Queen of the Dragons

By b00klover09

621K 23.6K 3.9K

"Estelle, I will kill any man who stands in my way of having you. I will kill one to one thousand men!" I sna... More

-Story Aesthetics/ Author Notes-
-Twenty & a half-
Twenty one
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight

Thirty Five

10.5K 439 108
By b00klover09

No longer will I allow myself to be conned into thinking that this man is worthy to call himself King or father. He was awful at both and I will let him know that by coating my fists in his blood.

He has done everything in his power to not make me acknowledge him as a father. I had strengths and ignoring this man was one of them, but I could not ignore it when it came to her. She was a weakness that I could not be cured of.

When I found all of those men lifeless I had lost every ounce of reason. My behemoth took over and no one was safe. The blood that clung to my clothes were that of soldiers not criminals. 'Gaul' wanted blood and since our father had ripped the satisfying task of interrogating and killing the peasants who touched Estelle...the soldiers were the next victims.

It was not bad enough that I failed Estelle once, but I could not even bring justice to her name by killing those bastards. Then to see the one I call father, caressing her cheek that was bathed in the blood of what was supposed to be my kills.

My father needed to learn his place and I was eager to teach him his lesson.

"What are you waiting for, my King?" I spat, watching as he began to pull at his shirt, discarding it to the ground.

Kill. Yes.

I would not kill him, but pummel him until he was on the brink of death. Let him know that I have the power to end his life, and then let him live in sorrow of that knowledge.

"You will learn why I am called King and you a glorified servant, boy!" He snarled. His teeth began to elongate and the old skin of his began to morph into darkening scales.

"Loche do not do this! Tis not worth it!" Her voice sent a shiver down my spine. Momentarily calming down my raging self...but she would not stop me now. It was much too late.

Little fae sad.

I could smell the scent of tears and knew it was Estelle. My eyes slid to where she stood. Iona had a hold on her while Alazar was holding up a pale Juniper. "Watch out!"

The feeling of air hitting my face, made me instantly duck as my eyes quickly adjusted to what was happening. The old bastard had started. His claws caught the end of my chin, drawing blood as I drew back quickly, my hands going up in defense.

He had a crazed look to his eyes, due to his behemoth peeking out. I thought my own behemoth was entirely too primal but my fathers seemed not of this world.

I pulled out my dagger, a look of disgust to his eyes when he saw it. "You weak boy! Cannot even fight me with your fists!"

A chuckle rose to my lips as I began to swing wildly at him, slowly but surely backing him into a corner. "I can fight you with my fists, but I want to draw as much blood as possible first," I spat, finding an opening to dig the dagger into his shoulder. I wanted to weaken him physically how he weakened me for most of my life with words and fists.

As I shoved the weapon deeper into his wound and turned it, his head swung into mine, causing me to almost lose my balance and stagger back. His claws went for my eyes as I ducked and yanked with all of my might on my dagger.

It was pulled out with a slight ease as pain enveloped one side of my face. His fists connected with my left side. I remained in place, the blow doing nothing to soften the deep cuts I was making to his body.

"Enough of this!" He roared, as I noticed I was cutting at his arms and a few good slashes to his pathetic face. He suddenly barreled into me, knocking me to the ground and the dagger right along with it.

It was nothing but a tool and it would not be missed. It had served its purpose and now my fists would serve their own.

Alazar taught me how and when to strike. If my father had taught me how to spar then this fight might be fair but Alazar was a decorated war general while my father had spent his time in the castle cranking out royal decrees after decree, using the army to enforce his pointless laws. Drinking mead and sleeping with whores...

A few powerful blows were dealt to my face, nothing compared to my time in the army.

"Is anyone going to stop this!" I could hear a familiar voice question. That momentarily threw my father off kilter and mid strike I caught his wrist and jerked it back, a melody to my ears when I heard the sickening crack of his bone.

He let lose a painful grunt before his other fist slammed into my nose. "No one interfere or else you will feel my wrath!" He announced as I shoved him off of me and staggered up to my feet.

Blood oozed from my nose, but other than that I was doing much better than the one I call father. Even still with a broken wrists and slowly bleeding injuries, he barreled into me, attempting to get me on the ground again.

He could only use one hand and I was not even using all of my might. I was dodging his weary attempts easily, and I grew tired of playing with him.

Winding my hand back I dealt a blow to his jaw. Then another to his shoulder that was already injured. One more blow directly in the middle of his head had him staggering back before falling.

Yes. Kill. Fire.

A chuckle rose from my lips as I made my way over to the man who thought this would be an easy win. "Have you had enough, father?" I questioned, using the word father with such malice it even surprised myself.

I could see him grappling at something and made my way over to him. I bent down, glaring at him. "Answer my question," I spat out, bending down so that I was eye level with him. The blood from my nose dripped onto his face as he glared at me with contempt and physical pain.

