My Broken Rebel - Quinn Fabray

By ThePuzzler101

261K 5.4K 2.3K

Rebel Evans, twin sister to Sam Evans, moves from Toronto Canada to Lima Ohio with her parents and twin since... More

Chapter 1 - The Meeting
Chapter 2 - Glee Club
Chapter 3 - Getting To Know Each Other
Chapter 4 - Falling For Her
Chapter 6 - Making New Friends
Chapter 7 - Are We Dating?
Chapter 8 - He's Back
Chapter 9 - Why Is My Life Like This?
Chapter 10 - I'm Sorry Baby
Chapter 11 - The End Of Andrew Evans
Chapter 12 - Healing
Chapter 13 - The Rocky Horror Glee Show
Chapter 14 - Are You Sleeping With Beiste???
Chapter 15 - So Andrew Is Your Brother??
Chapter 16 - When It Comes To Sam And Rebel Evans, Liam, you...
Chapter 17 - Adapting
Chapter 18 - Time Of My Life
Chapter 19 - Don't You Dare!!
Chapter 20 - What are you made out of?
Chapter 21 - Blame It On The Alcohol
Chapter 22 - Happy Birthday Baby!!
Chapter 23 - That's Quinn Fabray, My Beautiful Girlfriend
Chapter 24 - Best Prom Ever
Chapter 25 - Finally, I'm In New York!!
Chapter 26 - Moving Away
Chapter 27 - I Miss Her...
Chapter 28 - Feeling Better/Not Feeling Better
Chapter 29 - We Got Our House Back
Chapter 30 - Back In Town
Chapter 31 - An Extraordinary Christmas With Quinn and Rebel
Chapter 32 - Michael
Chapter 33 - It's Cold Quinn!!
Chapter 34 - Valentine's Day
Chapter 35 - The Wheelchair Kid Knows What He's Talking About!
Chapter 36 - It's All M-My Goddamn Fault!
Chapter 37 - You Actually Like Disco?
Chapter 38 - Rebel, What Did You Do?!
Chapter 39 - You beat up a Christian Kid?
Chapter 40 - Another Prom To Remember
Chapter 41 - Chicago... Here We Come!
Chapter 42 - She's My Everything
Chapter 43 - My Eyes Are Up Here, Rebel
Chapter 44 - Thanksgiving
Chapter 45 - New... relationships?
Chapter 46 - And They Will NEVER Be The Same!
Chapter 47 - We Are Going To New York!!
Chapter 48 - Can I Help You, Friend?
Chapter 49 - Enjoy Your Movie Night With Cliff.
Chapter 50 - Because I'm In Love With You!!
Chapter 51 - Be With The Person You Are In Love With.
Chapter 52 - I'm Going To Visit Quinn Fabray.
Chapter 53 - I'll Gladly Buy You A New Bacon Bowl.
Chapter 54 - How The Hell Did You Fall?
Chapter 55 - I Missed You A Lot.
Chapter 56 - I Didn't Actually Mean Give Me Your Babies!!
Chapter 57 - So Your Marrying Me?!
Chapter 58 - Tell Him Or I Will - 100 Part 1
My Oneshot book!! Not A Chapter!!
Chapter 59 - Shes My Drug, And I'm Addicted To Her - 100 Part 2
Chapter 60 - You Ate My Lollipop!!
Chapter 61 - Don't Mess With The Evans Family
Chapter 62 - You'll Never Catch Me!!
Chapter 63 - Ms. Fabray, Ms. Evans, You Two Are Having A....
Chapter 64 - Shut Up And Kiss Me!!
Chapter 65 - YOU SUCK!
Chapter 66 - Welcome Home, My Loves.
Chapter 67 - Also Vaeh, Reesey, The Pizza Was Delicous.
Chapter 68 - Rebel, Chill Out. Everything Is Fine.
Chapter 69 - They Are Geniuses.
Chapter 70 - Can't Wait To Marry My Babygirl.
Chapter 71 - I've Never Been Happier.
Chapter 72 - I Love You, My Soulmate, Always And Forever!

Chapter 5 - Duets

5.6K 156 70
By ThePuzzler101

Rebel's Outfit:

Rebels POV:

It's been a few days since Quinn and I kissed. Her lips are so soft. God I could kiss them forever. Nothing is weird between us. I hope she feels the same as I do. I think she only kissed me to stop my panic attack. I'm glad she stopped it but I also enjoyed the kiss. Today we are performing the duets and I'm really excited to sing with Quinn.

