♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️...

By miss_cherry001

327K 8.9K 2.1K

MASSIMO ALEJANDRO ROMANO, a well-known name in the mafia world. He is an Italian mafiosa capo (mafia boss) an... More

*Author's Note*
1. *My Past*
2. *Girl In The Rain*
3. *An Evil Plan*
4. *Hot Stuff*
5. *Where Am I?*
6. *Unfamiliar Feeling*
7. *Commotion*
8. *Brotherly Love*
9. *Dinning Room*
10. *She's Mine*
11. *Going Out*
12. *Lost My Senses*
13. *Panic Attack*
14. *Ex-Mafiosa Capo*
15. *About The Plan*
16. *Girlfriend?!*
17. *She's Your Date?!*
18. *First Kiss!*
19. *His Birthday Party* Part 1
20. *His Birthday Party* Part 2
21. *Someone's Jealous!*
22. *Mysterious Envelope*
23. *Getting Hot In Here*
24. *Pool Party!*
25. *Two Can Play This Game*
26. *Unknown Person*
27. *Falling For Her?*
28. *She Looks Like Me?*
29. *American Mafiosa Capo*
30. *Night Club*
31. *Taste Of Her Essence*🔞⚠️
32. *Love....Pathetic?*
33. *I'll Bring Her Back!*
34. *Stranger Danger!*
35. *Traitor*
36. *Idiots As Friends*
37. *Rescuing Maya*
38. *Back To Italy*
39. *Different Massimo*
40. *Whipped?*
41. *Absolutely Whipped!*
42. *Massimo, A Gentleman?*
43. *Flashback*
44. *Business Dinner*
45. *Strong & Deep*
46. *Care*
47. *Fallen In Love With...*🔞⚠️
48. *The Room*
49. *Countryside*
50. *It's Not What You Think*
51. *An Exception*
52. *The Truth*
53. *Upset them both!*
54. *Surprise Visit*
55. *Something's cooking...*
56. *Accident*
57. *Hospital*
58. *An Almost Confession?*
59. *Found Her*
60. *Come back*
61. *The Call*
62. *The Deal*
63. *The Talk*
64. *Back Home*
65. *Heart - A Traitor*
67. *Guests*
68. *Weird...*
69. *Missed Her...*
70. *Everything*
71. *I Want You*
72. *Confession*
73. *Reality*
74. *Right Thing*
75. *For The Best...*
76. *Other Daughter*
77. *Enzo's Plan*
78. *Plan In Action*
79. *Selfless*
80. *Behind Closed Door...*🔞⚠️
81. *Again...*🔞⚠️
82. *For The First Time*🔞⚠️
83. *It's You...*
84. *Wedding* Part 1
85. *Wedding* Part 2
86. *Fake Kidnapping*
87. *Explanation*
88. *Revelation*
89. *The End*
90. *The News*
91. *Lifelines*
92. *She Is Fine*
93. *Baby Daddy*
94. *To Right My Wrongs*
95. *I'm Here For You*
96. *Her Choice*
97. *Not Gonna Give Up*
98. *Deja Vu*
99. *Time For Some More Deja Vu*
100. *Asking for Forgiveness*
101. *Best Sleep*
102. *Mama's Wish*
103. *Man In Love*
104. *Dying For Her*
105. *My Life*

66. *Girl Time*

1.2K 42 5
By miss_cherry001

Third person's P.O.V

As he had said over the call, Roberto De Luca arrived at Massimo's mansion in exactly 2 days with her daughter Aurora De Luca and her personal bodyguard Leonardo D’angelo aka Leo.

Massimo wasn't exactly expecting him. He sure knew that he'd come but he didn't think that De Luca would actually arrive in exactly two days. So when his men informed him that De Luca was here with his daughter and bodyguard it took him off guard. Also, he didn't know as to what he'd discuss with him exactly. He couldn't just directly tell him that he didn't give a damn about the deal he had made with his father years ago. Although he just wanted to get this over with, he had to maintain a decorum since he was the capo of the biggest Mafia.

"Escort them towards the living room. I'll be there in a minute." Massimo instructed his man as he slightly leaned back in his chair. He was currently in his office room, just got over a call with one of his men, who had given him the news that made his mood slightly better. He smirked thinking to himself. He could just imagine Dino getting all mad after finding about his club's fiasco, and after what he just talked over phone, Dino would go even more mad once he found out that all the girls from his club had escaped, with Massimo's help of course.

He sighed as he could hear voices coming from his living room which meant that they must have reached inside. Standing up, he pulled his rolled sleeves up. He wasn't wearing any blazer just his pants and shirt, his usual attire. Cursing his father one last time he walked out of his office room and headed towards the living room.

"I think you two should go to your room and rest now. I'm fine." Maya has been spending more girl time with her friends ever since they reunited. No one disturbed them or said anything because it was understandable, especially after what had happened Maya needed her friends by her side.

"Can't we three just cuddle together here and sleep?" Asked Bianca as she sprawled on the bed forcing Amanda to almost get down from the bed.

