♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️...

By miss_cherry001

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MASSIMO ALEJANDRO ROMANO, a well-known name in the mafia world. He is an Italian mafiosa capo (mafia boss) an... More

*Author's Note*
1. *My Past*
2. *Girl In The Rain*
3. *An Evil Plan*
4. *Hot Stuff*
5. *Where Am I?*
6. *Unfamiliar Feeling*
7. *Commotion*
8. *Brotherly Love*
9. *Dinning Room*
10. *She's Mine*
11. *Going Out*
12. *Lost My Senses*
13. *Panic Attack*
14. *Ex-Mafiosa Capo*
15. *About The Plan*
16. *Girlfriend?!*
17. *She's Your Date?!*
18. *First Kiss!*
19. *His Birthday Party* Part 1
20. *His Birthday Party* Part 2
21. *Someone's Jealous!*
22. *Mysterious Envelope*
23. *Getting Hot In Here*
24. *Pool Party!*
25. *Two Can Play This Game*
26. *Unknown Person*
27. *Falling For Her?*
28. *She Looks Like Me?*
29. *American Mafiosa Capo*
30. *Night Club*
31. *Taste Of Her Essence*🔞⚠️
32. *Love....Pathetic?*
33. *I'll Bring Her Back!*
34. *Stranger Danger!*
35. *Traitor*
36. *Idiots As Friends*
37. *Rescuing Maya*
38. *Back To Italy*
39. *Different Massimo*
40. *Whipped?*
41. *Absolutely Whipped!*
42. *Massimo, A Gentleman?*
43. *Flashback*
44. *Business Dinner*
45. *Strong & Deep*
46. *Care*
47. *Fallen In Love With...*🔞⚠️
48. *The Room*
49. *Countryside*
50. *It's Not What You Think*
51. *An Exception*
52. *The Truth*
53. *Upset them both!*
54. *Surprise Visit*
55. *Something's cooking...*
56. *Accident*
57. *Hospital*
58. *An Almost Confession?*
59. *Found Her*
60. *Come back*
61. *The Call*
62. *The Deal*
63. *The Talk*
64. *Back Home*
65. *Heart - A Traitor*
66. *Girl Time*
67. *Guests*
68. *Weird...*
69. *Missed Her...*
70. *Everything*
71. *I Want You*
72. *Confession*
73. *Reality*
74. *Right Thing*
75. *For The Best...*
76. *Other Daughter*
77. *Enzo's Plan*
78. *Plan In Action*
79. *Selfless*
80. *Behind Closed Door...*🔞⚠️
81. *Again...*🔞⚠️
82. *For The First Time*🔞⚠️
83. *It's You...*
84. *Wedding* Part 1
85. *Wedding* Part 2
86. *Fake Kidnapping*
87. *Explanation*
88. *Revelation*
90. *The News*
91. *Lifelines*
92. *She Is Fine*
93. *Baby Daddy*
94. *To Right My Wrongs*
95. *I'm Here For You*
96. *Her Choice*
97. *Not Gonna Give Up*
98. *Deja Vu*
99. *Time For Some More Deja Vu*
100. *Asking for Forgiveness*
101. *Best Sleep*
102. *Mama's Wish*
103. *Man In Love*
104. *Dying For Her*
105. *My Life*

89. *The End*

1.3K 53 22
By miss_cherry001


In a blink of an eye, Massimo had Hektor by his throat, the latter wheezing, trying to get away from him but Massimo wasn't having any of it. He wasn't going to go easy on Hektor and why should he, after all he had lost the most precious person, his mama because of that bastard. Not only that but also the cruel things that he had done to her, Massimo was going to take revenge for all of that.

"Today I will make you regert everything you did." And with that Massimo punched him on the face, breaking his already broke nose. Hektor groaned, trying to dodge his hits but it was of no use.

