The Infected

By GirLegend99

2M 82.7K 64.5K

Danger surrounds every part of the world now. Humans are scared to leave their hideouts. There are a few supp... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Awards and Announcement
Zombies vol2
Nothing Ever Stays Dead

Chapter 12

22.5K 943 423
By GirLegend99

~•~ Chapter 12 ~•~

Sometimes we all need someone to help us..

Claire's POV

I seriously wished I could turn back time before Louis pushed me into this maze and closed the door behind me. I would've kicked that guy's ass without a second thought for putting me here.

They all stared at me with hunger, their dead eyes totally frightening me. I gulped, my voice gone for good. I don't know for how long I stood there frozen, just staring the enemy. It could've been minutes, but it felt like it was months.

“Surprise surprise.” Louis said to my ear, making anger rush up to me.

“Louis, I swear I'm going to kick your ass.” I muttered, loading my gun.

“Oooh,” Liam and Niall laughed.

“Whatever, if you manage to get out of the maze then you can enter the army group. If not, bye bye.”  Louis said.

“Who put those rules anyway?” I huffed.

“Louis.” Niall and Liam both replied simultaneously.

“What a surprise,” I mumbled sarcastically.

Niall and Liam cackled, sending a small jolt of frustration through me. Yeah okay guys, laugh while I have to face twenty hungry zombies in a damn room.

“Come on Claire, it's not that difficult for you-,“ I didn't listen to the rest of Louis' words, however, as I let a tiny scream when two zombies started running towards me, causing the rest of the others to follow pursuit.

I swiftly raised my gun and aimed at the first two, repeatedly shooting as I managed to kill four of them in a matter of seconds. I was quick, careful not to miss a zombie. They all started getting closer, making me move backwards, my back hitting the door behind me. Fuck.

I moved my gun from one angle to the other, shooting the ones that were closer to gain some time and space. The disgusting smell of blood hit my nostrils and I tried to ignore it. Just as I managed to kill 7 of them, I heard a click once I pulled the trigger. Heat came all the way up to my head as fear hit me, seeing I ran out of bullets. My wide eyes looked up to see the zombies storming towards me, dropping the bloody meat on the floor as they attacked me. For a moment, it made me wonder, why do they want to eat me when they already have flesh in their hands? Why is their hunger so strong?

Out of panic, I threw my large empty gun towards them, hitting three of then right in the face and making them fall to the ground, causing a few others to stumble on their feet. I quickly took out my other gun from my waistband and aimed, taking 3 of them down. They were all closer and deep anxiety had taken over my stomach as I tried to kill them before they got too close.

My hands were on fire, my brain demanding my body to be quick and spesific as possible. A terrible sight made my insides churn. Once I shot a zombie right in his open mouth, he stood straight for a few seconds, blood rushing out from his swollen lips and a small gap made by the bullet was deeply into his throat. His red eyes rolled back, his head following before he collapsed on the floor with a loud thud.

I tried not to look at that dead body as I refocused on my purpose. A few of these were only left, so I was slightly relieved and relaxed. When the last zombie fell down on the floor with a bullet sank into his heart, I sighed heavily and leaned against the door, sweat running down my back as I panted.

The marbel floor was covered in thick blood, which had a mixture od red and blue colour. Organs stuck out from the zombies' stomachs, damaged and infected. They all were lying on the floor, dead, because of me. I wanted to feel guilty, but I didn't really kill innocent people. I killed zombies; living dead bodies that have no feelings or sense of logic anymore. All they care about is satisfying their hunger. It's disgusting, really, how impossibly cruel, and inhuman they've turned to.

“Room 1 challenge successful. We move on to room 2.” Niall's voice spoke to my ear.

“Well done, Claire. Louis said.

“Shut up, Louis.” I snapped as I pushed myself off the wall and  walked further into the room. Stepping around the dead bodies and the pools of blood, I fought back the urge to yell at Louis. I was still mad at him for not warning me about this challenge.

