My Broken Rebel - Quinn Fabray

By ThePuzzler101

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Rebel Evans, twin sister to Sam Evans, moves from Toronto Canada to Lima Ohio with her parents and twin since... More

Chapter 1 - The Meeting
Chapter 2 - Glee Club
Chapter 3 - Getting To Know Each Other
Chapter 4 - Falling For Her
Chapter 5 - Duets
Chapter 6 - Making New Friends
Chapter 7 - Are We Dating?
Chapter 8 - He's Back
Chapter 9 - Why Is My Life Like This?
Chapter 10 - I'm Sorry Baby
Chapter 11 - The End Of Andrew Evans
Chapter 12 - Healing
Chapter 13 - The Rocky Horror Glee Show
Chapter 14 - Are You Sleeping With Beiste???
Chapter 15 - So Andrew Is Your Brother??
Chapter 16 - When It Comes To Sam And Rebel Evans, Liam, you...
Chapter 17 - Adapting
Chapter 18 - Time Of My Life
Chapter 19 - Don't You Dare!!
Chapter 20 - What are you made out of?
Chapter 21 - Blame It On The Alcohol
Chapter 22 - Happy Birthday Baby!!
Chapter 23 - That's Quinn Fabray, My Beautiful Girlfriend
Chapter 24 - Best Prom Ever
Chapter 25 - Finally, I'm In New York!!
Chapter 26 - Moving Away
Chapter 27 - I Miss Her...
Chapter 28 - Feeling Better/Not Feeling Better
Chapter 29 - We Got Our House Back
Chapter 30 - Back In Town
Chapter 31 - An Extraordinary Christmas With Quinn and Rebel
Chapter 32 - Michael
Chapter 33 - It's Cold Quinn!!
Chapter 34 - Valentine's Day
Chapter 35 - The Wheelchair Kid Knows What He's Talking About!
Chapter 36 - It's All M-My Goddamn Fault!
Chapter 37 - You Actually Like Disco?
Chapter 38 - Rebel, What Did You Do?!
Chapter 39 - You beat up a Christian Kid?
Chapter 40 - Another Prom To Remember
Chapter 41 - Chicago... Here We Come!
Chapter 42 - She's My Everything
Chapter 43 - My Eyes Are Up Here, Rebel
Chapter 44 - Thanksgiving
Chapter 45 - New... relationships?
Chapter 46 - And They Will NEVER Be The Same!
Chapter 47 - We Are Going To New York!!
Chapter 48 - Can I Help You, Friend?
Chapter 49 - Enjoy Your Movie Night With Cliff.
Chapter 50 - Because I'm In Love With You!!
Chapter 51 - Be With The Person You Are In Love With.
Chapter 52 - I'm Going To Visit Quinn Fabray.
Chapter 53 - I'll Gladly Buy You A New Bacon Bowl.
Chapter 55 - I Missed You A Lot.
Chapter 56 - I Didn't Actually Mean Give Me Your Babies!!
Chapter 57 - So Your Marrying Me?!
Chapter 58 - Tell Him Or I Will - 100 Part 1
My Oneshot book!! Not A Chapter!!
Chapter 59 - Shes My Drug, And I'm Addicted To Her - 100 Part 2
Chapter 60 - You Ate My Lollipop!!
Chapter 61 - Don't Mess With The Evans Family
Chapter 62 - You'll Never Catch Me!!
Chapter 63 - Ms. Fabray, Ms. Evans, You Two Are Having A....
Chapter 64 - Shut Up And Kiss Me!!
Chapter 65 - YOU SUCK!
Chapter 66 - Welcome Home, My Loves.
Chapter 67 - Also Vaeh, Reesey, The Pizza Was Delicous.
Chapter 68 - Rebel, Chill Out. Everything Is Fine.
Chapter 69 - They Are Geniuses.
Chapter 70 - Can't Wait To Marry My Babygirl.
Chapter 71 - I've Never Been Happier.
Chapter 72 - I Love You, My Soulmate, Always And Forever!

Chapter 54 - How The Hell Did You Fall?

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By ThePuzzler101

Rebel's POV:

I was at the Spotlight Diner cleaning the counter while Santana was pouring salt into salt shakers.

The outfits were nice. It was a black and red button down waiter shirt and black waiter pants with black dress shoes. Santana wore a red turtleneck sleeveless dress that has the buttons on the side of the dress and a white drindl in the front of her dress. The drindl was wrapped around her like an apron.

Santana got me, Sam and Rachel's jobs at this diner. It's an okay job. I wish the pay was higher but it's decent I guess. Kurt is still doing his internship at Vogue so he didn't need a job.

I came back to New York from New Haven two weeks ago. It's now the beginning of April. After me and Quinn spent that night and that morning together, we both agreed that it was a mistake and it can't happen again.

Quinn is with Biff and I always told myself to respect that and I didn't. But when we had sex, it just felt so right. Like that was where I needed to be.