"You foolish boy," he snarled, as I watched one of his hands coming towards my side...with dagger in hand. A snarl left my lips as the dagger was being pushed into my side. One hand went to his forearm and struck it with force, making him let go of the dagger that was still deeply tucked into my side.

I slammed my elbow info his face, giving me enough time to pull the dagger from my wound and throw it carelessly onto the ground.

I stood over him, blood trickling down my forehead getting into my eye. Blurring my vision. I bent down, snatching his short hair up in my fist. "You will respect me or die, father. No other way is acceptable," I whispered into his ear. My clawed hands digging into his scalp.

He groaned, his trembling not ceasing as his hand pressed down on my own which was holding his head up. "Then...let me die," he grinned, his white teeth stained crimson.

My claws dug deeper into his scalp, drawing more blood. "Why would you want to die this way? By your weak son?" I questioned through gritted teeth, as I blinked the blood out of my eyes.

"I do not care...who kills me. If you were not so weak you would have killed me already and let me live with her in peace!" He spat, blood and saliva spraying out as he spoke his venom.

My hands trembled with the fury I was feeling in the moment. Her. Her. He killed my mother. He had no love or regard for her life so who on earth could he be speaking of? "Loche do not listen to him, he is delusional," Alazar ordered me as my eyes took in this miserable man. "You have taken this far enough!"


"Remember this father. No one cares for you not even the woman who you want to be joined with so eagerly," I smiled as I bent down to be closer with him. "You brought me into this world-"

"-Loche stop this madness!" Alazar demanded. He was on the verge of shifting but I knew he would not. Alazar could not stop me even if he tried.

"Loche no, please! Do not do this, do not do this to your father!" Estelle cried out her bright orbs filled with sadnesss and confusion. Juni was sobbing into the shadow fae's arms. A group of servants and soldiers were gathered at the door.

I took a deep breath as my hands held his head tightly. "You brought me into this world and I will be the one to bring you out."

Hearing something hit the floor, I glanced back to see Estelle had fainted. Good.

Using all of the strength left in me...I ended his miserable life. I grabbed his head and twisted it, my ears listening patiently to the series of sickening cracks that come from severing someones brain from their spine.

Using a brute amount of strength my fist struck his chest with enough force to break the bones protecting his heart. With a gruesome maneuver, my talons sunk through skin, flesh and bone and pulled his pulsing beating appendage out.

I set it next to his lifeless, crimson stained body.

King. Us.

Silence filled the dining hall, as I staggered up to my feet. My eyes immediately went to where Estelle was. She was unconscious. Along with Juniper. Both being managed by a struggling Iona.

Alazar was on his knees, his eyes wide in disbelief.

A crowd that gathered at the door was now twice in size. I could hear council members pushing their way through the mob of servants and guards.

Lord Titus was the first to burst through the crowd. Along with his son, wretched Ersen, and of course with my fathers advisor.

"You-you murderer!" He shouted, as he laid eyes on the late King. "How dare you kill the K-king! For what? For that wingless whore you call a wife!"


He charged forward, I grabbed at the bloodied dagger that my father used to stab me with and plunged it into the advisors chest.

He was weak and his struggles against the death of his own were fruitless. I ended his life just as I have ended my fathers.

"Does anyone wish to insult my wife?" I boomed, throwing his heart haphazardly unto the ground before staggering up to stand.


I should allow behemoth to. I should allow them to fear my wrath and not question me. I am the king now. I am the ruler...

Us king.
Kill opposers.

"My nephew followed the King's last order. He ordered him. The King welcomed death," Alazar explained to the crowd as he grabbed me tightly. Alazar's face did not hint at any playful threat. His tone was serious and he made his point through his cold manner.

"Lochelan Magnus Eukayra is the sole heir to the kingdom and is not a murderer. I am a witness, the guards are a witness, even the staff of the kitchen are witnesseses as also General Iona witnessed that the king ordered for his life to be ended," Alazar boomed, watching the group closely. The grip on my neck was so tight one would think Alazar was attempting to strangle me with one arm.

I wiped my bloodied hands on my trousers, my eyes searching the uncertain crowd. "If anyone would like to challenge me do so now if you are that torn apart from the late kings death," I spoke wiping the blood dripping from my noise.

Lord Titus dropped to his knees. The maids were next. The guards and soldiers had been on their knees since we started fighting I am sure. Some of the council members present stood, looking around, bewildered. Ersen seemed furious. He should bow just as his nuisance father is doing.

Kill them all.

I would not kill any of them...although I did want to. "Why do you not all bow? Is there a problem?" I questioned, wiping at the nuisance blood that leaked from my wounds.

"This is just all so sudden," one announced as I began to smile. I knew why they were so adamant. My father was occupied with himself and his needs. The council members ran rampant, having no true leader. They did what they want and now they will not be able to do so. They care nothing of Hrain and his reign, his legacy.

