My Broken Rebel - Quinn Fabray

Від ThePuzzler101

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Rebel Evans, twin sister to Sam Evans, moves from Toronto Canada to Lima Ohio with her parents and twin since... Більше

Chapter 1 - The Meeting
Chapter 2 - Glee Club
Chapter 3 - Getting To Know Each Other
Chapter 4 - Falling For Her
Chapter 5 - Duets
Chapter 6 - Making New Friends
Chapter 7 - Are We Dating?
Chapter 8 - He's Back
Chapter 9 - Why Is My Life Like This?
Chapter 10 - I'm Sorry Baby
Chapter 11 - The End Of Andrew Evans
Chapter 12 - Healing
Chapter 13 - The Rocky Horror Glee Show
Chapter 15 - So Andrew Is Your Brother??
Chapter 16 - When It Comes To Sam And Rebel Evans, Liam, you...
Chapter 17 - Adapting
Chapter 18 - Time Of My Life
Chapter 19 - Don't You Dare!!
Chapter 20 - What are you made out of?
Chapter 21 - Blame It On The Alcohol
Chapter 22 - Happy Birthday Baby!!
Chapter 23 - That's Quinn Fabray, My Beautiful Girlfriend
Chapter 24 - Best Prom Ever
Chapter 25 - Finally, I'm In New York!!
Chapter 26 - Moving Away
Chapter 27 - I Miss Her...
Chapter 28 - Feeling Better/Not Feeling Better
Chapter 29 - We Got Our House Back
Chapter 30 - Back In Town
Chapter 31 - An Extraordinary Christmas With Quinn and Rebel
Chapter 32 - Michael
Chapter 33 - It's Cold Quinn!!
Chapter 34 - Valentine's Day
Chapter 35 - The Wheelchair Kid Knows What He's Talking About!
Chapter 36 - It's All M-My Goddamn Fault!
Chapter 37 - You Actually Like Disco?
Chapter 38 - Rebel, What Did You Do?!
Chapter 39 - You beat up a Christian Kid?
Chapter 40 - Another Prom To Remember
Chapter 41 - Chicago... Here We Come!
Chapter 42 - She's My Everything
Chapter 43 - My Eyes Are Up Here, Rebel
Chapter 44 - Thanksgiving
Chapter 45 - New... relationships?
Chapter 46 - And They Will NEVER Be The Same!
Chapter 47 - We Are Going To New York!!
Chapter 48 - Can I Help You, Friend?
Chapter 49 - Enjoy Your Movie Night With Cliff.
Chapter 50 - Because I'm In Love With You!!
Chapter 51 - Be With The Person You Are In Love With.
Chapter 52 - I'm Going To Visit Quinn Fabray.
Chapter 53 - I'll Gladly Buy You A New Bacon Bowl.
Chapter 54 - How The Hell Did You Fall?
Chapter 55 - I Missed You A Lot.
Chapter 56 - I Didn't Actually Mean Give Me Your Babies!!
Chapter 57 - So Your Marrying Me?!
Chapter 58 - Tell Him Or I Will - 100 Part 1
My Oneshot book!! Not A Chapter!!
Chapter 59 - Shes My Drug, And I'm Addicted To Her - 100 Part 2
Chapter 60 - You Ate My Lollipop!!
Chapter 61 - Don't Mess With The Evans Family
Chapter 62 - You'll Never Catch Me!!
Chapter 63 - Ms. Fabray, Ms. Evans, You Two Are Having A....
Chapter 64 - Shut Up And Kiss Me!!
Chapter 65 - YOU SUCK!
Chapter 66 - Welcome Home, My Loves.
Chapter 67 - Also Vaeh, Reesey, The Pizza Was Delicous.
Chapter 68 - Rebel, Chill Out. Everything Is Fine.
Chapter 69 - They Are Geniuses.
Chapter 70 - Can't Wait To Marry My Babygirl.
Chapter 71 - I've Never Been Happier.
Chapter 72 - I Love You, My Soulmate, Always And Forever!

Chapter 14 - Are You Sleeping With Beiste???

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Від ThePuzzler101

Rebel's POV:

Me and Sam were in the school sauna about to take baths. I was taking a cold bath while Sam was taking a hot bath. Sam is on the football team and he said the hot baths help calm his muscles. Which isn't true because the heat just makes it worse but that's Sam for you. Since I'm in wrestling, my muscles tend to hurt after, so a cold bath helps take away my muscle pains.

I was currently waiting to get in my bath since it wasn't ready yet. Sam was already in his hot bath next to mine.