"Hey, can you give me one of those cookies? I'm hungry." I tell Santana as I point to the cookie and I see her looking at a waitress, and the waitress was looking right back at her. They were practically eye fucking each other. Santana hasn't been able to move on from Britt so I think this girl might be good for her. Her name is Dani and she started working here a few months before us.

"Hello? Santana?" I say while clapping my hands together and Santana shakes her head and blinks a few times, snapping out of her trance.

"Huh? What's up munchkin?" Santana asked as she looks at me and she side eyes the waitress. Munchkin is a nickname Santana has been calling me lately.

"Can you give me a cookie? And put it in my mouth, I would grab it but my hands are dirty." I say while pointing to my hands that have dirty water on it from the rag.

Santana nods her head and opens up the lid for the cookie tray. She takes out a oatmeal raisin cookie and puts it near my mouth. I take a bite of the cookie and smile at the taste. I love oatmeal raisin cookies. They are my favorite. Santana places my bitten cookie on a napkin. Sam walks over to us with an annoyed look on his face.

"Samuel Evans, for the last time, put your hair in a ponytail, wear a hairnet or I'm cutting it off." Gunther, our boss says with annoyance in his voice as he follows Sam towards us.

"Gunther I don't know what the hell your last name is, I don't feel like putting my hair in a ponytail right now. I want my hair to breathe. The hairnets make my scalp itch and I don't know who has had those hairnets in their hair. It could have lice. And if you cut off my hair, I am suing your ass." Sam tells Gunther as he stands next to Santana and folds his arms.

"Put it on. I no play these games with you Sammy boy." Gunther tells Sam through gritted teeth and Sam rolls his eyes.

"Oh my god fine." Sam says in annoyance as Gunther throws a hairnet at him and Sam puts the hairnet on his head and tucks his hair under it. Gunther rolls his eyes at Sam as he walks away from him.

"Wait, how come you guys don't have to wear hairnets?" Sam asked as he points to me and Santana's hair that are in ponytails.

"Because our hair isn't falling in the food." I say with a shrug as I continue to wipe the counter and Sam gasps.

"Well, sorry, I can't control the fact that I have dead hair in my head." Sam says with an eye roll and I laugh. "I hate this job." Sam says through gritted teeth as he folds his arms and Santana snaps her head at him.

"Well guess what? Your keeping this job. I had to practically show Gunther my underboob to get you three this job." Santana says as she points at me and Sam and gestures to Rachel who is in the kitchen.

"Ugh fine." Sam whines in annoyance and he walks towards the front of the diner to the hostess desk.

"Cookie?" I ask Santana and I point to the cookie on the napkin.

"Just pick the cookie up by yourself, you lazy fuck." Santana snarks at me and I roll my eyes and scoff.

"Well guess what Santana. I have to wash my hands in order to pick the cookie up because my hands are dirty. And every time I want the cookie, I'll have to wash my hands. So that's just a waist of time." I state with a shrug as I throw the rag in the soap bucket and I soak the rag in soap. I pull it out and squeeze the excess soap out of the rag. I drop the rag on the counter and continued clean the counter.

"Whatever." Santana says with an eye roll and she picks up the cookie and shoves the whole thing in my mouth, making me almost choke.

I cough a little as I chew on the cookie.

"Are you crazy? I could have choked." Say with a mouthful of oatmeal raisin cookie and Santana shrugs with a smirk.

"Oh no, are you okay?" Santana said sarcastically and I growl as I continue to chew my cookie.

"No, I'll be okay when I don't have to look at your face anymore." I say with a smug smirk and Santana pushes my head to the side, making me laugh.

"We both know I am hot as fuck." Santana says with an eye roll and I shrug and nod because it's true.

"That you are. Wanna have sex?" I ask as a joke and Santana pretends the vomit, making me frown. Santana is hot but I would never have sex with her, I only see her as my best friend.

"I'd rather take a bath in the custard from Finns nipples." Santana says while gagging and I roll my eyes and scoff.

"I was joking. I'm already in love with someone else. And you know who that is." I say the last part kind of quietly and Santana nods her head and hums.

"Yup, it's preggers." Santana hums again and I laugh at the nickname Santana still calls Quinn even though she got pregnant 3 years ago and she didn't even have the baby. She got an abortion.

"Yeah, the beautiful, angelic preggers." I say with a sigh as I think about Quinn and how beautiful she is. Like she is so stunning. I can gush about how beautiful that woman is for hours.

"Aww, your gushing about Quinn. That's so adorable." Santana says in a baby voice as she comes up to me and starts pinching my cheeks like a baby, making me shoo her hands away and groan.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let go of the face. It's valuable. Its a prize. It's one of a kind." I say as I move her hands away from my cheeks and I gently rub my precious cheeks.

"A prize? More like if you look at it for too long, it would make you cry." Santana clapper back and I flip her off and roll my eyes. My face is precious.

"Anyways, I have some good news. I made it in this insane business of getting famous." Santana states with a smile and my eyes go wide and I grin as I gesture for her to continue. "I booked a commercial. It's a little embarrassing, because it was for that yeast infection medication, Yeast-I-Stat. But they sent me a rough cut. Do you want to see?" Santana explains then asks me and I nod my head a little skeptical. A commercial about Yeast? That sounds odd.

