My Friend (Harry Potter Love...

By Ocean-Girl

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~ Years 5-7 ~"Ro, I love you, that's because!" shouted Harry. I stop dead and I turn around "What?" I sa... More

Part One
Rosemary Fisher
Chapter 1 Annoying Dudley and Danger
Chapter 2 Yelling, Letter's, Expelled.... Kind Of
Chapter 3 Odd Arrivel
Chapter 4 Flying and Number Twelve Grimmauld Place
Chapter 5 Forever And Always
Maggie Thorn
Chapter 6 Hearing
Chapter 7 Electricity
Chapter 8 Sweet Kiss but Confusion
Chapter 9 Going To Our Second Home
Lost Chapter Ten
Carly William
Chapter 11 Oh Darn, And New Song, Ron's idiotic
Chapter 12 Supportive Friends
Chapter 13 Singing In The Forest
Chapter 14 Umbridge's Class
Chapter 15 Carly's Point of View
Chapter 16 Pain
Chapter 17 Telling Harry And Violet's Letter
Chapter 18 Their Starting To Believe
Chapter 19 Detention With Umbridge
Chapter 20 Catching Ronald
Chapter 21 Nervous and May Be Possessed
Chapter 22 Birthday And Singing About Him
Chapter 23 Bad Day
Chapter 24 "Baby, i'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake"
Chapter 25 What The Grade's Stand For
Chapter 26 Hermione's awesomeness
Chapter 27 Our Fun
Chapter 28 Sharing How I Feel
Chapter 29 Out of Control
Chapter 30 Meeting
Chapter 31 Me?
Chapter 32 Umbridge's New Rule
Chapter 33 Injured Hedwig
Chapter 34 Neville's Wrath
Chapter 35 Another Plan
Chapter 36 Into the Closet With You
Chapter 37 Finally (You'll love this chapter)
Chapter 38 Nervousness and Telling
Chapter 39 Meeting Dobby at Last.
Chapter 40 Trying But Not Working With Me
Chapter 41 Did Hermione Granger kiss Ronald Weasley?
Chapter 42 Damn Slytherin's and Ravenclaw
Chapter 43 A Mother's Care
Chapter 44 "Can you two drop it already!" (Part One)
Chapter 45 Hagrid's Story (PaRt ToW)
Chapter 46 "You must promise"
Chapter 47 First Date
Chapter 48 "I love you,"
Chapter 49 Pain
Chapter 50 "It's a curse and blessing"
Chapter 51 Aunt Scarlet
Important to Read!
Chapter 52 May My Boyfriend and I Be Possessed?
Author Note
Author Note Once Again...
Chapter 54 "What?"
Chapter 55 Rosemary's Birthday Plan
Chapter 56 Damn You Violet
Chapter 57 "Think Again"
Chapter 58 Asking Ro Out and Welcome to My Lessons, Harry.
Chapter 59 Valentines Dance
Chapter 60 Singing For Our Loved Ones
Chapter 60 "Kill him, more like,"
Chapter 61 "I believe you both"
Chapter 62 Dreams
Chapter 63 Umbridge's Worse Fear
Chapter 64 Two Mistry Messages
Chapter 65 New Nightmare
Chapter 66 The Lord Family
Chapter 67 Where did Rosemary Go?
Chapter 68 A Glimpse's of the Future
Chapter 69 "Teaching a Player to not mess with my heart,"
Chapter 70 Shocking News
Chapter 71 A Glimpse Of My Teen Mother
Chapter 73 The Mystery Man Is Back
Story Update
Chapter 74 "Harry!"
Chapter 75 "Till the match is over?"
Chapter 76 Meeting a New Friend
Chapter 77 Ron Scored
Chapter 78 Examination.

Chapter 72 "Never go near me again, James Potter,"

1.1K 18 0
By Ocean-Girl

Chapter 72
(Fifth Year)

I look to see Snape has gotten up and put his O.W.L. paper away in his bag walking off. James, Sirius, and Mum sat up, Mum looking oddly disapproval, Uncle Remus stayed where he was reading while Peter stayed sitting where he was, looking between and my godfathers.

