You never know.... ( AMBW )

By luvneverminuteSJE

136K 8K 7.3K

When Sierra was trying to put the past behind her..... But it found it's way back... Read to find out how. [... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Not an update but list of characters
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Side story - Javon POV
I Wanna Say Thank You!!!!!
Javon POV side story part two...
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
OMG I can't believe it's been a year
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
chapter 31
Chapter 32
chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
I can't believe it / not a update
chapter 39
Chapter 40
cast visuals/ year two can't believe it again
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
year 3 ❤/ preview / new cast member visual
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
year 4 ❤ of my starting this book
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
Chapter 65
Celebrating my 5th year🎉🎉🎉
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Its the sixth year that I'm still writing this book ?
Chapter 68
* Author's note

Chapter 10

3K 186 87
By luvneverminuteSJE

Elsewhere ~

" I want you to move forward with the plans. You must go unnoticed . Report back to me soon and one more thing I expect good results ."


We all pull into the park with our whole group of cars causing people to stare. Getting out we set forth, unload them to set up everything.

Heading to the park area that was reserved for us. The men began to set up the extra tables and chairs. Then move on to set up the grills . Carrying the large coolers over were my cousin David and I . While Jasmine was helping my cousin Jayden with another one .


After everything was out of cars and set up, I search for Jasmine . When I spot her, she's playfully flirting with my cousin Jayden . Shaking my head a thought crossed my mind " This girl doesn't waste anytime, " as I approached them .

Sitting at the picnic table across from them, noticing my cousin Lauren hand in hand with some guy, maybe her boyfriend. Feeling kind of felt left out, I took out my phone seeing a message that was sent from Chan not too long ago .

It reads -

" Hello beautiful can we talk ? "

I message back -

" Not right now I'm kinda busy. "

I get startled a bit when my phone begins to ring. Staring at it for a sec then I finally decided to answer it.

" Hello, " I say noticing Jasmine looking over with an eyebrow raised.

" Hello, it's good to hear your voice, " he said sounding relieved.

" Yeah, "I said cause I didn't know what to say.

Just then a loud static came from the stereo equipment they were setting up. Which causes Aya who was nearby racing over with her ears covered. It must have scared her real bad from the way she clung to me. At that same moment my phone dropped instantly shattering the screen. Picking it up off the ground, checking to see if it still works it seemed okay. Then my uncle Brian announced the start of the games while passing out t shirts that read " Jones - Smith Family reunion 2016. "

" Everyone we're gonna start with the three legged race, " he said holding a jar shaking it from side to side.

" What's that for ? " a child asked that I didn't recognize maybe one of my older cousins kid.

" I'm glad you asked Shayden. We're gonna draw lots so everyone can pair up. So who wants to go first, " he said.

All the kids, well maybe the younger ones were excited " Me! Me! " they screamed with their hands in the air.

" Just so you know, I want the adults to participate in this too. So bring y'all asses over here ! " he said laughing hysterically at the look on their faces. With a few groans we head over.

After lots were drawn, let's just say some folks weren't too happy about they're selection. Meaning a certain person Lauren. She was pissed that I was paired with her boyfriend Rick. I could tell by the look on her face that she wanted to snatch some edges. I'm like " Calm down girl don't nobody want yo man " I stare back at her.

When everyone was set and in position. Feeling self conscious, I really didn't want to participate. But just went along with it by trying to keep an upbeat attitude. Looking around I spot Jasmine who was paired with Aya . Waving, I watched as they waved back with smiles on their faces. Then feeling uncomfortable again by having some guy I don't even know this close to me. All the while Lauren stood there shooting daggers. Not even paying attention to the little kid she had been paired with.

Couldn't she get it though her thick skull it's just a game and nothing more.

" Okay everybody ! Let's get this show on the road people ! "  Uncle Brian announced. Which gets some enthusiastic, unenthusiastic replies.

