting for the damn door like my life depends on it.

He hears my feet hitting the concrete floor and from the corner of my eyes, I can see his eyes widen as I try to escape.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" He yells but I keep going. I can hear him running after me, and my legs run as fast as they can. The adrenaline runs through my body. I just want to get out of here. I want to go back to Liam and Harry, wrap my arms around them and scream a thousand sorry's for what I did.

All too soon I feel his arms wrap around me and he's lifting me off the floor. I kick and scream, squirm as much as I can but it's no use, he doesn't budge.

I manage to kick him in the shin and he groans but still doesn't lose his grip on me.

"You fucking bitch," he growls. Pulling me harder now. I instantly regret trying to escape.

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