♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️...

By miss_cherry001

329K 8.9K 2.2K

MASSIMO ALEJANDRO ROMANO, a well-known name in the mafia world. He is an Italian mafiosa capo (mafia boss) an... More

*Author's Note*
1. *My Past*
2. *Girl In The Rain*
3. *An Evil Plan*
4. *Hot Stuff*
5. *Where Am I?*
6. *Unfamiliar Feeling*
7. *Commotion*
8. *Brotherly Love*
9. *Dinning Room*
10. *She's Mine*
11. *Going Out*
12. *Lost My Senses*
13. *Panic Attack*
14. *Ex-Mafiosa Capo*
15. *About The Plan*
16. *Girlfriend?!*
17. *She's Your Date?!*
18. *First Kiss!*
19. *His Birthday Party* Part 1
20. *His Birthday Party* Part 2
21. *Someone's Jealous!*
22. *Mysterious Envelope*
23. *Getting Hot In Here*
24. *Pool Party!*
25. *Two Can Play This Game*
26. *Unknown Person*
27. *Falling For Her?*
28. *She Looks Like Me?*
29. *American Mafiosa Capo*
30. *Night Club*
31. *Taste Of Her Essence*🔞⚠️
32. *Love....Pathetic?*
33. *I'll Bring Her Back!*
34. *Stranger Danger!*
35. *Traitor*
36. *Idiots As Friends*
37. *Rescuing Maya*
38. *Back To Italy*
39. *Different Massimo*
40. *Whipped?*
41. *Absolutely Whipped!*
42. *Massimo, A Gentleman?*
43. *Flashback*
44. *Business Dinner*
45. *Strong & Deep*
46. *Care*
47. *Fallen In Love With...*🔞⚠️
48. *The Room*
49. *Countryside*
51. *An Exception*
52. *The Truth*
53. *Upset them both!*
54. *Surprise Visit*
55. *Something's cooking...*
56. *Accident*
57. *Hospital*
58. *An Almost Confession?*
59. *Found Her*
60. *Come back*
61. *The Call*
62. *The Deal*
63. *The Talk*
64. *Back Home*
65. *Heart - A Traitor*
66. *Girl Time*
67. *Guests*
68. *Weird...*
69. *Missed Her...*
70. *Everything*
71. *I Want You*
72. *Confession*
73. *Reality*
74. *Right Thing*
75. *For The Best...*
76. *Other Daughter*
77. *Enzo's Plan*
78. *Plan In Action*
79. *Selfless*
80. *Behind Closed Door...*🔞⚠️
81. *Again...*🔞⚠️
82. *For The First Time*🔞⚠️
83. *It's You...*
84. *Wedding* Part 1
85. *Wedding* Part 2
86. *Fake Kidnapping*
87. *Explanation*
88. *Revelation*
89. *The End*
90. *The News*
91. *Lifelines*
92. *She Is Fine*
93. *Baby Daddy*
94. *To Right My Wrongs*
95. *I'm Here For You*
96. *Her Choice*
97. *Not Gonna Give Up*
98. *Deja Vu*
99. *Time For Some More Deja Vu*
100. *Asking for Forgiveness*
101. *Best Sleep*
102. *Mama's Wish*
103. *Man In Love*
104. *Dying For Her*
105. *My Life*

50. *It's Not What You Think*

2.4K 80 28
By miss_cherry001

Massimo's P.O.V

I was right. Maya looked really happy to be there. The moment we stepped to my farmhouse, I could see the appreciation in her eyes for the place. I felt a sense of pride to be the reason of her happiness.

"I've told them to make their special pizza for us, for you to eat for lunch." I informed her to which she looked at me with beaming eyes. 'Fuck she's so adorable!'

"That's great!" She said trying not to look overexcited.

"But since good things take time, would you like me to give you a tour of this place in the mean time?" I asked.

She smiled at me and with a slight nod said, "Ofcourse."