" Alright on your mark, get ready , set , go ! " he said in a booming voice. And the race was on ...

This is really difficult trying so hard not to fall. Seeing everyone else struggling but with smiles on their faces. Smiling myself, I give back my full attention and try to finish the race. Taking a unexpected misstep, feeling an arm wrap around my waist steadying me.

" Are you okay ? "  Rick asked  concerned.

" Yeah, "  I tell him slightly embarrassed.

" You sure ? "  he asked again .

" Yeah I am sure,"  I answered seeing as everyone had already passed us. " Well I guess we lost " face palming myself causing Rick to burst out laughing.

When he stops and asks " Well do wanna finish or not ? "

" Might as well, " I smiled back.


After playing more family oriented games such as capture the flag, sack race for the kids , tag football played mostly with teenaged boys and some grown men. They played intensely having most of them shirtless. I noticed Jasmine watching from the side lines. As I sit in the safety of shelter where the picnic tables are. Feeling parched, on cue Rick came over handing me a drink.

" Why are you over here ? And not socializing with everyone else ? " he asked.

" You wouldn't understand, " I answered feeling irritated because it's really hot out.

After talking with him I started to feel at ease, I even laugh at a few jokes he told. Suddenly Lauren walks over grabbing Rick's hand telling us both " It's time to eat, " while eyeballing me. Rolling my eyes back, following them over to where the food was set out.

Standing in the line that was formed, when it's my turn Rick hands me a plate and utensils." Thanks, " I told him before placing food on my plate.

Later on....

After everyone's finished eating . The kids are playing on the other side of the park. I see Aya having the time her life sliding down the slide.

The adults were sitting around talking and playing cards. At some point alcoholic beverages were set out. Some started to drink a little too much, you could tell by their slurred speech. Especially Lauren, she needed to stop. Even though I can't stand her ass I was embarrassed for her. Hanging all over Rick like someone was gonna steal him from her.

" Wow! " I say aloud thinking that I'm saying it to myself .

" What was that ? " Lauren sauntered over to me with a glazed look in her eyes.

" Nothing, " I tell her knowing this isn't the end of what she has to say.

" I know you're not talking when we all know what you are ! Trying to play innocent but you're not ! " she sneered.

" What are you even talking about ? " I say walking away.

" You can never be as good as me, trying to take what's mine ! "  she yelled behind me drawing attention.

I was lost for words. " What is this bitch problem ? " I thought to myself.

" What ?! What?! You ain't got nothing to say! " she screamed with a wild look in her eyes.

Turning around I told her " Please as if I would bring myself down to you're level. Plus you're embarrassing yourself,  " thinking this is all so stupid.

" My level... You say I am not the one that had a child out of wedlock. And didn't even finish a good college wasting an scholarship. It's about the dumbest thing you could've done. You had options such as abortion ! " she stated drunkenly.

I've had enough of her bad mouthing me. So without thinking, I punched her dead in the mouth. 

Hearing multiple gasps, I walk off furious. Reaching the far side of the park, sitting down on a nearby bench. And putting my face in my hands. Shaking my head, feeling tears threatening to fall at the back of my eyes. When one escapes I quickly wiped it.

Looking up that's when I noticed a suspicious looking white man. He looks totally out of place dressed in a suit on such a hot day. Wiping my forehead, he started walking over to me and asks " Excuse me, Miss are you okay ? "

" I'm fine, " I say while thinking who is this guy ? Wishing he would go away cause I am still pissed off from the confrontation I just had.

" Okay, if you're sure, " he said walking away pulling out his phone and talking to I don't care who as he leaves my sight.

Suddenly Jasmine comes running over, " Girl you have yo family in a uproar ! " she exclaimed.

" I don't care they can say whatever they want, " I told her angrily.

" No not because of you . Yo cousin Lauren got chewed out by her mom and her boyfriend just walked off leaving her. Girl it was funny as hell, you know if you didn't punch her ass, I would've done it sooner or later, " she laughed.