Just as I reached the other door, I felt a hand wrap around my ankle, making me come to a halt. I sucked in a deep breath and my head snapped downwards, my eyes widening when I saw a zombie's face just next to my leg. He opened his mouth and growled, ready to bite me as he brought his face closer. My blood echoed like drums to my ear as I raised my gun, just as he opened his mouth. I swear, when I shot his open mouth and his teeth and jaw disconnected and fell down to the floor, I had goose bumps all over my body, and I felt so dirty that I shivered and started jumping up and down out of disgust.

“Ew, ew, fuck, fuck!” I hissed, wiping my hand on my shirt, even though I didn't have anything.

“Woah, for a moment I thought he was going to bite you!” Liam gushed, sounding stressed.

“Oh my God,” I breathed, quickly opening the door and stepping out into the darkness, trying to take these awful scenes out of my mind.

I placed one hand on my forehead as I leaned against the door. My eyes took a few minutes to adjust and it smelled like blood in the dark hallway.

“You okay, Claire?” Louis asked.

“You can give up, but you won't get a good grade.” Niall suggested.

“No, I can do it.” I insisted, determination laced in my voice.

“There's no need for you to do it if you're not ready, Claire.” Liam said cooly.

“I said I can do it.” I said coldly, raising my gun as I moved forward. Thankfully, there was a lamp hanging from the ceiling, despite it being a bit old and broken. The light was dim, but it helped a bit.

There were many dours on both sides as I walked, which confused me. Do I have to find a key or something? And for how long do I have to stay in here? I was careful, not wanting to make too much noise.

“Room 2 ready. Doors will unlock in 10 seconds, starting now.” Niall said.

“Alright Claire, check out your weapons. The ones that have the least ammo-,“

“Go last, I know.” I finished for Louis, coming to a halt as I started searching through my backbag.

“She's my student guys,“ Niall chuckled, sounding proud.

“Show off.Liam said.

“Doors unlock in 5..4..3..2..1..Now.” Niall said and suddenly, the noise of doors unlocking simultaneously echoed in the dark hallway, making me cringe.

The doors all opened and I heard steps, preparing me for what was to come. All the oxygen was knocked out of my lungs when I saw zombies stepping out from all the doors, from behind me and ahead of me. For a second, I could feel the blood coming up my head, leaving the rest of my body frozen. I was stiff and everything around me seemed to move in fast forward.

“Holy-,“ I didn't have the time to even finish since two zombies turned to me and stormed towards me.

I was aware of all the corners of the room, scared that while I shoot others, zombies would grab me from the back and bite me. I placed my back against the wall and shot three of them one by one, before I turned to the other side to kill four more. They were increasing in number, more and more coming out from the doors.

I was counting down inside my head, just to throw it at Louis face once I step out of this hell hole. That guy is going to hear a 20 minute lecture and I don't give a damn about the reactions.

“How many are they?!” I shouted the same time I pulled the trigger, dropping one zombie on the cold floor.

“Fifty.” Liam answered.

“Fifty seconds left for Louis' life, just wait till I'm out of here.”

They all laughed, while I was struggling to stay alive and of course, not injured. I was shooting like crazy, on the right, on the left, on the right, on the left. When I ran out of ammo, I slammed the large gun on one of the zombie's head, making him collide to the wall, blood bursting out from his broken skull.

“Woah!” Louis laughed and whistled.

Pulling out my other gun, I kicked a zombie in the stomach, making it stumble back and drag a few others with her. Without hesitation, I brought three bullets in the zombies' skulls and moved to the other side, hastily running down the hallway as I tried so desperatedly to leave this hell. Their terrifying screams would forever stay in my memory. They sounded so hungry, with so much hatred in their empty bodies. I don't know why every time they see me they get so angry. It's probably because they want to eat me alive and I don't let them.

A hand suddenly popped out right next to my head, grabbing a tight fistful of my hair and making me scream in fear. I shot the zombie's arm, making him let go of me. I shot him in the heart and started running again, having them all following me from behind.

“Is the door locked?” I panted as I stared at the door at the end of the hallway.

“No. Get in.” Liam answered, sending a wave of relief through me.