"Uh, sure." I say with a smile and Santana pulls her phone out of her pocket and goes into her photos. She opens up a video and turns her phone horizontally and turns her phone towards me.

(Rebel is looking at the commercial with a wtf face)

What the fuck? Did Santana really agree to make a commercial about a vagina product? And the product is named after something that is used to make things rise. This product sounds like they are trying to rise the itching and burning.

"I like Yeast in my bagel, but not in my muffin?" I say as I snort and I burst out laughing.

"Oh shut up, I got paid for this shit so I was down to do it." Santana says as she playfully slaps me on my shoulder and I continue to laugh.

"I'm free." I say as I mock Santana and I start jumping up and down as I imitate what she did in the video.

"Fuck off Rebel. I don't see you doing any big commercial." Santana snarked at me and I roll my eyes and shake my head.

"Yeah, because I am focusing on my boxing career." I state the obvious and I throw the rag into the soap bucket. I just finished wiping the table.

"Whatever loser." Santana says with an eye roll and I see her look over at Dani again. I smirk to myself as I am about to do something that might get me killed.

"You so like her." I say with a smirk as I look back at Dani and see her smile at Santana. Santana smiles back at her and snaps her head at me.

"What? N-no I d-don't. I b-barely know h-her." Santana stutters and stammers and I am shocked because I never heard Santana stutter or stammer.

"Yes you do!! You never stutter or stammer!!" I say with a gasp and I point at Santana in shock. "Santana has a crush, I repeat, Santana Lopez, the biggest bitch ever, has a crush." I begin to taunt her but I am not yelling or anything. That would be so embarrassing and I wouldn't want someone to do that to me.

"You better shut up Evans, before I shove my foot up her ass and make it come out of your mouth." Santana says through gritted teeth and my smirk gets wider.

"I bet you want Dani to do that to you? Don't you Ms. Bottom Lopez?" I say with a laugh and I fold my arms smugly.

"That's it, your done!!" Santana says to me through gritted teeth and my eyes to wide and I run towards the kitchen. "Come here asshole!!! I am not a bottom!!" Santana growled at me through gritted teeth as I run into the kitchen and I run past Sam who was carrying some drinks.

I look back and see Santana run into the kitchen. She runs straight into Sam, making him spill the drinks he was carrying. She growls louder and just continues to run past him, shrugging off what she just did. I stop in my tracks and watch to see if he's okay.

"I fucking hate this job!!" Sam shouts at the top of his lungs as he pulls the hairnet off his head and he storms out of the kitchen.

I start to laugh and I continue to laugh until feel someone tackle me to the ground. I yell in pain as my body hits the ground. I feel someone straddle my lap and I open my eyes to see Santana on top of me with a glare on her face.

I try get her off of me but Santana pins my hands down to the ground. I try to stand up but she is literally putting all her weight on me.

"Listen here cheeky monkey." Santana starts through gritted teeth and my eyes go wide at the name. That's rude.

"I do not have a crush on Dani. I repeat, I do not have a crush on Dani. So if you go around making up lies that I do, I will tell everyone about your weird little fetish that you have." Santana tells me and I furrow my eyebrows because I have no idea what she is talking about.

"What fetish?" I ask in confusion and Santana smirks and laughs a little.

"Oh Rebel, you know exactly what I'm talking about. That weird fetish that you have where you like to hold and cuddle Quinn's shirt she gave you." Santana says with a smirk and my eyes go wide. How does she know about that?

"How do you-" I ask in confusion and Santana's smirk gets wider as she cuts me off.

"I have ways to figure out everything Rebel. So you better not go around spreading lies unless you want me to tell everyone about your weird guilty pleasure." Santana says with an evil smile and I glare at her.

"See you later bestie." Santana leans down and gives me a small kiss on my forehead. She lightly slaps my cheek twice and leans back up. She let's go of my hands and gets off of me.

Santana skips out of the kitchen and I sit up and sigh.

Yeah, I like to hold and cuddle Quinn's shirt she gave me. So what? She gave them to me when we broke up. That was her favorite shirt and she wanted me to have it. It's a yellow shirt with a picture of herself on it. It's an adorable picture. She's smiling so cutely and gosh it makes me gush. I gave her something special of mines too. I gave her my favorite bracelet. The shirt she gave me is soft and warm and it smells nice too.

Santana must have caught me holding her clothes one time and now she's blackmailing me. I wasn't gonna tell everyone she liked Dani.

I know she likes Dani, no matter how much she tries to deny it. But damn, Santana does not play when it comes to accusations about her. And that's how it should be.
Quinn's POV:

I was talking on the phone with Santana. We were just talking about what we were doing now. I told her about how glee club and dance class is going. Santana was currently telling me about a commercial she did.