"And this is where all of my horses are kept." We had reached outside the horse stable.

"This place is massive than I thought." She said looking around the vast acres of land.

"Do you ride them?" She then asked gesturing towards the stable.

"Why yes I do ride them." I said with a small smile.

"Cool." Was her short reply.

"Do you?" I asked her the same question.

"Oh no I don't." She shook her head. "I've never even seen a horse this close let alone actually riding them." She half chuckled.

"Do you want to?" As I asked her that she looked at me with beaming wide eyes but she covered up her reaction quickly.

"I um I don't know. I mean I've never you know..." She half chuckled again while using all those hand gestures that made her look adorably cute.

"Just say yes if you want to." She looked at me as if I had offered her her favourite food.

"You'd let me ride those?" She asked while gesturing towards the stable.

"Yes why not. That's why I asked you." I said as a matter of fact.

"Um actually..." She said while biting on her lower lip, "....I've always wanted to ride one." And gave the horse stable a side glance.

I bit down on my lip as I tried not to smile or probably laugh at her cute reaction. Who would've thought that she could be into horse riding. 'Luck is on my side today I guess!'

With a slight smirk I said, "Then it becomes my duty to make this actually happen for you."

Maya's P.O.V

'Oh my god! I'm going to ride a horse!' I thought excitedly as I followed Massimo inside the horse stable.

As I looked around I saw different kinds horses, some were brown, some were black, some were a mixture of both. But all of them looked equally beautiful and striking.

Massimo stood in front of a dark brown horse, he patted the horse's face sideways to which the horse made some horsey noise and Massimo continued to caress him.

"This one looks quite friendly with you." I said as I saw how good Massimo was communicating with the horse.

"This one is the oldest but the strongest of them all." He then said while still patting the horse. "His name is Hades."

"Hades as in the greek god hades?" I asked amusingly to which he looked at me with that ya I did name him after a greek god so what! look. I just chuckled at him.

"Do you want to touch him?" He then said to which I looked at him with unsure eyes.

"I um would it be a good idea?" I asked since I have no idea if the horse would like me to touch him.

"Ya ofcourse." He said and then took my hand in his hard yet warm hand. I swear I wanted him to just hold my hand like that and forget about touching that horse.

He brought that hand of mine upwards, closer to the horse, "Hades might look intimidating but he's very friendly." He then put my hand over Hades', "He is also very smart and can sense who's good who's not." With that he started to caress Hades by using my hand.

At that moment, I didn't know if I was feeling the rush of emotions because of caressing a beautiful horse Hades or because of Massimo's hand that was over mine.

"See, he's loving your touch." As Massimo said that he squeezed my hand a bit that made me to look at him.

As we were both caressing the horse, his hand over mine and mine over horse, we held each other's gaze. Massimo's dark brown eyes looking at me intensely, as if he could see into my soul. That look on his face. I involuntarily licked my lips which made his eyes to drop on to them. His lips parted as his gaze then got fixed on my lips.

Holding that moment, we both didn't realise when but we then no longer caressing the horse but his hand was still holding mine. Forgetting about everything else, our bodies turned towards each other and without wasting anytime, the next moment, I felt the same sparks I'd feel everytime we kissed.

My eyes got closed when I realised that we were indeed kissing. Massimo wrapped his one arm around my waist and tucked me towards him to eliminate any gap if there was any.

A moan escaped from both our mouths when he sucked on my bottom lip. While still holding one hand of mine with his, he kissed me passionately.

My other hand on it's own reached upwards and held onto him by his neck gently. The kiss then got deepened when he licked my lips with his tongue and pushed his tongue inside my mouth. A low growl came out of his throat when I accidentally bit on his tongue. He in return sucked on my tongue and bit my lips a little harder.

An animalistic whine made us realise of our surrounding as our kiss then got less intense. Massimo sucked on my lower lip for one last time and broke the kiss but not before giving my lips a lingering peck.