When I reached the door, I turned around and started shooting, wanting to end all the zombies' lives for good. I needed to get a good grade, after all. If I just sneak out, it's going to be considered as an escape, and I don't want the boys to think I'm a coward.

“What the hell are you doing?” Louis asked.

“Finishing what I started.”

I shot them repeatedly, taking them all down quickly. It was easier this way, just having them coming from one side instead of circling me. One the last one was dead, I opened the door and stepped into another dark room, where there was a group of seven zombies in a cell with the door open. They were eating a bloody meat, pushing and shoving each other so they can eat a bigger piece.

“Remember, they might be eating right now, but they'll always have space in their stomachs for you.” Louis said.

I scrunched my lips in disgust as I ducked down and quickly sneaked behind a barrel.  “This is so strange.” I whispered, knowing the boys can still hear me. “Why are they so..inhuman?”

“Duh, they are infected, no brain working, at all.” Niall huffed.

“There must be at least one hint of logic in their minds. I mean..they're not that dead..” I muttered, staring intently as they shoved their pale fingers into the flesh with need and lust before bringing it to their mouths.

“Obviously not.” Liam said.

I moved quietly from behind the barrel to behind a big wooden box, my eyes always glued on the cell in the middle of the room. I placed both hands on the box, holding my gun tightly. I heard a sound from my left and I turned my head to see what it was.

I gasped when I saw a figure and I raised my gun, ready to shoot. Just before I made the worst mistake of my life, I saw that it was not a zombie, but a guy, with brown eyes and brown hair, holding a gun aimed at me.

“Jesus,” I breathed, furrowing my brows. None of us lowered our guns, still staring at each other. “I thought you were a zombie.” I hissed.

“I thought the same thing about you.” he said quietly, nearing me. I should feel threatened, but I didn't, not even scared.

“Are you scratched or bitten?” I asked, raising my brow.

“No. You?” he scanned my face.


“How can I believe you?” He asked suspiciously.

“She's Claire, man. The one who broke Harry's record.” Louis said to both of our earphones.

“Of course she is,” The guy nodded, finally lowering his gun. I copied him, still taking in his attractive features. “No other girl has ever joined the army group,” he huffed.

“Kate, too.” I added.

“Well, yeah, but the things you do can't be compared to Kate's.” Louis stated.

“Can we come back to the point?” The guy said flatly, peering at the cell full of starving zombies.

“Yeah, sorry. Well guys, you two now are a team. Work together, support each other, and you'll get a good grade and a cookie.” Louis chuckled at the end.

I rolled my eyes. “Can you get a bit serious for once?” I groaned, bringing my body closer to the box.


The guy looked at me and rolled his eyes. I noticed he was muscular, biceps flexing as he raised his gun and rested his forearms on the box, aiming at the target. I tore my eyes from his body before I got caught and focused on my mission.

“What's your name, partner?” I asked quietly.


“Well, Thomas, you'll go from the left and I'll go from the right, okay?”

“Roger.” he nodded.

We both slowly moved away from each other, following the plan. As I moved, I watched Thomas, noticing the way he sneaked behind the boxes without a noise. I was glad he was just as careful as I hoped.

I approached the last box in the line and crouched down. My eyes fell on the red letters written on top of the box, gaining my curiosity. I squinted my eyes, trying to read what it said.

Infected no.87

I frowned and inched closer to the thin gaps the wooden box had. I tried to see what it was inside, but also kept my mind focused on the flesh that grew smaller and smaller in the zombies' hands. They would eventually search through the room for more once they are done with their meal.

My eyes caught a hint of grey inside the box, but it quickly disappeared. Just as I got even closer, suddenly, fingers popped through the gaps and loud growl, which made me jerj backwards and scream in horror.

I immidiately covered my mouth and looked up at the cell, my heart hammering loudly when I saw all the zombies glaring towards my direction. My eyes moved to Thomas, who was staring at me in shock from behind the box.

Oh God.


A/N: Dylan O'Brien as Thomas ofc because he is gorgeous!!!

Leave comments please!! I LOVED THIS CHAPTER SOO MUCH, HOPE YOU DID TOO :D don't forget to voteeee !

Thanks for reading, love youuu xx

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