"The commercial I did is about a Product called Yeast-I-Stat." Santana starts off and I chuckle because I know this is gonna be something. "The product will help heal your itchy and burning vagina." Santana explains to me and I burst out into laughter. "What's so fucking funny?" Santana asked with an eye roll as she flips me off and I continue to laugh.

"Wait, you did a commercial to promote something that literally no woman will use? That's only for a very toxic vagina." I say as I continue to laugh my ass off because this is honestly hilarious.

"So what if nobody will use it. I got paid $100 an hour for this commercial, I don't care who needs it." Santana says as she cackles to herself and I shrug and nod my head at the same time.

"I guess that's a reason to do it. Now if you weren't getting paid, then you would be an idiot to do this." I say as my laughing stops and I start to lightly pant.

"Oh please preggers. Every job I do has to pay me. If they don't, I sue. I always get paid somehow." Santana states with a shrug and I nod my head. Of course Santana wouldn't take a job without being paid for it, it's Santana. I mean, any logical person wouldn't take a job unless they were being paid for it.

"How was your week with Guppy? When I asked her, she told me it was great and that was it. She was so dry. And guppy is never dry when she explains how something went for her. Something happened while she was there. Tell me." Santana says in a 'you better say the whole truth' type of voice and I sigh because that is what I wanted to talk to her about.

"That's why I called you, I wanted to talk to you about what happened when Rebel visited. Okay, so, me and Rebel... had sex." I trailed off for a little and Santana's jaw drops.

"Ahhh!!" Santana yells shocked and then she falls out of her seat and falls on the  ground. "Owww." Santana whines as she put her hand on the desk and she slowly gets back up. I start to laugh and I look at her confused.

"How the hell did you fall?" I ask in shock and Santana shakes her head and sighs as she sits on the chair again.

"You don't wanna know." Santana states in a strained voice and I laugh and throw my head back. I hear the door to my bedroom open and I look to the side to see Brittany.

"Hey Quinn, who you talking too?" Brittany asks me as she comes into my room in a sports bra and leggings. She was also drinking water from a water bottle. She just came back from her dance class and she was sweaty. Brittany comes over to me and looks at my computer.

"Oh hey Santana." Brittany says with a smile and she waves as Santana and drinks some water. Santana's eyes are wide and her jaw is dropped.

"Santana?" Brittany asked with a raised eyebrow and she taps the screen. "I think the screen froze." Brittany states as she scratches the side of her head and I shake my head. I look at where Santana is staring at and I see she is looking at Brittanys abs on her stomach.

"Santana!!" I shout while snapping my fingers and Santana shakes her head and wipes some drool that fell out of her mouth.

"Yeah? Uh sorry. Hi Britt." Santana says in a nervous voice and Brittany chuckles and waves at her again.

"Well, I have to go. I just got back from a dance class and I'm all sweaty and stuff. I'll talk to you later Santana." Brittany says as she smiles at Santana and she walks away from the screen and goes to the door.

"Bye... Britt." Santana trailed off at first as Brittany opens the door and exits the room.

Gushing over Brittanys abs?" I tease with a smirk and Santana tries to hide her blush.

"Fuck off preggo. I am not. I was just admiring them. And they are definitely something to admire." Santana says while humming and I laugh as she once again gushes over Britts abs. "But anyways, let's get back to the topic. You and Rebel has sex!! And I'm just now finding out!! I have so many questions!! Did she use a condom? Are you pregnant? How did you guys go from catching up with each other to having sex??" Santana bombardes me with questions as she goes back to the main topic and I sigh.

"She did not use a condom, and I am not pregnant. I took 3 pregnancy tests, they all came back negative." I answer Santana's first and second question and she puts her hand over her chest and sighs in relief.

"Thank gosh, because we all know your not ready for a baby." Santana says as she continues to sigh and I roll my eyes. I would be ready for another baby. "See, I told Rebel not to get you pregnant and she didn't. My munchkin does actually listen sometimes and her ears aren't filled with cotton." Santana says with a proud smile and I laugh and nod my head. I'm glad Rebel didn't get me pregnant.

"And to answer your last question, we had sex on the 5th day Rebel was in New Haven. Between the first and the fourth day, there was a lot of sexual tension between us. We almost kissed like 15 times between those four days." I say as I shake my head and Santana gestures for me to continue. "Anyways, on the fifth day, Rebel was acting like a jealous ex and just being Rebel. When we were watching a movie, I accidentally made Rebel jealous by asking Biff to sleep in my bed for the night and Rebel was supposed to sleep in the living room. She ended up convincing Biff not to stay and he went home. Then, when I was going to bed, she came in my room and started asking me why I invited him to stay. We talked about our feelings for a while and then she kissed me. I slapped her and then I kissed her. Then we had sex and had breakfast together the next morning. Then we had sex after breakfast." I say as I recall the events that lead up to me and Rebel having sex.

"Wow, why am I not surprised that is what lead up to you guys having sex?" Santana says with a shrug and I laugh and nod because that's usually how me and Rebel work together. A whole bunch of jealously and then we make up. We usually make up by talking it out but this time we made up with sex. I wouldn't call us toxic, we are just complicated right now. "But you cheated on Biff. Did you tell him yet? And if you didn't, what are you gonna tell him?" Santana asked me with curiosity in her voice and this is what I really don't want to do. I don't want to hurt him and crush his heart.