The day after I slept at Quinn's, my dad wasn't there thank god. He was probably off cheating on my mom. That bastard. So it was just Sam and my mom at home. I told my mom where I was so she wouldn't worry.

"I can't wait to sing with you." I tell Quinn as we sit in the library. I was throwing a pencil up at the ceiling and letting it stick and fall back down to me. Quinn was studying for a geography test. I place my feet up on the table.

"Me too." She says with a smile and gently holds my free hand.

"Your not allowed to have your feet up on the table." A nerdy kid whispers from the table next to me. I turn my head to him and glare.

"Shut the fuck up and mind your business before I give you a swirly." I whisper shout at him with an angry face and pretend to hit him to scare him. His eyes widen and he turns away and curls up in a ball.

"That was mean..." Quinn chuckles while looking at the terrified kid and I smirk. "I like it." She added on with a smile and I laugh.

"How's the studying coming?" I ask her gently and look at what's she's doing.

"Stressful." Quinn sighs out and places her hands on her temples before rubbing them aggressively.

"I can help you know." I offer her with a small smile and I put my feet down before scooting closer to her.

"Really? What do you know about geometry?" She asked with a raised eyebrow and I make a fake offended face.

"Hey, I know a lot about geometry. I'm smarter than you think." I point a stern finger at her and she chuckles. I actually don't know a lot about geometry. But I'm good at it so that's cool right?

"Okay, you can help me." Quinn gave in and rolled her eyes. I smile brightly.

"Yes!!" I silently cheer and I hear the librarian shush me. I turn to her and stick my middle finger up at her and she looks at me shocked.

"Your such a little Rebel." Quinn cooed and laughed and I laugh along with her. "And I've never seen anyone excited to help someone study." Quinn quirks an eyebrow and I lightly blush.

"Well, I usually am not so excited to help someone study, but I get to spend some extra time with you, so I'm happy." I reply with a confident smile and I look into her eyes.

"Oh yeah?" She asked with a small smirk and I nod my head, still very confident.

"Yeah." I reply softly and me and Quinn look into each other's eyes. As I stare into her eyes, I can't help but think about how beautiful she is.

Her green orbs sparkle under the light and they can take anyone's breath away. Her plump lips are oh so soft and fluffy and very addicting. Her beautiful, soft blonde hair that flows over her shoulders. Her giggle that can make anyone be in total awe of her. Her giggle is so cute, soft, adorable and just downright contagious. It's such a beautiful and unique giggle. And her smile, oh gosh don't even get me started on that beautiful smile. Her smile is everything it me. It's affectionate, charming and her smile lights up the room anyone it appears on her face. Gosh, her beautiful smile can make me forget about all the pain I have been put through. It's so calming and relaxing.

I was so lost in my thoughts. I didn't even hear Quinn calling my name.

"Rebel? Rebel!!" Quinn calls me as she waves her hand in front of my face and I shake my head and rub my eyes. I lightly slap myself on my cheek as I shake off all my thoughts. "Are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost." Quinn asked me with concern in her voice and she lightly bites on her bottom lip. Gosh, she really shouldn't do that, I feel a hard on coming. She is insanely attractive, she doesn't even understand the half of it. Girls who bite their bottom lip is such a turn on for me. But Quinn biting her bottom lip? Oh forget about it. I am way past turned on. I'm like a hopeless puppy at that point.

"I'm okay, I just got lost in my thoughts." I inform her with a smile and she nods her head and smiles back. I move closer to her until our chairs were right next to each others. I look back down at the geometry problem and I read it in my head.

25 + 3e / 12bce (^2 - ed5). Easy peasy lemon squeezy. I think to myself as I pick Quinn's pencil up off the table and I begin to break the problem down into sections first.
Okay now everyone is in the choir room and we are doing the duets. Mercedes and Santana are up first and it's weird because they literally can't stand each other. Just like I can't stand anyone but Sam and Quinn.

(Rebel is Sam. Sam is next to Kurt)

When they finish they give each other a side hi five while staring at us sassily. They honestly did great. They and everyone else annoy the crap out of me but they can sing.

