Chapter 35 (Continued)

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Harry's POV

If I get caught, I'm in deep shit. I know they kept me from going for our own safety, but I can't just stand there and do nothing. Y/N is out there in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, who knows if they'll even fucking find her.

I'm driving as fast as I can to these woods, stepping all the way down on the accelerator. Now wouldn't be the ideal time to get pulled over but I don't care.

All that's on my mind is to find Y/N and at last just end this damn nightmare. My poor girl, she's been through so much shit and it's all because of me. I really am a huge fuck up, no denying that.

I pray everything goes smoothly with Liam out there. He should keep me informed when they catch the man.

If what he said about.. about.. Fuck, I still can't bring myself to say it. If he.. did rape her, I won't forgive myself. I'll make sure he's put in prison for the rest of his pathetic life. The thought alone pisses me off. I wish I could get my hands around him and beat the shit out of him.

My GPS says where the warehouse is not far now. There's a small thought in the back of my head that she might not even be there and he took her with her. No, fuck that hell no. Then there would be nothing to stop from hunting the piece of shit down. I need to think clearly here and lose sight of anything.

I can't mess this up. I've endured too many days of sleepless nights thinking about her. Did she get to eat? Is she still wearing her short dress? Part of me fears that she's still mad about the whole Kendall shit, though I hope not. Last time I talked to her, she was light with me and showed no sign of disinterest. I need to explain to her everything and have her listen to me. She needs to know that I fucking love her. I have never felt like this about a woman like I feel for Y/N. She's so perfect in every way, and I damn myself for never realizing it sooner. I made the mistake of dating Kendall Jenner, but at the same time it's not a mistake.

They say things happen for a reason, and I believe that dating Kendall happened to finally realize that all this time I've had the perfect girl right beside me all this time. All of this is a testament to prove just how much anyone in general would go for the person they love, and if I had to, I would give my life just to save Y/N from anything that would want to harm her because I love her and I always will.

I don't want to mess us, whatever us is, up anymore than I already managed to do on my own. I have to fix my mistakes by proving to her and only her that my love for her is real but at the end of the day it's her decision. But I won't go down without a fight. Nothing is ever going to convince me that she stopped loving me, and I will find out once I get her out of wherever the hell she is.

I'm so deep into my thoughts, I didn't even realize I'm a turn away from Palos woods. My eyes widen not only at the fact that I'm so close to finding her but holy shit this place is huge.

Tree after tree in the distance. How am I going to find a warehouse in the middle of all this? I need to stay out of sight, because if any of the police officials see me, I'm screwed.

I'm at a loss from where to begin, I might as well start now. I'm bound to find something.

I slowdown, driving neutrally through the small road. This place is creepy.

Parking my car in a random spot, I turn off the ignition.

Here goes nothing. I unbuckle my seatbelt opening the door. A sudden rush of chilled wind brushes my face.

I could be here all damn day, this place is bigger than I expected.


Tree after tree, branch after branch, but no sign of a warehouse. I'm twenty minutes into this place and I don't see anything. There's gotta be something, I know there is. For the first time in days, I know that feeling when she's close. I'm so close, so fucking close.

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