"I suppose it is...now that you all have gotten over your shock," I spoke speaking more of both them and myself. "Tomorrow we will be having a meeting. Tell me your positions and why you think you should stay a council member. If I do not like your position...or you, I will find another person to fill your position," I explained to them as some began to bow when I said that. Obviously fearing for their positions. Of course.

I watched as the shadow fae appeared, his eyes widening before he immediately grabbed Estelle. He seemed to be looking her over for any injuries. I suppose he is not that incompetent as I thought.

"It only makes sense that you are our King. You have the blessing of the gods." My eyes wandered over to Iona whom Ersen was glaring at. Iona was loyal. She was an asset to this kingdom and she would be rewarded for that of course. She could do a job better than half of these old imbeciles. I will nullify Ersen and hers engagement as soon as I am crowned king.

"Wh...when will your coronation be?"

"The....the fae women does not even have the seal of our people! How can we call her Queen?" One woman cried out, the exact woman who Estelle had stuck close to at the last meeting we had. She probably befriended her too. Despicable.

Do they think I was an imbecile? "How to call her Queen? Simple, call her Queen," I said through gritted teeth, taking steps towards the crowd. The cowardice woman's back hunched trying to bow even lower, figuring out the error of her ways.

"As for the Insignis ceremony...it will take place soon, then after that the coronation. Any other questions you fools have?" A few raised their hands and Alazar shook his head. "I can see my father did not pick the smartest men and women to help govern this land. When I mean any more questions I mean leave me be, go home and pine over your positions and decisions."

They all quickly bowed and left, their conversations reaching my ears but not my thoughts. "You two," I said while pointing towards two terrified guards. "Bring his body to the Caticala so that they might prepare for a...proper burial. You, dispose of the advisors body any way you see fit. Iona bring my wife to my chambers. Shadow fae do the same for Princess Juniper."

My orders were carried out hastily as I assessed the damage that was done to my body and the dining hall. I could only imagine what would happen if we shifted to our behemoths. The castle would be destroyed.

"Loche you need to have a medic look at you," Alazar told me as he watched his brother's lifeless body being carried out. Someone else took his heart out on a platter.

A sigh left my lips as I looked at the wound at my side. "You are angry with me, Alazar? Disappointed?" I asked him drily as I could not decipher what this man was feeling.

"It is unfortunate...I told him that you would be the one to end him if he kept down this path. I think he knew this too, that is why he requested for you to kill him...of course I am upset," he sighed as he gripped my shoulder tightly. "I have watched my brothers slow descent into madness that is what upsets me...not you Lochelan."

That was good to know...even though it would not matter. If I would have not killed him, it would have been Alazar whom murdered his own brother...

I stood and spoke with Alazar for more than a few minutes, instructing him on what would happen after this, which he agreed on. I had to make sure everything was in place before I could let myself rest or even check on Estelle. "Yes, yes we have everything figured out. Now will you please go to the medic?!"

I would go to the medic...have himself tend to myself then I would go to Estelle. I almost dreaded going to our bedchambers. How could I explain to someone who did not believe in violence that this was the right thing...

Then again, did it matter? She was forgiving and she would forgive me...even if she did not, she was my wife and will always be mine no matter what she or anyone else though about the matter.

Find fae. Fae sad.

Now that our blood lust was over and Alazar and I had a plan, it was time to be treated. I was feeling the effects of my injuries and I needed to speak to Estelle, although I had nothing planned out to say to her....

Taking a deep breath, I made my way down to my bed chambers. Surprisingly the medic was waiting at the door and shaking like he had a fever. "My Prince...My King," he bowed slightly. "You need to be treated yes?"

"Yes. Wait here."

Opening the door to my chambers, I could hear Estelle's sobbing. "H-he killed someone for insulting me?!" One servant was patting my wife on the back and the other was putting a wet cloth on her face.

"All of you, out!"

I watched as Estelle shakily stood to her feet, following behind one of the servants whom she was holding hands with. A sigh left my lips. "Everyone except for you, Estelle."

She paused in front our bed, her eyes cast downward as she wrung her hands together. The door shut quickly behind the servants, leaving only the two of us. She refused to look up as she spoke. "Why...why do you like killing so much?" She whispered to me, tears leaking down her cheeks.

"I do not like killing, Estelle. It just happens often...it is a form of justice here," I tried to explain to her.

She was trying hard not to cry again. I could see it in the way she was tensing up. "It is not justice, Loche. It is wrong...you killed your own father."

"He asked me to."

A laugh came from her lips as she stared at me in bewilderment. "You are...you are insane! He was your father, Loche. How could you do such a thing?!"