"Alright, Snivellus?" James said loudly.
Snape, seeming like he was expecting this, pulled out his wand while dropping his bag but James disarmed him making his wand fly twelve feet into the air and fell with a small thud on the grass behind snape. Sirius laughed his bark laugh. "Impedimenta!" Sirius said, pointing his wand at Snape who got knocked off his fett, halfway through dive toward his own fallen wand.
Students all around had turned to watch, some edging closer to watch.

Snape lays on the ground panting James and Sirius raised their wands as Mum had a look of realization and sadness in it.

"How'd the exam go, Snivelly?" James said.
"I was watching him, his nose was touching the parchment, there'll be great grease marks all over it, they wont be able to read a word."
Many people laughed except my Mum who looked disappointed. I could tell Snape was not popular and he was struggling to get up from the jinx this made me sad and stare at my godfather's surprised and shocked.
"You ---- wait," Snape panted staring up at James with hatred. "You ---- wait...."
"Wait for what?" Sirius said coolly. "What're you going to do, Snivelly, wipe your nose on us?"
Snape screamed and said many swearwords and hexes but he wand was too far away for anything to happen.
"Wash out your mouth," James said coldly. "Scourgify!" My eyes widen to what he said.

Pink bubbles stream from Snape's mouth at one the bubbles covering his lips, making him gag, James was choking when a voice screamed: "Leave him ALONE!"

Sirius and James looked around, James free hand ruffling his hair again.
It was the girls from the lake with my Aunt Scarlet and Maggieshe had thick, dark, red hair that fell to her shoulder and brilliant green eyes that reminded me of Harry's when my eyes widen. "Harry..." I mumble and he nodded. "My Mum..." Harry mumbled back.
"Alright, Evans?" James said his voice suddenly pleasant, deeper, and more mature making my mother roll her eyes still looking at James and Sirius with disapproval and shame.
"Leave him alone," Lily repeated, she was looking at him with such dislike. "What's he done to you?"
"Well, it's more the fact that he exists, if you know what I mean...."
Many people, except Maggie, Aunt Scarlet, and Mum, laughed including Sirius and Pettigrew, but Uncle Remus who continued to read. Lily didn't either.
"You think you're funny," Lily said coldly I'd tap into her feelings but I can't. "But you're just an arrogant, bully toerag, Potter. Leave him alone."
"I will if you go out with me, Evans," James said quickly. "Go on...go out with me, and I'll never lay a wand on old Snivelly again." I glance to my Mum as she sighed and shook her head slightly to James with disapproval.
"I wouldn't go out with you if it was a choice between you and the giant squid," Lily growled as Maggie puts a hand on her hip rolling her eyes at Lily.
"Bad luck, Prongs," Aunt Scarlet said in a impression of Sirius making Sirius glare at her but she rolled her eyes at him. Sirius turned to Snape to see he's beginning to inch towards his fallen wand spitting out the bubbles. "OY!" Sirius yelled but Snape had his wand and I didn't know what happened but next thing I know Snape his hanging upside down while Mum was on the ground clutching her cheek as Maggie held her, most of all Snape had really skinny legs and graying underpants making scrunch up my nose.... I never wanted to see my teachers underpants when he was a teenager... I thought disgusted.

Many people cheered and laughed slightly as Mum and Lily look furious now they both yell in union "Let him down!" some blood of a cut on my Mum's right cheek bleeds but she wiped away the blood and glared coldly at James and Sirius.

