He Lived For Her~ A Joker Sto...

By raepix

591K 19.8K 3.8K

Ivy is the new face in Gotham City. After she is kidnapped by The Clown Prince Of Crime, she learns about his... More

Chapter 1- The Club
Chapter 2- Realisation
Chapter 3- Shattered Glass
Chapter 4- A Cold Night In Gotham
Chapter 5- Guest Room
Chapter 6- A Plan In The Works
Chapter 7- A New Face In The City
Chapter 8- Burns And Blood
Chapter 9- The Late Warning
Chapter 10- Knives And Guns
Chapter 11- High Voltage
Chapter 12- Pain And Affection
Chapter 13- The Fall
Chapter 14- Paralysed
Chapter 15- Secret Place
Chapter 16- Blood Bath
Chapter 17- Love, Hate
Chapter 18- In The Eyes Of A Child
Chapter 19- Breaking Point
Chapter 20- I Hate You
Chapter 21- Shoot Me
Chapter 22- Games In The Dark
Chapter 23- Change Of Heart
Chapter 24- Guns and Gifts
Chapter 25- Sweet Dreams
Chapter 26- The Beginning Of Destruction
Chapter 27- Fake Tears
Chapter 28- Rough
Chapter 29- Sick
Chapter 30- Bat Cave
Chapter 31- Guilt
Chapter 32- Cocaine
Chapter 33- Apologies
Chapter 34- Tattoos And Tests
Chapters 35- Baby Talk
Chapter 36- Empty Deal
Chapter 37- Doubtful Romance
Chapter 38- New Feelings
Chapter 39- Pills And Passion
Chapter 40- Distraction
Chapter 41- The Truth
Chapter 42- Steam
Chapter 43- Soft Side, Dreamy Eyed
Chapter 44- Insults
Chapter 45- Dance Baby, Dance
Chapter 46- Dead Man Walking
Chapter 47- Blood On Your Hands
Chapter 48- Moonlight
Chapter 49- Envy
Chapter 50- Heartbeat
Chapter 51- Fooled
Chapter 52- Shower Talk
Chapter 53- ACE
Chapter 54- Don't Close Your Eyes
Chapter 55- Awake
Chapter 56- Fatal Memory
Chapter 57- Depression
Chapter 58- Visitor
Chapter 59- Options
Chapter 60- Three, Two, One
Chapter 61- Euphoria
Chapter 62- Burgundy
Chapter 63- Lockdown
Chapter 64- Provoked
Chapter 65- Bloodshed
Chapter 66- New Beginning
Chapter 67- Return Of A Face
Chapter 68- Wake Up
Chapter 69- Mystery
Chapter 71- Yesterday
Chapter 72- Brown Eyes
Chapter 73- Old Ways
Chapter 74- Pinch Of Salt
Chapter 75- Forgiveness
Chapter 76- Regret
Chapter 77- Murderous
Chapter 78- Heat
Chapter 79- Changes
Chapter 80- Worlds Apart
Chapter 81- Sinful
Chapter 82- Betrayal
Chapter 83- Runaway
Chapter 84- Facade
Chapter 85- Tactics
Chapter 86- Escape
Chapter 87- Reunion
Chapter 88- Revenge On The City
Chapter 89- Grey
Chapter 90- Freedom
Chapter 91- Crossroads
Chapter 92- Glass

Chapter 70- Heaven

4.1K 183 24
By raepix


The footsteps grew louder, and I began to feel scared.

I quietly tried to get out of the bath, but the water was making too much noise when I moved.

"J?" I called out, quickly getting out of the bath, ignoring the loud echoing of dripping water.

"Uh, no its me" I heard Frosts voice behind the door.

I sighed with relief, and I fell to my knees to catch my breath back.
I felt like I was about to have a heart attack.

"Are you okay?" He asked, turning the handle.

"I'm nak-" I blurted, but I was cut off my the door continuing to open.

I grabbed a towel immediately, but Frost stood there staring.

I held the towel against my bare body, trying to cover everything.

"Johnny!" I shouted, exhaling heavily.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know-"

"Whatever, why are you here?" I interrupted.

He looked down out of respect, but I could tell he was struggling to.
"I thought I'd call in"

"Aren't you supposed to be with Joker?" I asked, properly wrapping the towel around me.

"No? I wasn't called to anything?" He replied, still trying to keep his eyes on the ground.