We both had on shorts, the only difference was I was wearing a tank top and Sam wasn't.

One of the people who worked in the sauna room dumped some ice in my cold bath and it was finally ready for me to use. I step in the bath and sit down like it was normal. Sam looks at me like I'm crazy.

"How can you sit in a cold bath? I mean like, I would have frostbites for days." Sam says with a shocked voice and looks at me like I've done something amazing.

"I do get frostbites for days. My feet feel numb for about a month but I'm used to it." I start explain to him and place my hands on the side of the tub. "Since I've been dating Quinn, I need to find a way not to put out." I continue and shrug my shoulders. "I already put out once and it was too risky. Luckily, she didn't get pregnant, but we decided not to risk it again." I explain to Sam while sighing and he nods his head and puts some of the hot water on his chest.

"It's honestly hard not to put out. Like I don't know what to do." I say honestly to Sam while shaking my head because there has been many times where I almost put out on Quinn.

"Well, I have a solution." Sam starts with a smile and I look at him while squinting my eyes.

"I'm listening bro." I tell him and rub my chin in a way that says "you got my attention."

"Well, when I'm having sex, I tend to not focus on what's happening. I think about something totally different from what I'm doing." Sam starts to explain and I nod my head for him to continue explaining. "Well, for example, there was that time in Canada when we found that Canadian Goose by the River and it attacked me. Very traumatizing." Sam says while shuttering at the memory and I laugh at the thought of that incident. I have a video and pictures. It was hilarious.

"Well, I've never been attacked by a Canadian Goose like you have." I chuckle and shake my head as tears come out of my eyes from how hard I'm laughing. Sam rolls his eyes with a smile.

A Canadian Goose has attacked me before. I won't deny that. But it just kicked me in the leg a few times. The Canadian Goose Sam is talking about was crazy. It went wild on him. It punched him, kicked him, slapped him, karate chopped him. It was like a character out of Dragon Ball Z. It was out of this world.

"Well you have to find your own stick in the mud." Sam states while shrugging and throws his head back. "Like something that's not hot." He continues with his head thrown back and scratches his face. Just then I hear the loud voice of Coach Beiste yelling at some kid. She's Sam's football coach and she is very strict.

"I told you Gassy Greg, you will not fart in the sauna!! Go take a shower!!" Coach Beiste yells at Gassy Greg with an angry look on her face while taking him out of a sauna. Greg looks down sadly before walking to the showers.

Gassy Greg is a nickname for this kid called Greg who is always farting. Like does he take laxatives or some gassy shit like that?

"Why don't you use Coach Beiste?" Sam suggested while gesturing to the Beiste and I look at him confused. "Use her to help your not pull out. She's not the hottest person in the world and it might help." Sam shrugs and lifts his head up and I begin to think.

Maybe he's right. I mean, it would help a lot.

"I think I just found my Canadian Goose incident." I say with a confident smile while looking at Coach Beiste yelling at the kid.
Me and Quinn were in her room studying for a test we have. It's an algebra ll test and I am not ready for it. I was laying on her bed on my back and Quinn is sitting next to me.

"Can't I just copy off of you?" I question while groaning and Quinn sighs and puts her book down.

"No, you need to know this stuff. If you just copy off me, you won't actually be learning it." Quinn explains to me and tugs a strand of hair behind my ear. Oh, I forgot to mention, I washed the blonde dye out of my hair and now I'm back to brunette.

"Why do I need to learn y = ax^2+bx+c?" I ask serious and slam my book on her bed and flip my body over and bury my head into the bed.

Quinn takes my head out of her bed and holds my head up by my chin.

"Because it's gonna help you later in life. Somehow." She replies while making a face that says "I'm not to sure but it's whatever."

"How is a that gonna help me in life?? Why are letters even in math? Math is numbers??" I say confused and annoyed at the fact that math is so complicated and irritating.

"I don't know, but they will help you somehow. Look at Albert Einstein. He was one of the smartest people to ever live and you wanna know why?" Quinn asks with a raised eyebrow and I sigh before answering her.

"Why?" I sigh out again and gently run my hairs through my soft hair.

"Because he studied hard. Day and night." Quinn states and I groan loudly in annoyance.

"I don't wanna study. I'm just gonna use math papa and copy the answers from there." I reply while grabbing my phone to search up math papa but Quinn takes my phone from me.

"No, no cheating Reb." Quinn says while holding my phone in her hands and I let out a louder groan. "How about we take a snack break?" She asked with a calm smile and my face changed from vexed to gleaming. I rapidly nod my head while licking my lips. Quinn laughs and stands up and I follow her. We walk out the room towards the kitchen.

