♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️...


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MASSIMO ALEJANDRO ROMANO, a well-known name in the mafia world. He is an Italian mafiosa capo (mafia boss) an... Еще

*Author's Note*
1. *My Past*
2. *Girl In The Rain*
3. *An Evil Plan*
4. *Hot Stuff*
5. *Where Am I?*
6. *Unfamiliar Feeling*
7. *Commotion*
8. *Brotherly Love*
9. *Dinning Room*
10. *She's Mine*
11. *Going Out*
12. *Lost My Senses*
13. *Panic Attack*
14. *Ex-Mafiosa Capo*
15. *About The Plan*
16. *Girlfriend?!*
17. *She's Your Date?!*
18. *First Kiss!*
19. *His Birthday Party* Part 1
20. *His Birthday Party* Part 2
21. *Someone's Jealous!*
22. *Mysterious Envelope*
23. *Getting Hot In Here*
24. *Pool Party!*
25. *Two Can Play This Game*
26. *Unknown Person*
27. *Falling For Her?*
28. *She Looks Like Me?*
29. *American Mafiosa Capo*
30. *Night Club*
31. *Taste Of Her Essence*🔞⚠️
32. *Love....Pathetic?*
33. *I'll Bring Her Back!*
34. *Stranger Danger!*
35. *Traitor*
36. *Idiots As Friends*
37. *Rescuing Maya*
38. *Back To Italy*
39. *Different Massimo*
40. *Whipped?*
41. *Absolutely Whipped!*
42. *Massimo, A Gentleman?*
43. *Flashback*
44. *Business Dinner*
45. *Strong & Deep*
46. *Care*
47. *Fallen In Love With...*🔞⚠️
48. *The Room*
49. *Countryside*
50. *It's Not What You Think*
51. *An Exception*
52. *The Truth*
53. *Upset them both!*
54. *Surprise Visit*
55. *Something's cooking...*
56. *Accident*
57. *Hospital*
58. *An Almost Confession?*
59. *Found Her*
60. *Come back*
61. *The Call*
62. *The Deal*
63. *The Talk*
64. *Back Home*
65. *Heart - A Traitor*
66. *Girl Time*
67. *Guests*
68. *Weird...*
69. *Missed Her...*
70. *Everything*
71. *I Want You*
72. *Confession*
73. *Reality*
74. *Right Thing*
75. *For The Best...*
76. *Other Daughter*
77. *Enzo's Plan*
78. *Plan In Action*
79. *Selfless*
80. *Behind Closed Door...*🔞⚠️
81. *Again...*🔞⚠️
82. *For The First Time*🔞⚠️
83. *It's You...*
84. *Wedding* Part 1
85. *Wedding* Part 2
86. *Fake Kidnapping*
87. *Explanation*
88. *Revelation*
89. *The End*
90. *The News*
91. *Lifelines*
93. *Baby Daddy*
94. *To Right My Wrongs*
95. *I'm Here For You*
96. *Her Choice*
97. *Not Gonna Give Up*
98. *Deja Vu*
99. *Time For Some More Deja Vu*
100. *Asking for Forgiveness*
101. *Best Sleep*
102. *Mama's Wish*
103 *Man In Love*

92. *She Is Fine*

792 41 18


Liam looked dashing in his white buttoned down shirt that he was pairing with black pants and polished black shoes. He groomed up pretty well. And from the repeated lingering glances that he was getting and that confident, smug look on his face, he knew he was killing it by the way he looked.

And the two girls who earlier had been telling Maya that she shouldn't have let him join them, were now fully checking him out, especially Amanda who already had her boyfriend by his side. A clearing of throat from Maya took their attention away from him and towards her.

"Shall we move in guys?" She then said with a smile. From the corner of her eyes, Maya noticed Mason looking at Liam with a Little hesitancy. Maybe because he knew who Liam was.

"Sure. It's been a while since I went to a club anyway." Liam exclaimed, casting a charming smile in their direction.

"I'm sure with the type of work you do, you probably don't get enough time." Bianca said lowly but he heard her anyway.

"Oh you're right I really don't get enough time." He replied. "Actually the last time I went to a club was with Maya." He then looked at her. "Remember that evening back in Italy? Marcos and Marcelo were with us as well-" Both Bianca and Amanda looked in their friend's direction, and sure enough her face fell. "-we really had fun, even Mas-"

Before he could complete his sentence, Bianca took him by his shoulder and literally dragged him alongwith her. "Stop talking. Let's just move in."

