My Bodyguard [ JENLISA FF ]


458K 9.2K 1.6K

Honey, please forgive me? - Lisa You broke my heart and our promise, how could we still be together? - Jenni... More

ONE - [How I met you]
TWO - [Drunk Nini]
THREE - [We Did It]
SIX - [M]
SEVEN [ Pregnancy ]
EIGHT [ The Our Little ]
NINE [ Being caught by lust ]
TEN - [M]
ELEVEN [ Broke ]
TWELVE [ You ]
THIRTEEN [ To Get You ]
FOURTEEN [ Empty , Hurt ]
FIFTEEN [ Expression]
SEVENTEEN [Long Distance Relationship]
EIGHTEEN [ Leaving ]
NINETEEN [ Missing You ]
TWENTY [ Desire ]
TWENTY-ONE [ Conflict ]
TWENTY-TWO [ Jealousy ]
TWENTY-THREE [ Sweetness ]
TWENTY-FOUR [ Sulking ]
THIRTY - [ Haseaido ]
THIRTY-SIX [ Conflict ]
THIRTY-SEVEN - [The Guest]
FORTY - [40]
FORTY-ONE [GrandMum of Three]
FORTY-THREE - [Angy Kim]
FORTY-FIVE [Mrs. Manoban in the field]
FIFTY- TWO [Holiday]
FIFTY-THREE - [Dessert]
FIFTY-FOUR - [50$ dollar]
FIFTY-SIX - [Divorce?]
FIFTY-NINE - [ My Love?]
SIXTY-TWO [Daddy's Girl]
SIXTY-FOUR - [Office]


4.4K 101 67


It's been a week and Jennie hasn't come to visit me, I was wonder why and how she is right now. I missed that small human, I liked being touched by her, I really could feel like  she is home to me. But unfortunately you are already owned by someone else.

In retrospect, I was a bad person if I wanted to destroy your happiness, Jen. I just wanted to see you always be happy and keep smiling, I'm happy when you are with someone who could makes you happy and loves you perfectly.

And yes, it's true, I can't forcing you to come back to me again, she's already given me so many chances... but I just wasted it, and I deserved to be left like this if her heart isn't what it used to be.

I would be able to back home this evening, I would go back to my apartment for a while. I'm not longer live in the house where my children are. I have to respect them because they are legally married. I will just go there after my body is strong enough to walk with my own, for the time being I am still dependent on the cane recommended by the doctor. I don't know how long I have to live like this alone.

Not long after that someone knocked on the door of my room, it was Diana. The beautiful woman I once loved, not much has changed on her, always has that sweet smile while she speaks softly with me. I gave her a small smile after being greeted by her.

"Hello Lisa, how are you today?", asked Diana with a smile.

"I'm fine. You came alone?"

"Yes, your mother said that you will be discharged today. So I wanted to help you to go home, okay?"

"Thank you."

"Alright. I'll start packing your things now", replied Diana again and tied her hair, not too tidy but she looked beautiful in that style.

"How is your life now?", I asked looking at her who was packing my belongings.

"Everything was good."

"I mean— did you have a husband or a boyfriend now?"

"I just broke up with my boyfriend a few months ago, because I don't want to think about it anymore so I'm thinking of coming to Seoul to start a new life"

"Do you want a Korean boyfriend, like that?", I joked with her.

"Why not if there is a match. What about you?", Diana asked me with a smile.

"I don't know about my life"


"I... don't know", I stared into her eyes softly and smiled to myself.

"You are beautiful. Whoever gets you were be so lucky", I added.

"You are also more charming even though you already have four children. Your children are cute and smart, I'm sure they had be educated well and full of love by the two of you guys"

I just smiled while staring at her.

We were on our way to my apartment, Diana driving for me. Not long after that we arrived and went up to the level of my house.

The house was very messy since it has been abandoned for a long time.

"You sit here, I want to clean the living room and your room first", said Diana.

"Uh, don't. I mean— It's okay, I can fix all this later"

"Don't worry, you just need to sit and rest first", answered Diana again and moved to do her work.

And suddenly my house bell rang, I didn't know who it was I tried to get up and open the door but Diana went faster towards the door and opened it for me.

"Lisa?", called someone who was no stranger to me. It was Jennie's voice coming from the entrance, I smiled widely and tried to stood up when she came towards me.

"Just sit.", Jennie said simply to me. I smiled and just nodded my head.

"What are you doing at Lisa's house?", Jennie asked Diana in a normal tone.