"Whoo!!" Everyone cheered expect for me. I just decided to clap. I wasn't into cheering and whatnot. Quinn turns her head to me and looks at me. I give her a "we got competition" look and she turns back to face forward.

"Again, again, again!!" Artie chants while throwing his arms up.

"Ladies, nice work!!" Mr. Shue says while standing up and clapping. "What an incredible song!!" He continues and walks over to them and gives them hi fives. He walks with them over to the middle of the room.

"And just so you know I've already bought custom bibs for me and Mercedes here," Santana starts and gestures to her and Mercedes. "You know why? Cause we's be going..." Santana starts off and does hand gestures to get her point across.

"To breadstix!!" Both Santana and Mercedes say at the same time while doing the same hand gesture.

"You here that guys? You have your work cut out for you." Mr. Shue points at us while laughing and I look at Quinn.
"Okay, so we worked really hard on this song and hope you guys like it." Sam says with a smile as he and Kurt stand next to each other in the stage. We were in the auditorium. Sam and Kurts duet has background dancers so they needed the stage. They both are wearing suits. Kurt is wearing a more feminine suit that is white and Sam is a more masculine suit that is black.

"Dude... are you gay?" Finn asks Sam with a questioning look and I look at him confused. "Cause this song and duet you about to do is kinda gay to be doing it with another male." He adds on and I wanna punch him but Sam gives me a look that says no. I see Kurt has a hurt look on his face. I honestly feel bad.

"I'm not gay but I don't get how doing a duet with another male makes me gay." Sam says confused while scratching his hair.

"Fuck off you dickhead." I say to Finn nonchalantly while I sit next to Quinn and Mercedes, defending Sam from this jerk. There were 3 people between me and Finn. Quinn, Santana and Brittany.

"What did you say to me punk?" He growls at me and looks like he's about to stand up. I get up out of my seat and turn my body to him.

"I said... fuck off you dickhead." I repeated slowly with a fake smile and he growls loudly. "Are you an idiot or something? Are you deaf? Did you not hear me say that the first time you egghead?" I asked while tapping the left side of my temple twice and giving Finn a dumb look. Finn stands up and I'm about to kick his ass when Mr. Shue starts yelling

"Hey, cut it out you two!" Mr. Shue shouts in his teacher tone and points at me and Finn. I sit back down in my seat harshly. My chest is puffing in and out and I wanna beat Finn up so badly. Quinn places a hand on my chest and it instantly calms me down. I glance over Quinn and see Santana and Brittany smirking at me.

"Kiss her." They mouth to me and make kissing faces to mock me. I start to get nervous and quickly look away. I turn back to the stage and see Sam and Kurt about to start.

(Pretend Sam has on a black suit and Kurts just wearing the white side of his suit)

"Great job you two. Awesome choice of costumes and so creative!!" Mr. Shue claps and goes on the stage again.

"To be honest you guys did great. And that's coming from me." Puck complimented while smiling and clapping. Sam smiles brightly and I can tell he's happy everyone liked it. He's always been the more happy and positive one out of us both.

We all clap for them one last time and Kurt and Sam bow.
I was at my locker getting my books for my next class. English. I grab my English book and am about to shut my locker when I see a hand harshly shut my locker. The hand had dark purple nail polish on it. It startles me. I look to the side and see Santana and Brittany standing there, Santana's hand on my locker.

"Can I help you?" I ask them with a quirked eyebrow, confused as to why they were here.

"We know you like Quinn." Brittany nonchalantly says and my eyes widen.

"Well... yea. Of c-course I l-like Quinn. Who w-wouldn't? I mean, w-what's not to l-like?" I stammer and stutter over my words, some sweat starts to drip down my forehead out of nervousness.

"Cut the crap. We know you like her and want to fuck the daylights out of her and make babies with her." Santana bluntly said while rolling her eyes and my jaw drops. Yea I sometimes fantasize about that but jeez.

"W-w-w-what?" I really stutter over my words once again, extremely anxious right now.

"You should go for it." Brittany tells me and I gesture for her to continue, not knowing what she is saying. "You should date Quinn."

"Yea, tubbers is really lonely and it seems like your poutine looking self can be her big gay mate." Santana continues with a sarcastic smile and I roll my eyes.