"I'm actually supposed to tell him today, he's coming over shortly." I tell Santana with a sigh and I place my head in my hands. Santana nods her head in understanding before speaking again.

"And you guys went for another round after breakfast? Damn, if Rebel is that good, I should try and get some action of my own." Santana says with a smirk and I glare harshly at her and growl.

"No, you are never, and I repeat, never having sex with Rebel. If you even look at her in a lustful way, so help me god Santana, I will go to New York myself, beat your ass until I place you in a coma and then rip all the weave out of your hair." I state through gritted teeth and Santana gasps.

"Wow, take a chill pill preggo. I was just joking. I don't want to have sex with your ex that you are obviously still in love with. And secondly, you will never beat my ass. I will go all Lima Heights Adjacent on you Quinn. I'm from the wrong side of the tracks." Santana states and I roll my eyes at the mention of Lima Heights Adjacent. Santana isn't from no wrong side of the tracks. She grew up with her parents and her grandma a few blocks away from me. Well, she grew up with her abuela until her abuela abandoned her.

"Whatever, just know that Rebel is off limits and she will always be off limits." I add on and I snap my fingers at her and scoff. I hear the bathroom door open and I turn around and see Brittany walking to her room. She opens her door and goes inside her room before locking the door behind her.

"Okay, guppy face is all yours. I don't even want her anyways." Santana snarks at me and she put her hands up in defense and rolls her eyes. I hear the door begin to unlock and my eyes go wide. Brittany is in her room studying for a math exam so that's definitely Biff.

"Uh oh, looking like Richie Rich is here. I'm gonna go, good luck preggo." Santana says with a smile and my eyes go wide as I look between her and the door.

"No wait Santana, please stay. I can't do thi-" I begin to say but Santana hangs up as I was speaking. I roll my eyes and sigh as the door opens.

"Hey babe, you wanted to talk to me?" I hear Biff ask and I turn around and see him coming inside of my dorm.

"Yeah, let's sit in the living room." I say as I move away from my desk that is in the main area. I have two desks and two laptops. One in the main area, and one in my room. I walk over to the living room and sit on the couch. Biff takes off his hoodie and hangs it up on the coat rack.

"What's up?" Biff asked me with a smile as he sits next to me on the couch and I sigh.

"U-uh, t-there is n-no e-easy w-way for me to t-tell you t-this." I start off as I stutter horribly and I take a deep breath in. I slowly exhale and Biff speaks.

"I'm sure whatever it is, I can handle it." Biff tells me with a shrug and I shake my head because he won't be able to handle it.

"No, you won't." I state as I feel tears leaving my eyes and Biff looks at me with a puzzled face. "I have to tell you something that you aren't going to like. And it might break your heart. And I don't want to break your heart Biff. I love you so much, but what I'm about to say might affect our relationship." I add on and some tears start to pour out of my eyes.

"Baby, nothing can affect our relationship. I love you so much. Just tell me what's wrong please. I hate seeing you cry." Biff says with worry in his voice and he wipes the tear off of my eye.

"I love you too Biff, and it's breaking my heart to tell you this, but you have to know the truth." I say and let out a small breath as I prepare to tell him that I cheated on him.

"Truth about what babe?" Biff asked extremely confused right now and I sigh and take another deep breath him.

This is it Quinn, your relationship is practically over at this point. You had an amazing boyfriend who treated you well and you cheated on him. How messed up are you Quinn? You hated when Finn and Puck cheated on you, and now look at you. Cheating once again. The last person I cheated on was Finn but I only did it because he cheated first with Rachel. But I never cheated on someone who was so good to me and loved me so much. Biff doesn't deserve this. What I blurt out next, is probably the weirdest and stupidest thing I ever said. It say next doesn't even make sense. It's beyond stupid.

"I'm a Christian and I am white." I blurt out while not even thinking about what I'm saying and I mentally slap myself. What the hell Quinn? I chickened out of telling him the truth and instead I told him a stupid fact. Biff gives me a look that is beyond confused.

"Okay? That's what you wanted to tell me?" Biff asked while scratching his head and I want to just disappear. This is so embarrassing. This feels just as bad as being a cheater.

"U-u-uh.... y-yeah. I just wanted to get those things ooff my chest." I say nervously as I fiddle with my fingers and I can just die of embarrassment right here.

"Uh, okay. I mean, I kinda knew that already, but I'm glad you told me I guess?" Biff more asks than tells me and he looks confused as fuck. I am too.

"Yeah, I just wanted to say that because I'm proud to be a Christian and white." I say as I wipe some stained tears and Biff nods with a smile.

"Okay, well, I'm glad your proud. You can be whatever religion you want to be. As long as you are not in a religion that are full of terrorists and people who hurt society." Biff says to me and I laugh a little at his last sentence.

