Beautiful things - jaylor sto...

By caffeine_and_writing

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**book four in the peace series** The kids are growing up and for joe and Taylor that's bittersweet. As Elli... More

the kids are getting older
something is wrong
i hate you
a new ward
its hard
pictures and new rules
home and therapy
Coping mechanisms
the birds and bees
family therapy
going back to school
Cornelia Street
spending time with the kids and adult activities
it's not goodbye, it's see you later
FaceTime call
the day that keeps getting worse
telling Joe and acute appointment
the wrist
What she doesn't know can't hurt her
I'm highly suspicious that everyone else wants you
the altar is my hips
spending some Time with the family.
dream come true
joe is home
interviews and womanly problems
welcome to New York
all around the world
long live
bora bora
old wounds still hurt
telling the younger kids
Reveling something hard
not just the idea of something
girl talk with friends
beeping machines
medical directive
tell me the truth
please wake up
came back to me
seeing Joe
sparks fly
ellie is smitten
statement and giddy feelings
today was a fairytale
going to his house and important conversation
the family is together again
I love you
panic attacks and family coming over
the youngest is growing up too
intimate feelings
New Years eve
the courtroom and another step
one thing after the other
the coach
a group of hormonal teenagers
sex talk and the prosecution's office
the box of condoms
exploring bodies and therapy
the gynecologist
CVS footage
bad partnering
therapy and mortifying little sisters
walking in and balloons
principals office and sister talk
valentines morning
valentines evening
dress shopping and she might be sick
how sick is she?
the diagnosis
the results and picking a fight
making up, visiting and chemo
friend in need and bottling up feelings
bad communication
pictures and party gone wrong
the day after
screaming, crying, perfect storm
hold your hand through plastic now
out of the bubble
meeting a fan, date and intimate decissions
Stupid decisions have consequences
couples therapy
sexual assault trial
prayers don't stop bullet holes
lean on me
back to therapy
Wondered where the best hiding spot would be
she gets to go home
unexpected conversations, panic attacks and one direction
you can want who you want
meeting patients
its time to talk
a few hours at school and silly videos
end of the school year
song with edited lyrics
chemo and giving a statement
second chances
last chemo
the festival
first day of conditioning chemo
intimate problems
soon you'll get better
the lake
welcome home again
preparation for radiation therapy
radiation and new adventures
nerve transplant
more news
marry me.... again
new school year
there are always beautiful things
A/N new book

romeo and juliet

531 22 26
By caffeine_and_writing

A/n just wanted to say that there Are 30 chapters left of «beautiful things». I finished it a few days ago and it was so emotional.

I am going to be writing the new oneshot book for this series But that wont be updated everyday. But if anyone have any requests for things you want me to write about regarding this family let me know. It can be something i didnt cover in one of the books, something that happens inbetween or after.

Im Also considering writing an ellie spin-off for when she goes to college But i wanted to hear what you all think about that.

** sunday april 20th 2036**

-taylors pov-

I'm getting kenzie ready to leave the hospital for her week off treatment while joe is downstairs with Ellie. It's been really hard taking care of all of the girls these last couple of days because two of them are in the hospital while the last one is at home. But Ellie has insisted on being alone at night so one of us could be home with aurora, which we appreciate. We have a security we trust stay with her though, so she isn't alone without people that know hr.

I finish putting Kenzie's medical stuff together and we head downstairs to see Ellie. Kenzie hasn't seen her yet because of her port being accessed and they didn't want to get it infected, but now she doesn't have a needle in her chest and can see her sister.

"Ellie! Alex!" she beams when we enter the room. Ellie is sitting with Alex in her bed, and I smile at them. They spend all of their days together expect from the time they have physical therapy. Since they are so insistent on being together, it helps calm both of them because they get panic attacks, his parents and us decided to ask for a shared room. The ward was more than happy to provide that because they could always use a free single room. Which have meant that they have one another at night too. But they have gotten strict instructions that they need to sleep in their own beds, so they don't accidentally touch each other's wounds.

We were hesitant to let them, but because of what they went through we are giving them slack.

-ellies pov-

Kenzie climbs into bed with us but sit at the end of the bed because I'm sitting next to Alex. We spend all our time in the same bed except for when we have physical therapy or sleep. It's the only thing that keeps me from having panic attacks right now, the flashback to the shooting is really bad. He has similar flashbacks too, so we get where the other is coming from.

"How are you doing. Can I see the bullet?" kenzie asks and I bite my lip "I don't have it. They don't allow you to keep that silly" I tell her and try to not have another breakdown. I know she doesn't mean anything bad with it, but it stings.