"Not all Canadians like poutine. I don't." I roll my eyes at the huge stereotype against Canadians.

"Whatever, don't really care." Santana rolls her eyes with a smile. "But anyways, y'all can be cute. Ask her out." Santana finishes before linking pinkies with Brittany and the two of them walk away from me. I think about what Santana and Brittany just told me. I really do like Quinn. Maybe I should go for it.
"Oh come on, can you guys start already?" I say annoyed at the fact that Tina and Mike have been facing away from us for 5 minutes and have yet to start. "I'm tired of looking at your scoliosis shaped backs." I continue with a smug smile and everyone laughs. Quinn playfully slaps me while laughing and I chuckle and wrap an arm around her shoulder.

Tina and Mike both stick up the middle finger up at me and I stick it up right back at them. Finally, after 5 more minutes, they begin.

(Rebel is next to Quinn and Mercedes)

I was shocked at Mike's singing voice. I know Tina can sing but I didn't know Mike could. He doesn't have the best voice but it's actually pretty good. He was mostly yelling and flinging himself across the classroom but it was good. As Mike was finishing, Mercedes started singing in my face. Hell no!!

"Don't fucking sing in my face again." I growl at her with a furious look on my face. She makes a shocked face and her jaw drops.

"Well you can calm down. It was just a joke." She rolls her eyes harshly and turns away from me.

"I don't fucking joke." I tell her through gritted teeth and move closer to Quinn. I turn around and see the whole class smirking at me expect for Finn who still looks mad. I stick the middle finger up at him and turn back around while stroking Quinn's shoulder gently.

"Okay moving on." Mr. Shue sighs and slaps his thighs. "Wow Mike and Tina. Now that is a duet!!" Mr. Shue stands up and shakes his finger while walking up to Mike and Tina who just hugged. "Thank you Tina for introducing us to the amazing voice of Mike Chang!!" Mr. Shue says while putting his hand on Mikes shoulder and patting his chest. Everyone lightly claps.
"Hey there gay Canadian and fat Trouty Lips." Sue says with a smile while coming up to me and Sam in the lunch line. I really don't wanna deal with her now. She literally annoys me everyday. She's an enemy.

"Fuck off Sue." I growl at her while taking a Pepsi and a pepperoni pizza. This schools lunch is actually really good.

"Yea leave us alone." Sam rolls his eyes and grabs a BLT sandwich and a Sprite.

"Well I just came buy to say hi you overgrown toad." She snarled at me and now I've had enough. I slam my tray on the counter that you get your lunch at and turn to her.

"Leave me the hell alone Sue!! You annoying piece of trash!!" I shout angrily and slam my bag on the floor. Everyone is looking at this interaction with smiles on their faces, excited to see what happens. Every time I get mad and there's a lot of people around, they always get excited to see what happens. The last time I got mad, I punched JBI in the nose. He deserved it, he kept bugging me and filming me.

"You don't talk to me like that you lizard!! My office now!!" She yells and I scoff. I hand Sam my phone.

"I'm not going anywhere with you. That's why your hair is falling out and you have to use hair from a goddamn doll to try to look young. You don't anyways so I don't know why you try you privileged asshole!! How are you not in jail right now? You fucking abuse kids!!" I question while yelling and Sues eyes widen and her jaw drops in shock.

"She's got a point." Puck shouted out and everyone nods and hums in agreement. I take my phone back from Sam and exit the cafeteria.
"Are you okay? I saw what happened in the lunchroom." Quinn whispered to me as we sit in the back of the classroom and watch Finn and Rachel stand in the middle of the room. They were about to perform and for some odd reason they were wearing a school girl outfit and a priest outfit.

Quinn was wearing her Cheerios uniform as usual. I'm not complaining though. I actually like seeing her in her Cheerios uniform. She's so beautiful and she's very talented. Like she is so flexible and can do any complicated cheer move Coach Sylvester tells her to do. Quinn is just amazing and she's the best.

I was just wearing a white shirt, black sweater, dark blue jacket, blue baggy jeans and some white air forces.

(Minus the bag)

"Yea I'm fine. Thanks for looking out for me." I tell her with a smile and glance at her lips.

"Well someone has to." Quinn jokes and I lightly laugh before turning back to Finn and Rachel.