On the other hand, Enzo had Dino to take care of and he was doing a pretty good job given the bloody mess Dino was in. Although Enzo would've loved to end him but he knew Massimo would want to kill him by his own bare hands. So while Massimo was dealing with Hektor, Enzo was having good time torturing Dino. All of Hektor's men had easily gotten outnumbered once all of Vincent's men had entered, leaving the two bastards alone in the end.

Hektor couldn't even open his mouth to groan or yelp as even a little bit of movement was causing him pain. Massimo had done a good number on him, he didn't show any ounce of mercy even when the bastard had shed some crocodile tears and had asked for forgiveness. Stupid of him to think that Massimo would spare his life after knowing what he had done to his mama.
He had sealed his own faith once he had admitted his crimes against Massimo's mother, and now Massimo would happily send him to hell.

"Fucking Bastard! Get up & take this!" Massimo kicked him in the guts but Hektor had had enough. He didn't respond much and only groaned a little. His body had reached its threshold. But Massimo wasn't done with him yet. Reaching down, he pulled Hektor's almost limp body by the collar of his shirt, "I won't kill you, not yet at least....not that easily."

From the corner of his eyes, Massimo saw Maya who was sitting with her mother, who still had her husband's head on her lap. Her silent cry could be heard, and not once did she look away from her husband. Although Maya's relationship with her mother was still complicated, but she was her mother nonetheless and so like any other daughter, she was beside her mother during such time.

"I think you should decide soon what you gotta do with him." Vincent who had been watching everything closely, said to Massimo. "We have someone to give a proper funeral here."

"I'm still not done with him yet.." Getting up, Massimo said. "I want to keep torturing him.." His eyes were filled with rage, "But it won't bring my mama back to me." His jaw was clenching. "And this bastard doesn't deserve to live even for a single more second," Looking at Vincent he then said, "So... I'm going to kill him now." And with that without any warning, he shot Hektor twice on his head. Thankfully the gun had silencer on, not making any noise since Sophia and Maya were also there.

Dino who had been getting tortured by Enzo, when saw his uncle being shot and not moving at all, he got stone cold. The realisation of what was about to come for him settle inside him, and sure enough Massimo's eyes fell on him. Dino knew his end was near so no matter what he would do in the end he was going to die anyway.

"Your dear uncle is gone now Dino." Massimo gave him a blank look. "And now it's your turn to follow after him." Pointing his gun at him, "You were nothing without him anyway," He said. "You only ever did what he told you to. You yourself had no opinion, nothing." Even if he was near his end, still Massimo's words were causing him to get angry. "You were no real man, just a coward."

Getting angry enough, Dino tried to launch himself at Massimo but couldn't even hold his own weight and fell on him instead. But even then he didn't back down as Dino looked around and to his luck found a gun. Though it was empty but still he used it to kick Massimo in the head with its barrel. Dino was doing everything he could've in his last moments to save him or even if he was able to injure Massimo a little in the process, that would be enough for him as well.

"You think you won," Dino wheezed out. "You think now you can have her," Chuckling he looked over at Maya, "She's fine but her being yours is what makes her exceptional." He then grinned at Massimo. "Everyone in the mafia knows she's your weakness." Vincent punched him causing him to fall down on the ground. "Just because I couldn't do anything that doesn't mean others wouldn't as well." Massimo had had enough of his shit, he aimed his gun at Dino, "And then one day she will be taken from you just like your mother..."



Dino was gone and so was Hektor. Maya should've been happy knowing that she now no longer had to worry about them, and yet she didn't feel any happiness instead she felt a weird feeling inside her chest on seeing the casket of her real father being buried under the ground. She had been ten when her dad had died in a car accident, although she hadn't been old or smart enough to know the meaning of life and death but she hadn't felt what she was feeling on the funeral of her real father.

Sophia had been crying non stop ever since. In the beginning it was loud wailing and then by the time it turned into silent weeping. But she never stopped crying. For her it was like a nightmare, how her husband the love of her life was no longer with her. Just few days ago they had been planning on eloping somewhere far away with their daughter, to start a new life and to live together happily as a family. And now Sophia was left alone with no one. Well she had her daughter but even she didn't fully trust her mother, not yet atleast.

