Chapter 46

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Harry's POV

"Harry, are you breathing? Breathe." She asks in a solemn way. I try breaking out the words but I can't form a coherent sentence, it's not happening. Is my past really back to haunt me? To bite me in the ass? Out of all people in this world, here is Sofia Simmons. Better question, and the more logical one is, what is she doing here?

She's surely not lost, that's for sure. I'm still sweating from the long run and feeling a bit queazy from my cold night. Any moment, there may be some hurling done and sprawled across my front door. "Sofia," my tone is disbelief. No surprise if there's discolor on my face. I must be a pale, ghost color because that's exactly what this feels like, as if I'm seeing a ghost.

She tucks strands of her black hair behind her ear. "I know it's probably weird that I'm here," she speaks softly. I forgot how delicate she looks, so small but still beautiful. Of course not like my Y/N, but Sofia has her own special features. Weird? Surely we have surpassed that one. More like what in the literal fuck is going on. "By the look on your face, I take it it's a little bit more than weird." She giggles lowly.

I should ask what she's doing here but that may sound a little too rude. After all, I ruined her life. Luckily, there's no trace of a depressed and broken 15 year old girl. She's a woman now, looking better than ever. Or maybe she's masking it, I don't know. I have no clue what is even going on. "Um, I'm sorry.. Would you like to come in?" Is all I can muster up to ask.

She crosses her arms across herself, looking hesitant. I don't know what else to say to the poor girl, this must he hard for her. I can tell it is. "Yeah," she smiles assuringly, moving a bit to let her through.

I close the door slowly, puffing out a heavy, hot breath. This is a tad bit- no immensely fucking ridiculous.

She stands in the middle of my large living room, looking at it with such fascination. I wonder what she's thinking. "Lovely home." Her eyes twinkle. As if she heard my thoughts. My thoughts are literally being thrown back and forth between yells and internal screams, wouldn't be surprised if anyone could hear them.

"Can I get you something to drink?" Might as well be nonchalant about this. Act as if this isn't weirding me out or anything.

She laughs lightly, shaking her head no. "It's okay Harry, you don't have to act like this isn't weird for you, it is for me too. I should probably explain why I'm here!" No kidding.

"Please," the plead comes out quicker than intended.

"It's about my brother. I just got in a few hours ago from New York. Got the call of what he did a few days ago, and I am honestly still, shocked." Can't imagine how much the news affected her, must've been devastating.

"You know about.." I begin, though she knows who I'm talking about when she nods.

"I know about your friend. What's her name? Y/N is it?" I nod slowly. "She seems lovely. I honestly don't know why Andrew did what he did. I wish he could've let it go, you know, what happened. Like I did. Andy's just so, stubborn and persistent. Just never thought he'd go to extreme lengths." The once small smile on her face is quickly replaced with a frown. Don't know why, but I seem to want to embrace her in a hug. Possibly because of the damage I did, but it looks like she needs someone. I can't be the ideal person for that though.

I stay in my exact spot. "Sofia, I can't imagine how hard it is for you to know what your brother did. And I'm sorry, but your brother's a lunatic. He kidnapped my girlfriend." Not that Y/N's my girlfriend, well she's not. But I'd like to think she is. She's more than just my best friend, that's for sure.

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