Chapter 8

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By the time I get back from the runaway spot, my tears haven't subsided. Going up there just wasn't the same without him. It didn't feel right. It only made me cry more and more. It reminded me of how stupid I am for falling in love with Harry. My life has become an overdramatic soap opera where the girl falls in love with the forbidden. And that's exactly what my love for Harry is, forbidden.

I slump down on my living room couch, and bring my knees up to my chest. I need to get it together before I officially lose it.

The thought then pops into my head to call Liam, and by then I'm already pressing 'call' on his contact name.

He answers after 3 rings.

"Good evening love." Liam says happily, I can tell his smiling from the other line.

I don't respond, instead only silent sobs come out of me and I can't get words out.

"Y/N? Babe, what's wrong? What happened?" He says worriedly, his tone changing.

"Liam... Please come." I whisper almost audible even for me.

"What happened darlin'? I'm already making my way to my car."

"Everything happened." I say wiping tears off my eyes with my wrist.

"I'll be there in ten minutes. I'm not too far away." He says.

"Okay." I say silently.


Sure enough ten minutes later I hear the sound of his engine outside of my house and then going completely silent. The sound of him locking it then follows.

I watch him run up to my front porch and he knocks on the door. The look on his face is full of worry.

I walk over to the door and slowly open it. His expression falls when he sees my tear stained face, puffy and red eyes. I must look like a hot mess.

"Jesus Y/N.." He says. I put my head down and the sobs begin again. I have such a huge headache from the nonstop crying. Harry's been trying to call me at least 20 times, but I ignore all of them. Hearing Harry's voice would only complicate things.

Liam steps in and embraces me in a protective hug. He kicks the door closed, and I wrap my arms around his waist as he lets me cry on his chest. He doesn't say anything, we just stand there.

His hand gently runs through my hair in a soothing way. I'm grateful that he didn't right away ask questions, because this embrace is all I've been needing.

"Come, lets sit." He says quietly. He doesn't let me go as we walk over to the couch. My tears subside a bit, and I can feel myself breathing normally again.

"Are you good to tell me what happened now?" He says softly. I nod my head, wiping tears away.

I look up at him and just begin to tell him every little thing that has bottled up in me these last few days.

"The inevitable happened." I say lowly. His hand runs up and down my arm in a soothing way.

"Like what? Did he... Did he find out about your feelings for him?"

"No, almost. I was so close to just telling him but I couldn't bring myself to do that to him." I deeply sigh.

"There's no point in denying it anymore Liam, I'm in love with him. I love him and I can't stand seeing him with her. It should be me, not her." I can't believe I just admitted to that. But all this emotional stress has been eating me alive, I just don't give a damn anymore.

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