"Certainly," Said James he jerked his wand upward and Snape fell into a crumble heap on the ground and he got himself straight up pulling down his robes wit hhis wand up but Sirius was faster he said "Locomotor mortis!" and Snape keeled over at once, still as a board.
"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Lily and Mother shouted in union, Mum pulling out her wand swiftly (I was impressed how she pulled it out) and pointed it directly at James and Sirius.
"Ah, Crystal, don't make me hex you," James said.
"Take the curse off him, then!" Lily yelled angrily, seeming like she knew Mum knew the right curse.
James sighed deeply, then turned to Snape and muttered the countercurse.
"There you go," he said as Snape struggled to his feet again, "you're lucky Evans and Crystal were here, Snivellus ----"
"I don't need help from a Filthy little Mudbloods and Half-freak like them!" Snape yelled and Mum's eyes widen and glared at him darkly. "Fine," Lily said coldly. "We won't bother in the future."
"And I'd wash your pants if I were you," Mum said and they finish in union "Snivellus!"
"Apologize to Evans and Crystal!" James shouted angrily at Snape pointing his wand at him dangerously.
"I don't want you to make him apologize," Lily shouted, turning onto James. "You're as bad as he is."
"What?!" James yelped turning to her. "I'd NEVER call you or Crytal a....You-Know-What!!"
"Messing up your hair because you think it looks cool to look like you've just got off your broomstick, showing off with that stupid Snitch, walking down corridors and hexing anyone who annoys you just because you can" Lily said angrily, "I'm surprised your broomstick can get off the ground with that fat head on it. You make me SICK!" Lily turned on her heel holding Mum's hand as they hurry off.
"Evans! Crystal!" James shouted after them, "Hey, EVAN! CRYSTAL!"
Mum stopped and turned walking up to him with a dangerous look pointing her wand right in the middle of his chest.

"You know, I knew deep down you'd be trouble, James, but I never knew you'd be this mean! I thought you'd be nicer knowing mine and Rem's deep secret but you're just as bad as them all! Never go near me again, James Potter, or I'll hex you so bad nobody will ever recognize you until your on your death bed!!!" Mum yelled making James eyes widen and she turned away I could see tears peeking from under her eyelids and ran over to Lily as they hurry away with Maggie and Aunt Scarlet going after them.

"What is it with her?" James said, trying but fauled to look like Lily and Mum walking away wasn't important.
"Reading between the lines, I'd say she thinks you're a bit conceited, mate," Sirius said.
"Right," James said, looking furious now, "right ----"
There was a flash of light and Snape was hanging upside down again. "Who wants to see me take off his pants?"

I never knew if my godfather did or didn't because someone grabbed me hard on my forearm making me flinch and me and Harry look to see a adult Snape right there making me so worried, so scared, it wasn't funny. Next thing I know I'm in Snape's office Snape's grip on my arm tightening making it hurt.

"so," Snape said as my hand felt numb and I knew Harry's hand was starting to feel numb (Empath powers). "So...been enjoying yourself, Potter, Lupin?"
It was scary, Snape looked so dangerous I could feel him emotions, he was ready to kill.
"Amusing man, your father and godfather, wasn't he?" Shaking both Harry and I so hard I saw Harry's glasses slip down his nose a little as my bracelet, which is a tiny bit too big on my wrist, almost goes down my thumb.
"We ---- didn't ----"
Snape cuts Harry off throwing both me and Harry away from him making us both fall to the floor.
"You will not repeat what you saw to anybody!" Snape bellowed to us.
"No," I said, me and Harry to our feet as Harry grabbed my hand tightly as we try to get far away from Snape my heart pounding. "No, of course we w ----"
"Get out! Get out! I don't want to see you in this office ever again!" Snape yelled dangerously. Me and Harry ran towards the office door as a jar of his things went towards our head.

We got far away form Snape we lean on the wall, me pale from fear, and we both pant from the adrenalin start to slow down I rub my bruised arm. What Snape didn't know is that both me and Harry knew how it be bullied and have our feelings hurt...

he just didn't let me say it... I thought sadly.

"Are you o-okay?" Harry panted and I nodded shakily.

"Y-yeah, heart just pounding and a bruised arm..." I reply shakily too putting my hand on my chest feeling my heart beat in my ears as I tried to take control of my breathing.
"Snape was right," Harry breathed I look at him confused. "About what?" I said.
"My dad, he really was as arrogant as Snape has said all this time..." Harry breathed and I frowned.
"Harry, he has to have changed, I don't know how, but he has to." I said and Harry sighed.

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