Beautiful things - jaylor sto...

By caffeine_and_writing

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**book four in the peace series** The kids are growing up and for joe and Taylor that's bittersweet. As Elli... More

the kids are getting older
something is wrong
i hate you
a new ward
its hard
pictures and new rules
home and therapy
Coping mechanisms
the birds and bees
family therapy
going back to school
Cornelia Street
spending time with the kids and adult activities
it's not goodbye, it's see you later
FaceTime call
the day that keeps getting worse
telling Joe and acute appointment
the wrist
What she doesn't know can't hurt her
I'm highly suspicious that everyone else wants you
the altar is my hips
spending some Time with the family.
dream come true
joe is home
interviews and womanly problems
welcome to New York
all around the world
long live
bora bora
old wounds still hurt
telling the younger kids
Reveling something hard
not just the idea of something
girl talk with friends
beeping machines
medical directive
tell me the truth
please wake up
came back to me
seeing Joe
sparks fly
ellie is smitten
statement and giddy feelings
today was a fairytale
going to his house and important conversation
the family is together again
I love you
panic attacks and family coming over
the youngest is growing up too
intimate feelings
New Years eve
the courtroom and another step
one thing after the other
the coach
a group of hormonal teenagers
sex talk and the prosecution's office
the box of condoms
exploring bodies and therapy
the gynecologist
CVS footage
bad partnering
therapy and mortifying little sisters
walking in and balloons
principals office and sister talk
valentines morning
valentines evening
dress shopping and she might be sick
how sick is she?
the diagnosis
the results and picking a fight
making up, visiting and chemo
friend in need and bottling up feelings
bad communication
pictures and party gone wrong
the day after
screaming, crying, perfect storm
hold your hand through plastic now
out of the bubble
meeting a fan, date and intimate decissions
Stupid decisions have consequences
couples therapy
sexual assault trial
prayers don't stop bullet holes
romeo and juliet
lean on me
back to therapy
Wondered where the best hiding spot would be
she gets to go home
unexpected conversations, panic attacks and one direction
you can want who you want
meeting patients
its time to talk
a few hours at school and silly videos
end of the school year
song with edited lyrics
chemo and giving a statement
second chances
last chemo
the festival
first day of conditioning chemo
intimate problems
soon you'll get better
the lake
welcome home again
preparation for radiation therapy
radiation and new adventures
nerve transplant
more news
marry me.... again
new school year
there are always beautiful things
A/N new book


613 17 19
By caffeine_and_writing

-taylors Pov-

We are on the way home from therapy when Ellie asks awkwardly if she can ask me a question "of course. You can ask me anything" I tell her.

"I get really bad period cramps. Its only gotten worse with time. And it's so freaking embarrassing that I haven't wanted to tell anyone. But is there anything we can do about it?" she asks me really quietly and keep looking out of the window.

"no need to be embarrassed to talk about your period Ellie. Chances are whatever question you have I've had it too. And I can call your doctor right now and see if they might have a quick appointment because there are some things you can take to feel better" I tell her and pull into the side.


Sure enough at 2:30pm we are sitting in the doctor's office and the doctor comes in. Thankfully they could get us in today, so I just kept her at home all day instead of going back to school for just a few hours.

"what can I do for you today, Elliana?" Dr carol, our pediatrician asks her, and she shifts uncomfortably in her seat. "I get really bad period cramps and they are only getting worse"

"Okay, I will just do an exam and draw some blood" she says and type things on her computer. "I need to ask you some intimate questions. Do you want your mom to stay here, or should she leave the room?" the doctor asks, and Ellie looks hesitantly up at me.

"that's up to you sweetie" I tell her with a gentle smile, and she says that I can stay. I know what questions she is about to ask Ellie already.

"Have you had sexual intercourse? I need to ask because if you have, we will do an internal ultrasound but if you haven't, we will do it over your stomach" she asks Ellie. "I haven't. I'm a virgin" she says quietly. I kind of already knew she was, but you never know for sure with teenagers. I hope she waits for years because it's a big step to take.

She goes on and ask more questions about her period before she does the exam which goes well.

"I will call you when I get the results of her blood tests. But by the looks of it I think that starting a contraceptive will most likely help ease her pain. So if the blood tests don't show something else, I will prescribe it and you can pick it up from the pharmacy"

We get in the car "mom can you like not tell dad about this" she mutters but I can hear her. "We can keep it between us if that's what makes you the most comfortable. But your dad won't mind, he will understand it"

I know that joe would understand it, he is a pretty understanding guy, but I get that there are things she just doesn't want her dad to know. As hard as it is for me to keep things from joe, I will keep my mouth shut.


After dance and gymnastics, we are all at home eating dinner together. "Mom do you know what covid is?" kenzie asks as she eats.