"You ready for our date next Saturday?" I ask while wiggling my eyebrows at her and she turns to look at me as we walk down the stairs.

"Yup, your gonna have so much fun next Saturday Reb." Quinn whispers to me in a suggestive way and I smirk as we reach the bottom of the step. We walk down the hall and top the kitchen. Once we get to the kitchen, I see something unexpected.

My mom was kissing some random guy I didn't know!! Me and Quinn's jaws are dropped and we look at them with shock in our faces.

Just then, we hear footsteps behind us. Sam is walking toward us while looking down at his phone. Once he approaches the kitchen, he looks up at us.

"Why are you guys just standing here- WOAH WHAT THE HELL?!!" Sam cuts himself off as he looks towards my mom and the guy and his eyes widen.

My mom and the guy quickly pull away from each other and turn to us with wide eyes. My mom looks scared for some reason. I should be the one who is scared.

"Um kids!" My mom says surprised but also kinda embarrassed. She wipes her lips with her thumb and the guy clears his throat. The guy had long curly blonde hair, a defined chin, a light mole on his cheek, small thin lips and a button nose. The weird thing about it is, he kinda looks like me and Sam. Wtf!!

"What did we just walk into?" Quinn says with wide eyes and I nod my head while looking at them weirdly.

"Yea, what is this mom?" I ask while folding my arms like an interrogator.

"Yes mom, and who is this?" Sam points to the guy that looks oddly similar to us and rubs his chin.

"Honeys, this is Liam Evans, my... boyfriend." My mom explains to us and our jaws dropped.

Introducing Heath Ledger as Liam Evans

"What???" Me and Sam shout at the same time and look at each other. Quinn has a puzzled look on her face but she doesn't look that shocked.

"Are these your kids Lucille?" Liam asks with a smile while pointing to us and now my jaw drops even more.

"You didn't tell him about us???" I ask offended and glare at my mom now.

"She did, I just wanted to make sure it was you guys." He responds kinda nervously and I nod my head, still suspicious of this guy.

"W-when did this happen?" Sam asks confused and walks closer to them. The guy looks kinda nervous. Well he should be.

"Yea, and how come you have a boyfriend so soon?" I ask moving closer as well and glare at the guy. "Not that I don't want you to move on from the asshole, but it's too early." I clarify while staring down the guy who weirdly has our last name.

"And why does he have the same last name as us?" Sam asks confused and I nod my head agreeing with him.

"I'm happy for you Lucille, but considering everything that happened, I mean..." Quinn comments and moves closer as well with a nervous smile.

"Okay, I'll answer all of your questions." My mom starts and we all nod our heads eagerly, wanting answers now. "So Liam and I have known each other for years, even before you guys were born. We had a flame in high school, but then I got with your dad. We lost contact over the years until about ten years ago. We reconnected during that time, got to know each other better, and now we are dating." My mom clarifies and I look at her with my jaw dropped.

My dad didn't allow my mom to have male friends because he thought she would cheat on him with them.

"And I'm gonna be honest, we had an affair over the years." My mom admits and I honestly don't care becuase my dad deserves it.

"Eh that's fine, we hate dads guts." Sam waves it off and I nod my head.

"Oh Liam, this is Quinn, Rebel's girlfriend. We are staying with her and her mom until I get a new home." My mom introduces Quinn to Liam.

"Nice to meet you Quinn." Liam waves at Quinn and she does the same. I slowly walk over to Liam until I am face to face with him. He looks like he just shit himself.

"If you ever put your hands on my mom in a way she doesn't like, I swear to god I'll take your eyeballs out, feed them to the birds, and burn your body alive." I say through gritted teeth and Liams eyes widen really wide.

"Rebel, he's not gonna hurt me. I actually know who he really is. Unlike your dad, who I thought I knew but I didn't." My mom says calmly and backs me away from Liam a little. I keep on glaring at him.

"We own brass knuckles." Sam started and got closer to Liam as well. "I'll also introduce you to my fist, Samuel Jr and Samette." Sam holds up his left and right fists to Liam.

"I promise I won't hurt your mom. I love her. I am not what your father was." Liam confirms with a smile but I still don't trust him.

It's not that he gives me bad vibes. He doesn't. He seems like a good person. But after what my dad put my mom and us through, we can't take any chances.

"We will be watching you." I reply and go over to the fridge to get cookies for me and Quinn. I stick out my middle and pointer finger. I make the "I'm watching you" gesture with my hands and look at him before turning around and walking out the kitchen with Quinn.