When I saw him as nothing more than a bitter and miserable man it was easy. "He was not a father to me, Estelle. He was a corrupt king. I was not planning to kill him. When he asked me to do it, I could not deny him. I feel no remorse because I did not feel anything but pity for him."

She put a hand over her mouth, trying to stop yet another sob. "I just do not understand...I cannot understand!" She could not understand because her mind could not fathom a person without any emotional connection to a person who was supposed to be significant in their lives. Fae were nothing without emotions and family. Our people looked at it a different way.

"You do not have to understand, just accept it," I explained to her as I walked over to where a piece of cloth was and pressed it against my still bleeding side. Not to mention that my nose was still dripping blood. It had lessened significantly since I had the injury but it still was a nuisance and would probably take the night to heal.

"I cannot accept killing, Loche...and my maid told me you killed another for speaking ill of me. I do not care what people say about me...you should not either. I do not want anyone to die just for saying lies about me!" She exclaimed as I could see her eyes beginning to brighten. Since I bit her I could feel a small amount of her emotions and she was in pain. I did not know if it were physical or mental though...

"I killed him before it became a problem. The council is allowed to vote against me if they think you are not suitable for me, Estelle. You are still an outsider to them and are not marked as one of my people yet." That was the next task at hand.

She let lose a frustrated sigh, her hands going to her hair, pulling at the silken strands. "I do not want you to kill for me! I do not care if they try to rip us apart or soil my name, Loche! I-I cannot allow it!" I have never heard Estelle shout...the calm and together woman I had gotten to know was slowly being broken down. What did she not understand? She was the only good and pure thing in my life and I would do anything to persevere that purity.

"Estelle, I will kill any man who stands in my way of having you. I will kill one to one thousand men!" I snarled, anger getting the best of me as her frightened eyes widened. Tears now slipping down her perfect cheeks. How could she not understand that? I would do anything to ensure that she stay by my side. Anything.

"I-I do not want that," she whimpered. Her body shook as she wiped at the flushed skin of her cheeks. My arms instinctively going around her slight body. Pulling her into me.

She shook softly as she cried. I would not treat her as a child. She should know what I am capable of and why. "You are a monster, Loche," she sobbed out as I brought her closer to me. Her weak attempts at fighting my embrace were futile. I held her tighter as sobs racked her body.

"I am your monster, Estelle."

The crying did not cease as I thought it would. It seemed like the longer I held her the worse her tears became...until she began to hyperventilate. I let her go in fear that she may faint. She was shaking, she resembled a frightened animal...being cornered.

"Y-your father u-upset you and you kill him. Will you k-kill me if I upset you?"

Why on earth would she think I would kill her?! I would never harm her. She is my wife. "I will never hurt you, Estelle," I told her in a soft tone. She was petrified of me..

"What if I lie to you? B-betray you? You will become a-angry and rip my heart out!" She sunk to the floor in a fit of sadness. Betray me? Where is this coming from. Estelle does not have the capability to betray someone, she would forget to do so.

Even though my body was no where near healed I sunk down to the floor with her, watching her eyes widen in fear. "Estelle look at me," I ordered her, my hands going to her face, forcing her to look at me.

She was terrified of me. The way she looked up at me stiffly her eyes streaming with tears...her body was shaking life a leaf in a wind storm. "I-I am sorry. I cannot..st-stop," She whimpered as my behemoth began to stir. "I-I am scared."

Comfort pretty fae.

"You have to breathe, Estelle," I explained to her as I took one of her hands reluctantly and pressed it to my chest. "Follow my breathing pattern," I told her gently, loathing this entire situation.

We sat in silence for the next few minutes, getting her breathing under control. Once she was finally alright, her hand pulled away and she looked at the floor. "I think I would like to rest for the day."

"You can do that," I told her as she shakily stood to her feet and glanced down at her dress. When I foolishly held her the blood that was on me got on her dress.

"M-my dress," she gasped. She began to shakily work on her buttons, ignoring me. Her fingers were shaking so bad she could not undo them.

"Let me."

Her arms fell to her side and she turned towards me. "Okay," she whispered. Why does she sound so frail? As if one wrong move and she will break like glass.

I was bleeding a lot as of now but I had to ensure that Estelle was not petrified of me. I stepped towards her slowly and reached out to her dress. It was almost as if she was holding her breathe as I did so.

Once I finished I looked down at her. "You can bathe and rest...if you please now." I watched her eyes stare at the floor before focusing on the blood dripping from my side.

"Y-you are hurt. I can... I can," she trailed off, her eyes filling with tears. She must have been ready to help dress my wounds, before becoming upset of how much of a monster I am.

"The medic is waiting outside," I told her as she nodded her head quickly, and began to bite her bottom lip. "Estelle."


"You are my wife. I am not going to hurt you. Do not be afraid of me."

Estelle walking out when Loche said everyone out always kills me☠️

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram and join my Patreon if you would like to read ahead!❤️

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