"yes, it's a pandemic that we had about 12 years ago" I tell her. Honestly that has slipped my mind over the years, it was a hard time in the world, but we got so used to it at some point. It's still a sickness that comes around, but we have it much more under control now and it's not a big deal.

"Many many people died mom, and then they ran out of hospital beds. Did you see it?" she continues to ask questions. "We did, it started right around the time I got pregnant with Ellie. I remember it well"

"Did you get sick?" Ellie asks and I sigh "yes, we did, and it wasn't fun. You got sick too"

** flashback spring 2022**

Ellie has a terrible cough and I'm getting worried about her, not to mention that I'm starting to get lightheaded and feeling sick as well, joe too. I have a feeling that its covid, it's still a big problem in the world so my mom dropped off some rapid tests for us to know for sure.

"She is going to hate us" joe says and carry Ellie over to the kitchen where I've laid the tests out before I go into a coughing fit. "Yeah, but she Is 1 and a half and hopefully won't remember it" I mumble.

First I get my test ready and slide it up my nose and twirl it around. It's really uncomfortable but I've taken these several times. Then I go the thing where you mix it with a type of liquid before you can drop it on the test strip.

Joe does himself next before we get ready to do Ellie. "I hate this. She is so little" I say and sit down on a chair with her in my arms while joe gets the swab ready. She isn't understanding what's happening, so she just cuddles in my chest, and I kiss the top of her head.

Then I have to hold her head still as joe slide it into her nose which causes her to scream bloody murder. "it's okay munchkin, almost done" I coo her as she tries to fight it, but we know it needs to be done. Thankfully it doesn't take long, and joe takes it out again and go to mix it and put it on the test strip.

Ellie is crying hard, and I cuddle her in my chest "i'm sorry, we just need to know if you are sick or not" I say and rock us from side to side. "Mommy" she whimpers.

We set an alarm and wait for the results. It seems like it takes forever but it really only takes a few minutes.

Joe goes to look at all three "well, we all have covid" he says, and I sigh, I knew that we would get it at some point probably and now it's our turn.

** end of flashback **

"Have I had covid?" aurora mumbles "no you didn't"

"well, that's unfair. I want I too if Ellie got it" she says and cross her arms, She is so stubborn.

"it's not unfair. It's a scary illness that can make you really sick" joe says firmly. We don't want this to end in a big blowout between the girls.

Thankfully they calm down and we finish the dinner in a good mood. That's what's hardest about having three girls, they bicker a lot. Especially because they are just as stubborn as I have always been and then they are so different personality wise. Kenzie is a goofball that has no filter or care in the world. Aurora has a temper that can blow at any second and she has always had that. We have been worried about it but aperently it's a potential side effect of being that premature, behavior problems. Ellie is a really sensitive girl and even more after everything she has been through. Not to mention both aurora and Ellie is hormonal.

Kenzie runs off and aurora has questions. "We had sex ed today, and it was so embarrassing. I wanted to run away from the room" she says and scrunch her nose and joe leans over to me and whisper in my ear "haven't you had the sex talk with her"

I roll my eyes "no not yet. But this time it's your turn. Go ahead and talk to her" I tell him quietly.

Ellie has clearly picked up on it "mom can you come with me I wanted to show you something" she says, and I agree and after we put our dishes in the dishwasher we head upstairs.

"Did you actually want to show me something or did you want to get out of the conversation?" I ask her as I sit down on her bed. "I had something I wanted to ask you about actually" she says and pull up her phone.

She shows me a video I know all too well, a video that tells the storyline of my relationship to Kanye west and Kim Kardashian. The duo that sent me into a darkness so deep that I didn't know if I would ever claw my way back out of it.

"What happened?" she asks me after the video finishes. "Well, it all started when I won my first VMA against Beyonce. He was mad about it and came on the stage and took the mic away from me. That was the starting point and I felt really bad. I felt like it was a sign I didn't belong, and it messed with my head for years"

I go on and tell her about that it made me want to seek for his approval and just that I wanted to feel accepted and respected. So much I did was to show that I belonged in the industry, that I deserved to be there. Then he had this way of pulling me back in behind the scenes and make me feel comfortable and then in public he would make a fool out of me. He is a narcissist that used me for clout to keep the attention on him. Even to this day I don't really know why he chose me to do this too, but it was probably because I was a young blond country artist that has a clean reputation. I was the perfect victim for him to break down, but I didn't understand that back then.

"But you didn't do anything? Is that why you had a breakdown in 2016?" she asks, and I nod. "Him and his wife at the time wanted to tear me down in any way they could. And they manipulated the situation to a point where the world turned on me"

"wasn't that around the time you meet dad?" she says with a cheeky smile, and I giggle "yeah, I did, and he got my mind off it all. He was the reason I didn't let the darkness consume me. He made me see daylight and I was happy in a way I had never been before. On my darkest days he saw the best in me and made me forget about the drama outside"

In many ways he saved me. He did so much to make me feel loved and that I was enough for him, that he wasn't interested in fame and money, he just wanted to be with me. It was scary to me to think that someone could like me for me because it meant I had something real I could lose. But time and time again he showed me that he was there to stay.