"Hmm" I hummed, as I thought "I wonder why"

"He may be at one of his clubs" Frost suggested.

"Isn't he not supposed to be in Gotham right now? Considering the high alert thing?"

Johnny chuckled.
"He's the Joker, he's always been on a high alert"

"I guess...but-"

"He won't get caught, he's too...he's too smart" Frost explained.

I just shrugged, sort of agreeing with him.

I approached the door where he was standing, then brushed past him slightly.

"Do you want a drink?" I asked, turning back to him.

"Sure, why not"

I smiled.
"Okay, well I'm just gonna' get dressed real quick"

I rushed to the bedroom then shut the door.

I slipped on a loose black shirt and shorts- usually the things I slept in.
It was late at night now, so I will probably be sleeping soon anyway.

I exited the bedroom, then entered the kitchen- where Frost was already sat at a stool, waiting.

"So why did you want to call in?" I asked, grabbing two wine glasses.

"I don't know, just stopping by I guess" he replied awkwardly.
I don't think he even knew why.

"Hm, okay then" I chuckled, turning back to him with a bottle and the glasses.

I placed the glasses on the surface, then began to fill them with red wine.

"So, how are you?" He asked as I passed him his filled wine glass.

"I'm good actually, I'm really good" I smiled, sipping my drink.

I placed one hand on the surface in front of me, resting my weight on it casually.

Frost sat at the stool, with the kitchen island in-between us.

"That's nice to hear, considering the circumstances"
He sipped his wine after his sentence.

"I guess" I awkwardly chuckled.

"I never expected Joker to last this long with someone, especially with someone like-"

"Someone like me?" I cut him off with a laugh.

He looked at me warmly, then nodded.
"Harley was too much...I think he likes you because you're different to him, like he's different to you"

I placed my glass down, then circled the rim with my finger in a daze.
I thought about his words.

"Yeah...maybe" I mumbled.

After some short silence, he spoke again.

"You know" he shifted in his seat "I don't really know much about you Ivy"

"There's nothing much to know about me" I smiled weakly.

"There has to be, surely"

I rolled my eyes jokingly.
"Well, my mom died when I was born, and I lived with my dad and sister- until he started abusing me"

Frost seemed shocked by my explanation, but listened intently.

"He was sent to a rehab facility for drug use, but when he was released, he killed himself" I muttered, still looking down at the red wine in the glass.

"I'm sorry..."
I saw his arm reach out, then I felt his warm fingers clutch mine.

I looked down at his hand on mine, then tried to smile.
"It's fine, I'm over it"

"Are you sure?"

"Positive" I grinned weakly.

He looked at our hands for a second, then pulled away.

"I should probably get going" he said, standing up.

"So soon?" I chuckled.

"I'm pretty busy" he smiled at me, grabbing his coat.

"Well okay then, thanks for stopping by" I replied "I'll show you out"

We headed down for the large weapon room again, and frost got in his car what was on the round panel.

I waved as he was lifted up, and out of my sight completely.
I heard him drive off above me, like I had heard Joker earlier.

Once back in the living room, I walked to the bedroom then flopped onto the bed.

I got in-between the sheets, then quickly felt myself warm up.
I decided to sleep, seen as though I could feel the wine making me woozy anyway.


I was suddenly awoken by two arms wrapping around my waist, and a warm body pressing against me from behind.

"It's okay, it's just me princess" Jokers raspy voice soothed.

My brain was still half asleep, so I chose not to respond.
I peered down at his hands, and saw dried blood on his fingertips.

"You have blood on your hands" I mumbled calmly, closing my eyes once more- totally ignoring the fact he had probably killed someone.

"Hm?" He hummed against my neck.

"Blood" I repeated "on your hands"

"Oh" I heard him mutter "it's nothing"

"I see your night has been fun" I chuckled tiredly.

"It has"

I exhaled, then continued to fall asleep once more.

I slowly fell into a sweet sleep, with his warm body around mine.


"Hello?" I called out into the empty home.

I checked the bedroom, living room, kitchen and the large weapon room.
Joker wasn't here.

"J?" I shouted, but I only received an echo.

I shrugged my shoulders, then slumped into the large sofa.

I threw my head back slowly, looking up at the ceiling hopelessly.

I sighed heavily as I let my eyelids fall.

I breathed normally and peacefully, listening to the silence around me.

I opened my eyes again carefully, but then focused my vision on a black shadow staring down at me.