Liam being oblivious, simply let her drag him as he then started to tell Bianca how he was a gentleman and would never manhandle a lady but wouldn't mind if he was being manhandled by them. Bianca rolled her eyes at his words and then almost pushed him away, when he said how she was safe from him as he wouldn't dare hit on Enzo's woman.

"Excuse me?" She said, flabbergasted.

"What?" Liam said innocently. "You think I don't know what's going on between you and him."

"There's nothing between us." Bianca replied, but a slight blush rose to her cheeks.

"Really? But what Enzo said, proves otherwise." Liam smirked inwardly as Bianca immediately turned her head his way.

"What? What do you mean?" She didn't know why but she wanted to know what Enzo had said about her.

"Oh nevermind. Maybe you're right there's nothing between you two." He said as he shrugged his shoulders.

Before Bianca could ask him anything further, they had reached their booth. Taking a seat next to Liam, Bianca reminded herself to ask him that question later.

By then they all had comfortably settled down on their respective seats. Amanda sitting next to Mason, on her right was Maya and next to her was Bianca and then Liam. "So, should I go get the drinks?" Mason offered.

"Tequila for me." Amanda said feeling like having alcohol straight. "I'll have sex on the beach." Liam then said. "Same for me." Bianca added.

"And for you Maya?" Mason asked.

"Uh just cranberry juice." She replied.

"Make sure not to have any alcohol at all ok babe." Amanda added.

"Ofcourse love." He said. "You didn't have to say that after all I'm a doctor and I know what you should and shouldn't have in pregnancy."

Maya closed her eyes while Bianca whispered a Shit! under her breath.

"Oh um I should go get the drinks." And with that Mason left, creating an awkward silence after him.

"You're pregnant." It wasn't a question but more like a statement.

Sighing, Maya looked at Liam and simply nodded at him.

Liam let out a wide smile. "Congratulations! Well, I wasn't expecting to hear that tonight."

On seeing the looks they were exchanging with each other, he said, "Oh.." Realising something. "Did you not want me to find out?" Liam asked. "It was just a slip of tongue from his side and that's how...but you didn't actually mean to tell me?"

Shaking her head, Maya looked at him. "Liam it's, it's not like that." Well, she exactly didn't have any problem with him knowing about her pregnancy. She just didn't think he needed to know or that it mattered anything to him. Besides all the important people in her life already knew and that was what mattered to her.

"It's just that I didn't think it's some news you'd want to know." Maya exclaimed. "I mean me being pregnant isn't something you'd find important."

"Well, I won't say that. You being pregnant is a good news to me."

"Liam I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." Maya realised they must've offended him.

"No, it's alright. I'm good." He then said. "Well, this calls for a celebration!" He cheered and on time Mason was back with their drinks.

"Let's do a toast for Maya and the baby." They all took their respective drinks. Raising their drinks, they all cheered making Maya smile. "To Baby Mama and the baby!" Bianca hollered, all of them joining after her.


The evening went by just fine. After their drinks they had some snacks and some appetizers. Fortunately, Liam didn't mention Massimo or asked anything about the pregnancy. He simply enjoyed himself, engaged in their conversation here & there, and even went to dance with Bianca on the dance floor.

"We'll drop Bianca." Amanda suggested. "She lives near my house anyway." She was going with her boyfriend Mason in his car.

"I'm still sober so I can drive Maya to her apartment." Liam offered.

"Uh you sure it's no problem?" Maya asked since she didn't want to bother him.

Liam rolled his eyes at her. "Stop being so formal. Of course I have no problem."

"All right then I'll see you guys on Monday." Maya gave her friends a brief hug and waved at Mason. "Bye! Good night."

"Drive carefully huh she's pregnant don't forget." Bianca pointed one finger at Liam while saying. They all chuckled at the way she said that. She was probably wasted.

"I will mam." Liam replied.

Maya let out a yawn. She was tired now and wanted to reach home soon and sleep. Liam was driving very carefully, even stopping on the red signals with no cars. The speed was also under the limit, as he usually drove faster but with Maya being with him, he didn't want to take any risk.