"When was the last time you talked to them?" she asks, and I need to think about that "years ago. We have been at events at the same time several times, but we don't interact. They roll their eyes and give me a cold shoulder, but I was raised better than that and give them a smile or say hi. I was raised to raise above all that in public. When I am at events I'm working and I want to be professional"

I make sure to behave because I don't want them to have anything on me to drag up. With me acting like an adult and just focusing on being there and doing my job I have one up on them. They have nothing to hold over me anymore, the world knows that they lied. The world knew back in 2020 that they were lying all along. And they tried to twist it to that it was my fault to pull the attention from the pandemic too that old fight, but I didn't let them do that. They do what they do best, deflect the issue when something isn't going their way. All I know about this whole situation is that karma Is real, at the end of the day if you do good things, you get good things in life.

-joes pov-

"so we need to have a conversation aurora and your mom feels like I should have it" I tell her and try to figure out what to say. "I don't want to have this conversation dad. I learned more than enough at school" she mumbles.

"well, we don't know what you learned at school, and we want to make sure you have the right information and that we know you have all the information and not just bits of it" I tell her.

"Sex is something adults do for different reasons, they do it because it makes them feel good and they want it, but they also do it to make a baby" I tell her, and she looks like she wants to be anywhere but having this conversation with me and I don't blame her.

I don't mind having this conversation because I know how important it is but its uncomfortable for me too for sure.

"When you have sex there are a few important things to know. First of all, you can't legally consent to sexual acts before you're 18 years old. Then there is something that we have always told you girls about, consent. If you at any point say no its no, and if the person continues to pressure you, its rape. That's something that's really important"

Consent is something both Taylor and I are really big on. We want the kids to know that they are in charge of their own body, and we have made that clear ever since they were old enough to understand. No one should touch their private parts without consent, there is no exception to this.

"Dad seriously. Leave this alone" she groans and sink into her chair. "Then there is protection from two things. Sexually transmitted diseases. To protect against this there are condoms, depending on if you're with a boy or girl of course. And then to protect against unwanted pregnancies there is birth control. Condoms can work as birth control too, but they can break so it's important to take something yourself too"

"you're so embarrassing stop this. It's disgusting. We learned all this at school" she mumbles but I go on and tell her more details about protection because it's so important. We don't ever want our girls to get in a situation where they get a std or an unwanted pregnancy just because they didn't have the information they needed.

"so even though the minimum age of consent is 18 years old, and if one person is over and one under its illegal, there are younger people that choose to have sex. But there is an emotional toll that comes with having sex, it's not just cut and dry, its more than that. If anyone tries to pressure you or tell you that you need to have sex, you can always come to your mom or I. we will never be upset we just want you to have the information and protection you could ever need"

If one of the girls got in a serious relationship and was underage, we would consider getting them on birth control just in case because we don't want them in a situation where they get pregnant. We don't encourage them to have sex, I wish they never have sex or a boyfriend, but that's not how it usually is for teenagers. I had sex for the first time when I was 18 but we do know that more and more younger teenagers have sex before they are of legal age.

"i'm going to go take a shower and I never want to talk about this again. It's bad enough that I know you and mom had sex to create the three of us. It's disgusting and I hope you don't have sex anymore, you're old. Actually, I don't even want an answer to that. I don't care, and I'm not having sex. I want to go the Olympics and I don't have time for a boyfriend. I'm focused on going to the level 9 meet this weekend and then hopefully get upgraded to level 10 soon and then elite. That's what I want to do, not have sex." she says and shrug her shoulders in disgust before walking off.

At least I got some information to her, but it could have gone better. I know that Ellie asked Taylor a lot of questions but aurora is totally different from Ellie so it makes sense. I just hope that she comes to one of us if she ever has questions.

I am happy that all three girls have activities that they enjoy and are doing well in. It makes them have other things to do than hang around the mall and fool around with boys. Aurora is actually more advanced than level 9, but she has to compete at least one meet of that before they can advance her. So if everything goes as planned, she is getting advanced this weekend. Kenzie and I are going with her to a meet while Taylor is going to be home with Ellie who has a birthday party on Saturday. Her birthday is on monday but she is celebrating this weekend and have asked that the younger kids don't attend.


After all the kids are in bed Taylor and I snuggle under the covers and watch a tv series. "so aurora said that she hopes we don't have sex anymore because we are old" I say and chuckle. "well, little does she know that I'm horny and would love some sex when the kids are at school tomorrow" she says and kiss me softly.

"oh, you're on Mrs. Alwyn" I tell her.

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