Cherish || grayson dolan

By dolanstish

4M 60.1K 78K

"I will cherish these moments, for as long as I live." "As will I." He smiles, kissing my forehead. ~ ... More

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just wanted to talk real quick!
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not an update
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no an update
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fifty nine


69.5K 1.1K 1.8K
By dolanstish

I wake up the next day with a terrible headache. The memories of Cole being in town made me tense up. This is not okay. I was warned I couldn't hide from my problems, only run. It seem's they have caught up to me.

I walk down stairs to see Uncle Mark sitting at the couch, drinking coffee. "Hey." I say, yawning.

"Are you alright, Hayden? We heard Coles in town." He says worriedly, beginning to stand up.

"Who told you?"

"Grayson. He's worried about you." He tells me. Grayson being worried about me made my stomach fluttered, but then remembering it's probably just because we are friends made it disappear.

"Oh.. I'm okay." I say walking to the kitchen and making a glass of milk.

"Emercyn and your Aunt are at the dentist. When they come back I think the twin's are actually coming over." He tells me and I nod my head. I began to get nervous as I know Grayson will question me.

After finishing my glass, I run up to my room and take a quick shower. I took a pretty long one, as I was trying to get the tense feeling off my body.

After the shower, my hair fell in it's loose waves. I put on a pair of shorts and a baggy white t shirt. I put on light make up to make it look as if I got tons of sleep last night when that was far from the case.

By the time I was done, Emercyn was coming into my room asking if I was okay. I reassure her, as I am doing better then what I would have if I was in Tulsa.

"This worries me Hayden. What if he tries to do something to you again? Maybe you should stay here a little longer yanno? He know's where you are H. What if he finds you again!" Emercyn began to come worried. Emercyn was one to worry when those she love are emotionally and physically hurt.

"For now Em, I'm fine." I tell her. She bites looks at me worriedly before giving me a hug. "I just don't want anything else to happen to you." She whispers to me. I nod my head and feel a tear slide down my cheek.

"You're making me cry, Em. Go wait for your boyfriend." I tell her.

"He's already here." She tells me.

"Where is he?"

"Down stairs with Gray." she tells me and I nod. I sniffle before thanking her for checking on me.

She goes downstairs and I give myself a minute rebuild my strength. As soon as I walk downstairs my aunt is running to me giving me a hug. "Why the hell didn't you tell us as soon as you got back last night, H?" She asks. "Your mom and dad are worried sick. You need to tell us these things now that he is here." She adds. I look away from her to keep my from crying.

"This is why. I don't want you guys to worry so much. I'm fine for now."

"For now Hayden, for now. If he hurt's you.." My uncle starts. I look over to the twins as they are worried and confused.

"Please can we not talk about this right now." I beg. They nod their heads and walk away. I stand there staring at my feet. I began to feel tears build up. I'm so weak. He did this to me. He made me a weak girl. I look up to see Ethan, Grayson, and Emercyn staring at me.

"I need to go for a walk." I whisper, turning toward the front door and walking out it. I didn't get far before I heard someone yell my name.

I turn to see Grayson. He runs up to me and gives me a hug, my tears full on spilling at this point. "Shhh, it's okay, babe. You're safe, you're okay." He whispers to me. I grip his shirt as I began to shake.


"Please, Hayden." He says pulling away looking me in the eyes. "Tell me what happened. I want to help you." He tells me, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. He takes his thumb and wipes my tears.

"Okay." I whisper, taking his hand and leading him to the park.

Grayson's POV-

When I saw how scared Hayden was last night, worried me to the max. I want to understand. I want to be able to help her and protect her from all evil.

When she came downstairs today and was talking about it with her aunt and uncle, I could tell how scared and shook up she was. She was trying to be strong. I was surprised when she agreed to tell me what was wrong.

She led us to the park. When we got there, she walked to the play set and sat at the top of the double slide. I took a seat next to her as she sighed. I looked over at her, her cheeks rosey from crying. Her green eyes were glossy and showed her pain.