"I think it's nice how your protecting your mom." Quinn says as we walk up the stairs and she pats my shoulder.

"Yea, I don't want her to go through abuse again. I'm making sure it doesn't happen." I reply with a shrug and Quinn nods and pecks my lips.

My mom is everything to me. And it's my job to keep her out of danger.
"All right guys, let's get down to business." Mr. Shue starts off as Kurt and Tina walk into the classroom. "Drum roll Finn!!" Mr. Shue points at Finn who is in the front roll and Finn makes a drum roll beat on his notebook.

"Because I have in my hand, our competition for Sectionals next month!" Mr. Shue holds up a paper of the competition and we clap and cheer.

"First, the acapella choir from the all-boys private school in Westerville, the Dalton Academy Warblers." Mr. Shue reads off the first name and we lightly clap.

"Gonna be easy weight." I whisper to Puck making him chuckle and hi five me.

"Okay, hold up. Like a million awesome gay jokes just popped into my head." Santana says while laughing and I shake my head while laughing at her words. Kurt gives her a really look, making me laugh again.

"And the other team to beat— The Hipsters, a first-year club from the Warren Township Continuing Education Program." Mr. Shue announces and we clap again and I look at Quinn. "Now they are a glee club composed entirely of elderly people getting their high school GEDS." He confirms and I laugh at the fact that we are going against a bunch of old people.

"Is that Legal?" Rachel asked with a confused look on her face.

"How are we supposed to compete against a bunch of adorable old people?" Mercedes asked also confused and fixes her hat on her head.

"I'll tell you how, just tap them on the shoulder and they will turn into sand and ashes." I joke while laughing, making everyone laugh and Mercedes playfully push my head.

"Moving on. Since it seemed to get you guys jazzed about Sectionals last year, I want to make this week our second annual Boys Versus Girls Tournament." Mr. Shue moves on from the old people topic and I clap and cheer along with the rest of them.

"So, split up into two groups, and figure out what songs your going to sing." Mr. Shue announces and moves away from the middle of the room and everyone stands up and moves to their side. I go to the left side with the girls and it's next to Quinn.

I see that Kurt looks mad he has to work with the boys. I can tell he wants to work with the girls.
Currently, I was making out with Quinn on her lounge chair. I was sitting up against the back of the chair and she was straddling my lap and kissing my neck.

"Fuck babygirl." I groan out at Quinn made a hickey on my neck. She pulls away from my neck and kisses my lips. She wraps her hand in my hair and I place a hand on her lower back.

"Is this hot enough for you?" Quinn whispers against my lips and leans in to peck them again. I nod my head and kiss her back. I rub her lower back and smile into the kiss. I am really trying hard not to explode right now.

Quinn pushes me to lay down on the lounge couch and she grinds her body into me, making me lightly moan. Oh my god I'm about to bust.

I groan and let Quinn kiss my neck. I hold her head there and moan as she just licked my sweet spot with her warm and delicious tongue. Quinn sticks her hand under my shirt and starts lightly scratching my abs. Oh gosh.

"Say my name Rebel." Quinn whispers against my neck and picks her head up. "I said, say my name." She repeated in a more dominant voice but her voice was still sweet and soft.

I shake my legs and whimper at how hot she sounds when she's dominant. Quinn slides her left hand down to my pants and grips my crotch.

I let out a loud moan and she moans back as she slips her hand into my pants. She puts her hand inside my underwear and rubs me.

"Fuck baby." I moan out while looking at her and she smirks and begins to stroke me.

"Your so big." Quinn moaned out while kissing my jaw and I rub her hair.

She moves back up to my lips and kisses me hard. I can't take this. I'm about to burst. She's driving me crazy. I need a distraction asap.


I then remember what Sam told me. I think about Coach Beiste in a dress chopping up a slab of ribs.

I don't know, it just came to mind. It was the first thing I could think of!!

And it really helped because I don't feel like I'm gonna explode anymore. I feel Quinn's lips hovering over mines and I open my eyes and look up at her.

"Say my name or I'll leave you with black and blue balls." Quinn muttered against my lips in a seductive voice and I let out a soft moan.

Black and blue balls are a bitch. Quinn begins to kiss my neck again and I let out another soft moan.

"I said, say my name." Beiste says in my head and she is still chopping meat with a butcher knife.

The next thing that comes out of my mouth is possibly the stupidest thing I have ever said.

"Beiste." I blurt out with a lazy and stupid smile, not even knowing what I was saying.