Massimo had Vincent's and his men to take care of all the mess. Vincent had been kind enough to help Massimo throughout even though he had just gotten married and instead of being with his lovely wife, he was helping Massimo.

It wasn't difficult, they had everything under control and within a day or two they had everything settled. Massimo had arranged Viktor's funeral as well and since Sophia had no where to go he also offered her to live with them. Since both Dino and Hektor were dead, that left the Russian mafia with no boss. And the entire Russian mafia was in a chaos. For now, the word had circulated that Italian mafia had been able to take over Russian mafia.

Sophia being the only lead left, but since she obviously wanted nothing to do with mafia had no interest in taking over. After her, if there was anyone worthy it was Maya, being blood related and also because she was the only heir left. She also was happy being a nurse only and had zero interest in being a mafia queen, which left them with only one choice and it was to leave the matter alone for the time being.

"I owe you big time." Vincent was finally taking his leave. He would straight leave for the airport where his wife was already waiting for him. After two days now he and his wife were now finally leaving for their much awaited honeymoon.

"I hope next time when we meet it's someone's wedding again." Winking at Massimo, Vincent said that while motioning towards Maya.

Maya being oblivious to their interaction, simply put a smile on her face and bid him a goodbye. "We should plan out a trip or something together some day." Vincent suggested. "Alright I gotta go before my wife calls my ass."

Once he was gone, Massimo turned around and Maya was already looking at him. Enzo had already left from there, giving the two some privacy. They had been back at Massimo's mansion. Her mother had been getting along pretty well with everyone, especially with Martha and Gabrielle. She was still grieving the loss of her husband, but was slowly trying to move on with her life.

Sophia was thankful to Massimo for helping her and supporting her during such times, but even then she couldn't deny the fact that he was the capo of the Italian mafia! She knew very well how much he cared for her daughter and he might as well love her as well, but nothing could change the fact that he sure was a target to everyone and being close to him would automatically make you a target as well. Now she didn't care about herself but her daughter Maya. She knew how much Maya had involved herself with Massimo, she could see it very well. But call it selfish or whatever, Sophia only wanted her daughter who was now her only family left, to live away from any kind of danger, even if it meant to live away from the one you love...


It had been four days now since everything had happened. Massimo had been pretty busy with his business work and everything, and that's why Maya had not bothered him these past days thinking he probably needed time. But now she couldn't wait anymore. He had not once talked to her properly since then. She had been giving him some time alone and space but not anymore.

Making her way towards his office room where she knew he probably was. Maya was about to enter when her steps halted on hearing a familiar feminine voice coming from the inside. What's she doing here? Maya thought to herself. She was about to enter to see it by herself, but then she decided to listen first and as she did she stopped dead in her tracks.

".... always been you. I've always loved you Massimo." Sabrina almost cried out.

Maya waited for her to continue or for Massimo to say something. She wanted him to yell at her, to laugh at her or dismiss her for saying something like that. Maya basically wanted Massimo to not take her confession seriously.

"I know." Came out Massimo's calm response. Well, Maya wasn't expecting him to say that. Now she waited even more to see where this was going.

Sabrina all of a sudden snickered. "You do? Really? Well, it's a surprise given how all you see nowadays is her." Maya knew whom she was referring to as her.

"Do you have a problem with that?" He asked although he didn't sound rude, only calm.

"Ofcourse I do! Like I said I love you Massimo!" Hearing someone else say that to him didn't make Maya feel good at all.

Maya was almost sure Massimo would now throw Sabrina out of his office room. But instead he said, "Why don't you show me then how much you love me?" That was something Maya couldn't have expected him to say at all. Where is he going with this? She thought to herself.

"Oh I have been dying to do that..." Maya heard Sabrina's breathless voice, which made her to gag. "...you just never let me." Maya could hear some movement now and it took everything in her to stop herself from barging inside, but she stopped herself. She wanted Massimo to act now, she wanted to see what he would do next.