"Uh, thanks baby for being to understanding. That was hard to get off my chest. I'm glad you accept me." I say while not knowing what the hell I'm saying.

"No problem love." Biff smiles and gives me a thumbs up and I nod. "Uh, can I take a shower? I just came back from my gym class and I was sweating a lot." Biff gestures to his gray gym sweats and shirt that are dark in some spots, indicating there is sweat there.

"Sure, you know where the bathroom and the towels are. And you know you can change in my room." I tell him with a smile and Biff smiles back and gets off of the couch.

"Thanks love." Biff gives me a peck on my cheek and I nod and grin.

"Your welcome baby." I respond with a grin and Biff walks out of the main area. He walks down the hall and goes into the bathroom. He locks the door behind him and I sigh as I get to thinking.

What the fuck was that? What the hell did I just say? Literally, I said "I wanted to tell you that I was white and Christian".

I'm so stupid. I could've said anything else. I could have said that I wanted to get my masters degree, I could have said I was a skank for a year. And even though those don't make sense either, they make more sense then the bullcrap I just said.

And oh my god, I chickened out of telling him. I had an opportunity to tell him the truth and be honest with him but I wasn't. I need to tell him soon. It's not fair to Biff. He deserves so much better than my cheating self. I just need to build up some confidence to tell him. And I need to build it up fast.
Rebel's POV:

Me and Sam were on a dinner break at the spotlight diner. We've been working all day and I was literally tired. Santana was pumping ketchup into a bottle with Dani at a nearby table. So romantic.

"Wow, Santana is so nervous, I've never seen her like this." Sam says as he tries to eavesdrop on their conversation but he fails miserably.

"Right, she's so different with Dani. I'm going to annoy her and make her even more nervous." I say while giving Sam and thumbs up and he gives me a thumbs up back before eating some of his eggs. We were having breakfast for dinner. I walk over to Dani and Santana's table and sit in the empty chair that was at their table.

"Hello Dani, Santana." I say with a smirk and Santana gives me a look that tells me to leave.

"Hey Rebel, what's up?" Dani asked as she continues to pump ketchup into a bottle.

"Oh nothing, I just wanted to see how your date with Santana was going." I respond with a shrug and they both look at me with flustered cheeks. "Ahhh, a ketchup date. There is nothing more romantic then pumping ketchup into a bottle, such a good first date." I say sarcastically with a smile and I feel someone kick me in my leg. I wince in pain and puff up my cheeks because I was about to scream from the pain. It was obviously Santana. I look at her and see her glaring at me.

"You better leave right now." She said to me through gritted teeth and she had fire burning from her eyes. My eyes go wide and I quickly get out of the chair and limp my way back to the counter. That kick hurt badly. As I am walking to the counter, I hear Santana start speaking again.

"Sorry about her, she was raised by the barn animals." Santana says and I gasp and turn around and see her glaring at me.

"You better keep limping." Santana growls at me and I turn my head around and continue to walk to the counter. I get back over to the counter and Sam looks up from his meal.

"How did it go?" Sam asked me as he starts to eat his waffles and I sigh and sit back down in my seat.

"Well, I ended up getting kicked so hard in the leg, I'm probably gonna be limping for the next week. So, not so good." I reply while shaking my head and Sam laughs.

"Yeah, I was gonna go with you over there, then I remembered, that would be such a suicidal move right on the spot." Sam comments and I nod my head because I did do a risky action. And that risky action is now gonna cause me to limp everywhere I go.

Me and Sam continue to eat our breakfast in silence for about 10 more minutes until we see Santana quickly stand up and she walks over to us at a fast pace.

"There is a lot of tension going on over there." Sam comments as Santana sits down next to me and I nod my head in agreement.

"I agree, I am sensing some serious energy exchanges over there." Rachel says as she comes over to us with a bucket of dirty plates and she sits next to Sam.

"I smell a date coming along." I sing song as I start drinking my Sprite and Sam and Rachel hum in agreement.

"No, no, help me guys, okay?" Santana says with an seriousness in her voice and she looks over at Dani, making us do the same. Dani looks up and looks at Santana. She waves at Santana and Santana nervously laughs as she looks back at us.

"Are you getting that stinky panic sweat under your boobs?" I asked Santana and she nods her head and gestures to her boobs. "She's definitely nervous guys, the panic sweat under the boobs is the only thing Santana gets when she's extremely nervous." I tell them and the two of them ooh, making Santana roll her eyes and flick me in my head.

"Why? She's cute, she's sweet, ask her out." Rachel says as she puts the bucket of plate on the table and I nod.

"What if she's not gay though?" Sam says in confusion as he runs a hand through his kinda long hair.

"She's definitely gay. She literally told Santana she loved lady parts earlier." I state as I remember when I eavesdropped on some of Santana and Dani's conversation.

"You eavesdropped on my conversation!!" Santana almost yelled at me and she punches me on my arm, hard, making me rub my arm up and down and I hold it in pain.

"What am I? Your punching bag?" I asked Santana as I groan at the pain in my arm. She can really punch.