"No can do." Amanda playfully hit Bi. "Maya needs her space so that she can sleep comfortably and rest." Bianca made a pout at that. Maya was about to interfere saying that it was fine, but then she thought that it would be nice for them to sleep in their room so that they could get some rest as well.

It had been 2 days now and both Bianca and Amanda were still there, since Maya wasn't in a position to travel (not that Massimo would let her go but anyways) they decided to stay behind. Mason left right after because being a doctor he had prior commitments towards his work.

"Fine." Bianca said as she got up from the bed. Amanda followed her. "Alright, let's part our ways for now. We shall rest, regain some energy and then meet right here again." Maya chuckled at Bianca's choice of words. It was as if they were discussing some meeting point after fighting in a war or something.

"See you in the evening." Amanda waved as her and Bianca both exited from the room.

Maya was getting better day by day. She had been recovering well. She didn't feel that weak and lethargic anymore like how she used to feel in the beginning. Martha and Gabrielle had been providing her all her nutritious meals on time. Enzo and Hana would also come by and spend time with her. The other day Mr. Lee, Hana's father had also come to see her. It was her first time meeting him. Although she liked Hana but she wasn't sure as to how to act with him, so she just politely shared few pleasantries with him here and there. And lastly him, Maya hadn't heard from him ever since he had put her inside her room the first day she had got back home.

Maya wasn't surprised since that was his pattern and she had cracked it by now. One moment he'd show care and act as if she meant so much to him, and then the next he'd become distant as if she wasn't even there. Although she knew it was what he would always do, but still it didn't hurt her less.

"Hi tesoro." Maya looked towards the door to find Enzo now entering inside her room. "Hi." She replied with a small smile.

"What's wrong?" He asked obviously noticing the slight change in her mood.

Maya simply leaned back against the bedpost as she put a pillow on her lap. Enzo also sat down in front of her. "Nothings wrong." She replied.

"Really?" He again asked to which she simply nodded. "Come on tell me tesoro." He said to which she heavily sighed and looked at him before saying, "Is Massimo alright?"

That made Enzo to frown. "Um...ya he's fine. I mean apart from the slight headache because of concussion he's absolutely fine." He answered. "Hmhmm." She hummed before saying, "Then why did he not come to see me?" Maya didn't want to sound as if him not coming to see her affected her (though it did) however she couldn't help but to ask why he didn't come.

Enzo looked at her with realization. She was affected by Massimo not checking up on her. Although she was mistaken because Massimo did check up on her. Ya he didn't do it by coming himself, but through Enzo, Hana and old twins he had all the information about how Maya was doing, if she was fine or not, if she had her lunch or not, so on and so forth.

Now, the question was why didn't he come by himself. Well, he was busy with taking his revenge on Dino, and also about the damn deal with Roberto De Luca.

"He um Massimo just has been busy these days." Enzo replied carefully since he didn't want Maya to think that he was ignoring her. "But that doesn't mean he's not keeping tabs on you." He elaborated. "He does check up on you but through us."

Maya in return just rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Ya right."

Enzo chuckled as he shook his head slightly, "You two seriously need to talk this out." That made Maya to look at him with furrowed eyebrows. "Talk what out?" She asked before looking away, "There's nothing to talk, and besides to talk he needs to be here in the first place but anyways." She shrugged nonchalantly.

Before Enzo could speak further his phone rang. He looked at his phone and smirked to see Massimo's name as caller id. "What you smirking at?" Maya asked to which he said nothing, instead accepted the call and put it on speaker, while Maya just looked at him cluelessly.

"Where are you?" Maya's eyes slightly widened as she heard this familiar voice coming through Enzo's phone.

"I'm inside the mansion where else." He simply answered while looking at Maya.

"Cazzo idiota what I mean is where inside the mansion?" Maya's heart skipped a beat as she heard him probably cursing in Italian and not to forget how thick his voice sounded coming through phone. It was making her feel something.

"Oh that I'm actually with Maya right now." As he said that there was a brief pause before Massimo asked, "How is she doing?" This made Maya to look at the phone then towards Enzo. "She's fine. Just about to sleep."

"Has she eaten anything?" Maya bit down on her lip as she heard him saying that. "Yes she did."

"Alright then get out of her room and let her rest." He almost barked at him through phone. "Make sure she sleeps comfortably and then I want you to meet me downstairs." And with that he disconnected the call.

"You were saying?" Enzo said as he gave Maya a knowing smirk. She just rolled her eyes at him, trying not to look affected again, but this time because of how Massimo asked about her over the call.

After calling Enzo, Massimo reached living room where he saw the man himself. He was sitting arrogantly while his eyes were wandering everywhere. Beside him sat his one and only daughter Aurora De Luca, and by her side a man in black sute, fully armed was also standing.

