He Lived For Her~ A Joker Sto...

By raepix

591K 19.8K 3.8K

Ivy is the new face in Gotham City. After she is kidnapped by The Clown Prince Of Crime, she learns about his... More

Chapter 1- The Club
Chapter 2- Realisation
Chapter 3- Shattered Glass
Chapter 4- A Cold Night In Gotham
Chapter 5- Guest Room
Chapter 6- A Plan In The Works
Chapter 7- A New Face In The City
Chapter 8- Burns And Blood
Chapter 9- The Late Warning
Chapter 10- Knives And Guns
Chapter 11- High Voltage
Chapter 12- Pain And Affection
Chapter 13- The Fall
Chapter 14- Paralysed
Chapter 15- Secret Place
Chapter 16- Blood Bath
Chapter 17- Love, Hate
Chapter 18- In The Eyes Of A Child
Chapter 19- Breaking Point
Chapter 20- I Hate You
Chapter 21- Shoot Me
Chapter 22- Games In The Dark
Chapter 23- Change Of Heart
Chapter 24- Guns and Gifts
Chapter 25- Sweet Dreams
Chapter 26- The Beginning Of Destruction
Chapter 27- Fake Tears
Chapter 28- Rough
Chapter 29- Sick
Chapter 30- Bat Cave
Chapter 31- Guilt
Chapter 32- Cocaine
Chapter 33- Apologies
Chapter 34- Tattoos And Tests
Chapters 35- Baby Talk
Chapter 36- Empty Deal
Chapter 37- Doubtful Romance
Chapter 38- New Feelings
Chapter 39- Pills And Passion
Chapter 40- Distraction
Chapter 41- The Truth
Chapter 42- Steam
Chapter 43- Soft Side, Dreamy Eyed
Chapter 44- Insults
Chapter 45- Dance Baby, Dance
Chapter 46- Dead Man Walking
Chapter 47- Blood On Your Hands
Chapter 48- Moonlight
Chapter 49- Envy
Chapter 50- Heartbeat
Chapter 51- Fooled
Chapter 52- Shower Talk
Chapter 53- ACE
Chapter 54- Don't Close Your Eyes
Chapter 55- Awake
Chapter 56- Fatal Memory
Chapter 57- Depression
Chapter 58- Visitor
Chapter 59- Options
Chapter 60- Three, Two, One
Chapter 61- Euphoria
Chapter 62- Burgundy
Chapter 63- Lockdown
Chapter 64- Provoked
Chapter 65- Bloodshed
Chapter 66- New Beginning
Chapter 67- Return Of A Face
Chapter 68- Wake Up
Chapter 69- Mystery
Chapter 70- Heaven
Chapter 71- Yesterday
Chapter 72- Brown Eyes
Chapter 73- Old Ways
Chapter 74- Pinch Of Salt
Chapter 75- Forgiveness
Chapter 76- Regret
Chapter 77- Murderous
Chapter 78- Heat
Chapter 79- Changes
Chapter 81- Sinful
Chapter 82- Betrayal
Chapter 83- Runaway
Chapter 84- Facade
Chapter 85- Tactics
Chapter 86- Escape
Chapter 87- Reunion
Chapter 88- Revenge On The City
Chapter 89- Grey
Chapter 90- Freedom
Chapter 91- Crossroads
Chapter 92- Glass

Chapter 80- Worlds Apart

3.6K 132 38
By raepix

*-Don't forget to comment me questions!-*


"Johnny, I want you to take me out while joker is at meetings so I can get some fresh air"

I pressed send, confident he would comply with my request. I needed to go outside again.

Almost instantly, he replied:

"No, I can't! It's too risky"

I pursed my lips in annoyance, then quickly typed:

"If you don't do this, I will tell Joker about our little kiss...and I'll make sure he knows YOU kissed me without my consent...and then I'll pass him whatever weapon he'll use to kill you"

I could imagine his reaction while he read my reply.
It was the only way to get what I wanted.

After a couple minutes, my phone buzzed again.

