Chapter 10

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My lips are still tingling from my kiss with Liam, or maybe that's just the alcohol. Either way, Harry's gaze is burning through Liam and I, and I'm frozen.

"What's going on?" Harry says sternly.

"Liam, why were you kissing Y/N?"

"Look mate I can explain-" He begins but me being the drunk mess that I am, I interrupt him.

"Heyyyyyy Harryyyy." I slur walking over to him, stumbling. "Aw my favorite couple came to my party how sweet." I say sarcastically putting my arms around their shoulders. I must look like a damn fool right now, but honestly I am gone. I have drank way too much and I am already dreading tomorrow morning.

"Y/N you wreak of alcohol." Harry says helping me stay on my feet.

"Well happy birthday to you too." I giggle and hiccup. I forgot that Harry completely disregarded my birthday and forgot about it.

"It's not my birthday, jesus you are wasted." He says as I almost fall, but he catches me.

"But it is mine." I say laughing like crazy. "Oh wait, you wouldn't know, you forgot. Some best friend you are." I want to snap out of it and sober up but I can't. The alcohol is fresh in my head and it's not leaving anytime soon.

"Birthday? Today's not your.." He pauses and realization hits him, he did forget my birthday. "Fuck, Y/N I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, this is all my fault." I notice Kendall spaced herself from me just in case I threw up. Well it wouldn't look bad on her. She's already rotten as it is.

"You're damn right it is." I slur again. I can't stop giggling and my eyes keep landing on his lips. Those lips that I've been longing for are so close yet so far. When I was kissing Liam, I pictured kissing Harry, and I feel bad because I must've taken advantage of him.

"Liam, why did you let her get drunk?" He says angrily at Liam. Liam is just standing there, confused and drunk like me. I feel so bad for dragging him into this, he doesn't deserve being around someone like me.

"I'm sorry, I-I tried to stop her but you know how challenging the girl is." I can barely hear the conversation between them two as my head falls on Harry's shoulder.

"Yeah, I do." His hand is wrapped around my waist tightly and I'd give anything to stay like this forever. I just want him to hold me like this for good.

"Where are all the guys?" He asks Liam.

"Out there dancing. Y/N, babe, I'm sorry, I really am. I was just trying to give you the best birthday." He slurs a little bit.

"You did Liam. It was going great till mister party pooper came barging in. I don't think he liked seeing us kiss like that." I giggle. I'm really testing Harry's temper right now and it's as if I'm asking for my death wish. He is going to be so angry at me when I sober up, but I know right now he just wants to take care of me. I notice Liam's upset expression and I'm almost torn at the scene. Have I been this oblivious this whole time that it took me getting drunk to finally realize that Liam does perhaps like me and I've been leading him on? He's been the sweetest to me and here I am giving him false hope. I really am a bitch and I don't deserve any of these boys. How could I be so insensitive?

"Liam, give me your car keys. You're not driving in the state that you're in. You'll be staying here for the night." There goes Harry being in charge. He's the youngest of all of them, but yet acts the oldest.

Liam gives me one last apologetic look before disappearing into the crowd. I really hate myself right now. Everything is my fault.

"Y/N, I'm taking you home." Harry says to me.

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