The Superheroes (One Directio...

Par charlieandmadswrite

205K 5.2K 837

(one direction fanfic) Watch as two girls follow there dreams to become singers but not in the most normal wa... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Authors Note
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Authors note
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Long needed authors note
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 43

2.5K 56 18
Par charlieandmadswrite

WARNING: this will be a pretty funny chapter, So if your not prepared to laugh I suggest you don't read.


Maddie's POV:

I was woken up by some serious shakege. (Some people say shakege isn't a word *cough*Low*cough* but now it is cause I say so. Okay now keep reading :P)

Ugh. I hate these nights in the bus. I'm such a light sleeper and I get waken up so many times.

I groan sitting up as much as I can being on the top bunk. I pull out my phone to check the time.

4:39. Great. Now I probably won't be able to sleep.

The second I put my phone back down on the bed we hit another huge bump.

Hitting this bump cause a natural disaster.

My head shot up and hit the roof causing me to scream and in the process fall of my top bunk bed and land on the ground with a loud thud.

"HOLY. GOD DAMN." I scream while rolling on the ground.

"What the hell." Charlie says sitting up from her bunk.

I continue to silently cuss under my breath while Charlie looked at me confused.

"Why are you rolling on the ground?" She asked one eyebrow raised.

"I FELL OF MY FLIPIN BED." I yell at her. So maybe I shouldn't have yelled at her but I'm in pain so it's allowed.

"How?" She asked as Niall and Liam ran into the room.

Niall comes running to my side and Liam goes to Charlie.

"Thank goodness it wasn't you." He said to her, causing me to send a death glare his way.

"Seriously man." Niall said glaring at Liam also.

"Sorry. I didn't mean it like that I just meant I'm glad she's okay." He said quickly making him sound innocent. Charlie awes at he affection and I roll my eyes.

"Excuse me. Girl who just hit her head and feel of a top bunk here." I said talking about me still laying on the floor Niall standing next to me.

He leans down and pulls me into his arms.

"So how did you even fall of your bed in the first place?" He asked me. By this time Louis has just walked into the room. "Hey man can you go get her some ice?" He asked him in he's adorable Irish accent that I love so much.

"Sure." He said walking by us towards the kitchen section.

"Okay so now tell me." I snuggled into his chest, wincing from the pain in my shoulder.

"Well I was waken by some shakege." I started but Liam interrupted me.

"Shakege?" He asked me.

"Yes shakege, and the art of shaking." I said in a duh voice.

"Anyways,"I over exaggerated it looking at Liam. "So I set up to check the time and when I put my phone down we hit a huge bump causing me to hit my head and fly of that evil bunk." I said pointing at my bed.

By this time Louis was back with the Ice and Harry was also standing at the door. The only one missing was Zayn but he could sleep through anything so I'm not surprised he's not here.

"So where does it hurt the most?" He asked me and I pointed to my shoulder. He slowly put the ice on my wound causing me to wince but relax once it's on.

"There ya go." He says, kissing me on the forehead.

We all set there for about another 30 mins before the bus jerked. Like a lot.

Harry grabbed onto the wall to keep himself from falling on Niall and I. Liam flew into Charlie which I found really funny, and Louis almost feel on his butt, but caught himself in the last moment.

As this happened we also heard a huge thud followed by a angry Zayn walking into the area.

"Why the hell did we stop?" He asked through his teeth.

"No idea." Louis said. "I'll go see." With that he walked out, the rest of us waiting for his return.

When he returned with a worried look on his face.

"Soo... Apparently the bus broke down, and there's no cell service to call a tow."

"What are we suppose to do?" Char asked a worried look on her face.

"Well we can die out here or walk to the nearest has station/ when we get service."

"Well then let's go." I say hopping up. My head was a little dizy and I stumble some but I'm fine.

"Okay then. I guess your feeling better." Niall said standing up also.

"Yeah. I'll just take some Advil before we leave and I will be all good." I say going to my bag and grabbing some clothes.