"Oh how much I've waited to do this..." Involuntarily Maya's hold on the door handle got tight as she heard Sabrina's voice. It sounded like she was now close to him or maybe on him. Maya shook her thoughts away. No! There was no way Massimo would let her or anyone for that matter touch him like that!
He wouldn't right?

A moan loud enough for Maya to hear caused her to stagger back in her steps. Her heart was beating so loud & fast that she could hear her own heartbeat. Looking at the door, she contemplated over whether to just leave from there or go inside and confront them.

"Mhmmm.....fuck...ohh...." Sabrina moaned out again and this time louder than before. Maya was unknowingly biting down on her lip so hard that she ended up bruising her lip.

She hadn't heard anything from Massimo yet. He had yet to say something or make some noise but he hadn't. She waited and waited and then it came.

"Cazzo! You're so good with your mouth Sabrina!"

That was all it took for Maya to turn around and run from there. She ran all the way towards her room, once inside she locked it and then her body fell on the ground. Whatever she was feeling everything came down all at once and she started crying her heart out.
What the hell just happened?


"Go check if she's gone." Massimo said in a low voice just in case if Maya was still standing by the door.

Sabrina although was annoyed that it had been just an act, but was happy to know it was all to get rid of Maya. When earlier Massimo had summoned her to come by his office, she had thought maybe after Dino and Hektor being gone, Massimo had found out about her being involved in whatever had happened with Maya. It had been Sabrina after all who had snitched about Maya's whereabouts, because she had wanted Maya to be gone so that she could've Massimo for herself. Stupid of her to even think that Massimo would ever want anything to do with her!

Sabrina made her way towards the door and as she did sure enough there was no one outside. "She's gone."

Massimo took a deep breath, his face blank but heart filled with so many emotions. Without looking in her direction, he dismissed Sabrina "Get out." She knew he just used her but still was happy that after what had just happened there was no way Maya and him would ever be together.

She was about to leave when Massimo said, "Don't forget to take all your belongings with you as well." His words didn't make any sense to her and so he continued. "Did you really think I won't find out what you did?"

Sabrina's eyes widened for a second but then she faked a clueless look at him. "I don't understand." She should've known it was useless to lie on his face.

Massimo glared at her and Sabrina couldn't help but to stagger back in her steps. She knew what that look meant. She was doomed.

"You should be thankful I didn't kill you right away." Massimo said, still glaring down at her. "All this time I tolerated you because I took pity on you..." His words filled with venom, causing Sabrina to gulp in fear. "I knew you never liked her but I didn't think you would stoop that low."

"I did it all because I really loved you! I still do." Her pathetic confession made him chuckle without humour.

"What makes you think I care?" Massimo exclaimed.

"I know you don't, but atleast you were with me you always came to me!" Sabrina started to slightly lose her composure. "You always had me to give you the pleasure, to fuck me like the way you liked!"

Massimo had known about Sabrina's affection towards him, but he had thought it was just pure sexual. He had thought what they had was purely sexual and nothing else, that was the reason why she had been a constant partner to fuck whenever he had wanted to in the past.

"But it all changed ever since she came." Sabrina snarled not caring whom she was talking to. "You've changed ever since she came here. You said you never did more than just sex, but I've seen the way you look at her."

"I wanted to have that! I have been giving you everything for years, but you never allowed me in that way, and I was fine with it because I knew that was all you could give." Sabrina unknowingly raised her voice. "But then she came and you let her in! You let her do things you said didn't matter to you!" Massimo only gave her a blank look. "You let her love you and not just that You loved her back! You changed yourself for her!"

Massimo wanted to shut her up but he also couldn't deny how each and every word coming out of her mouth was absolutely true. He did change everything for Maya. Even did things he had thought he wasn't capable of doing. Maya had entered like a breath of fresh air in his dark, brooding world.

"What does she have that I don't?" Massimo came out of his thoughts as Sabrina asked him that.