Aurora De Luca was a very beautiful young woman. She had those Italian beauty features, the jawline and collarbone with no extra fat anywhere. Her body was toned and was just like a live sized doll. Being only 24 she sure looked way more mature because of how she carried herself. Maybe if Massimo's eyes weren't already set on someone else he would have found Aurora attractive, but to him she was just Roberto De Luca's daughter.

Finally, when Massimo made his presence visible only then Roberto De Luca moved his eyes on him. His daughter's eyes shone brightly as she saw the man, her soon to be husband, walking with long confident strides towards them. She hadn't seen him in real, only heard about him, about how strong he was, about how handsome he was, but it was all words compared to how dashing he was in real, she thought in mind.

"Massimo." De Luca stood up to greet him as he neared them. With a hard look on his face Massimo shook his hand and gave him a slight nod. "Benarrivato"

"Meet my daughter Aurora De Luca." Roberto then introduced her daughter to which she immediately stood up but with grace. Although Massimo didn't want to, but he unwillingly took her hand in his and shook it.

"It's so nice to finally meet you." She said sweetly, oblivious of the fact that her voice sounded anything but sweet to him.

Massimo didn't say anything and just stepped back. His eyes than landed on the man, who was probably their bodyguard. "And this is Aurora's bodyguard Leonardo aka Leo." Roberto explained. "Don't mind me but I don't trust anyone but him to ensure my daughter's safety."

"But I've enough security here. It's not required." Massimo stated.

"I know but I also overheard about how russian mafia managed to get past your security." At that Massimo's jaw clenched. "I don't know the details as to what exactly happened, but I'm not risking my daughter's safety."

"If you're so worried about your daughter's safety why are you here in the first place." Massimo said in his hard voice. "For all I know if you're so worried you should simply just terminate the deal then."

Roberto De Luca didn't say anything instead he just chuckled. "I knew you'd say something along these lines." Massimo simply looked at him if not glared. "Things like these happen in our world, it's no big deal Figlio."

"This man is only here for the time being until the deal is completely fulfilled." De Luca said. "After that my daughter's safety will automatically become your priority I know, then I wouldn't have to worry any longer."

Massimo fisted his palm as he tried not to lose his cool and tell the old man to shut the fuck up. If only his father had terminated the deal, he wouldn't have to entertain De Luca and his bullshit right now.

"And he kept on coming to me, but I knew that something was wrong with the dude." Bianca was telling Maya about a guy who had been following her back in America. "He was a drug addict." Currently they all were in Maya's room including Hana as well.

"What happened then?" Asked Hana curiously. "At first I told him clearly that I'm not interested." Bianca explained. "But as I said he kept on coming, so at the end I filed a complaint against him."

"That must be very scary." Hana exclaimed to which Maya nodded as she agreed with her.

"Ya it was but thankfully after that he didn't show up again." Bianca said as she then looked at Maya. "But mine was still just a stalker, while you got kidnapped and then almost lost your life." Her eyes were filled with worry. "I can't even imagine what you must've gone through." Both Bianca and Amanda looked at Maya with worried expressions.

"I won't lie it was very terrifying." Maya exclaimed. "I don't even want to think back to that day."

"But you don't have to worry anymore." Hana said. "Oppa won't let anymore harm come to you." As she said that Maya looked at her to which Hana gave her a genuine smile.

"Well...that is an interesting topic." It was Bianca, who was now all of a sudden smirking. Maya wanted to groan because she knew what was coming.

"Ya well if you find it interesting you can discuss it back in your room." Maya tried not to let Bianca say anything more about the said interesting topic.

"Why?" It was Amanda this time. "Afraid that we might find out something we shouldn't." Hana chuckled at this and they all gave each other knowing looks while Maya just blushed.

"Look she's blushing again." Bianca teased her. "And then she expect us not to think that something is going on between these two."

"Stop you guys. Stop teasing me alright." Maya said as she pouted at them.

"Ya stop teasing her." Hana said on her behalf. "We should be happy that at least one of us is having some fun in life." All of them chuckled and Maya only blushed more. "Well not only Maya but Amanda as well." Bianca said as she knowingly wiggled her eyebrows at Amanda.

"Oh ya right you've a boyfriend." Hana then said. "That doctor guy, um what's his name...ya Mason." And with that they all then started teasing Amanda, of which Maya was very thankful about. Finally the attention shifted from her.

They all spent some more girl time together. In no time Bianca & Amanda became good friends with Hana as well. For the first time Hana found out what it was like to have genuine friends and she was feeling very happy since she didn't have any girl friends and here she got three girl friends.

A/N: Hello everyone! A very happy new year! 😊🎉 I hope this new year brings all the joy and happiness to each of your life.

And about today's chapter - Well, Roberto De Luca and his daughter has finally made an appearance. I haven't given any particular face to them so that you can imagine them as whoever you want.

Things about to get more dramatic in upcoming chapters! 😁 So stay tuned! And pray that I won't get writer's block anymore so that I can update on time🙄

Do comment & tell me about your thoughts!


Apologise for any grammatical errors or mistakes, if any.

Thank you,💕
All the love

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