At that same moment....

Someone's checking their email for the one that they have been waiting on for days. Opening it, reading it then slowly leaning back in their chair as a smirk forms across their face.

" Did you hear what she said to me ! "  I said incredulously.

" But you didn't have to hit her , you embarrassed the poor girl,"  she said.

" Oh my God ! Really ?! What about me was I suppose to just stand there Mom ! And let her talk shit about me. I'm your fucking daughter ! " I screamed at her which made Aya cry as she held tightly onto my leg.

" Don't speak to me that way ! Besides you could've handled it better. I mean y'all been like this for years. Why should this be any different ! " she yelled back at me.

" Okay, okay mom I really don't wanna keep arguing with you like this. I just need to leave right now  " I told her while scanning the park for Jasmine. 

Noticing Aya sniffling at my side, I picked her up. Then open the car door placing her in her car seat. Pulling out my phone, trying to call Jasmine but it's not working. Well I guess I'm gonna have to buy a new one.

" Jasmine ! Jasmine ! We're leaving ! Come on ! " yelled out to her. 

After a couple of minutes she comes walking towards us, " Sorry I was caught up talking with yo cousin Jayden, " she said climbing in the driver seat. 

I roll my eyes going over to passenger side before getting in, I ask my mom, " Are you coming ? " 

She didn't say anything, just climbed in the back seat. Then Jasmine started the car, we pull off. 

" So where we headed ? Cause I can tell by the look on your face . That you don't wanna go back to your family's house, " Jasmine asked .

" No I don't, " I told her.

" Uh.. don't we need our bags? I mean I'm not leaving without my stuff girl, " she told me.

When my mother finally speaks, she told us, " I have a key, So let's go back and get our things, " looking disappointed.

Staring up at my aunt's house, I take my time getting out the car. " Let's get our stuff and check in an hotel, " I told them.

After getting our things and checking into a hotel close to the beach. Which was Jasmine and Aya's idea. I just really wanted to go home so I could put this whole mess behind me. But I promised Aya I would take her to the beach. I gave in when she gave me those puppy-dog eyes. She does that all time when she wants it her way.


I'm staring at the sky until something blocks my view. It's Aya with blue and green polka dot swimsuit on, smiling down at me.

" Mommy, mommy come swimming with me. Jazz is on the phone, she said wait but I wanna go please, please mommy ! " she begged.

" Okay, baby " I say getting up, fixing my swimsuit bottoms cause they riding up my ass . Taking Aya hand, we head over to the water. Running back and forth in the water as it recedes on the sand. Picking up Aya as we go farther in the ocean. It takes us by surprise that the water is actually freezing cold still. Adjusting to temp, we start splashing each other in the face, laughing up a storm.

2 hours later....

Coming out of the water, drying both Aya and I. Getting a strange feeling that we're being watched. Upon looking around there's not many people at the beach today. Seeing they're doing their own thing not paying any attention to us.

Standing there feeling weirded out Jasmine comes over and asked, " What's wrong ? Why are looking around like that ? "

" It's nothing, maybe we should go somewhere to get lunch and come back later before we leave, " I told her.

" Yeah that's cool, Oh yeah your mom called me and asked me why you're not answering your phone, " she said while putting her's away.

" Hmm...... I see you were on your phone the whole time not even enjoying the beach, " I smirked.

Blushing she says, " Girl shut up, speaking of not enjoying the beach why didn't you're mother want to come, " trying to pull the conversation off her.

" I don't know why ? She wanted to go back to my aunt's house , " Explain things " as she called it.

" I wouldn't have gone back but that's what she wanted to do, " I explained to her.

" Alright then let's go I am starving, " she grinned while holding her stomach. 

Thanks for reading!😆

I hope this chapter was alright, sorry for the errors. 😢 

And as always don't forget to vote , comment and share! 🙌

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