"Dibs on the bathroom." I yell running into the bathroom.





By the time were all changed and outside the bus Paul and Carl walk over to us.

"Okay, so Carl is going to go with you guys because I don't trust you all." He said and we all nodded in agreement.

"Boys Please be careful okay." He said to the boys because they are the real money makers.

"Oh girls. Please be carful I couldn't live with you two." Charlie said, and I laughed.

"You too girl." Paul added.

"Yeah yeah, were tough girls." I said flexing my muscles, Char doing the same.

"Sure." Harry said earning a elbow in the stomach from char.

"Well were off." I say looping my arm through chars and we start skipping. The boys soon catch up to us and we all walk together.

We walk for what seems like hours and I am so tired.

"OMG HOW LONG HAVE WE BEEN WALKING." I saying over dramatically.

"10 minuets." Liam says.

"No way, we have been walking for at least an hour." I say in dis belief

He shows me his phone.

"Man I really need to start working out more." I say laughing.

We walk for about another 10 minutes, and now I don't want to walk anymore.

"Carl?" I say sweetly walking over to him. He raised an eyebrow at me. "Carry me?" My eyes pleading him to say yes.

"Okay." He says and my face is in pure shock.

"Really?" I say and he nods. I jump onto his back and he carries me effortlessly.

"Your the best Carlos Santa Manora." I say hoping that it's right.

"Not even close but your welcome." He says laughing.

Another 30 minutes of walking I felt bad for Carl so I let him put me down. I literally walked 10 steps before the most disgusting creature was in my path.

"AHHH." I screamed running and jumping into whoevers arms we the closet, just like shaggy. I looked up to see Harry's face.

"Hi haz." I say laughing. He puts me down and I shriek again.

"What is it?" Zayn asked walk up to where i was.

"Snake." I say and he jumps up running and hiding behind me.

"SOMEONE KILL IT." He yells and I agree.

"Guys." Charlie says walking over to it. "It's only a garden snake. Not poisones at all."

She leans down to pick it up and walks towards me and Zayn.

"Get the monster away from me." I yell hiding behind Zayn making him freak out and run away.

She starts to chase me with it and I swear if she didn't have that thing in her hand she would be dead.

"STOP. YOU NOW HOW MUCH I HATE THEM." I yell still running away from her. She laughs and puts it on the ground as soon as my phone rings.

"LOU." I yell into the speaker. "Why are you calling me at 6 o'clock?" I asked her.

"Here it's 7 and I am bored." She says and everyone one looks at me.

"One sec Lou." I put my Hand over the speaker and look at everyone else. "What?" I say.

"You have service." Liam says and I realize I did.

"Lou I'm gonna have to call you back. Bye boo." I say before hanging up the phone.

I give my phone to Liam and he calls the tow man. He then hands me my phone back and looks at everyone.

"I guess we should start walking back." Niall said starting to turn around but Louis stops him.

"The towns right there." He said, and surly enough the town was about half a mile infront of us.

"LOOK AN I HOP." I yell. Niall looks and me with a knowing look and we smile.

"Race yuh." He yells as he starts running me following behind him.






Charlie's POV:

We seat in I Hop until Paul called one of the boys telling them that he was in town and that we would be staying here for the night.

We all quickly finish eating before heading to the address he told us.

"I don't think I have stayed in such a low class hotel before." Harry complained as we walked into the room. It wasn't a bad hotel it just wasn't one of those really fancy ones that they normally stay in.

"This is just like that one we got stuck in after our car died while we were at an out of town football game." I tell the boys and Maddie smiles at the memory.

"That was so much fun." She said we both set there smiling, thinking about the memory.

"Good times, good times"

Glancing around I noticed there was only one bed and a pull out couch. Maddie must have noticed the same time I did.

"DIBS!" We both yelled superman jumping onto the bed.

Ya that didn't work out like we planed.

