Queen of the Dragons

By b00klover09

621K 23.6K 3.9K

"Estelle, I will kill any man who stands in my way of having you. I will kill one to one thousand men!" I sna... More

-Story Aesthetics/ Author Notes-
-Twenty & a half-
Twenty one
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight


4.2K 184 39
By b00klover09

"...It is with our most humble apologies that we have chose to decline the invitation to you and your Queen's coronation on the suspicion that you have also extended an invitation to King Talon. On behalf of Lycea, King Sirus and his Queen Esmerelda we congratulate your majesties on your crowning ceremonies and your marriage. The King of Lycea hopes that you will have the chance to visit our glorious country on diplomatic terms and hopefully create an allyship that has not been there under the late King Hrain's rule.

Your ally,
Prince Rowan of Lycea

"Good. The less foreign royalty the better." Having to be kind to people I could care less for took up a lot of energy I did not have. What energy was left would be going to preparing things and of course to my wife.

Alazar glowered at me as he set the letter down and folded his arms over his chest. "You are truly your fathers son."

And he tells me I make unnecessary comments. "I will have to be kind to him anyway, become that idiot kings ally."

"After you have made allies with the vampyr king? You do know he is sniffing around our kingdom in search of oracles and brides?"

Of course I know, I am the one who told him he is allowed to do so. "Yes Uncle, the vampyr king will never find out because I will not tell him..and if he finds out? What will he do? Nothing." The only reason I am not foolish enough to isolate myself from nuisance nations is trade...and now another very important item. "I need something from the Lycea kingdom and if I have to befriend them so be it. I rather kill their idiot king and take over their land but that is unnecessary work."

YES. Kill dog king.

Now Alazar was breathing down my neck, looking at me as if I was insane. "Lochelan?! Have you gone mad? You do not say that aloud. What could you possibly want from the King of the Lycans? You have everything, Loche. Do not begin to be selfish and greedy you know that runs in our blood as it is."

"I was jesting about his death." I suppose I was? I am not sure...I have been undoubtedly a bit more on edge lately...I am a selfish man. That much I know is true. Greedy? I think I have a hold on myself for now... Gaul on the other hand was another story.

"Sure you were. Now what do you want with the lycan king."

Before answering my uncle, I walked over to the door and opened it. No one was in the hallway and I quickly shut the door, locking it. I made my way over to my Uncle watching as he rose his eyebrows in a questioning manner. "Estelle has healing powers like her mother. When she uses them she loses her memory."

Protect pretty fae!

Gaul was under the impression that Alazar was going to do something awful with Estelle's secret. Alazar's eyes widened, "I always thought it was her! Spitting image of her mother. I am not surprised...I cannot believe I did not realize it before!" He thought this was something to be excited about? It was not.

"This is not an excited realization. This is a problem that I am trying to remedy. She was petrified when she told me...thinking I would make her stop." I wanted to make her stop permanently, this problem was probably the reason why she did not have her wings. But I did not have the will or desire to upset her even more than she already was last night.

Gaul almost had a fit when I even thought of telling her to permanently stop. He adored Estelle as did I, but I had to be reasonable. Speaking of the behemoth, he has not made his voice known since we did not indulge in Estelle last night.

He was absolutely furious. Threatening to kill both of us if he did not have his way with his fae. I understood him to a point. It was only so much that a man could take...let alone a behemoth. "Loche, what are you thinking about?!"

"Nothing," I snapped at Alazar as he gave me an odd look before shaking his head. "Back to this problem. I told her she would have to stop until we find a sorcerer to fix her memory problem."

Alazar nodded slowly, "I am surprised you did not try to ban her like a fool...because often times you do act like a fool. I hope you realize that." I hope he realized that my fist wanted to meet his jaw.

"It was a thought...anyway I hear that the Lycea King has a very powerful sorcerer in his kingdom. I want him so I will bargain some deal of non importance and get what I need." It was not a want but a need. I need my wife to be well so I can not worry about her and rule my kingdom. Her taking up more than half of my thoughts is not aiding in my ruling of this kingdom.

My uncle laughed. "I do not think that sorcerer is a he...it is a woman. I have heard about an elderly spitfire who travels around kingdoms wreaking harmony and havoc."

"Well she will wreak harmony in this one. She will agree, we will make a treaty, Estelle will be cured and all will be well."