He looked at her and for a second felt pity for her. She had tears in her eyes as she waited for his answer, the answer he himself didn't know. Like he sure knew there was no comparison between the two. It's just that he couldn't come up with words enough to describe what exactly Maya meant to him.

And it was like only then he realised what Maya must've been feeling after witnessing him with Sabrina inside his office room. Even if it hadn't been true and had been just an act, he couldn't push back the feeling of guilt that had slowly started to settle in him. He could've just imagined the pained look in her eyes and it didn't set well with him at all. But then he reminded himself as to why he was doing it.

"Get out Sabrina and if you value your life then never ever look back here." Was all Massimo said as he stood up from his chair and started to make his way out. Not long after, his men entered and made Sabrina to leave from there. He could've just killed her but being alone and having no money or job to herself, Massimo didn't think she would be able to harm them ever again, not if she wanted to live the rest of her life peacefully. Even though he had let her go but would definitely keep an eye on her just in case if she tried to do anything.

On his way out Massimo's eyes met with Maya's mother Sophia. Both of them exchanged a look and it was as if they had some inner conversation going on. Massimo gave her a nod and it was enough to make her smile at him, though he didn't return it and just left from there. How could he smile after all, he just lost the most precious thing in his Life.....


"My darling why don't you come down for dinner?" Sophia had been with Maya inside her room since afternoon. Maya still being overwhelmed and shocked after witnessing what had happened earlier. Sophia could tell something was wrong but didn't ask her much, or it might be because she already knew what that something was.

Maya had stopped her crying when her mother had stopped by her room in the afternoon, ever since then they had been talking. Sophia had begun to tell her more about her now dead father and that's how they had started grieving for Viktor again. Though Maya was crying after hearing her mother but her tears were mixed as she was crying for something else as well.

"Uh I don't really feel hungry tonight." There was no way Maya was ready to go down and have dinner with him. She sure would talk to him and confront him, but she wasn't ready to face him yet.

Ever since she had witnessed that she had been asking herself a lot of questions, questions like why would Massimo do what he did? And that too after everything between them had finally started to settle. Why would he give up on her, on them like that? Had he felt nothing for her ever? Had it all been just a facade? But Massimo had been so different, he had even fought with Dino and Hektor for her, had showed her that she meant something to him. Then why?

"You sure sweetie?" Maya came out of her thoughts on hearing her mother.

"Uh yes I've actually had late lunch so that's why I don't feel like eating." She lied, well it was half truth she really didn't feel like eating but it wasn't because she had late lunch but because of something else.


Maya was with Aurora inside her room. It was around 9 pm. The two had grown quite close after everything, especially Aurora. For her Maya was the only person whom she trusted the most. Usually Maya would talk a lot, try to make conversation as much as she could in order to make Aurora more comfortable, but tonight she had been a bit distant and even Aurora could sense that something was wrong.

"You didn't come for dinner tonight. Why?" Aurora had recently started joining everyone at the dining table. So she had noticed Maya's absence and had decided to ask her later.

"I just didn't feel hungry tonight." Maya politely replied, trying not to get caught in her act. She had always been a poor liar after all.

Aurora didn't say anything to that. She knew it wasn't the real reason but she wouldn't push Maya, not yet atleast.

"Enzo told me tonight that they found a lead." She said referring to the search for her real mom. "He said that we could finally have some clue about her whereabouts."

Maya gave her a genuine smile, feeling happy for her friend but even then she couldn't feel completely happy. "That's great." She exclaimed. "I told you they would definitely find something soon."

"Again, it's all because of you." Aurora said. "Had you not asked Massimo to help me and take me in, I wouldn't have been here."

Just the mere mention of his name caused Maya to feel something heavy inside her chest. She tried to force out yet another smile but ended up having tears in her eyes instead.

Sensing something was really wrong, Aurora was quick to squeeze her hand gently, "Maya you alright?" She didn't like seeing her like that.