I got a fist in the fast while maddie got an elbow to the stomach. Groaning we both rolled over. I over estimated the amount of room I had on my side and fell to the ground.

"Uhhhh my head..." I cried out holding it. Maddie's head popped into my line of vison as she cocked her head to the side.

"You ok Charlie...?"

"No I'm gunna die down her all alone." I grounded out.

"No you won't Charlie take my hand I'll pull you back!" She said reaching for me dramatically.

"Tell my family I love them."

"No stay with me Charlotte! You hear me damit! Stay with me!" She started to fake cry as my hand slowly slipped from hers.

Glancing over I saw the guys watching us like we were the best sop opera. There eyes were wide as they watched us waiting to see what would happen next.

"Before I die I have to tell you one more thing.." Insert dramatic cough.

"What Charlie?" Squeezing my hand she sniffled.

"I killed your hamster junior year...."

Shooting up she glared at me frowning.


Sitting up I scooted away a bit holding my hands up in surrender.

"I swear me and ash didn't mean to! How were we supposed to know it shouldn't eat that much!"

"There's a set amount off food that your supposed to give it!"

"Well you were the dumbass who thought it was a good idea to have Me and Ashley pet sit!"


"If it helps i tried to give it mouth to mouth to bring it back to life!"

"Wait you kissed a hamster..." Liam said touching his lips.

"Not now Leroy!" Maddie shot out. Turning to me her face softened. "You gave a hamster mouth to mouth....for me..."

"Boo id do anything for you." I said dramatically.

"Let's never fight again bae!" Opening her arms signaling for a hug which I threw myself into.

"I think we just got cheated on...." Niall said looking over at Liam.

"I think your right mate..."

Maddie and I were still huddled on the bed till I looked up to see the boys lost faces.

"Group hug?"I said shrugging.

"CUDDLE TIME!" Harry yelled as he ran at the bed.

Maddie opened her arms to which Harry quickly jumped into. We both snuggled into him till he was ripped off of us.

Glancing up we saw two irritated boyfriends.

"No." Liam stated glaring at Harry. "No one but me"

"And me!" Maddie yelled interrupting him.

Correcting himself he continued. "And maddie are allowed to cuddle Charlie."

"That goes for maddie too." Niall stated nodding his head.

Putting his hands up in serenader Harry back away from Liam's glare.

"She's mine." He finished grabbing my hand pulling me up abruptly in his arms. Wrapping his arms around my waist possessively.

"....that's kinda hot babe." I smiled a bit.

Looking down at me he rubbed his nose on mine making me laugh. Smiling he kissed my forehead while hugging me tightly.

Walking over to the couch he sat pulling me into his lap wrapping his arms tightly around me.

"Cuddle time." He said giving me a cheeky smile.

"Only for you." I winked back pecking his lips.

-skip to tomorrow morning-

Liam's P.O.V.

Waking up I was in a odd sitting up position with a weight on my chest looking down I saw a blond mass of hair. Glancing up I saw that everyone else must have fallen asleep watching a movie last night. Zayn and Harry were on the bed while Louis was on the other couch. Maddie and Niall were cuddled together on the floor in front of us.

"...Liam..." Looking down I saw Charlie had began to stir as her tired blue eyes meet mine.

"Morning love."

"G'mornin." She smiled up at me leaning up to kiss me. Looking over she saw everyone was still asleep. Bringing her eyes back to me she put her chin on my chest. "Wanna go get some breakfast."

"Sure." Sitting up she dragged me with her. Not even glancing in a mirror she threw her hair up grabbed a pair of shoes a room key and her phone glancing at me to see if I was ready.

Walking out of the little hotel room we made our way to the buffet. Piling our plates we sat and ate talking Idly about this and that.

A flash caught my attention when I noticed a group of teenage girls at a table staring wide eyed at Charlie and I.

"love..." I whispered to her.

"Hmm?" She said looking up from her phone.

"The girls next to us are taking your picture." He nodded his head to the side while sipping from his drink.