"Yes, now shut up punching bag. And don't you ever listen in on my conversation again. Or else you will wake up one day with 2 fingers on each hand." Santana practically threatens me and my eyes go wide and I nod my head frantically. All these threats Santana gives me are scary as hell.

"Okay, I've never been with an actual lesbian. It's been all bisexuals like Brittany or college girls trying to experiment." Santana rambles on and this it's honestly so adorable seeing Santana so nervous.

"Your scared. We've never seen you scared before. It's so cute!" Rachel gushes and me and Sam gush as well to annoy Santana.

"You tell guys tell no one of this. Seriously. I think I might like her, and it's terrifying." Santana says and I smile and squeal as I was just proven right.

"And you said you didn't like her. You are a LIAR." I exaggerate the word 'Liar' and Santana rolls her eyes.

"She seems smart Santana. She's gonna like you." Sam tells me with a smile as he cuts a piece of his waffle off and he eats it.

"Yeah, and she wouldn't miss out on the pleasure of dating you, Santana. Your awesome. Your funny, kind and smart. She's gonna love you." I give her some words of encouragement and I place my arm on her shoulder. Santana gives me a hug.

"Thank you." She whispers in my ear and I nod my head as she pulls away from the hug. She stands up and gives Sam and Rachel a hug as well.

"You guys are right. She's smart." Santana says with a small shrug and she walks back over to Dani.

"Let's see how this is goes. Ten bucks say they get together by tomorrow night." Rachel bets me and Sam and I shake my head no.

"Ten bucks says tonight." Me and Sam say at the same time and Rachel flares at us.

"Your on." Rachel shakes both of our hands and the three of us watch the interaction between Santana and Dani closely.
"Mazel Berry, looks like your gonna make it through your first graveyard shift without collapsing." Santana says as she comes out of the kitchen and she comes over to the counter where me, Sam and Rachel were. Rachel was reading a magazine, Sam was looking at his photos from photoshoots and I was reading a goosebumps book. Goosebumps: Say Cheese Or Die. It's a good book. I love all Goosebumps books.

Santana and Rachel then go into a conversation about what Rachel is reading and then Rachel talks about a new mindset she is gonna have. She's not gonna be afraid of rejection or be afraid of failing.

"Alright, we are heading out." I announce after a few minutes and me, Rachel and Sam start to walk away from the counter.

"Where do you three think your going? You still have ten minutes and two dozen sugar caddies to caddy." Santana tells us and we turn around and look at her.

"You see, we thought that was something you and Dani could do together. You know, alone?" I say as I gesture between Santana and Dani and I wink at Santana.

"Yeah, and maybe you can become girlfriends tonight. Like tonight." Sam says to Santana with a serious look on his face and I hit his shoulder and shake my head rapidly at him because he is gonna expose the bet. He looks at me and understands what I'm trying to signal to him. He nods and mouths a sorry.

"Okay, no, come on. You are not playing a lesbian fucking matchmaker." Santana tells me as I turn around and the three of us walk out from behind the counter.

"We are so tired. We have to get home." The three of us say at the same time in a New York accent and we walk past Santana and towards the kitchen door.

"No you are not. I've been here all day." Santana complains and I laugh as we get closer to the kitchen.

"Bye, Rachel, Sam and Rebel. See you tomorrow." Dani says to us as we open the door to the kitchen and I smile and turn around.

"Good-bye Dani." Rach says in a song song voice as she walks into the kitchen.

"Later Dani Phantom." Sam called out while impersonating Danny Phantom and Dani laughs. Sam goes into the kitchen.

"Bye Dani. Make sure Santana is back at the apartment before 12:00 am. It's 9:30. That's more than enough time to have your date. I'll file a police report if your even a minute late." I tell her while joking around and Dani laughs.

"I'll bring her back at 11:59 pm." Dani tells me with a shrug and I nod and smile.

"That's what I like to hear." I say in approval and I look at Santana and see her glaring at me. I gave her a thumbs up and walk into the kitchen to see Rachel and Sam by the big gap between the kitchen and the counter. There's a big opening where food from the kitchen gets transferred to the waiters and waitress' and it's behind the counter. It's just so the waiters and waitress don't have to keep going in and out of the kitchen.

"We aren't going home right?" I ask them with a raised eyebrow and Rachel scoffs.

"Hell no we aren't." Rachel says while hiding behind the big opening and I hide next to her.

"We are going to spy on them, obviously." Sam says with a chuckle as he hides with us. We peak our heads up so we can see what they are doing. They look like they are about to sing.

We continue to spy on Dani and Santana and the three of us argued about what they were doing the whole time.
"I think I need an agent. I guess those contracts I signed for those commercials said that I waived my right to residuals in exchange for a lifetime supply of Yeast-I-Stat." Santana comments as she comes up to the counter with a big box in her hands and she places the box down on the counter. She pulls out a box of the Yeast-I-Stat product and I snort.