Alazar sighed loudly before scratching at his beard. "And I thought your wife was naive. You should know nothing is as easy at it appears." That I know is true but it will still happen. And I had other things to deal with rather than play riddle with Alazar.

Want pretty fae.

Gaul finally was talking sense. I wanted Estelle also. I wanted to spend actual time with her instead of eating or sleeping. Which was...odd. I suppose these are the effects of having a wife and actually loving her. "Loche you are sweating."

"It is hot. What do you expect," I snapped at him as he stared at me oddly. Was I the god who controlled the weather? No, so I am not sure why he asks these idiotic questions.
As soon as I left my study, I was met with council members. Six of them to be exact. They all stood side by side, their heads held high. Lord Titus was amongst them, not meeting my eyes. Alazar cleared his throat, glancing at me in confusion. "Have we a meeting today? Have we forgotten?"

"No," one spoke up as he met my eyes. I stared at him back, making the man lower his gaze and fidget nervously. What did they want with me? I know I am basically King but why does everyone always want to speak to me or have audiences? Do these people not have lives...?

"Then what is it you want?" I snapped at them, wondering why they were hindering me from finding my little fae.

The one who lowered his gaze from me took a deep breath. "Your highness it has come to our attention that your wife is a healer...as was her mother. We have watched your father be reduced to madness after that fae healer stayed a short period of time here and we do not wish the same to happen to you."

They thought I was going mad? That I would succumb to whatever madness that my father came to? They honestly thought that the fae were responsible for my father and his delusions? "So what would you six have happen to my wife since you all believe she is a mad fae healer?"

"It is not right to be born with such abilities... such a curse. The gods gift you with their holy fire and it is only right to thank them in a grand way so we recommend a sacrifice of such a gift as healing..."


Laughter began to fester up within me. Were these men delusional? Deranged? Did they have the same disease plaguing their mind as my father? "You six are out of line. Suggesting that a sitting King end his wife's life is nothing short of treason," Alazar spat.

"He is not King yet," one chimed in. "We think that the beginning of the coronation would be best to give her as a sacrifice to please the gods. You are only in this position because they have allowed it, your highness. It is the rational thing to do."


Rational. Rational? Alazar's hand that was on my shoulder was slowly shifting. He gripped me tightly, as I stayed rooted in place. "I am in this position because I was born of a king, that is how this kingdom works," I said slowly, my hand jutting out to to grip the man closest to me around his neck. His skin was so soft...it would be easy to puncture him. Kill him. My behemoth wanted to...but I had other ideas about his death. All of their deaths...

"I am able to shift into a dragon because my parents are dragon," I explained to him as he shook in my grasp. I was not going to hurt him. Yet. "I am able to breathe the gifts of the gods because they will it. I am able to consider the fact that we will have six sacrifices at the coronation instead of three animals because I will be King and I will it."

Lord Titus stepped up, bowing. "We meant no offense my Prince."

Alazar began to chuckle as I let go of the terrified man to look at the rest. "We are trying to help this kingdom and you threaten death!"

"Yes, death. You will be met with the gods in your passing of life. Is that not what all of our people wish for? Or would you all rather die where you stand? No honor in your death or you could die in two days time with such honor. Choose wisely. My behemoth has awakened and I assure you it will be easy to kill you six old imbeciles." 

Four of them fell to the ground. The other two looked to Alazar. As if he would help. If they were looking for compassion, none was to be found with him. He wanted their deaths, I know for sure. Lord Titus was amongst the ones standing.

"My lords please. I admit this idea was a bit extreme...please reconsider. My only son will soon wed, I do not wish to miss out on such a beautiful ceremony. I-I want to see my son and daughter by marriage have hatchlings. I-"

Such delusions this imbecile has. To think that I would actually let Iona marry his son, Ersen. "Even if your death was not set in two days time you would never see your pathetic son produce anything other than failure."

The look of fear and fury on his face did not phase me one bit. It was his fault for raising an invalid and himself being a man worth absolutely nothing. "We have never sacrificed our own before! This is blasphemy!"


Do they wish to die now? "Blasphemy? You all six were present when my wife took her brand. She is one of us and you dared to sacrifice her. So I do not see the issue in sacrificing you six. So," I chuckled as I grabbed Titus by the neck. "Or will you die where you stand or will you be sacrificed in two days. Choose your paths before I make a decision for you," I seethed, my behemoth begging to get out and end these despicable men.