Cocking my eyebrow I turned a bit and meet the eyes of about 7 girls probably around the age of 15.

They all went wide eyes when I waved smiling in there direction.

There faces broke out into the brightest grins as they shyly waved back.

"Well look who had fans." Liam said jokingly bumping his foot into mine.

Laughing I stood up causing Liam to get a questioning look on his face.

"Where you goin?"

"To say hi duh." I said it like it as the most obvious thing in the world.

Walking over I smiled at there shocked faces.

"Hi girls."

"H-hi" one of the stuttered a bit.

"Could I get a picture with you guys?" I said smiling waving my phone. "I haven't posted in twitter in like forever." They looked ready to cry when I finished talking.

"YES!" One of them yelled.

"Sarah!" They all yelled at her making her calm down instantly.

Laughing I turned my camera on and we all posed for the picture. Taking a few on everyone's phones and getting all there twitter names I made my way back to Liam. He had a proud smile as he grabbed my hips making me stand I between his legs.

"Your amazing. You know that right."

Leaning down I softly pecked his lips.

"Ya but it's nice to hear it sometimes." I grinned hugging him.

Our moment was interrupted by Liam's phone ringing. Sighing I leaned back so he could answer it.

Shoting me an apologetic look he picked it up.



"Got it."

He hung up after turning back to me.

"That was Paul. He said to be ready to leave in 20 minutes or well be late for the concert."

Nodding I stood grabbing all my stuff. Waving to the girls I said a quick goodby and then we made out way up to the room.

-skip to concert-

Maddie's P.O.V.

Charlie and I had just got done performing and were now chilling backstage. I instantly went to the food table because some bitch

Cough Charlie cough thought it's ok to not wake me up in the morning for food. It was a buffet to!

Looking at my options I found a corn dog which I had specially requested for myself.

Nibbling on it I stood next to the table leaning a bit while checking my phone.

About 20 minutes later the boys came in for a quick brake.

Looking up from my phone I saw that the rest of the boys were spread out around the room.

"Hey maddie where'd Charlie go?" Louis asked looking around the room.

"I don't know..?"

"Your a bad best friend."

"Go eat a carrot!"

Grabbing a carrot I threw it at his face but a blond blur came out of no were and smacked it down.

"Not up in here! Not up in here!" Charlie shot out and then ninja rolled out of the room.

Liam walked out of no where doing the you can't see me hands and the running after her.

Everyone's faces were shocked and confused.


Shaking my head I just shrugged.

-after concert-

Charlie and I were standing on the side of the stage cheering for the boys loudly while they waved goodby to the crowd.

Running off of the stage we highfived them as they came through the stage exit.

"That was amazay-" I was beginning to say when a hand slapped over my mouth.

"Don't finish that word."

Charlie slowly removed her hand while backing out of the room.

Liam followed behind her doing the you can't see me hands again.

" many times have they done that tonight..." Harry asked looking at me.

"7 times."

"They are a weird couple." Zayn said staring at the two who were now pelting each other with grapes laughing hard.

"Arnt they supposed to be the mature ones?" I said while the others nodded in agreement. "His nickname was daddy direction after all."

When I finished speaking and on slaughter of grapes attacked all of us unexpectedly.

"WHAT THE FU-" Niall tried to yell out but a grape nailed him in the forehead stunning him.

Once the little attack stopped we all looked at the duo who had there arms crossed and satisfied smirks matching there lips.

Turning to Liam Charlie highfived him.

"Take that. And you thought we were mature." She said flipping her hair.

Grabbing her hand Liam dragged her out of the room to go to who knows were.

"And I'd like to state this again. WEIRDEST. COUPLE. EVER."



Hey guys so here is the update I hope you enjoy.


Should we make one of the couples break up or something.... I don't know maybe have some one die.

I'm just joken. Were not gunna kill anybody just destroy there relationships.

Well have a nice day.




Continuer la Lecture

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