He Lived For Her~ A Joker Sto...

By raepix

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Ivy is the new face in Gotham City. After she is kidnapped by The Clown Prince Of Crime, she learns about his... More

Chapter 1- The Club
Chapter 2- Realisation
Chapter 3- Shattered Glass
Chapter 4- A Cold Night In Gotham
Chapter 5- Guest Room
Chapter 6- A Plan In The Works
Chapter 7- A New Face In The City
Chapter 8- Burns And Blood
Chapter 9- The Late Warning
Chapter 10- Knives And Guns
Chapter 11- High Voltage
Chapter 12- Pain And Affection
Chapter 13- The Fall
Chapter 15- Secret Place
Chapter 16- Blood Bath
Chapter 17- Love, Hate
Chapter 18- In The Eyes Of A Child
Chapter 19- Breaking Point
Chapter 20- I Hate You
Chapter 21- Shoot Me
Chapter 22- Games In The Dark
Chapter 23- Change Of Heart
Chapter 24- Guns and Gifts
Chapter 25- Sweet Dreams
Chapter 26- The Beginning Of Destruction
Chapter 27- Fake Tears
Chapter 28- Rough
Chapter 29- Sick
Chapter 30- Bat Cave
Chapter 31- Guilt
Chapter 32- Cocaine
Chapter 33- Apologies
Chapter 34- Tattoos And Tests
Chapters 35- Baby Talk
Chapter 36- Empty Deal
Chapter 37- Doubtful Romance
Chapter 38- New Feelings
Chapter 39- Pills And Passion
Chapter 40- Distraction
Chapter 41- The Truth
Chapter 42- Steam
Chapter 43- Soft Side, Dreamy Eyed
Chapter 44- Insults
Chapter 45- Dance Baby, Dance
Chapter 46- Dead Man Walking
Chapter 47- Blood On Your Hands
Chapter 48- Moonlight
Chapter 49- Envy
Chapter 50- Heartbeat
Chapter 51- Fooled
Chapter 52- Shower Talk
Chapter 53- ACE
Chapter 54- Don't Close Your Eyes
Chapter 55- Awake
Chapter 56- Fatal Memory
Chapter 57- Depression
Chapter 58- Visitor
Chapter 59- Options
Chapter 60- Three, Two, One
Chapter 61- Euphoria
Chapter 62- Burgundy
Chapter 63- Lockdown
Chapter 64- Provoked
Chapter 65- Bloodshed
Chapter 66- New Beginning
Chapter 67- Return Of A Face
Chapter 68- Wake Up
Chapter 69- Mystery
Chapter 70- Heaven
Chapter 71- Yesterday
Chapter 72- Brown Eyes
Chapter 73- Old Ways
Chapter 74- Pinch Of Salt
Chapter 75- Forgiveness
Chapter 76- Regret
Chapter 77- Murderous
Chapter 78- Heat
Chapter 79- Changes
Chapter 80- Worlds Apart
Chapter 81- Sinful
Chapter 82- Betrayal
Chapter 83- Runaway
Chapter 84- Facade
Chapter 85- Tactics
Chapter 86- Escape
Chapter 87- Reunion
Chapter 88- Revenge On The City
Chapter 89- Grey
Chapter 90- Freedom
Chapter 91- Crossroads
Chapter 92- Glass

Chapter 14- Paralysed

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By raepix

Before you read this chapter, I want you to know that I do not support abusive relationships, but for the sake of this fan fiction, I am including one. I want to make the story realistic and not beat around the bush about things, especially how Joker treats people. However, he is going to reveal a softer side of himself later on in future chapters :)



I could feel hands hold me, but I couldn't speak.
I felt his breath, but I couldn't see him.
I was thrown carelessly in a room...then I woke up.

I opened my eyes, and Joker stood over me, looking like a complete madman- more than what he usually did.

He must of seen me laid unconscious, and brought me back inside. Great.

I was back at square one, in the room where I had broken the window to escape from.

My sight was still very blurry, but I could make out his facial expression. His jaw was clenched, and his fists tightly together as he just glared down at my frail body.