Caught off guard, Maya immediately wiped her tears away and gave Aurora a small smile. "Uh ya I'm Fine. I'm just...I'm happy for you nothing else."

Squeezing her hand yet again, Aurora gave her an assuring look. "You know you can tell me if something is bothering you." She then said, "Just like you're always there for me, I'm there for you as well."

It was like Maya couldn't' hold herself back, so she hugged Aurora catching her off guard. She immediately returned her hug and held Maya in her arms.

"Thank you. This really means a lot to me." Maya exclaimed, not being able to hold back her tears anymore. She let out a sob, causing Aurora to gently rub her back. In no time Maya was crying in Aurora's arms and she didn't' ask Maya anything and just let her cry.

After about 10 something minutes Maya finally let Aurora go. "I'm sorry I just..." She felt a little embarassed on crying like a baby in front of her.

"It's alright." Aurora said, cupping Maya's face with one hand while gently wiping her tears with another. Maya looked at her and it was only then Aurora realised how close her face was to Maya's. She didn't know what came over her but the next moment Aurora found herself moving and then her lips captured Maya's lips for a kiss.

Caught completely off guard, Maya didn't understand what just happened. Her eyes were wide open unlike Aurora's since hers were tightly shut as she moved her lips against Maya's. Aurora had drowned so much with emotions that she didn't realise Maya wasn't moving her lips at all. It was like the realisation of what she had done just dawned on her, and only then she stilled in her movements.

Awkwardly, Aurora detached herself from Maya and her cheeks were red with embarrassment. She looked down at her lap, not being able to look up and face Maya.

Maya cleared her throat awkwardly. She didn't know what to say. "Uh.." She began but no words exactly came out of her mouth. Sighing, she looked at Aurora to find her looking down at her lap, her cheeks red probably with embarrassment.

An unexpected sob came out of Aurora's mouth causing Maya to look at her warily. In order to comfort her, Maya put her hand on her shoulder but Aurora only flinched a little at the touch of her hand.

"Aurora don't cry. It's uh it's alright." Maya knew it was a little awkward but she didn't want Aurora to feel bad about it.

Aurora in turn only shook her head. "N-No, I shouldn't have...I-I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologise Aurora. Really it's fine." Maya tried to assure her.

"You should go now. It's getting late." Aurora said, still not looking at Maya.

Maya knew she was just trying to avoid having awkward conversation with her and that's why making her leave. Well, she would leave because it really was getting late, but would not let Aurora think any differently after what had just happened.


Unable to sleep because of how things had been lately especially after what Maya had witnessed in the afternoon and then what had happened with Aurora, Maya made her way towards the front yard. The night guards were on duty but Maya paid them no attention and simply walked outside in the open fresh air. Once outside, she inhaled deeply, taking in the fresh night air.

The weather had gotten a little chilly lately in Italy which reminded her of the time span she had spent there. It had been 8 months and so much had happened ever since.

Maya hugged herself looking up at the moon, that was shining brightly in the night sky.

"Can't sleep?" Said the last voice Maya had wanted to listen at that time.

Closing her eyes for a brief moment, Maya braced herself. She had to confront him anyways so why not then. With that she turned around to find Massimo standing just a few feet away from her. He had a calm look on his face as if everything was fine, while Maya couldn't help but to think back to the afternoon when she had overheard him with Sabitchna.

Massimo saw the look on her face, how her eyes didn't look at him like she used to. But Massimo kept a blank look on his face. He couldn't let her know that he knew why Maya had a crest fallen look on her face.

Maya didn't care if she was giving out everything to him by the look on her face. She actually wanted him to see that she knew what he had done behind her back. He probably had no idea that she knew.

"Do you love me Massimo?" Neither Massimo nor Maya herself had expected to ask him that.

The sudden question did catch Massimo off guard but he held his composure and simply said, "It's getting late you should -" Before he could complete his sentence Maya interrupted him with a chuckle that sounded anything but funny.