Give bodies to pretty fae.

Everything felt tight, constraining. Gaul wanted out, he wanted to kill these men. He wanted to take comfort in their blood. I wanted to take comfort in their last breaths..


"We...we choose tomorrow!" One cried out, his entire body shaking with fear. "We...we choose tomorrow," he repeated, as tears began to assault his face.

The others stood stunned in silence. "I am not dying tomorrow!" One snarled. Before I had the chance to say or do anything, Alazar was on him. I watched in enjoyment as my uncle handled the man. Quickly snapping his neck with such a force that his head was now facing the other way. His body fell to the floor, twitching for a few moments before going limp.

Alazar stood up and dusted his robes off before looking at me, almost sheepishly. "He said he was not dying tomorrow...so I assumed that meant today."

A smirk played on my lips as I watched the rest of the men cower. "Alazar gather some guards, let them see their family and explain to them the foolery that is causing their deaths then bring them to the cells to await their deaths." I was too kind. I was letting them see their families. I was starting to act like Estelle now...

Speaking of her...I really had to find her now to explain that we were having human sacrifices in two day times.. How would I explain this without her possibly fainting? Or crying? I had no idea.

Estelle would have to witness their deaths. Something I knew she would not condone, but it had to be done.

Every second of the coronation we would have to be together, watching and being watched. Her reaction would tell how the people of our kingdom set their tones towards her. If she was not calm and collected at the coronation ceremony she would be deemed unfit.

It did not matter what anyone thought of her.
If you are against my wife you are against me and you simply have to stop existing.
That is what these men today have learned and what everyone else will learn soon.


Pretty fae!

Breaking out of my turbulent thoughts, the delicious scent of my wife wafted to my nose. Looking around, I noticed that she was rushing down the hall, a large smile on her face as she saw me. Why was my chest feeling odd all of the sudden?

My Queen rushed up to me and threw her arms around my waist, hugging me tightly. "I missed you!" She was sweaty and wearing an incredibly light dress. That did not have the correct amount of material to cover herself in my opinion.

Why was she so dewy? It must've the effects of her wings soon. The symptoms have been high for the last two days. Her body has been sore a lot lately, she has been sleeping more and she clings to me just like she is doing now. Not that I mind...

"You saw me this morning," I told her as she frowned at me and I grabbed her around the waist, beginning to drag her down the hall. I would get it over with now and speak to her about the sacrifices even though I wanted nothing more than to kiss those plump lips.

"Yes but that was so long ago," she complained as I pulled her into one of the many sun chambers that we have.

Once we were inside I closed the door and watched my wife immediately run over to the exposed windows and look out to the garden. "I really need to plant some flowers. All there is, is statues and greenery," she commented as I took her by the hand and lead her towards one of the seats.

"Estelle we need to talk. We can discuss the garden later."

I sat down and watched her still have her eyes on the windows before she frowned and noticed I was sitting. "What tis wrong? Is it something about the coronation?" She questioned as instead of sitting on the chair next to me she climbed onto my lap and straddled me. I pulled at my robes as I realized it was gaping open, exposing my chest that I did not care much about. "You are so beautiful, Loche," she smiled as she cupped my face.

Why was she staring at me like this?
Why must she do this to me?

I glared at her. "Thank you..and yes. Yes it is something about the coronation," I told her as she took her pointer finger and traced it over my collarbone. I watched my wife closely as her breath hitched as her fingers pushed at the material of my day robes. She was exposing my chest even more, her slim fingers softly pressing into my skin. Her breathing hitched slightly as a hard shudder went through my body.

Let pretty fae touch us!

I growled, snatching my wife's hand from my skin. "What do you think you are doing, little fae?" I breathed out as I noticed that her hand trembled in my own, her eyes brightening.

"I do not know. J-just touching you," she spoke cryptically as I smelled her arousal that she was obviously not aware of. Or maybe she was? I am not sure...but we needed to concentrate. Even if Gaul was now highly alert that our wife was sweaty and aroused sitting on our lap...

I kept her hand in my own, noticing that she still was openly gaping at my exposed skin. I hid a chuckle. She had done the same thing the other morning when I was naked. "Estelle, focus. We are becoming King and Queen tomorrow."