My eyes quickly pop open once I realize what I said. Quinn stops kissing my neck and slowly lifts her head up. She looks at me confused.

"What did you just say?" She asked me with a raised eyebrow and my eyes go wide. I am fucked. I am such an idiot.

"Why did you said Beiste?" She questions with a raised eyebrow and I rub my neck.

"U-Uh..." I stutter horribly and look around the room, trying to avoid Quinn's eyes that are soon filling with anger.

"Why did you say Beiste?" She asked a little more angrier and gets off of me.

I don't answer her. I'm to embarrassed to tell her the real reason.

"Answer me!!" Quinn yells startling me and she walks closer to me. I swear my soul just left my body at her tone. I back away until I am against a wall. She stands in front of me and places her hands next to my head while she glares at me.

"Are you sleeping with Beiste?" She asked oddly calm and somehow I got my voice back because I soon blurt some words.

"What? No!! I'm not sleeping with Beiste!" I yell and tell Quinn the truth but I can tell she doesn't believe me. She backs away from me and grabs a pillow. She throws it at me and growls.

"You fucking cheated on me with a teacher!! A fucking teacher!!" Quinn yells and hits me with the pillow.

"Can you stop??" I ask while trying to grab the pillow from her. It doesn't hurt, it just that she's not giving me a chance to explain myself.

"Fuck you Rebel!! Get out!!" Quinn yells with fire burning from her eyes. She points to the door and throws another pillow at me.

"Baby please-" I try to explain myself but once again, Quinn cuts me off.

"Get the fuck out now!!!!" She shouts at the top of her lungs and throws another pillow at me. "Have fun with your black and blue balls!!" She shouted at me while throwing another pillow at me and I quickly run out the room.

Quinn throws my sweater out the door at me. I catch it and she glared at me before slamming the door at me harshly.

"Fuck!!" I yell angrily and punch the wall, causing a dent to appear. I furiously wipe the tears that are falling out of my eye and go downstairs.
Currently, I am at dinner with Sam, my mom and Liam. I am trying no to think about what happened with Quinn and I'm trying to stay positive.

Liam seems very cool. But I'm not gonna keep my hopes up. We are at breadstix and I'm glad we are cause hello, the food is good as hell.

"That's when I said to the guy, if you don't get the fuck out of my house, I'll cut your dick off." Liam says in a Darth Vader voice and we all laugh. He was telling us about the story when a homeless man broke into his house.

It was an intense story. He even said the homeless man took a shit on his floor. He had to move after that. Heck I would too. That's nasty as hell.

Liam does impressions just like Sam. And they don't make any sense. Liam also like wrestling like me and he likes to watch cartoons like me. It's so weird how similar he is to us.

"It's crazy how we both do impressions. It's like magic." Sam says excitedly and Liam smiles happily.

"Well dude, impressions have always been my thing. It's what gets me going in life." Liam explains and I nod my head in understanding.

"I told you I scored a hottie." My mom mouths to me and Sam and we scrunch our faces up in disgust and laugh. Liam is a handsome looking guy and I'm glad he's treating my mom well SO far.

"What else do you two like to do?" Liam asks me and Sam while taking a sip of tea.

"Well, we like video games and comic books." I start off with a smile and look at Sam who is smiling too.

"We like going out, having fun and spending time with the people we love." Sam continues for me and takes a bite of a biscuit.

"That's awesome guys. What if I told you, I have the rare Spectacular Spider-Man book? Number #200. And it's signed by Stan Lee." Liam looks at us with a raised eyebrow and me and Sam's eyes widen.

"What?? We've wanted that comic since we were 6!!!" Me and Sam yell excitedly at the same time and my mom laughs.

"I've read it. That shit sucked." My mom shrugs and takes a bite of shrimp and me and Sam gasp loudly.

"You take that back mom." Sam say while still gasping and bites his burger.

"Yea, that's the best comic book to ever be made. And it's signed by Stan Lee? Forget it." I put my hands up in excitement and Liam chuckles.

"Dude made Marvel!! He is a frickin legend!!" Sam adds on while tapping his temples to show how amazing Stan Lee is. My mom playfully rolled her eyes.

"Well, the comic is yours." Liam says and reaches into his bag and pulls out the iconic comic. He hands it to me and Sam and we gasp.

"Oh my god Rebel, Rebel!!" Sam shouts happily, grabbing the attention of the other dinners but we are too excited to care.

"I know I know!! We are holding THE comic book!!!" I squeal as me and Sam feel the marvelous comic.

"Thank you so much dude!!" Sam does a little handshake with Liam and laughs.