I can't stop the tears from coming and burrow my head in Alex's neck "what's wrong" kenzie whimpers and my mom comes over to rub my back. "I think it's hard for her to talk about it kenzie. How about we talk about something else" my mom suggests and kenzie reluctantly agrees. She obviously doesn't get what this is like, so I don't blame her.

"You have a room together. Do you cuddle all the time now. I bet you kiss a lot. And he can snuggle you. And I know you love it when he tickles your back under your shirt" kenzie changes the subject and I giggle. We spend all day cuddling so she is right about that, it makes both of us feel better. And I do love it when he runs circles on my bare back.

"When are you coming home Ellie. I want cuddles too. Loads of them. It's not fair that your boyfriend gets all the cuddles and not me. I'm your sister I'm more important, sorry Alex, I like you loads, but I'm her best friend" she states "in a few days" I tell her as I laugh. I want to go home, but the part I'm not looking forward to is being away from Alex. We both need to recover, but it's going to be hard not being together.

"Alex why do you love my sister?" she asks Alex and I grin at him "well she is kind, has a good sense of humor, she is enchanting, she is safe, she makes me happy. No one is perfect, but your sister comes as close as possible. I love everything about her" he says, and I kiss his cheek.

"Are you going to stay together forever and ever. I hope so" kenzie says and giggle. I want to stay with him forever, I never want this to end.

I lean up and wrap my arm around his neck "i love you" I gushes and kenzie giggles and my mom chuckle too "i love you too baby" he says and kiss my cheek. I wish he had two free arms so he could cuddle me closer, but we are making it work. "You can't just kiss her cheek Alex. You need to kiss her lips. That's important" kenzie groans.

I pull away a bit and wiggle my eyebrows before he leans down and kiss me softly for a few seconds. "that's much better" kenzie says and I agree, I love kissing him. I could kiss him all the time without getting tired of it.

"i'm going to find Romeo one day that's going to call me baby and kiss me loads too. But I'm not going to have sex like you Ellie, because that's nasty" she says and scrunch her nose while Alex and I turn crimson.

"How is the chemo going kenzie?" Alex asks her and she thinks for a second "i'm home for a week now. Which is nice because I don't need to have a needle in my chest. But I have the fancy backpack that gives me food while I do other things, I think that's cool. It goes up my nose and into my belly. It doesn't even hurt; I can sleep and eat at the same time" she is adjusting to the feeding tube well thankfully. Because of the chemo she is usually too tired to eat enough, and doesn't have an appetite at all, so to make sure she gets enough they put in an NG tube.

My mom and sister leaves with my dad too, so now we are alone for a few hours. I look up at him "I don't want us to go home because that means we can't spend as much time together" I say, and he kisses me softly. "I know. I want to always snuggle you too. But we will bug our parents until they let us see eachother so it will be fun. As soon as we can take care of ourselves again with the wounds and all that we will bug them until we can have lots of sleepovers"

I lean up and our lips meet again which turns into a make out session. He slips his tongue into my mouth, and I tangle my fingers into his hair. "mm I love you. It's you and me forever Alex" I say and continue kissing him. "i'm never letting you go baby"

Even in the hospital with hard memories in both of our heads, being together helps. I've had a few dissociate episodes but he holds me when I get back to myself and I get lots of cuddles. He really loves me, and it's so nice to feel loved.

"hi Alex, I'm here to take off the sling because they want you to move your shoulder. You will need to wear it while you sleep to make sure that you're not overdoing it, but otherwise they want you to work on the movement, so you don't have long term damage. I'm also here to change both of your bandages" our favorite nurse says as she comes into the room. "But sorry lovebirds, I need you in separate beds while I do this" she says, and we all laugh.

Whenever they come inn chances are they find us in one bed, most of the time its mine because my injury is on my leg.

She takes of his sling and then cut off his bandage to clean around the stitches. He had to have surgery too, so he has several stitches. "it's looking good, no infection and it seems like the edges of the wound are healing together which is a good sign. You will still have the stitches for a while, they need to stay in for two weeks, but its looking good" she says as she is cleaning it and bandage it back up.

"Now, even though his arm is free I don't want you to lift anything heavy or have your arm under her. You can cuddle with your arm over her, but we don't want it under because of the pressure, got it Romeo" she says. We love this nurse she is so fun with us and constantly tease our little romance.

"now Juliet, let's take a look at your leg and get some new bandages on it. I heard your mom is coming later to help you get a shower. Just let us know and one nurse is going to come help you and show your mom how to wrap it, so it doesn't get wet. That goes for you too Romeo" she says as she is cutting off my bandage.