"You wouldn't dare"

A smirk crept onto my face as I read his response.
I didn't hesitate to give my comeback.

"Try me, Frosty"

After a converse of texts, we finally came to an agreement.
While Joker was out at meetings, or doing whatever he does, Frost will take me out for a short amount of time so I can finally have some freedom.

And the greatest part- it started tomorrow night.


I sat on the end of the bed, watching Joker button up his white dress shirt.
He had his back to me, but I admired how he moved without me noticing.
I had one leg over the other, and I laid back with the support of my elbows.

"Maybe one day I can accompany you in your meetings" I mumbled, my eyes fluttering their sights up and down his dressed body.

He turned around and gave a questioning look, then gazed down at me.
"We've discussed this"

"I know" I smiled innocently "but I could be your arm candy"

He knelt down in front of me slowly, then looked down at my bare legs.

"You're my candy in general, princess" he smirked as he ran his hand up my leg- his cold rings making me shiver.

I bit my lip and looked him in the eye with a mischievous grin, as I felt playful- but I also felt a twinge of anger as he always avoided my conversations about going out with him.

I placed my hand on his, as it was at the top of my thigh, then I gently lifted it off and placed it to the side causing him to wince his eyes.

After, I got up and crossed my arms, and he was still knelt down at my feet- looking quite confused.

"You better go now, your victims are waiting" i muttered, looking down at him.

I heard him scoff, then he placed both his hands on the sides of my thighs and started running them up my body as he slowly stood up.

Once we were face to face once more, his eyes glanced from my mouth to my eyes- until he began to lean in to kiss me.

"Ah, ah, ah" I chimed, moving my head away "I'm not into the whole kiss and make up thing anymore"

"Oh really?" He chuckled slightly, his eyes widening.

"Yes" I stayed adamant "not until you reconsider"

His eyes drifted up and down my body slowly, then he nodded his head.

"Okay?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes" he said, moving toward the door with a smirk "Ill play along with your little sulk"

"NO!" I shouted, running after him.

Once in the living room, I grabbed his arm and yanked him back.

He looked down at my grip on his arm calmly, then fully turned to look down at me.
"Don't do that again, Ivy"

I let go while pushing him back at the same time, then turned to walk back to the bedroom.
At first he hesitated to follow me, but once back in the bedroom I could hear his footsteps trailing behind me.

"Just go" I rolled my eyes, sitting back on the bed with force.

He sighed heavily, then walked slowly toward me until he was towering over me. His crotch right in front of me, he knew what he was doing.
"Why do you want to leave so badly? You want to leave me? Is that it?"

I looked up suddenly and winced my eyes.

"Then why?"

"Because I want to see the outdoors again. I want some fresh air" I replied sternly "like I've already said a thousand times"

He looked at me strictly, I could see the little storms in his icy blue eyes.

"You know" he said quietly in his low raspy tone "I love you...more than I thought I would"

He paused, then continued- almost like he was about to add on to his sentence, but decided to change the subject.

"You can begin to go out once I give the clear"

I felt myself begin to muster up the energy to argue back, but decided not to.

"Okay" I replied simply with a weak half smile.

"Don't be upset Princess" he grinned, bending down to be eye level with me once more.
"It doesn't suit you"

"Doesn't it?" I snapped cockily.

He rested his hand on my thigh, then watched as he stroked it up and down- but then I cheekily crossed my legs to stop him.

"Ah" he snarled, pulling his hand away and glancing at me.


"Don't 'what' me" he countered.

"I just did" i replied.

"Hm" he hummed in annoyance as he stood back up.

"Wait!" I shouted, grabbing his arm, standing up slightly as I did.

However, he turned around suddenly and pressed his index finger against my lips, making me sit back down under his touch.

"We can argue later" he said, squinting his eyes down at mine. He towered over me, casting a shadow over my frame.

His finger was still on my lips, like he didn't want me to argue back.

I stayed silent, so then he started dragging his finger down my lips slowly, but I swiftly opened my mouth and bit down on it gently, causing him to smirk.