"Running away like always." She then said looking up at him with an accusing glare. "But tonight none of us are going anywhere. Not until you answer my question."

Maya thought since she had already said it, she might as well go with it. She had nothing to lose anyway. So, she asked him again, "Tell me Massimo do you love me?" This time there was a slight shakiness in her voice that didn't go unnoticed by any of them.

Massimo didn't like the vulnerable look on Maya's face. The thought of having a pained look on her face was one thing, but then actually seeing that look on her face was a completely different thing. He wanted to take her in his arms, hug her tightly and tell her....tell her that yes he did love her....a lot!

He came out of his thoughts when she let out yet another humorless chuckle. "After everything you still don't have answer to that question."

"It's either you do or you don't." Maya bit down on her lip, trying to control her emotions. "Just say it Massimo. I-I would understand." No, she wouldn't.

Massimo knew his answer could change everything between them. Two words and it would seal their faith forever.

"I don't." So he said the complete opposite of what his heart wanted to say. "I don't do love. I told you this." The way Maya involuntarily flinched at his words almost made him to take his words back, but then he reminded himself why he was doing it.

Breathing shakily, Maya looked away from him, not being able to look at him any longer. "Then why did you make me believe that I was someone special to you?"

Maya couldn't help but to ask, "why did you lead me on? I knew you said you didn't do love and that's why I was about to give up, but then you...you showed me that you wanted me." She had wanted to add not once but more than that.

Massimo knew she was referring to that day when he had made love to her inside his office room, then at night in his bedroom and then the entire morning the next day.

"I couldn't deny the physical attraction between us anymore." It was a lie, it wasn't just physical attraction but so much more than that.

"And so you slept with me just because you couldn't hold back any longer?" Just saying that out loud made Maya sick to her stomach. "Without caring about my feelings?" Massimo didn't respond anything to that. They say silence is the answer in itself and so Massimo let Maya believe everything she was saying.

"You knew I loved you and yet you played along, just because you couldn't deny the physical attraction anymore?" Maya asked, tears briming at the corner of her eyes. Massimo clenched his fists, trying his hard not to wipe away her tears with his hands. "So it was only my body that you wanted, and my feelings never mattered anything to you?"

"My response is just going to hurt you more Maya." It didn't go unnoticed by any of them how he addressed her by her name and not mio amore. "So it's better you don't ask me anything anymore."

"Was it worth it?" She asked, her jaw clenched, eyes watery. "Making me believe that I was special just so that you could've my body?" Chuckling to herself, Maya looked at him with a heartbroken look. "I was ready to accept that it was only me who fell in love. It would've hurt me but I would've understood."

Maya couldn't believe she really got played by him. He had to be a pro because he had really made Maya believe that she had been special to him, that she had been more than just a body to warm his bed. Stupid of her to believe just because she had been the only girl to ever enter in his room, that also meant she had any chance to enter in his heart as well.

All those times when he had protected her, showed care towards her and fought for her, it all had been just a facade? Well it really had meant nothing to him and his actions had already proved that.

"I curse the day I met you." No, she didn't but she wanted to hurt him with her words just like she was hurting because of him. "I curse the day I fell in love with you."

Massimo knew she didn't mean it but was saying it because she was angry and hurt. And it was for the best because after tonight it would've been better if she only hated him and nothing else. Hate was a strong emotion, it would help her in forgetting about him and moving on in her life.

She would be away from him but at least she would be safe and alive.

The End.

A/N : 👀 Don't hate me guys this is all a part of the story. I won't let Maya and Massimo have a tragic ending. I know you guys are probably done with the amount of back & forth in their relationship 🙄 but trust me it's necessary for the story, for how I've planned to end it. Just wait and watch!

(And lol no it's not THE END, I was just messing with y'all 🙈 oops sorry🤭)

Do tell your thoughts on this chapter or overall book. I would love to know what guys think :)

Apologies for any error or grammatical mistake.

Please Do VOTE!⭐💫

Thank you💕
All the love

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