(Rebel is sitting next to Quinn. At first she is confused but then her face slowly changes to a disgusted one)

"What the fuck?" I blurt out with a disgusted look as they were singing.

"This isn't happening." Mercedes said with a plain face while staring at them.

Everyone's faces are in a mixture of disbelief, disgust, confusion and some looked uncomfortable. Well, only Sam looked uncomfortable. When they finish, Mike starts clapping lightly but Tina stops him and shakes her head.

"Okay do I even need to say it?" Mercedes asked while looking at us for an answer.

"If you don't I will." I start with disgust in my voice. "That is so insensitive." I start off and fold my arms.

"That was really rude." Sam continued after me with a nervous and awkward laugh.

"Like really rude." Tina continues while squinting her eyes in disbelief.

"I seriously wanted to punch both of you." Quinn says while squinting her eyes and I can tell she's angry. I know why she is. She is Christian and them doing that is very insensitive and rude. She's squeezing on my hand and I know that means she's about two seconds away from hurting them.

"I have to agree." Mr. Shue sighs and stands up. Well there's a shocker. Rachel and Finn are his favorites so that's new. "It's a great duet but what you guys did with it was really inappropriate. Your costume choice was a little insensitive," He continues and they look down at their costumes. A little? "Frankly, I'm disappointed." Finn and Rachel look back up shocked.

"What?" Rachel asked with a confused and baffled face. I can tell it's fake. I can spot a fake from a mile away. They knew that was rude.

"Are you serious? I-im..." Finn stammers and stutters.

"Shocked." Rachel finishes for him and turns to look at him. "We-were shocked. I really hope that this doesn't cost us the competition." Rachel continues with a normal face and I scoff. No way in hell they are winning. If they win, I'll hammer my toes to the floor and sew my lips with thread. "Let's sit down." Rachel grabs Finn's hand and walks with him back over to their seats.

"Well, getting back on track." Mr. Shue starts and stands up and me and Quinn are up next. I can't wait to sing with her. "Who's next?" He asked while turning around to face the class.

Me and Quinn stand up while holding hands and walk down the steps and to the middle of the room. When we get there, I let go of her hand and go to grab a guitar. I put the guitar strap around my neck and walk back over to Quinn.

"Okay, I just wanna say that I actually am excited to do this duet." I start off and everyone looks shocked. "I know, I'm not the type of person to be excited for a lot of things but my partner is amazing and special." I continue and look at Quinn with a smile. She smiles back.

"Awwwwww." Everyone cooed and I look at them and roll my eyes. The band starts playing the music and I start to strum my guitar. Quinn gently places her arm on my shoulder while looking down. I begin to sing the lyrics to the song lucky.

(Rebel is Sam)

"So frickin charming." Santana says during our performance as our hands were linked and we were looking into each other's eyes. As we sung, I felt so happy. It was like it was only me and Quinn in the world. Her voice is amazing as hell and it fits perfectly with mines. When we finish, everyone claps loudly. I look at Quinn and she looks at me. She gives me and hug and wraps her arms around my neck. I wrap my arms around her waist tightly and inhale her scent.

"You did great." She whispers in my ear making me smile.

"So did you. You did phenomenal." I whisper back and lightly stroke her back as everyone continues to clap.
"Hey honeys." My mom says with a smile as me and Sam walk in the kitchen. We just got home. A sweet smell automatically invades my nose.

"Hey mom." Me and Sam say at the same time and look around the kitchen. I see some batter in a bowl and oil heating up on the stove.

"Whatcha making?" Sam asks while looking at the batter. My tries to stick his hand in it but my mom quickly swats his hand away, making me laugh.

"I'm making funnel cakes." She announces while getting out a piping bag and me and Sam squeal. Funnel cakes was our favorite dessert back in Canada and we haven't had it since before we moved to Ohio.

"Yes! Yes!" I cheer and bounce around the kitchen, along with Sam. My mom laughs at our silliness. Me and Sam's cheering gets cut off my my dads loud voice.

"I'm going on a business trip. Be back in 3 weeks. See you later faggot, fish lips and stupid whore." My dad says from the door frame and walks out of the kitchen with two big suitcases in his hand. I hear his footsteps walk away and the front door open. I hear it close and lock. Me and Sam run over to the window and see him load is suitcases into the trunk and shut it. He walks over to the drivers seat and gets in. He starts up the car and drives off.

