My Broken Rebel - Quinn Fabray

By ThePuzzler101

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Rebel Evans, twin sister to Sam Evans, moves from Toronto Canada to Lima Ohio with her parents and twin since... More

Chapter 1 - The Meeting
Chapter 2 - Glee Club
Chapter 3 - Getting To Know Each Other
Chapter 4 - Falling For Her
Chapter 5 - Duets
Chapter 6 - Making New Friends
Chapter 7 - Are We Dating?
Chapter 8 - He's Back
Chapter 9 - Why Is My Life Like This?
Chapter 10 - I'm Sorry Baby
Chapter 11 - The End Of Andrew Evans
Chapter 12 - Healing
Chapter 13 - The Rocky Horror Glee Show
Chapter 14 - Are You Sleeping With Beiste???
Chapter 15 - So Andrew Is Your Brother??
Chapter 16 - When It Comes To Sam And Rebel Evans, Liam, you...
Chapter 17 - Adapting
Chapter 18 - Time Of My Life
Chapter 19 - Don't You Dare!!
Chapter 20 - What are you made out of?
Chapter 21 - Blame It On The Alcohol
Chapter 22 - Happy Birthday Baby!!
Chapter 23 - That's Quinn Fabray, My Beautiful Girlfriend
Chapter 24 - Best Prom Ever
Chapter 25 - Finally, I'm In New York!!
Chapter 26 - Moving Away
Chapter 27 - I Miss Her...
Chapter 28 - Feeling Better/Not Feeling Better
Chapter 29 - We Got Our House Back
Chapter 30 - Back In Town
Chapter 31 - An Extraordinary Christmas With Quinn and Rebel
Chapter 32 - Michael
Chapter 33 - It's Cold Quinn!!
Chapter 34 - Valentine's Day
Chapter 35 - The Wheelchair Kid Knows What He's Talking About!
Chapter 36 - It's All M-My Goddamn Fault!
Chapter 37 - You Actually Like Disco?
Chapter 38 - Rebel, What Did You Do?!
Chapter 39 - You beat up a Christian Kid?
Chapter 40 - Another Prom To Remember
Chapter 41 - Chicago... Here We Come!
Chapter 42 - She's My Everything
Chapter 43 - My Eyes Are Up Here, Rebel
Chapter 44 - Thanksgiving
Chapter 45 - New... relationships?
Chapter 46 - And They Will NEVER Be The Same!
Chapter 47 - We Are Going To New York!!
Chapter 48 - Can I Help You, Friend?
Chapter 49 - Enjoy Your Movie Night With Cliff.
Chapter 50 - Because I'm In Love With You!!
Chapter 51 - Be With The Person You Are In Love With.
Chapter 52 - I'm Going To Visit Quinn Fabray.
Chapter 53 - I'll Gladly Buy You A New Bacon Bowl.
Chapter 54 - How The Hell Did You Fall?
Chapter 55 - I Missed You A Lot.
Chapter 56 - I Didn't Actually Mean Give Me Your Babies!!
Chapter 57 - So Your Marrying Me?!
Chapter 58 - Tell Him Or I Will - 100 Part 1
My Oneshot book!! Not A Chapter!!
Chapter 59 - Shes My Drug, And I'm Addicted To Her - 100 Part 2
Chapter 60 - You Ate My Lollipop!!
Chapter 61 - Don't Mess With The Evans Family
Chapter 62 - You'll Never Catch Me!!
Chapter 63 - Ms. Fabray, Ms. Evans, You Two Are Having A....
Chapter 64 - Shut Up And Kiss Me!!
Chapter 65 - YOU SUCK!
Chapter 66 - Welcome Home, My Loves.
Chapter 67 - Also Vaeh, Reesey, The Pizza Was Delicous.
Chapter 68 - Rebel, Chill Out. Everything Is Fine.
Chapter 69 - They Are Geniuses.
Chapter 70 - Can't Wait To Marry My Babygirl.
Chapter 71 - I've Never Been Happier.
Chapter 72 - I Love You, My Soulmate, Always And Forever!


8.9K 168 99
By ThePuzzler101

Rebels POV:

"Rebel!! Get your f*gg*t ass up right now!! We are leaving in 30 minutes." My bastard dad Andrew yells from the bathroom. He's probably gluing some hair he found in a brush to his head because his bald headed ass can't grow none.

We were moving out of our house today. Actually, we were moving out of the country. Yep, we are moving from Toronto, Canada to Lima, Ohio. I don't know what it will be like. We have visited the U.S before but we never lived there.

I sigh and throw the covers off my body and stand up off my air mattress. My bed was already packed up and loaded onto the moving truck. Yep, we are driving there. We will practically be driving for a whole day. School starts in 2 months. It's July and it doesn't start till September. and I'm not looking forward to it. I don't make friends easily due to my trust issues. Actually, come to think of it, Sam is my only friend. I stretch my arms and my legs before stumbling over to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I enter the bathroom, I see my twin brother Sam already brushing his teeth.

"Morning." Sam mumbled with a mouthful of foamy toothpaste. Some falls on the floor as he spoke. I step over it and go to the other sink in the bathroom.

"Morning." I yawn as I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste. I rub my eyes to take out some of the eye gunk.

"You okay?" Sam asks with a concerted look while spitting out the foamy toothpaste that was plastered around his mouth. He looked like Santa Claus. Yes, it was that much toothpaste.

"Eh, it's nothing I don't hear everyday, all day." I say sarcastically and roll my eyes at the pain I go through on a daily basis. I put a big blob of toothpaste on my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth. Out of the corner of my eye, Sam gives me a sorry look.