"Yea thanks Liam. This is awesome!!" I squeal and do the same handshake with him.

"No problem kiddos." Liam says with a smile and my mom admires us and watches in aww. I think she's happy that her boyfriend and children are getting along.
I was walking to the choir room behind Quinn, trying to explain my side of the story. But she is not listening.

"Quinn, just let me explain." I groan out and run up next to her, making her pick up her pace.

"Why don't you go explain it to Beiste?" She said angrily while putting a hand in my face, signaling she doesn't want to talk to me.

"Quinn come on-" I start but Quinn quickly stops and faces me and looks at me with a deep glare.

"Eh, talk to the hand." Quinn holds her hand up in front of me and rolls her eyes before walking away again. I quickly run behind her.

"Wait, come-" I try to speak again but Quinn brings her hand up again and holds it in front of my face.

"Talk to the hand." She says again and walks in the choir room, leaving me running after her like a lost puppy.

"The boys beat us the last time we competed against them." I hear Mercedes says as I enter the choir room behind Quinn. Quinn sits in a seat next to Tina and I sit on the other side. Quinn rolls her eyes at me and gets up and moves to the other side of the room. Again, I follow her.

"Stop following me." Quinn says through gritted teeth and goes over and sits next to Rachel.

I don't listen and I follow her again. But this time, I get on my knees and lay my head down on her lap. I wrap my arms around her waist and lightly whimper. Ha, now she's trapped.

"Rebel, get off." Quinn says in an annoyed voice and sighs angrily while trying to get me off her.

"Trouble in the Ruinn paradise?" Santana asked smugly from in front of us and I nod my head sadly.

"Well what the hell happened?" Mercedes asks as Quinn finally got my head off her and got my arms from around her waist. I pout lightly and frown before going to sit next to Tina.

"Rebel cheated on me with Coach Beiste." Quinn says while glaring at me and everyone snaps their head and looks at me with wide eyes.

"You cheated on my best friend? She may be annoying as hell and has big ass stretch marks but you can't cheat on her!! Oh it is on's Rebel!!" Santana shouts and comes to attack me but Brittany holds her back.

"Wow, didn't think you were a cheater Rebel." Mercedes says with a shocked voice and I loudly groan before standing up.

"I didn't cheat on Quinn. It's just a misunderstanding!!" I blurt out while shaking my head and they look at me confused.

"Well what happened?" Brittany asked in a calm voice and as I sigh sadly, knowing I'm gonna have to tell them. I'm about to start explaining when Quinn speaks up.

"I don't wanna here it. I know what happened." Quinn rolls her eyes and looks away from me. I look down and let tears fall out of my eyes as Tina pats my back in comfort.

"The boys beat us the last time we competed against them. We've got to bring the noise hard this time." Mercedes says while getting off the topic and doing a finger gesture.

"To be fair, they didn't officially beat us." Quinn starts explaining and she looks like she doesn't even care about the Beiste topic anymore. She didn't even let me explain. I never cheated on Quinn and I will never cheat on her. "We got busted for vitamin D possession before the vote." Quinn continued and I decide to write her a note.

Please, let me explain what happened. I miss you.

Do you want to talk? Circle yes or no below.

Yes? No?

Hopefully you choose yes.

I finish writing my note and smile and kiss it. I fold the paper and look to Tina.

"Pass it to Quinn." I whisper to Tina and tap her on the shoulder and hand her the note. She takes it and hands it to Mercedes who hands to Rachel who hands it to Quinn. Quinn opens the letter and reads it. She takes out a pen and writes something. Then she hands it back to Rachel and the pattern goes on until the note is back in my hands. I open it and start reading.

Damn it. She circled no.

She also wrote something under it.

Don't send me any more notes.

I sigh sadly and put the note back in my pocket and decide to pay attention to what's going on.

"Wait. Somethings definitely wrong. Why isn't Rachel talking?" Santana snarks with a smile while looking at Brittany.

"Yea she should totally be bossing us around right now." Brittany says while tying a knot in something and looking down at what she is doing.

"The idea of the assignment was to do the opposite of what we normally do." Rachel starts while clipping her nails with a nail clipper. "I'm just trying to stick to the lesson plan, which is proving nearly impossible since your gluing those sequins on backwards." Rachel refers to Santana who is gluing some sequins and Santana slowly turns her head to look at Rachel with a glare.

"Spies!!" Rachel yells while pointing at Puck and Artie who have just strolled into the classroom.