"You disobeyed me Ivy" he spoke in a low, menacing manor.

I didn't even have the strength to reply. I could feel blood trickle down my forehead every second, and grazes and bruises were now everywhere on my body. I looked like I had been beaten up and left for dead.

"It's like you want to get punished" he snarled, his eye twitching.

"I'm....." I managed to murmur.

"Let me guess...you're sorry?" He said mockingly.

I nodded my head ever so slightly, but it hurt so much.

He leaned down, and grabbed my face with his hand aggressively, causing me to gasp in panic.

Usually I would've tried to fight back...but my body was lifeless, all my energy gone.

I just accepted that he was going to hurt me again, I knew I couldn't do anything about it.

He slowly brought his hand down to my neck and held it tightly, making me close my eyes in fright.

"Please" I mouthed, but I heard nothing in response- not even his haunting laugh.

His grip got tighter, until I literally couldn't breath.
"I'm going to die" I thought.

The stupid thing is though- I accepted it. I couldn't fight back, I was too weak. I felt myself loosing too much blood from the wound on my head.

"You will not leave again" he whispered right in my face.

His grip got even tighter, causing more blood to rush to my head...making me more dizzy.

I knew he expected me to fight back, or even insult him, but because I wasn't he let go and stood up slowly.

As soon as his fingers left my neck, I took a deep breath, then started to cough.
I started to cry messily, because each cough made my weak body shake, it made everything hurt even more.

I opened my eyes, just barely, and saw that Joker was pacing the room. It looked like he was deciding what to do with me.

"Help....me" I begged in a raspy voice, followed by another weary cough.

He stopped pacing, and sighed.

"What" he snapped, but I could hear concern in his tone.

"My...head" I sobbed quietly.

"I know" he replied.

"Why..why...please...help..." I blubbered.

He ignored me, then walked toward the door.

I guess his way of punishment was leaving me to bleed in the floor.

I gathered all the strength I had and yelled at him, but it was still raspy and quiet.
"Im bleeding!"

He looked over his shoulder as he turned the door handle.

"I know" he repeated, then left the room.

I yelled again, but nothing in reply. I just heard him walk away.

I knew I had to at least try and get up, but for all I knew I could have a broken bone...I had no idea! It wasn't just one place in my body that hurt, it was everything- that's why I couldn't tell.

I rolled over to an old chair and placed my hands on the seat. I put all my weight on my arms, then began to lift myself up.

I screamed in absolute agony as I brought my legs up, then rested all my weight on them.

I was now standing, with both my arms on the wall to steady myself.

My breathing went out of control at the thought of falling again if I started to walk, but I had to try make it to the door.

"You can do this Ivy" I sobbed to myself.

I slowly brought my arms down from the wall, and I just stood there, cautious of my next move.

My legs stung and ached with every limp I took toward the door, but at least I knew now I hadn't broken anything.

"Nearly there" I assured myself.

As I reached my hand out for the handle, the door swung open, making me fall backward, but I didn't collide with the ground...

I opened my eyes, and there stood Joker holding my arm, but also holding peroxide and bandages.

"You...you caught me" I blurted, totally shocked at his sudden appearance.

He steadied me on my feet, then reached down and picked me up, carrying me to his room.

"He's helping me...?" I thought, as I glimpsed down at the objects in his hands.

When we reached his room, he placed me on the bed, then prepared the peroxide and bandages next to me.

We both stayed silent while he dabbed the liquid on a cloth, but then when he turned to me I backed away.
I seemed to handle falling from a drain pipe, but I was suddenly scared of a little hydrogen peroxide?

"It's going to sting" he stated plainly, he seemed to be avoiding conversation. He was probably still annoyed with the whole situation.

I looked at the wet cloth in his hand, then up at him. He had a look what said "trust me".

I sighed deeply and closed my eyes, waiting for him to press the wet fabric on my head.

I let out a little yelp as the liquid started to clean my deep open wound.