I was as usual breathless, while Massimo looked absolutely fine. He was breathless too but not like how I was. 'I need to workout!'

Massimo took a step back as he ran his hand through his hairs making them more ruffled. I knew I had a little blush on my face while Massimo had that arrogant glint in his eyes and his usual smirk.

I looked away from him when Hades again whined. Massimo walked upto to him and patted his neck. "Ya big guy we know you're here." He then chuckled. "Always an attention seeker."

Massimo then looked at me with his usual smirk. "I think we should continue this rendezvous sometime later, Hades here doesn't like being ignored." With that he winked at me and although I wanted to blush but I couldn't help but to smile.


"I thought you said you didn't look after your farmhouse." I said since he was so friendly with all the horses and other farm animals.

"Yes I don't. But most of these animals, I've known them ever since they were first brought here." He exclaimed. "I may not look after the farmhouse, but I'm very well known to all of these animals here, especially the horses." I nodded my head in understanding.

Massimo and I, we were making our way back to the living room. No, I didn't get to ride the horse since we had roamed around a while and it was now almost time for the lunch. But Massimo promised that he'd let me ride the horse later when we got time.
'So what if you didn't get to ride the horse, you got to kiss him instead!'

A smile came up on my lips along with slight blush as I thought back to our kiss a while ago. Kissing Massimo here & there had become a new thing and I was definitely not complaining about it!

Massimo's P.O.V

If Hades hadn't interrupted us then I could tell our kissing would've escalated to a completely heated make out session.

I couldn't even curse the pood horse for interrupting us. He just wanted attention that we weren't giving him and since he was a strong, intimidating horse, he didn't like being ignored.

Since it was almost lunch time and Mrs. Greco must've prepared the pizzas by now, we couldn't ride the horse. But I promised Maya that I'd let her ride when we got the time. Given the fact how interested she had looked when I had offered her horse riding, she wasn't upset about not riding the horse.
'Probably because she got to kiss you instead!'

The thought made me smirk and also this feeling inside my heart. I wouldn't lie, kissing Maya had to be the new thing that I always wanted to do and I looked forward to!


"Mhmmm...this has to be the tastiest pizza I've ever had!" I looked up to see Maya who had a mouthful of pizza in her mouth. When she felt my eyes on her she covered her mouth with one hand and chewed on the remaining pizza with a slight blush on her cheeks.

I chuckled at how cute she looked even when she was embarrassed.
'Since when did you start finding girls cute? They're either hot or sexy for you.' Ignoring my subconscious mind I also bit down on my slice of pizza while stealing glances at her.

"Quindi, il tuo cervello è finalmente sulla buona strada e hai deciso di accontentarti di uno?" As Mrs. Greco said that all of a sudden, I almost choked on my bite of pizza.
(So, your brain is finally on track and you've decided to settle with one?)

Maya's eyes looked up at me as I cleared my throat and took a sip of water. My eyes then fell on Mrs. Greco who was expectantly looking at me. "Non è quello che stai pensando." I simply replied but she gave me that I'm not buying it look.
(It's not what you're thinking.)

"Qualunque cosa tu dica." She said in a way that was indeed telling me that she wasn't buying it.
(Whatever you say.)

"What is she saying?" My eyes moved towards Maya as she asked me that.

"She was asking about the food." I obviously lied and fortunately Maya seemed to be clueless about it.

"So you did tell her that I said it's tasty, right?"

"Ofcourse I did."


We were done with our lunch. It was now 5 p.m. and the sun was still shining outside. Mrs. Greco was very happy to serve us, especially Maya, her famous homemade pizza. She even offered her to come here anytime she wanted to eat the pizza, saying she had so much more other toppings and varieties of pizza that she'd love to make for her.