"Lighten up—We're here to talk to Santana and Brittany." Puck states while pushing Artie in his wheelchair. They stop in front of Santana and Brittany.

"Hmm. So, how does it feel to be a free man?" Santana asks Puck with some sarcasm in her voice and sits up in her chair.

"All I can say is that I don't want a long-term relationship with either of you. Especially Brittany since I'm not in love with her." Artie clarified with his arms folded and Puck takes his hands off of Artie's chair and stands next to him.

Then Brittany asks them if they want to go out which is weird since I thought her and Santana had something going on. Pick and Artie tell them to show up and say that they will show up if they didn't find hotter girls to date. But I bet if Puck and Artie don't show up, Santana and Brittany will just end up going on a date with each other. Then Santana calls them cool and I'm like huh? This isn't the 80's, being a player isn't cool.

The rest of us give them wtf looks. But I don't really care about that. I look at Quinn and see she is writing something down. I throw a paper ball at her and she slams her pen on her book and looks at me with a harsh glare.

"Call me." I mouth to her and turn my fingers into a phone and hold it up to my ear. She rolls her eyes and looks back down at her notebook. I will not stop till Quinn isn't mad at me.
"Just be honest with me— I won't get mad." Quinn says in a soft voice as we walk down the hallways next to each other. She finally decides to speak to me again!! "I won't be mad at you if you admit it. I'll be relieved." She continues and I stop at my locker and Quinn stops next to me. I open my locker and begin putting my books inside of it.

"Admit what? I told you the truth." I say calmly as I grab some books and stuff them in my bag. I shut my locker and walk down the halls with Quinn.

"You said another woman's name while you were kissing me!!" She shouts so the whole friggin world can hear. "She's your gym teacher, and I get it. She's in a position of power over you, which can be exciting, and you clearly like women who give you a hard time." Quinn yells at me as I walk in front of her down the hallways and I laugh.

"Well, I like you. And you sure do give me a hard time." I laugh while turning around and Quinn glares at me. "Look, I am not cheating on you with my gym teacher." I start and raise my voice a little and Quinn gives me a look that says "you better watch what the fuck you say." I walk closer to her. "Can we please talk about this somewhere private?" I ask quietly and look around to see if anyone can hear me.

"Why am I embarrassing you?" Quinn asks with a sarcastic smile and I sigh.

"I promise, it's totally different from what you think." I say quietly while looking into her eyes.

"What I think is that I'm not putting out for you, so your getting it wherever you can, including in the sauna with Beiste!!" Quinn yells and I shush her and gently hold her arm.

"What's this?" I hear the voice of... oh my fucking god. Coach Beiste from behind me. Why couldn't anybody else be here???

"This is a lovers quarrel and it's all your fault!!" Quinn yells at her and whips her head towards her.

"Watch your tone with me missy. You crap on my leg, I'll cut it off." Coach Beiste claps back and that just makes Quinn angrier.

"Your fucking my girlfriend!!" Quinn shouts at the top of her lungs and my eyes widen. Coach Beiste gives Quinn a wtf look.

"Everything okay?" I hear Mr. frickin Shue say from behind me and I rub my eyes annoyed.

"What the hell are you talking about? I ain't never had any sexual relationship with a student!!" Coach Beiste starts to get angry and Quinn scoff with a bitchy smile.

"What the hell is going on?" Coach Beiste asks confused and baffled and Mr. Shue holds onto his cup.

"What's going on Rebel?" Mr. Shue asks seriously and faces me and Quinn and Beiste look at me too. Beiste walks away annoyed and pissed.

I sigh, knowing I have to tell him. I look behind Quinn and see Sam watching with wide eyes. He runs away.

Fuck you for telling me about this Sam.
"Okay, so Quinn doesn't like it put out. Which I'm totally fine with." I begin to tell Mr. Shue as me, Quinn and him are in the choir room. Quinn gives me a wtf look. "So Sam told me about a way I can not explode every time we... you know..." I trail off nervously, not wanting to say it. He nods, understanding what I'm saying. "He said think about the opposite of what your doing. It helps to stop you from exploding." I finish explains and Quinn looks at me with a sorry look. "In no way, shape or form have I ever had any sexual contact with Coach Beiste. Or anyone besides Quinn." I confirm and sigh as I just got that off my chest.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry Reb. I should've let you explain." Quinn says with tears in her eyes and I quickly wipe them away.

"It's okay. I understand why you were mad." I reply and she gives me a hug and I hear Mr. Shue let out a sigh.

"This is extremely bad Rebel. Coach Beiste is hurt over this. If this gets to Figgins, she could get fired!!" He raises his voice enough so it's loud but he's not yelling.