My eyes were closed tightly, and my teeth were clenched together. Every so often he would apply a bit of pressure, what caused me to squeal.

As I felt him take the cloth away, I breathed out in relief, and opened my eyes.

I looked over at Joker, and he unravelled the bandage, getting it ready.

"Thank you..." I said quietly, waiting for his response.

"Hm" he murmured, not taking his eyes off the bandage.

He leaned over me and started wrapping the bandage around my head slowly. As he did he placed his free hand under my neck for support.

As his bare chest was now all I could see in front of me, I looked at all his tattoos. One really caught my eye, a skull with a jesters hat on what was just below his right shoulder.
I also saw his large tattoo on his stomach what read "Joker".

After what seemed like forever, he had finally finished.

He stood up straight, and looked at his handy work, then started to chuckle.

"What...?" I asked nervously.

"Nothing" he grinned as he started to walk to his desk.

I sat up and felt the bandage on my head. I could imagine what I looked like, and I began to laugh as well.

"Ugh, I bet I look weird" I thought.

I watched him sit down at his desk, and work on his mystery plan again.

I was literally at square one again. This was literally a repeat of this morning.

I rolled on my side and watched his back muscles move as he wrote- just like I did this morning.

"So much deja vu" I thought.

"You're staring at me again" I heard him say, but I could tell he was smiling- he could feel the deja vu as well.
I just let out a little laugh.

He then returned to his work without a word.

I thought about how I tried to escape..and how he brought me back inside and thrown me on the floor..nearly strangled me...and left me to bleed.
I could feel myself becoming more frightened by his presence by the second, but then I remembered what he did after.

"He came back" I thought, looking up at the ceiling.
Suddenly I didn't feel uncomfortable anymore...
The feeling of fright was suddenly replaced by the feeling of safety..in a weird way...

"Um...I just wanted to say...thank you" I stuttered.

He looked over his shoulder and replied plainly.
"You already have"

"I know but..well...doesn't matter" I mumbled, looking down at my hands.

He stared at the desk in front of him for a couple of seconds, like he was thinking.

He suddenly got up and walked toward a set of tall drawers.

"What's your favourite Marilyn Manson song?" He asked while fumbling a pair keys in his hands.

I thought his question was a bit unexpected...

"Um...probably The Beautiful People...why?" I replied, raising my eyebrows.

With his back still facing me, he nodded slowly, like he was happy with my answer.

"Good choice" he said "I saw your top in the other room"

"Ah.." I breathed, as it made more sense.
I remembered how my Marilyn Manson top was still abandoned in the other room.

He unlocked the drawers and pulled out a mass of papers.
He stuck them under his arm as he shut it behind him, and walked back to the desk without a word.

"Have you slept..at all?" I asked, getting comfortable under the covers.

"I don't want to" he snapped.

I rolled my eyes at his sudden change of tone.
"He's so bipolar" I thought.

"Whatever you say..." I muttered, what caused him to turn around in his chair.

"What?" He growled.

I sighed, I couldn't be bothered with another fight.
"I just wondered if you were tired"

He looked down at the floor, then back up at me and replied.
"Go to sleep, you need to heal"

I looked at him and furrowed my brows.

"Ah, for your plan" I spat "you still haven't told me what it even is"

He snapped his head up and shot me a look.

"You don't need to know anything yet" he glared.

I just chuckled, and rolled over so my back was now facing him.

I still felt his eyes glaring at me, but I shrugged it off,  I was used to it by now oddly.

After a couple of seconds, He sighed then turned back round to his desk.

I replayed tonight over and over in my mind.
Maybe...maybe I shouldn't leave...
No! I'm being held hostage!
But...he helped me...
Yeah and he also nearly strangled me!...
But he gave up his bed for me...

Things like that circled my mind, making it a tornado of conflicting thoughts.

I finally closed my eyes, but I still felt paralysed by the pain in my body- but I had no choice but to ignore it.

The sound of shuffling papers, and the occasional curse by Joker made me laugh internally, but I soon fell asleep peacefully, still smelling the lingering scent of aftershave.

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