"Hm" he growled with his Cheshire Cat grin.

He didn't attempt to pull away, so I bit down harder on his finger for a reaction.

"Harder" he challenged.

Then, I shook my head innocently and pulled away.
"You're gonna be late"

He clenched his jaw, then curled his finger into a fist, but released it with a sigh.

"Okay princess" he nodded, gritting his teeth "if that's how you want to play it"

I raised an eyebrow cleverly.
"Bring me back a souvenir"

He scoffed then turned for the door, and i watched as he walked away and into the weapon room where he would leave completely- which was good for me.

Once he was definitely gone, I grabbed my phone and texted Frost.

"He's gone! You better come. Remember, you promised"

I received a reply almost instantaneously.

"I'm already here"

I winced my eyes in confusion, then ran down to the weapon room, where Frost was waiting.

He was quick, but he must of been hiding in the bushes so Joker couldn't see him, then proceeded to enter when J left.

"You ready then?" Frost asked, as I approached his car quickly.

"Very" I replied, peering up at the moon above through the large hole in the ceiling due to the panel out of place.

Once in the car, Frost pressed the button what made the panel lift us up and up to the ground above.

"So" he trailed "How are you?"

I didn't reply straight away, as I was so distracted by the stars and the moon- I hadn't seen them in a while.

"Hm?" I turned to him "I'm good, yeah"

When we were finally secure on the ground above, I immediately opened the door and got out the car.

"Iv-" he called, but he was cut off by the slam of the door behind me.

I walked toward the edge of a little cliff, and sat down- pulling my knees into my chest.

I couldn't hear much besides from crickets and gentle breezes, but Frosts voice disturbed it for a brief moment.

"You can only be out for a short while okay?" He stressed. I could hear him approaching from behind.

"Whatever" I sighed, still looking out at the city lights below.

"Do you miss it?" I heard him ask.

"Hm?" I hummed, turning my head slightly.

"Do you miss it? The city and stuff"

I looked to my side for a moment in thought.
"I'm not sure"

He mumbled something else, but I didn't care to listen. I was too distracted by everything else around me.

Suddenly, two feet appeared next to me, then a body.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"What? I can't sit down with you?" He chuckled.

I paused, then shrugged slightly.

We both looked out at the stars and the city in silence, listening to each cricket communicate to one another.

"Do you ever just want to drop everything and start again?" Frost asked beside me.

"Sometimes" I admitted, looking down at my hands.

"I mean, Joker is okay to work for sometimes...but most times it's too much" he confided.

"I agree, I guess" I smiled weakly.

"Honestly...I just want to live MY life now"

I paused, then looked up at him.
"Then why don't you?"

"I wish it was that simple" he chuckled softly.

"It is" i said "it can be, if you want it to be"

He looked at me for a second, then looked back up at the stars.
"I never get what I want"

His words seem to sting me, because they were true.
I knew he didn't really have a life of his own because he wasn't allowed one.

"I understand" i spoke up, placing my hand on his gently.

He glanced down at my hand on his, but didn't react, he just continued to look at the stars.

I took that as a sign he didn't want to talk about it, so I didn't say anything further.

After an hour of briefly making conversation about life and watching the city lights grow, Frost made the decision to take me back inside, so I agreed.

I watched as he left, what made me feel lonely.
I enjoyed our heartfelt conversations, they were real.
I liked Frost, but we were worlds apart...

I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed a glass and a bottle of red wine.
I planned on finishing the bottle.

I sluggishly entered the bedroom and laid down on the bed lazily.

I couldn't get the image of the stars out of my mind. It was truly magical.
They made me feel small, but also made me feel like I could do anything.

After another hour, and after I had emptied the wine bottle, I felt my eyes begin to feel heavy, then finally close.

All I remember after that is hearing doors open and close, the bed covers being lifted off me, then two arms pick me up.
I was too sleepy to react at first, but then I felt myself being placed in the back of a car...

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