There is a sign outside our door where it says our names, but this nurse has taken another tag and written Romeo and Juliet in glittery marker and hung it under it which everyone thinks it funny. "You know after this everyone we know are going to start calling us that too" I say and laugh alongside her.

I'm on another milder pain medication now so this hurts a bit, but Alex holds my hand from his bed. "how you two manage to be in the hospital and have the same room is funny to the nursing staff. This isn't normal, but I guess that's the luxury of your situation Juliet" she says as she is using some sort of antiseptic on my incision site.

"Jupp. My parents career comes in handy every once in a while. Especially so I can snuggle with my boyfriend" I grin at her. Most of the time I find my parents jobs anoying because of the lack of privacy it causes me. I will never forget the CVS footage situation from us buying condoms, that will haunt me for the rest of my life.

"What does your parents say about it?" she asks as she is applying the dressing again. "well, we just got attacked, so they can't really say much. We want to be together, so they are letting us. So when you're done with my foot we are cuddling again, need to take advantage of every second" I say and laugh.

She leaves again and Alex climbs into bed with me again but this time he gets his newly free arm around my waist "much better. Now I can cuddle you even more baby" he says and shower my face in kisses.

My mom comes back into the room, after taking kenzie home, and chuckle when she sees us "didn't you just have a dressing change? And now you're back in bed together" she laughs and brings over some new clothes for me. Now I'm allowed in regular tops and shorts, so they still have access to my leg to change the dressing. "Ready for a shower?" she asks, and I nod.

I turn to Alex and kiss him "ugh you can't come sadly" I giggle, and my mom turns red "Elliana, your mother is in the room" she says and shake her head. I roll my eyes "as if you didn't know mom" I mumble.

A nurse comes in and help apply a waterproof thing over my leg, so the site doesn't get wet. They just unwrap the top layer and then leave the parts under intact and wrap the waterproof things around it.

My mom and the nurse follow me into the bathroom and help me undress. My mom has done this with me before, when I feel unsafe and can't be alone in the bathroom, so she has seen me naked, but I don't like that there is a nurse in here with us. Thankfully it's my favorite nurse though.

"I hate this" I mumble "you like showering Ellie" she says cheekily, and I roll my eyes and take off my gown and my underwear before sitting on the shower chair thing and they give me a washcloth to cover my crotch, so I at least get some privacy.

"ellie... there is a hickey on your boob" my mom says and my face goes crimson red. "lets not talk about that. you don't want to know mom" i say and the nurse is trying not to laugh. we had fun the day before the shooting and i ended up with a hickey near my nipple on my left boob.

"well, I would rather not know where your boyfriend is putting his mouth ellie" my mom says, and she is bright red too. This is mortifying, I wish that I could do this alone. 

"i would rather shower alone, this is just mortifying... or with him... maybe i would get another hickey if he was here" I say and mumble the last part and my mom turns crimson red. "Elliana you're in an interesting mood today" she tells me and helps me wash my hair.

"i will be a much happier girl when I can go back to cuddling. No offence mom I love you but being showered by your mom and a nurse when you're 15 and a half isn't exactly comfortable" I tell her, and we finish washing my body. I think I'm about to get my period so I'm extra hormonal right now, so I say weird things.

They help me into new underwear, shorts and a singlet before helping me back into bed. Alex is still in my bed waiting for me, so I sink into his arms while the nurse wraps my leg again.

"are you two going to be okay? I need to go back to your sisters. but your dad is comming soon" my mom says and kiss my forehead. "Yes, I'm perfectly okay" I say and nuzzle my head into his chest.

Both my mom and the nurse leaves so I lean up to kiss him again "you know... it would be much better if you were in there with me. It's way more romantic when we are in the shower together. Now I had to sit on a chair and let them wash my hair which isn't fun. Thank God they gave me a washcloth to cover my.... girl parts" I say, and he rises his hand up the back of my shirt to caress the bare skin on my back and I giggle. "I happen to love your girl parts" he mumbles, and I blush.

I lean my head up and kiss right under his ear "well I love your boy parts"

He laughs and kiss my forehead "we need to stop Ellie because you're about to wake it up and then I will have a woody in a hospital and that's not a good thing" he says.

"by the way. my mom saw the hickey on my boob, and i'm mortified" i say and we both laugh.

My dad and Viviane come into the room where we are laughing and by the look on their face, I know that this is bad. "Hi what's going on" I say and bite my lip. "They know who the shooter is...

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