My dad loves to abuse me. Physically and mentally. He loves calling me a faggot, bitch, nasty gay, and much more. I've gotten used to it by now. I haven't told the police because he has threatened to kill me if I do. Sam and my mom are the only people I trust. Sam tries to defend me from my dad but whenever he does, my dad ends up hurting him as well. So I tell him to just stay out of it. My dad abuses my mom too. I try to get her to leave him but we don't have much money. We can't even rent an apartment. My dad makes most all the money and we live off him. We all get abused by my dad. I get abused the most, then my mom and followed by Sam the least.

I have tons of bruises on me. From scratches to black eyes. Marks from belts, black eyes, busted lip scars. You name it. He doesn't even try to avoid my face. It's like he doesn't even care. The kids and teachers at school always ask me and Sam how we get our bruises. And we always tell them the same bullshit excuses. "We walked into a pole" or "we are very clumsy and are always falling on our faces." He has threaten to kill all of us. My dad is very crazy. He even cheats on my mom. She is very hurt by him and I want her to leave his ass so badly.

He threatens to kick me, Sam and my mom out all the time. He's honestly a dickhead and I wanna kill him all the time.

I have lots of issues that I don't know how to deal with. I try to keep it bottled in as much as I can.

"Come on honeys, we are leaving soon." I hear the soft and calm voice of my mom Lucille. She is standing by the doorframe with a smile on her face but I can tell it's just a front. She's trying to stay strong for Sam and I.

"Okay mom, we are coming." I reply with toothpaste in my mouth. I spit it out and rinse my mouth out with mouthwash. I look to my right and see Sam coming his hair. I put my brunette hair in a bun before washing off my face. After I do that, I walk back into my bedroom and put on my outfit that I will be wearing.

I finish packing the rest of my bags. My bags only have clothes and other necessities like my phone, hair brushes and combs and other things like that.

I look at my now empty bedroom. I had a lot of memories in here. Most of them being bad ones. Like my dad throwing chairs, books and paper clips at me. Him using me as a goddamn punching bag. I start get furious at the bad memories but I quickly calm myself down. I've mastered that from the years of torture. Tbh, I have no good memories in here. My thoughts are cut off my something hard hitting me.

"What the fuck!!" I scream out in pain as I fall to the ground from the object hitting me. It was very hard, almost like a rock. I fall on my stomach and groan from the pain. I look to the side and see a hard cover book on the side next to me. What the hell? I roll my body over and see guess who?

My asshole of a dad standing over me with evil look in his eyes. He was looking at me like a serial killer looks at their victims before they kill them.

"I told your stupid ass to come downstairs didn't I?" He growls through gritted teeth and kicks me in the stomach, hard. I groan and cough up some blood. Ouch. He didn't even tell me to come downstairs. He just told me to get up. I am fuming with anger. I'm tired of his bullshit. I'm about to get up and punch him when I slowly calm myself down.

"I am sorry dad. I'm coming right now." I reply quietly while picking up my bag quickly and standing to my feet. I try to quickly sneak past him but he pushes me back down on the ground. He slowly comes towards me and I am backing away from him, terrified he might hurt me again. His eyes are glowing red with anger. Is he even human?? He keeps coming towards me till he's again right above me. He bends down until he is face to face with me.

"Don't you call me that again pussy!!!" He shouts in my face, some spit flying out his mouth and landing onto my nose. I wanna wipe it so badly but I'm scared because of how close he is. "You disgust me." He said through gritted teeth and stands back up. He spits on my face once again, but this time it's all foamy and it's a lot. He storms out the room and slams the door. I quickly wipe the spit off with a paper towel that was nearby.

I know why he is disgusted by me. It's because I have a penis. Yes, I am intersex. Tbh I don't care that I am. I've learned to accept myself for me. I'm not a virgin btw. Yea, some girls are into that.

I quickly get back on my feet, pick up my bag and run downstairs.
"Do you worthless shits have everything?" My dad asks as we all sit in the car. Me and Sam at the back my my terrified mother at the front with my bastard dad who is driving.

"Yes." We all chirp quietly, scared he's gonna hit us or something.

"I said do you have fucking everything you dumbasses??" My dad screams and he slaps my mother in the face hard. Then he turns back to us. He punches Sam in the chest and punches me in the face. We both groan and hold the place he punches us.

"Yes." I say a little louder as a tear falls out my eye. I look to Sam and I see a tear come out his eye too. My mom isn't crying and I know why. She's so used to it. I am too but I still manage to cry somehow.

"Yes." Sam and my mom also say a little louder as my dad turns back around. He starts driving off. I place my head on the window and just fall asleep with tears coming down my face. I am so sick of this shit.
"R, wake up." I hear Sam whisper in my ear. I groan and slowly open my very tired eyes. I look around and see that it's pitch black outside. We must be here. I turn on my phone and quickly groan again as the brightness of it hits me in the eyes. I lower down the brightness and look at the time.

1:51 am. I get out the car and so does Sam. I look at our house and wow. It's pretty nice. It's only little bigger than the old house but I can tell it has much more room.

"Alright you idiot. I know it's a nice house but get in before I leave you out here." My dad says from behind me and pushes the back of my head hard. My body jerks forward but I don't fall to the ground. I ball my fist up. I am really sick of him. I look to the side and see my mom and Sam looking at me with "please don't do it" looks. I slowly unclench my fist and take a deep breathe in. I grab a box and carry it inside the house. Me and Sam are only 16 and we have been dealing with this since we were like 9.

I just really want me, Sam and my mom to get away from this asshole. I have a lot of bruises from him and I want it to stop.

First chapter!! What do you think?? How do you guys like Andrew?😒

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