Chapter 19

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"Here's some tea." Liam says carrying out a tray from the kitchen. I've been a crying mess, like usual, ever since Harry walked away. Knowing that I finally opened up to him but he just simply walked away, it hurts. Does this mean Harry's done with me? He wanted to know, he insisted and persisted only to walk away from me.

I sit knees up to my chest on my couch as I take the mug from Liam's hand muttering a silent thank you.

I take a small sip of the hot liquid as it cascades down my throat and soothes the aftermath of my sobbing. Liam takes a seat next to me, sitting crossed legged on the couch. He's been comforting me this whole time and I cannot thank him enough for being my sanity.

"Do you think Harry's going to avoid me forever now?" I ask lowly, my eyes darting from the floor to Liam's brown eyes. His expression is sincere and sympathetic.

"I'm not going to sugar coat anything love. By Harold's reaction, it was a lot for him to take in. He looked baffled, really taken aback. It may take some time for him to process it, but forever? No babe I don't think so. You both have too much of a strong bond," he playfully punches my shoulder.

Though his words are echoing in my mind, part of me can't help but think that this is it, my friendship with Harry is over. All that I have avoided happened.

"So what do you advice I do?" I look at him through my eyelashes. I want to run after him and explain to him everything that has happened.

I don't want him to leave Kendall for me, if he ever did feel the same way for me, I want it to be in time. She can't make him happy, she doesn't make him happy.. Not like I could.

"Give it some time babe. He'll come around." He says softly half smiling.

He motions me to scoot over to him. I do as he says and wrap my arms around his torso and rest my head on his chest. The thumping of his heart increases as it travels through my ears. Sudden panic rushes through me. I lift my head and turn my head up to face him. This isn't helping Liam's feelings either..

"I'm sorry Liam, I wasn't thinking-" I say truthfully.

"It's fine." He says assuringly with a small smile.

I skeptically put my head back on his chest as his hand runs up and down my arm. I hope his words from a few minutes are go are true and Harry doesn't ignore completely. I wouldn't be able to handle it.


"I love you Harry," I murmur into his ear. My small hands hold onto his arms as he swiftly moves in and out of me, making love to me like I desired. He kisses my neck with his full lips, swiping his tongue over and over again.

"I love you Y/N, so much baby.. Oh fuck," he groans as he quickens his pace just a little. My fingernails rake up and down his back, leaving marks along their trail.

I press my fingers at the bottom of his spine pulling him in, feeling all of him as I unravel in this sweet passionate love making.

"Harry," I whimper. His hands move from my waist to my hips, gripping them, his fingers digging into my skin so deliciously.

"Wake up, Y/N," he whispers into my ear. What?

"Y/N wake up!!!" His voice raises.

Suddenly I'm startled, Liam's hand is on my arm as he shook me awake.

I rub my eyes with both of my hands, lifting my head up from his chest.

"What happened?" I asked confused. Moments ago I was with Harry and he was.. Oh, fuck that was just a dream. It felt so real though. I felt his hands roam my body and his lips attached to mine. I have ever only

been with one person before, but I have never wanted to be with a man like I want to be with Harry.

"We fell asleep love, for like an hour or so." He says sleepily yawning. I space myself from Liam's hold. I'm still a little bit dozed off from my slumber and my very erotic dream.

"Do you want to go home?" I ask. He's spend almost his whole day here trying to comfort me and my crying fiasco.

"Depends if you want me to go home?" He asks speculatively.

"No it's not that I want you to leave it's just that you must be exhausted having to deal with me," I try to be as forward with him as possible.

"You've had yet another long day. You need to rest, and I don't want to be bothersome." He says putting his shoes on and standing up. I bite my lip and nod, accompanying him to the front door.

"For the record, you are never bothersome, Liam." I lean up to leave a small kiss on his cheek. When I pull back, I see that beautiful smile of his plastered on his face. His cheeks turned into a deep red and I nearly giggle at adorable the gesture is.

He kisses my forehead, and then turns to walk away.

I close the door behind me. Now I have to not think about Harry and him avoiding me or it may actually kill me.


Harry's POV

Ever since I got back from Y/N's house, I can't stop pacing back and forth. This shit has been on my mind for hours and I still can't process that all of this was because she loves me.

Luckily Kendall wasn't home when I got here because I literally let out a frustrated, loud yell. It felt like good therapy which I completely did need.

I'm sure she's satisfied by our unruly activities this morning.

Am I really starting to feel something for Y/N? Or is this just a small thought?

Every time I look at her, the way her eyes glow and her bright smile shines, it drives me crazy. I know my best friend is beautiful, and I know for a fact I never told her enough just how much she is. She was right when she said that if she were to tell me what was going on it would change a lot, but not everything. I still care about her and even more now.

And it fucking irks me at how Liam stayed there, it makes my blood boil at how much he's around her, but he's my band mate and my best mate. I know Liam's a good guy, he wouldn't hurt Y/N, he's been there for her. He's helped her stay strong from all the shit I have put her through that I didn't realize I was doing for being so ignorant. Maybe he's the better choice for her... Or not. I have no damn clue.

I can't avoid her forever, and I have to apologize for being a jerk and walking away. The way her pained eyes look at me as I said I had to go.. I can't forgive myself for that, or for all that she has gone through this whole time. She's been hurting like hell and I was being too fucking oblivious, like always. Way to go Harry, you are a fuck up.

I sit on my bed, thinking and thinking this over. I like Kendall, I really do. But Y/N, she's.. She's made me feel something for her too. Her sweet voice, how my name falls from her lips. Those same lips that mine have touched and caressed.

Suddenly my phone vibrates indicating that I have a new message. It's from Y/N,

"Can we please talk? Don't avoid me Harry, it's already killing me enough that you walked away. I need you to hear me out. Please.."

I read the message a few more times, analyzing her text. Even the way she's typed it shows just how much she's broken, and I am the cause of that, all because I didn't pick up her signals. I need to talk to her, I have to.

I think it's evident at the way she makes me feel that there's no reason to deny that I really may have fallen for Y/N, but I still like Kendall, she's my girlfriend over all. And now, I'm stuck in this fucked up love triangle between very two important women in my life.

I need to sort my shit out, but it's clear to me that I have developed some sort of feelings for Y/N, as more than my best friend.


A/N: Oh my goodness I have over 500 reads on my story and I just barely posted it on here. Leave comments and votes. I would love to know what people think of this story.

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