Me, Sam and my mom let out happy cheers. It's been a while since my dad went on a business trip. He's an accountant. Boring right? My mom is a nurse. She tells me we can't leave my dad due to him making more money but I know that's not true because she makes a lot of money too.

"Mom, when can you leave dad?" Sam asked her with a sad look on his face and she sighs sadly.

"I don't know sweetie. I'm scared he'll badly hurt you guys." She says sadly and turns off the stove and I get mad.

"He's already hurting us mom!!" I shout startling her. "I just wanna get away from him!!" A tear falls out my eye and she comes over to hug me. She gestures Sam to come over as well and he does. We all hug while silently crying.

"We will soon loves. I promise. I'm so sorry." She sobs and me and Sam tightly hug her. I wanna be away from Andrew so badly.
"Okay, since Artie and Brittany have dropped out of the race, I guess it's time to take it to a vote." Mr. Shue announces as we sit in the choir room.

I pull out a piece of paper and write me and Quinn's name. I look over at Quinn and see her write our names too. Mr. Shue takes all the papers and counts up the votes. As he does that, he puts the votes into a hat.

"Well," Mr. Shue loudly says while turning around in his spinning chair. "Even though it looks like just about everyone voted for themselves, even those who didn't compete," He throws shade at Artie and Brittany. "We do have a winner." He turns back around and grabs the breadstix ticket. I smile and cross my fingers, silently praying to god. I really wanna go on this date... I mean I really wanna win this thing with Quinn. "And the winner is..." Mr. Shue speaks again and I feel Quinn lightly grabs my hand. I interlace our fingers together and squeeze her hand lightly. "By two votes..." He continues and now the suspense is killing me.

"Come on just read it already!" I shout very impatient and Quinn shakes her head at me with a smile. Mr. Shue chuckles.

"Quinn and Rebel!!" He announces while pointing the ticket at me and Quinn. I I smile brightly with my eyes widen. I look at Quinn and see her smiling brightly too. We get up, fingers still interlaced, and walk down the steps to get the ticket.

"What??" Santana asked confused and mad. "What?? Screw that I want my stix!!" She yells and it's about to get up to attack us for it but Mercedes stops her. And I'm the crazy one in this club?? He hands us the ticket and I look at Quinn while smiling. We are facing the front of the room while i showing off the ticket.

"We did it." I whisper in her ear while smiling. She turns to me and smirks.

"Unbelievable." Tina yells shaking her head.

"I don't... I don't know how this happened." Rachel says with a fake shocked voice and I ignore her and all of them. There just jealous and I don't care because I'm going to breadstix with Quinn!!!
Me and Quinn were cuddling on her bed. I was laying on my back and she was cuddled into my side with her arms wrapped around my waist. I was wearing my clothes from school and she was wearing a red short sleeve shirt with some some very tight black booty shorts. They fit her so well.

"I can't wait to go on this date with you." I blurt out not thinking about what I'm saying. My eyes immediately widen after I just said that.

"So this is a date now?" Quinn asked while looking up at me with an amused face.

"I-I mean. It d-doesn't have to. It c-can just be a m-meal together. We don't h-have to-" My words get cut off by Quinn straddling my lap.

"I would love for this to be a date." She mumbles while leaning close to me and I smile. I stare at her lips and god I wanna kiss her again. I haven't felt her lips in weeks and I honestly miss them a lot. My eyes flicker back up to her eyes and I see her looking at me with a soft and seductive smile. I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Your so cute." She husked out before leaning down and crashing her lips into mines.


Me and Quinn passionately make out. We softly kiss and hold each other delicately. God I've never felt this many butterflies when I kissed anyone else. I've actually never felt any butterflies when I kiss someone else.

But it soon turns into a make out session.

Quinn sticks her tongue into my mouth and I moan at the feeling of her warm tongue. We caress each other's tongues and Quinn starts grinding down onto my hard on. I lightly moan and grip her hips to help her grind. She cups my cheek and we continue to roughly kiss.

I need this girl to be my girlfriend. ASAP.

Rebel and Quinn kissed again!! And their getting even closer. How happy are you guys that Andrew will be away for 3 weeks?😁👍 Made this chapter pretty long. Hope you guys enjoy!

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