I screamed as the mysterious person grabbed my arms and pulled me backward- over the back of the couch and on the floor.


I tried crawling away, but the shadowy figure stayed where it was.

"I have someone here" it said, then suddenly a little girl stepped out from behind it.

The girl had short brown hair in little pigtails, and had sparkling blue eyes.
She looked around five or six.

"Mommy" she said, standing over me.

I felt knots tie in my stomach in fear, she wasn't my daughter...she wasn't Ingrid...Ingrid was dead, she was never born.

"No...no..." I shook my head, shuffling away.

"Mommy, it's me"

"No it's not" I chose to refuse, shaking my head adamantly.

"It's me Ingrid, Mommy"


"I liked when I was in your tummy mommy, I liked when you used to talk to me" she smiled, playing with her finger tips.

"Ingrid's dead...she was never born...why do you look like this if you're her?" I questioned, examining her.

"You can look however you like in heaven, mommy"

"No...no..." I exhaled, feeling tears swelling in my eyes.

"Join me mommy" she held out her little hand out to me "I don't want to be lonely anymore"

I looked at her hand held out to me, but I didn't attempt to reach out for it.

"I can't, baby" I sighed, finally giving into everything.

"But I don't like being alone mommy, neither do you"

"Ingrid...I can't"

"Daddy's a bad man" she muttered, bringing her hand back.

"What?...no...no he's not..." I lied, squinting my eyes.
I knew the things Joker did were bad, but he as a person wasn't- sure he had his ways, but he wasn't bad.

Ingrid shook her head, then turned back for the figure.

"Wait!" I called.

She turned again, but took the hand of the black shadow.

"Yes mommy?"

"Who is this...?" I pointed to the shadow she was holding hands with.

Ingrid smiled, then looked up to the figure.

Suddenly, the shadow disappeared, revealing the person who was disguised as it.

"Mommy, meet Harleen"

I was horrified at the sight of my daughter holding hands with her murderer.


"She's not bad mommy, she looks after me"

Harleen didn't look like Harley, she didn't look crazy.
She seemed to look at peace.

Her hair was a golden blonde, and she was wearing a white and blue dress- similar to the one Ingrid was wearing.

"Hello, Ivy" she smiled.

"You were that shadow thing?" I asked, standing up cautiously.

"Yes...I didn't mean to scare you"

I rolled my eyes.

Harleen stepped forward, releasing Ingrid's little grip.

She then took both of my hands, holding them in hers.

"I'm sorry, Ivy" she said, an aura visible around her "I'm sorry for everything"


"I'm finally free" she replied simply "Ingrid is in good care, she waits for you everyday"

I peered down at her hands on mine, then back up at her.
"I can't"

"I know you can't, but Ingrid doesn't understand" she explained "she see's what her father does"

"So? He does what he needs to do to protect" I replied, wincing slightly.

Harleen looked down and shook her head slowly.
"He is different toward you Ivy, I myself don't know why, but he is"

"I know...but Ingrid.." I looked over at her "he would've never hurt you"

"I know mommy, but he kills people" she replied in her little voice.

Before I was about to speak again, Harleen tightened her grip on my hands then spoke.

"Ivy, I must warn you" she said seriously "the future seems cloudy"

"Cloudy? What?"

"Be aware, Ivy..." she let go of my hands, then stepped backward.

"I don't know what you me-"

"We have to go now mommy" Ingrid grinned, taking Harleens hand again.


"Ingrid, give your mother a hug" Harleen smiled down at her, motioning her toward me.

I dismissed my confusion for a moment, as I watched her skip to me with her arms open.

I knelt down and embraced her, my hand holding the back of her head.

Everything felt so real.

"I love you baby, I love you" I cried "we'll meet again, don't worry"

After a couple more seconds, I pulled away.
She was gone, they were both gone.


I propelled myself forward, awaking suddenly and gasping for air.

"Ivy?" I heard Jokers sleepy voice mumble beside me.
He brought his hand up and started stroking my arm to console me.

"She...she was here..."

"Who was here?" He sat up suddenly, holding my back.

"Our little girl...our beautiful little girl..." I replied emotionlessly, still processing everything.
In that same breath, i peered over to my bedside table, and smiled at the only picture I had of her- the scan.

Everything felt so real, I could even feel the dress she was wearing, and I could even smell the sweet scent of flowers in her hair.

She looked so much like me- he mouth, her little nose.
But her eyes...her eyes were a bright sky blue, just like her fathers.

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