"Damn it, fuck. I messed up." I reply while rubbing my head annoyed.

"You need to think of a way to apologize. And ASAP." Mr. Shue states calmly and walks out the room. Quinn hugs me again.

"I'm sorry again baby. I thought the note was cute." Quinn tries to cheer me up but it's not working.

"Goddamn it Quinnie, I gotta apologize." I reply and tears fall out my eyes. "And remind me to never listen to Sam again." I add on while chuckling through my tears.

"I could've told you that." Quinn replies and I shake my head as more tears fall out my eyes.
Rebel's Outfit:(With a black bandana on her head and chains on her jeans)

We are currently performing our mashup. I thought of a way to apologize to Coach Beiste. The boys let me use their mash up to apologize to her. And I'm glad they did because the song really helps me say sorry.

(Rebel is next to Quinn)
"Why am I here Rebel?" Coach Beiste asked quietly as me and the boys stand in front of her and the rest of the girls with suits on. We had on a white dress shirt, black bow tie, blue jacket, black dress pants and black dress shoes.

"Your here because I want to apologize." I start off and take a deep breathe in. "I'm sorry for what I said about you. It wasn't intended to be said like that. At all. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." I continue while looking at Coach Beiste.

"It's kinda my fault. I told her to think about the opposite of what your doing when your with your girl." Sam states kinda nervously and I nod furiously, not wanting to take the blame alone.

"We are all sorry, we all took part in this." Puck states and I lightly smile. Good, they aren't letting me take the blame.

"Not me." Kurt comments with some sass and we chuckle.

"We think your awesome. And the boys have been kind enough to let me in on their mashup so we can all apologize. We hope you like it." I finish with a smile and look at Quinn. She blows a kiss at me and I catch it. I look at the band and nod for them to start playing the music.

(Rebel is next to Sam and Kurt. She sings Sam's part and when she goes up to Quinn, she gets on one knee and kisses her hand, making Quinn blush)

As we finish, everyone but Beiste claps and cheers. Coach Beiste still has a stern look on her face. We walk up to Coach Beiste and we stop in front of her. I look to Coach Beiste and see she looks like she's thinking.

"Thank you." Coach Beiste said quietly and I smile brightly and nod.

"So, forgive us?" Finn asked nervously with his arms out for a hug.

"I forgive y'all." She replies with a smile and we all go in for a hug, even the girls. I smile brightly and look at Quinn who is hugging Beiste on the other side of me.

"I love you." I mouth to Quinn and rub her cheek gently.

"I love you too Reb." Quinn rubs my cheek as well and we just stare at each other affectionately.
"I am never listening to you again Sam. You almost made me get Beiste fired. Your lucky she forgave me." I tell Sam sternly as we unlock the door to Quinn's house. I push the door open and throw my bag on the floor.

"Hey, I didn't tell you to get caught." Sam put his hands up in defense and I playfully push his head. We walk into the living room to see mom and Liam sitting on the couch quietly. They look nervous and worried.

"What's wrong guys?" I ask confused and scratch my head confused on my they look so out of it.

"Yea, what's up?" Sam asked while putting his bag down on the floor. It's been a little over a week since we met Liam and he seems cool. He watches basketball with us and he is really funny.

"Um, sit down honeys." My mom quietly states and gestures to the couch.

"What's going on? Why do you guys look so worried?" I ask confused and Sam nods his head as we both sit down on the couch opposite of them.

"Well, we just got back from the doctors office. We had some speculations about a certain topic and it turns out our speculations are right." My mom states while rubbing her arm nervously and now I am really confused.

"W-what do you mean?" Sam slightly stutters while looking at both my mom and Liam with a puzzled face.

"Well, Sam, Rebel," Liam finally speaks up and I look towards him and see he looks tense. "There is a chance that I am your father." Liam states quietly and it is so quiet that I barely heard him.

Me and Sam's jaws drop and we look at each other with wide eyes. My breathing is heavy as hell and I can see that Sam's is too.

What the hell???

"C-c-come a-again." I stutter horribly and gesture for Liam to repeat himself. He puts his head in his hands and looks down. My mom looks at us with tears in our eyes. But they look like happy tears.

"Liam... could be your father honey's." My mom repeats for Liam as more tears fall out her eyes. Me and Sam are still shocked and I feel like I'm gonna faint.

Wow. Now that's some news.

What do y'all think of Liam?? Also, Liam could be Rebel and Sam's father!!! How?? 😱Stay tuned to find out.👀

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