"I just wanted to help her. With the current situation, I don't want her to walk a lot or do heavy things", replied Diana softly and smiled at Jennie.

"Oh well." Jennie looked at me then came closer to me.

"Do you want to eat something? I could cook for you", asked Jennie in a soft tone.

"It's okay. Diana has already ordered a food delivery to come here later because there's nothing to cook at my house"


"Eat with us okay?"

"Ermm may I?", Jennie asked while looking at us.

"Of course you can", I replied with a smile.

Time passed quite quickly, now it was late in afternoon and these two women was still in my house.

To be honest, this situation became quite tense for me because I'm not used to being surrounded by women who have nothing to do with me.

Furthermore, they are both women who have been connected to my past, one is my ex-lover and the other one is my ex-wife. We were watching a random movie, and I was flanked by them from left and right.

I don't understand why they are still here, it's already late in the evening but they still look fine and don't move at all.

"It's getting late, aren't you guys tired of accompanying me?", I asked in a soft tone.

"No", they replied in unison.

I scratched my head, then looked at them.

"Jen... how's your work?"

"Everything good", answered Jennie which made me nodded my head.

"What about you, Diana?"

"I've had several offers for the upcoming shoot, I'm happy to be able to stay here for more longer"

"Are you going to stay here more longer? Don't you live in Thailand and I'm sorry if I'm busybody, but what are you doing here?", Jennie added suddenly.

"I'll start living in Seoul from started now on. It'll be easier for me and Lisa to meet each other, right? I want to take care of her until she's completely gets healed"

"Oh, where is your residential area?", asked Jennie again.

"I just live in one apartment with Lisa, my house is on a higher level than Lisa's, I am grateful that Lisa's mother helped me with this matter", replied Diana again with a smile.

I was surprised and widened after hearing what Diana said.

So she and I would be oftenly seeing each other because our houses are very close to each other. My eyes sneaked a glance at Jennie who was only on my left side. Her face showing looks like she doesn't like it, her eyebrows are raised, that's a sign that she's not in a good mood, maybe.

I am not guilty on this matters. I also don't know why I'm with these two women, at the same time I'm afraid if they do something to me.

"You'd better go home, thank you for helping me clean the house and accompanying me all day"

"It's fine, I could still accompany you until—"

"Go home and rest okay, Diana?", I smiled at her.

"yeah fine"

"And you, Jennie... go home and rest, okay? Please tell my little girl who has such a beautiful face like you that I really really missed her so much, and also our other children, okay?", I looked softly into her eyes.

She smiled sweetly then lowered her head, I laughed a little bit then got up from where I was sitting, followed by them.

"Alright , I would tell them about that. Take care of yourself okay?", added Jennie who raised her head to me because of the height difference between me and her which is quite noticeable.

She's so cute.

"Thank you", and after that Jennie left and only me and Diana remained.

"Take care of yourself, Lisa. Just call me if you need anything, I'll always be here for you", Diana added then kissed my cheek softly. I was so surprised and looked at her with a speechless face.

"Why you..."

"Why? It's not possible? Didn't you like to be kissed by me before?"

"Don't do that, I'm not used with that..."

"Is it okay if I want to sleep here tonight? I want to accompany you", answered Diana with a smile.

"No, I'm fine, just go home."

"Alright", answered Diana again and left my house.


I let out a heavy breath. Did I make a wrong steps? Why did my feelings go back and forth after seeing Diana? I could see that her intentions are good towards me but why must her?

Day after days, it has been 3 months since I left the hospital. My injuries are also improving and recovering by taking a long time, my body is already full of permanent scars. Jane says that I looks like a gangster because I have so many scars and sometimes she's scared to see them all. It's funny because I'm so spoiled with my little kids, for being so fierce with them? I never even want to put my hands on them. I don't want to use violence in educating my children, I don't have anything then them.

I just want them to be happy and cheerful throughout their growing up process. I wanted to witness how they started to turn into adults, I want to see how my sons grow up well and become a heroes for their Mummys.

One day they will all go through the same thing as me, starting with being alone, followed by introduction and marriage. I really wish that them all to be able to find a partner and live happily without any pain. I don't want them to be like me, I have failed so many times in relationships and I just want to see my daughters smile as they walk down to the wedding aisle with me. That's all I wanted for the future.

I drove off to the house where my children was were, my arrival was greeted by Jennie who opened the door for me.

"How are you?", I asked Jennie who smiled at me.

"Everything is fine. How about your leg? Is it getting better?"