Mrs. Greco obviously didn't say that directly to Maya because of the language barrier so I had to be their translator. The whole time they both had to say something to each other, I would've to translate it to them. Never had I ever thought that I a mafioso capo, had to become the translator for an old Italian woman and a beautiful American girl.

We all were sitting in the living room. Mrs. Greco and Maya were trying to communicate even though they both didn't understand the latter's language.

I grinned as I saw Maya struggling to make sense and trying to understand what Mrs. Greco was saying. At one point she even used all those hand gestures, that made her look even adorable. Her eyebrows were furrowed as she listened carefully to her. I wanted to chuckle because it was just a waste of time since she obviously didn't understand a word Mrs. Greco had been saying.

"Vedo il modo in cui la guardi." I came out of my thoughts as Mr. Greco said that.
(I see the way you look at her)

I gave the old man a side glance. If it was one of my enemy or my men they would've chose to stay back but since it was Mr. Greco, also known as the man who didn't give a damn about me being a mafioso capo and thought of me as his own son, he just gave me that Don't you lie to me, I've seen enough in life look.

"Dirò la stessa cosa che ho detto a tua moglie," I said to which he kept giving me that look but I continued nonetheless, "non è quello che stai pensando."
(I'll say the same thing I said to your wife, it's not what you're thinking.)

But unlike his wife he didn't choose to just leave it like that. Instead he added further by saying, "Guardavo mia moglie allo stesso modo. Faccio ancora!" As he said that his eyes remained on his wife who was still engulfed in "the talking" with Maya.
(I used to look at my wife the same way. I still do!)

As I was looking at Mrs. Greco my eyes then landed on Maya who chose the exact moment to turn her head towards me, and as her eyes fell on me she gave me a small sheepish yet breathtaking smile. And I'd be lying if I said that, it didn't make my heart skipped a beat...

That was the first time I didn't argue back over something I didn't agree with. So I just let Mr. Greco assumed what he wanted to assume. 'Or maybe because somewhere deep down you also know that he's right.'


"Mr. & Mrs. Greco are very nice people." Maya said as we both were now making our way back to the horse stable. I did promise her afterall, that I'd let her ride the horse afterwards.

"I hope they think the same about you." I said amusingly and her reaction was exactly I had expected.

"Uh excuse me?" She asked as if she was really offended and halted in her steps. "What exactly do you mean by I hope they think the same about you ?" She then imitated.

I halted as well, turned my head to look at her and said,"Exactly what you're thinking." And simply started to continue walking.

I smirked as I heard her scoff and whispering something like smartass mouth under her breath. She stayed in her place and didn't follow me, so I again turned around to look at her with mischief filled eyes and a grin.

"You're joking." She then said looking not offended at all but a little confused. "You just made fun of me." She then chuckled. "The always hard and brooding Massimo just showed signs of normal human beings!" She said in an overdramatic manner.

I rolled my eyes at her and just shook my head. All of a sudden she put her hand over her chest, "oh my god you just rolled your eyes!" She continued with her over dramatic skills. "You didn't gave me that hard or angry, emotionless stare but rolled your eyes!" She faked excitement. "Another sign of normal human beings!"

I was sure if it was someone else or probably Enzo, then I would've definitely punched him in his face by now or cursed him, but since it was Maya and not to forget how cute she was looking while doing whatever she was doing, I just let her do that.

'And then you say it's not what you're thinking...!' My subconscious mind sure had a good timing.


A/N: Hii my loveliest readers!! I hope y'all are fine. I'm doing great now, thankfully :)

I don't know about you guys but I surely loved this chapter! I don't know I just really enjoyed writing it for some reason. I hope you people like it as well!

Thoughts on this chapter? I introduced 2 new characters Mr. & Mrs. Greco, but they won't be here for long.
Who else is excited with where the story is proceeding? Me!🙋‍♀️😁

1.99K VOTES!!
   "chef's kisses"😘

Apologies for errors/mistakes.


Thank you!💕
All the love

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