Chapter 28

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Liam's POV

I decided to ditch the party and go look for Y/N. I know she's still mad at me, but I am concerned for her. I shouldn't of let her go alone and now Harold's on my back about it.

He wanted to go look for her, as if. It's his fault she left early and it's his fault we got in a fight in the first place. Better me than him, I'm not the one who hurt her to begin with.

It's a pretty short ride to her house since it's pretty late. I just want to make sure she's alright and she's home safe. The more I near her house, the more nervous I get. She's going to refuse to see me, but I just need to know that she's safe.

Finally, I park my car near her house and quickly unbuckle the seatbelt, exiting the car.

It's actually pretty dark out here and you can barely see anything. I look up to the window where her bedroom is, but the light is off. Has she gone to bed? Knowing her, she would be up thinking and going on over about how today's events was all her fault when it wasn't. It's not her fault but yet she manages a way to blame herself for everything.

My eyes speculate her front porch as I notice something dropped on the floor. Is that?... Oh no.

I see her shoes, keys and purse are all thrown onto the ground. My heart sinks to my stomach and all blood drains from my face. I quickly go to where all her stuff is, examining everything that's left. I am freaking out, what the hell happened to her? I run a hand through my short hair in desperation.

My eyes then flicker up to a note taped to her screen door.

I stand up and snatch the note away from the door.

"Nothing's gonna happen to her... If you follow my instructions. This concerns you Liam... And Harry too. Don't try anything funny, or she will get hurt."

Panic rushes through my body as I read the bloody note. What the hell? Has she been kidnapped? All these fucking thoughts are running through my head and I can't seem to shake off the horrible thoughts. Fuck, fuck I knew I shouldn't of let her go alone.

What do I do? Who do I call?

This person obviously knows who we are, and who she is. Do they want money? Without thinking twice about it, I'm already dialing Harry's number. I know that's probably the worst idea ever but I don't know what else to do.

"Pick up damn it, pick up," I urge as the phone keeps ringing. Finally after like the fifth ring he picks up.

"Let me guess, she kicked you to the curb, huh?"

"Harry you need to get down to Y/N's house. I don't know what's going on, but I think she's been kidnapped," my voice is shaky. I'm sick to my stomach as I keep looking at all her belongings on the floor. Oh Y/N, please be okay. Who the hell could want to hurt her?

"Liam that's nothing to be joking about," Harry growls angrily through the speaker phone.

"It's not a fucking joke Harry. All her stuff is on the floor and there's a note clearly stating that someone took her," I keep pacing back and forth on her front porch with the note in my hand. God, please let her be okay.

"Liam what the fuck? Fuck, I'm on my way," he hangs up before I can respond.


"Where is she?" Harry slams his door once he gets here. He has a deep scowl and worried look etched on his face and his nostrils are flaring.

"Where's the damned note?" He growls. He then snatches it from my hands. His eyes scan over the note and his breathing increases rapidly. His chest his going up and down.

"Have you called the police?"

"No, I-"

"Jesus Christ, Liam," he breathes in frustration pulling at his hair.

"Alright grab her stuff, we're going down to the police station."

"Do you have any idea who it could have been?" I just want Y/N to be okay, I don't want them to hurt her. It's my fault for not forcing her to come with me like Harry said. For god's sake, her dress did not cover much, she must be so cold.

"I don't know, but whoever it was is trying to hurt her, you and me. We're going to get her back Liam, I promise."



My eyelids slowly open to a dark room. It takes a few seconds for them to adjust to the darkness and make something out of any object.

I'm lying on a cold ground, and I'm beyond drowsy. I'm trying to regain consciousness of what's going on but I can't.

I keep hearing small voices talking back and forth, bickering about something.

My hands are tied behind my back and so are my feet. What's happening?

"Hello?" I call out. Nothing. "Is anyone there? Where am I?" I try sitting up, but I'm too weak. My voice comes out as a cry. I don't know what's going on but I'm scared. Was it the creepy cab driver?

The lights then flick on and I notice I'm in a warehouse.

"Well, well, well.. Hello." An unfamiliar voice echoes through the large room. I notice there's a couch and a few things surrounding a small space in the room.

A man then walks into the room. It's not the cab driver to my surprise. He's not old.. He's actually quite young. What could this guy possibly want with me? He's wearing black slacks and a white button up. He looks almost, professional.

"Who are you?" I say looking around the place. "Why am I here? What do you want?" He walks over to me and then kneels next to me. He brings his hand up to my face making me flinch. He proceeds to move hair out of my face and tucks it behind my ear.

"Do you always ask so many questions?" His voice is mocking and low. I cringe as his fingers brush my cheek, he's not bad looking but he gives the creeps. This guy has a very bad ora, as if that wasn't obvious.

"Well no shit asshole, you kind of kidnapped me and tied me up. Of course I'm going to ask questions," I snarl and he catches my chin with his hand in an aggressive manner making me stiffen with fear. 'Please don't hit me' is all I can think.

"Quite a potty mouth you got there Y/N, don't get carried away though, I don't like snarling bitches like you. Although," he eyes my exposed legs and up entire body. This is making me regret wearing this stupid, short dress. "You are quite attractive. Maybe I could have some fun with you."

I close my eyes shut tightly in hopes that this is all a dream. It has to be, I don't get why this is even happening. I don't know this guy but obviously he knows me since he keeps saying my name.

He lets go of my face, returning to his original stance.

"If you insist on knowing who I am, well.. I can't tell you. But what I can tell you is that it's nothing personal, at least not with me."

"What does that mean? If you have nothing against me, then why am I here?" This makes absolutely no sense and I'm positive the guy is just mentally insane.

"Lets just say, I'm doing a favor. Now, if you're done with the questions, I'd like to go now. I'll be back tomorrow morning, but for now, you're staying here. Don't do anything stupid now girl, you cost a lot of fucking money for some reason and after we're done with this, you're going to cost so much more. I'll explain more tomorrow. Goodnight Y/N," he smirks smugly. He turns his heel and disappears from my sight. I haven't even had the chance to spill out any tears, but I am so scared. What did he mean by favor? He wants money but I don't have money. I have enough to sustain myself with the money my parents give me.

I can't shake off this eerie feeling that this psycho is going to do something to me. In this moment, I wish Liam or Harry or both of them would bust in through that door and save me from this, because nothing would make me happier than to see them right now. Sadly, I don't think that's going to happen. Maybe this is punishment for being the reason they fought.

God, don't let him hurt me, please save me. His stare was cold and I can sense that he's willing to do whatever it is to get that money he's talking about. This is going to be a long, sleepless night on a cold ground..

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