"Yes it's getting better", I replied with a smile.

"That's good then"

"You are so beautiful today"


"You are so beautiful today."

This is one of the compliments that Lisa often gives to me. She would never stopped complimenting me even though we're no longer had any relationship. Maybe that's her habit, it also happened when she was still be my husband before, she never got tired of praising me and appreciating my appearance, even if I wasn't in a good state, hadn't showered or was disheveled... she would still looked into my eyes and give words- sweet words to make me smile widely with just a sweet word from her.

I honestly loved it when she keeps compliments me like that, she makes me feels more confident and believe that I have such a beautiful face, besides that all women also like to be complimented by someone they love.

"Is your husband at home?", asked Lisa who gazed softly into my eyes.

"Taehyung is not at home, he is working outside the area and will be home in two days"

She just nodded her head and gave me a very sweet smile.

"Why do you like to bow your head? Am I scaring you?"

"No. I... I don't know either"

"I'm sorry if I often stare at your beautiful eyes. I liked staring at beautiful woman like you, it's good for the brain as Jisoo said," she laughed lightly which made me even more embarrassed and smiled shyly.

We headed into the living room and she sat on a cushion waiting for her children to come down. They will go out with their Daddy to spend more time together.

"Is the scar on your stomach getting better?", I asked her.

"The stitches on my stomach often tear out because I move a lot, I've had to see a doctor three times just because of the same thing", explained Lisa with a resigned tone.

"Can I see?" She just nodded her head then proceeded to take off her shirt and show me her scar which was still red with the new stitches.

"I told you to take good care of yourself, didn't I? Are you too wild untill be like this?", I knelt in front of her to see the stitches of her wound more closely.

"I don't know how to take care of myself"

"Don't you have Diana with you?", I added in a slightly jealous tone without looking at her.

"She's also been busy for these few days. I also missed the food that she always cooks for me — AH AWWW!", she moaned in pain after I deliberately pressed her wound then stood up.

"That hurts, Jen...", Lisa said in a soft tone.

"You can tell Diana to treat your wounds after this"

"Erm? Jen..."

"Daddyyyyy, do I look good today?", asked Jane who had just come down from her room.

"Yes dear you are very beautiful"

"Why aren't you wearing a shirt?", asked Jane in a confused tone.

"Oh, this", Lisa quickly put her shirt back on after being asked by her daughter.

I went straight to the kitchen, I didn't want to see Lisa's face, how could she say another woman's name in front of me? Such a annoying! Is that Thai woman more better than me? I've been cooking for Lisa for almost 10 years, and it can be said that Lisa rarely eats out when she's with me, and now she dares to praise other women besides me? What a croc! As far as I know, I'm more beautiful than her, even though I'm a little short, yes, women are more charming and attracted if they're not too tall, I also have a sexy body, ahhh I don't know!

I babbled by myself while expressing everything I felt. This was the first time she complimented another woman other than me, no wonder even she just complimented Diana's cooking was good or whatever. I don't like it!

After a whole day Lisa took the children out for the hangout , they finally came home at 9pm. I didn't want to look at Lisa's face, but I had to pick up Chiquita who was in the baby carrier that Lisa brought. By necessity I have to face her either.

"Have you eaten?", asked Lisa.


"Ermm?", Lisa frowned when she saw me hastily unwrapping the Baby carrier from her and taking Canny immediately.

"You all go take a shower and you can go now"

"Eh but I already promised them to spend the night here, they wanted to sleep with me", replied Lisa quickly.

"But you didn't ask me for permission", I glared at her.

"Ermmm okay fine. Jennie, may I spend the night here tonight for my kids?"



"Mummy... I want to sleep with Daddy tonight", added Jane who suddenly came from nowhere.

"What if Mummy doesn't allow it?", I asked my eldest daughter.

"Then... I'll be the only one going home with Daddy", replied Jane spontaneously.

"Yes, good, you go home with your Daddy and meet the woman that your Daddy likes so much. Don't you dare to come back here again", I added and went straightly into the house.

"Why with your mummy?", asked Lisa to her daughter in a confused tone.

"I don't know either, Daddy. You're just staying here for the night, okay? I don't want Mummy to be more angrier if she finds out that I'm leaving the house"


Author's note; How was is it? 😜

What's coming up for the next chapter? Lisa is a single- daddehh right now, should we makes this hottie getting married either? 🤭 Hot Daddyyyy is looking for a new candidates, drop your resume below! ⬇️ 🤣

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