"His name is Cole. He is the reason that I came to New Jersey." She starts off. "I thought Cole was perfect for me. Silly I know only being fifteen and all. We were a couple. We had been together for a good six months I would say. I feel so embarrassed even believing he actually loved me the way I did him." She shakes her head and bites her lip trying to keep herself from crying. I take her hand in mine and give it a tight squeeze.

"Everyone talked about our relationship. We were the schools 'cutest' couple. He was big in sports and I wasn't really big in anything. He could honestly have any girl he wanted and he chose me. Me. My family never really liked him, especially my sister. On the six month mark of our relationship he wanted to have sex. He wanted to prove to me how much he 'loved' me. His parents weren't home and I guess it was a good opportunity. He made me crazy Grayson. I actually fell for this bullshit only for it to be thrown in my face!" I was confused at the moment. Hayden seems to innocent. I don't see her doing this. I could tell by looking at her how much he ruined her.

"I was willing to lose my virginity to him. Because I thought he loved me. My sister dropped me off. She had no idea that his parents weren't home. He told me to walk in when ever I was there so I did just that. I walked up to his room and when I opened the door," She paused and let out a sob shaking her head "He was fucking my best friend in his bed." She cried. I pulled her into my arms as she began to cry into my chest. The fact he thought it was okay to treat her like that made me furious. "They tried to feed me bullshit and tell me it wasn't what it looked like. I ran so fast out of that house. Not only was I lied to by my boyfriend but I was betrayed by my best friend. I didn't tell anyone about it for weeks until one night I was invited to a party. A few of my friends begged me to go because apparently I needed to get out more as they knew I had been upset about Cole and I. They didn't know we had broke up, they just thought we were in a fight.

At the party, of course someone brought alcohol and spiked the fucking punch. I knew of course by the smell and was careful how I drank it, but for some, not so much. I had gone upstairs to use the rest room as someone had puked all over the downstairs bathroom. I ran into Cole. I grabbed my wrist and pinned me against the wall in front of everyone. sucking on my neck and trying to stick his hands down my pants. Guys were rooting for him, only making things matter worse." She paused again and cupped her head in her hands. I brought her close to me, leaving a few kisses on her forehead. "He took me to a room and tried to force me to have sex with him. I refused so much to the point he went and got a bunch of guys to hold me down. and to think we are fifteen." As she told me this my jaw clenched and I began to boil in anger.

"He began to undress with me and I cried so hard for him to stop and I cried for help. As he was about to rape me, my friend Kolby came in and beat the shit out of him, my friend Jessica not far behind him coming to my side and helping me out. Thinking about these memories hurts. I would have nightmares. People looked at me rudely or like I was a weak child at school. This is why It's hard for me to trust people because I was backstabbed by my boyfriend and best friend." She tells me.

"Grayson," She says turning toward me, her green eyes filled with fear "I'm scared he is gonna find me here or hunt me down till he get's what he wants from me. I'm scared of what he will do to me." I grabbed her face in my hands, whipping her tears and calmly shushing her.

"It's okay Hayden, you're safe now. With me. Ethan, Emercyn, your aunt and uncle, and I are here for you." I assure her. "Ryan too, he's one of the best wrestlers at our old school." I tell her and she actually let's out a small laugh before sighing again.

"I tried so hard to get away." She began to cry again.

"It's okay. I'm here." I wrapped my arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around my neck, sobbing into it.

"Thank you, for listening and being here." She whispers. "I love you." I almost thought I heard her whisper. I'm just hearing things because that's what I want her to say. If she did it's probably just as friend.

"Anything for you, let's get back and watch a movie!?" I suggest and she nods. As we walk back I held her hand and she stood very close to me. Every time she heard a noise she would jump from how scared she was of this guy.

When we got to her house, we went up to her room. She got into bed and buried herself into the covers. She pats the spot next to her for me to lay down with her. I turn the light off and close the blind, making it darker in the room. I take my shoes off and get into her comfortable bed. She snuggled up me, burying her head into my chest. "Goodnight, love."

She looked up to me, kissing me cheek before whispering a "Goodnight" and we both fell asleep and took well needed nap.


also only a few more reads till I post my ethan book. <3

lot's of love- t

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