"Don't sleep in here." Liam said bringing Maya's attention to him. "Then I'd have to carry you to your apartment." He then continued. "And I can't risk accidentally making you fall from my arms."

Maya shook her head at his silly comment.

"I'm just pregnant, not fragile you know." She exclaimed.

"Ya but I don't want to face the wraith of your friends, especially Bianca if I let you have even one scratch in my presence."

"They are too much." She commented. "Sometimes I wonder if I should be happy or mad for them to be so overprotective of me."

"You're lucky to have them." Liam said genuinely.

"That I am." Maya couldn't agree more.

They then fell into silence, Liam continued his driving.

"I'm going to Italy in few days for some work." He then all of a sudden said.

Maya wanted her apartment to magically appear, so that she could save herself from whatever conversation Liam was about to start. She didn't reply to what he just said.

"I might go and meet them as well." Liam continued. "Gabrielle, Martha, Enzo and Hana." He had wanted to add Massimo's name as well but stopped himself from doing so.

Maya exhaled, she was expecting him to mention his name this time, but again it's like he figured taking Massimo's name was something Maya wouldn't want and so he didn't.

"Great." Maya didn't know what else to say.

"They would love to know that I met you before coming to them you know." He then added. "Especially Martha & Gaby since they loved you like a mother would."

Liam was expecting Maya to say something, probably ask him and take a promise to not tell them about her pregnancy but so far she had said no such thing.

"Uh my apartment, it's here." Liam parked the car right outside her gate. Before turning to leave she looked at him with a smile. "Thanks for giving me a ride again." She knew by looking at him that he was probably expecting her to say something with regard to what he said to her just a while ago. But in reality Maya didn't want to say anything. "And it was nice spending time with you."

Liam understood. She wasn't going to mention and so he decided to play along. "I had a great time as well." He smiled at her. "Hope to see you again."

"Good night Liam." She finally turned around to leave. "Take care Maya." He replied.

Once outside, she waved at him for one last time with a smile. Liam waved back and drove away once he was sure she was safely inside her apartment.


Just how Liam had told Maya about going to Italy for some work, surely after few days he made his appearance at Massimo's mansion. He didn't actually have anything work related but once he had met Maya and had found out about her pregnancy, he had made sure to pay Massimo a visit.

Massimo like any other day was in his office room, when he got a call from Liam about his arrival.

"What's your reason of arrival?" Massimo asked. No hi, no hello, simply formal talk.

"I get it that you lack basic etiquettes, but I'm also a mafia boss." Liam exclaimed. "Greet me atleast." He then added. "After all I'm your friend as well." Massimo wanted to roll his eyes at him.

"If you want to have a chit-chat, call Enzo instead." Massimo replied, his tone blank, lack of any emotion. "I've much more important work to do."

"Ya ya I know." Liam rolled his eyes this time. But then a smirk came up on his face which Massimo couldn't see obviously. "Fine then if you don't want to talk." He then added. "I'll call Enzo and tell him about my visit to California, how I met Maya there etc etc." Just how he thought, Massimo went completely silent and then his sharp intake of breath could be heard. "What did you say?" Came out his dark voice, but this time Liam could sense some emotion.

"Got your interest now?" Liam chuckled.

"Don't play with me Liam." Massimo felt like a kid who wanted to hear about his favourite Disney character, on hearing her name. He didn't know if Liam was even saying truth or was just lying to mess with him. But he wanted to know, he wanted to know more as long as it meant hearing even just her name.

"Have some patience. I'll tell you in person." Liam said and before Massimo could reply to him, he disconnected his call.

Massimo glared down at his phone as if it was its mistake. He was about to call Liam back when the door to his office room got open and in walked Enzo.

"Liam is here." He mentioned.

"I know." Massimo simply replied. He had thought it would still take Liam some time but here he was already in his mansion.

Although Massimo wanted to just go and ask Liam about what he had said over call, but he stopped himself from doing so. He knew Liam would eventually come to his office room.


One hour, that's how long it took Liam to finally come to Massimo's office room and that one hour felt so heavy on Massimo. He knew the bastard was doing it on purpose, which only made him sure that Liam hadn't been lying.

"My, I've never felt this welcomed ever." Liam exclaimed on reaching inside. He made his way towards the chair in front of Massimo, the mahagony table separating them only.

"Did you go to California?" Massimo wasted no time.