"Though I don't know who's toxic vagina would need that much stuff. I mean, if your producing that much yeast, you should probably start a bakery." Santana complains as Rachel takes out a piece of cake for me and she puts it on the place in front of me.

"Thanks." I say with a smile and Rachel nods and closes the cake with a glass lid. It was a chocolate cake with strawberry frosting. This is going to be amazing.

"Are you ready for me?" I hear Kurt ask and I look up and see him coming up to us in a waiters uniform. The hell?

"Sorry? What is Lady Hummel doing here?" Santana asked with confusion in her voice and I nod my head in agreement.

"Yeah, don't you work at Vogue?" I asked with confusion laced in my voice and Kurt sits down in a seat next to Sam.

He explains that Vogue doesn't pay and he needs to make some cash.

"No shit Vogue doesn't pay. You were on an internship, dummy." I say as I roll my eyes and Kurt throws the rag that was in his hand at me. I throw the rag on the counter and laugh.

Rachel and Kurt then talk about Rachel being Fanny Brice. Rachel explains that she's not gonna be Fanny Brice because she would have gotten a call back by now. Kurt just gives her some encouraging words. Rachel then rants about the same thing she always rants about. How she wants to be in something special but she thinks that she's already special.  And she says how she will play this part even if it's not in this show. Like it's the same speech all the time. We know your special Rachel.

"Isn't it amazing how life seems so easy when you just don't give a fart? I mean, look at this, Hummel is getting married, Berry is just full of confidence, guppy lip is a male model and he's making a good amount of money, my munchkin is going to become the worlds best boxer, and I finally have a girlfriend who I don't have to worry about straying for penis." Santana sing songed the last part and I smile at the mention of me becoming the worlds best boxer.

That's one o my biggest dreams. My other biggest dream is to marry Quinn and have a family with her. That's still happening, I don't care what people say. She's my soulmate.

Santana and Dani started dating today and it's the next day after their little date, meaning Rachel won the bet. We had to give her ten each. So now she's 20 dollars richer and we are 10 dollars broker. What a bummer.

"Hey, let's make a pledge: we all stay in this town together for two years, all right. For soaring success or miserable failure. None of us bail, until then. Okay, the only way you can leave is if it's a valid emergency okay?" Sam says with a smile on his face and I immediately nod my head.

"I am so down. I love New York City. This is gonna be awesome." I say with excitement in my voice and I squeal.

Rachel then makes us pinky swear on it so the five of us link our pinky's together. Just then, Gunther comes over to us and tell us that someone in booth 14 is looking for Rachel. So Rachel runs over to booth 14.

"I take this." Gunther says as he picks up Santana's box of Yeast-I-Stat and Santana looks at him with a what the fuck face.

"Gunther, that's my Yeast-I-Stat... What the hell?" Santana says in confusion as he walks away with the box and I laugh and begin to eat my cake.

5 Minutes Later:

About 5 minutes into eating my cake, I hear Rachel yell out

"Oh my god!!! Really?! Thank you!! I got Fanny!! I got Fanny!!" Rachel shouted from booth 14 and my eyes go wide and I smile. She runs back her to us with a smile on her face.

"I got it!" Rachel squeals at the top of her lungs and we all look at her with proud smiles on our faces.

"She got the part?" Santana asked in shock and I nod my head while clapping for Rachel. She gives Kurt a big hug then gives Santana a big hug.

"That's awesome Rach!! Wow!!" Sam says with amazement in his voice and me claps loudly for Rachel as well. Rachel gives Sam a hug and I continue to clap.

"That's amazing!! I'm so proud of you Rach!!" I say as I continue to clap and Rachel comes over to me and gives me a huge hug. I hug her back and smile.

"Oh my god!! This is awesome!! We need to get your hair done, your makeup, ooh, you need to practice your lines.... and we need to do everything!!" Kurt yells out and all of us laugh out loud. The whole diner claps and cheers for Rachel and Rachel thanks them from the bottom of her heart.

I'm so proud of Rachel. She's annoying and not fair but she's a good friend and she worked really hard for this.

"I can't wait to take this off!!" Rachel shouts happily at the top of her lungs as she jumps up and down and we all laugh at her enthusiasm.

I'm glad she got the part. She really deserves it.

(Rebel sings Artie and Tinas lines)

We ended up celebrating with a performance in our apartment. Santana invited Dani over and we drank sparkling cider and watched the movie She's All That.

It was a great night and I'm glad I got to spend it with my friends.

Another chapter done!! I love the friendship between Santana and Rebel. It's so cute and funny.🥺 Quinn didn't tell Biff she cheated on him. Instead she told him she was white and a Christian.🤣 What did you guys think about that? Tell me in the comments.👀 I know the next episode is the Quarterback episode, but I'm not sure if I should kill off Finn or let him stay alive in the book. Like I know he died in the show but I kinda don't want them to go through any heartbreak. But then again, I won't know what to do with him in the other episodes. Should I kept Finn alive guys? I really want to, but don't know what I should do with him. Can you give me ideas of what I can let Finn do? Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please comment, they really keep me going. Also vote if you want to.❤️😁👍

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