She blushed. "I am sorry, Loche. I am a little flustered. I...you are right. I have my dresses and everything else. I am ready to be your Queen," she smiled happily.

My Queen. She already was my queen in my eyes but of course the ceremony. "Yes. You will be my Queen in a days time and I your king." She kissed my cheek giddy like and I almost shoved her off my lap. Why do I have to tell her something that will wipe this beautiful smile off of her face? Maybe I should just not tell her. Then that would really stir up trouble...

Pretty Queen.
Our Queen.

"Estelle we will have sacrifices tomorrow."

She looked away, her smile shriveling like I knew it would. "I...do not like it of course but I cannot judge because that is not kind. Tis your tradition to...to kill animals. Can I meet them first?" Her eyes were filling with tears. "And please do not make me look. I will pretend to look but I cannot do it, Loche."

Estelle was ready to burst at the seams with tears... "Estelle you are my wife and queen and I love you, and anyone who speaks ill of you or threatens you is threatening me." She nodded her head in understanding, an undercurrent of confusion taking over her features.

"Wait...who was speaking ill of me?"

"Some council members who do not need to be named."

My wife sighed. "They were speaking of my eyes yes? How they do not like them?"

Pretty fae pretty!

Her eyes? Her eyes are beautiful. She has the prettiest eyes I have ever seen. "Your eyes are beautiful. You are perfect." She blushed.

"Well what is so awful that they said?"

"They appear to believe that sacrificing you is the best way to honor the gods for gifting me the ability to breathe fire." She stiffened up, her hand that was in mine, gripping me tighter.

"You will not let that happen because you love me," she spoke confidently as her gaze was searching for mine. Confirming what she said with her lips with her  eyes.

Kill for pretty fae!

I would burn down this entire kingdom before I let any harm come to her. "Of course you will not be harmed," I spoke to her as I pressed my mouth against her forehead earning a soft sigh from her as she leaned into me and wrapped her arms around my torso. Or as best as she could.

Her cheek rested on my chest as my lips hovered over forehead. "A sacrifice has to be made, Estelle. No one threatens your life and get away with it."

She tensed. "Loche...please do not say what I think you will say."

"They have to die for their incompetence and audacity," I spoke to her as she sat up looking at me as if I was insane. A look that I was used to with her.

My wife shook her head, grabbing on to my hands. "Loche please! I-I cannot deal with you killing people for me. I-I am not important. I cannot be more important than a living person. Maybe throw them in jail? Can you do that instead?"


"No. They wanted to spill your blood. You are more important than any living soul in this damned kingdom, Estelle. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you can accept this," I told her as she began to  cry. Her tears slipped down her cheeks and I began to attempt at wiping them.

"N-no. I do not want this. You cannot do this, Loche. Please let me go."

Estelle was sobbing now. Her entire body was shaking and I felt like yelling. How could she not realize why I was doing this? Tradition or not she should understand what lengths a husband would go through for his wife. "Estelle..."

"Please let me go."

I did as she was wished, letting her go. She stumbled away, almost falling. I got up immediately to help her and she shrieked.

"I-I am sorry. I just do not want to speak of this. I cannot see people die, I cannot agree with this. Tis awful. I just..." she trailed off and began to walk towards the door.

What was I to say to this? What would Alazar do in this position? He would agree with me of course. He has agreed with me by taking part in one of their deaths already...but how am I supposed to deal with her.

Not only is she upset but the slits where her wings would be growing were bleeding. Heavily. "Estelle you need to calm down. Sit and just breathe."

"I cannot breathe! I am upset, a-and in pain. And I love you but you are...I just..I do not feel good."

She swayed in her footing before she began to fall back. Of course I was there to catch her.

She was upset now but she would accept it. Just as she accepted what I had to do with my father.

"What am I to do with you," I sighed as I situated her in my arms before leaving the chambers and making my way towards our chambers.

The shadow fae was hot on my heels. "Is everything alright, Su Anyi Loche? I heard Su Anya Estelle crying."

"She is in pain from her wings. Grab the medic and tell him to come to our chambers immediately."

"Ah...yes. Okay. Of course Su Anyi Loche!"

⬆️ Swipe up for the next chapter! ⬆️

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