"Didn't I already say that over call?" Liam said, smirking to himself. It wasn't everyday he got to have a upper hand with the capo of Italian mafia.

Massimo wanted to punch Liam but controlled himself, afterall his patience level had gone very high after living with Enzo for so Long.

"You met her." Massimo stated.

Liam nodded at him. "I sure did."

Sighing, Massimo asked what he hoped he could've seen by himself.
"How is she?"

"You really want to know?"

"Don't play with me Liam" Massimo didn't sound angry but helpless instead. It's like he would do anything just to know how she was.

"I'm not playing. I'm being serious." Liam said in all seriousness. "Do you really wanna know if she's happy or not?"

"I want to know if she's fine." Deep down Massimo knew the answer to if she was happy or not. And so he wanted to know about her being fine instead.

"Oh she's absolutely fine." Liam wasn't going to tell him about her pregnancy, not yet. "We actually went to a club, with her friends and that Mason guy." On hearing that, Massimo felt jealous. He envied Liam for being able to meet her and see her.

"Sounds like she's doing fine in her life." Massimo said to himself. Glad that atleast she was now able to relax and live her life on her own terms without worrying about any danger lurking over her.

"If I hadn't known her and met her before, I'd have said the same." Liam exclaimed. "But I have seen her before, when she was here." He added. "And believe me she looks nothing like she used to look when she was here."

Massimo didn't say anything because Liam wasn't done yet.

"Ya, she sure looks fine from the outside, but when you look closely you'll see a girl who's trying..." He continued. "... trying to put a smile on her face, so that no one can look past her facade."

"If you call this fine, then yes she's absolutely fine." Liam could notice the way Massimo's jaw was clenching after hearing him say all that.

For a long time, Massimo didn't speak. He couldn't come up with any words. He simply looked at Liam and then into the oblivion, thinking to himself.

"Did she....did she tell you anything?" Massimo asked looking closely at Liam. He knew no one knows about what had caused Maya to leave so easily. She didn't tell anyone here, because if she had Enzo and everyone else wouldn't have let him live in peace. Not like he deserved anyway. That's what he thinks for himself.

"Anything? Like?" Instead of answering, Liam asked him instead. "She actually told me a lot of things, I'm not sure what this anything you're talking about."

Massimo gave up. If she had told him, Liam would've already confronted him by then. But if it's not about that, then why was Liam looking so mysterious. By the way he was talking and the look he was giving, all of this told him that there was definitely something that Liam wasn't telling him.

"How's her relationship with her mother going?" Massimo then asked, changing the topic.

"Fine I guess." Liam answered. "Couldn't meet her but from what Maya told me it's going good." Again on hearing her name, Massimo felt this feeling that made him so envious of Liam.

They then fell into silence after that. Neither Massimo nor Liam said anything.

"Is that all you wanted to say?" Massimo finally asked. He was sure Liam wouldn't just come all the way to him, just to inform him that he had went to California and met Maya. Massimo could tell there was more to it, something else that Liam had yet to inform.

Liam knew Massimo was no fool. He knew Massimo could easily sense that there was more to it. Well, Liam wasn't going to hide it from him, he'd definitely inform him, after all that's why he had come to Italy.

Liam was actually looking forward to seeing Massimo's reaction, once he told him about Maya being pregnant.

"Actually no, there's something more." And so Liam began. "Initially Maya didn't mean to tell me that, but she had to when that Mason guy accidentally spilled it out."

Liam was purposely speaking unclear. He didn't want to say it out loud. He could see slight confusion on Massimo's face since Massimo obviously didn't understand what Liam meant.

"What did she tell you?" Massimo asked, losing his patience.

Taking a deep breath, Liam leaned forward in his chair. His eyes focused on Massimo who in turn looked equally focused, eager to find out what Maya had told Liam.

"Congratulations." Was all Liam said, while giving out a smirk.

A/N : 👀 Oops....a cliffhanger!🤭
But don't worry the next update will be within 24 hours I promise.

So, how was it?🙄 Do you guys think Liam should've just told Massimo directly or is he doing right, playing with Massimo like that?😜
I personally loved how Liam had the upper hand in this situation & was taking full advantage lol.

Do comment! I love to know what you guys think.❤️

Apologies for any error or grammatical mistakes.

Please Do VOTE!⭐

Thank you💕
All the love

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