Queen of the Dragons

By b00klover09

621K 23.6K 3.9K

"Estelle, I will kill any man who stands in my way of having you. I will kill one to one thousand men!" I sna... More

-Story Aesthetics/ Author Notes-
-Twenty & a half-
Twenty one
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight

Thirty Three

11.9K 389 92
By b00klover09

"I will take that as a yes," Estelle giggled as her eyes focused on my lips. Her soft lips smothered any protest I was about to give her. as her lips planted against my own once again. How does a woman half my size, silence me? Not caring for the reason, I deepened our kiss while also attempting not to grip her hips too tight at the delicious friction between us.

Mate. Fae.

The scent of her arousal had me adjusting her, pressing my shaft between her split thighs. Why on earth did her scent make me want to rip off this flimsy dress and take what I needed from her. The more I rocked her against my throbbing manhood, the more of her scent bloomed, ingraining itself in my nostrils. Blinding me from logical thought.

"Loche," she broke our lips apart to say my name with her thick faenor accent, her eyes hooded with lust and uncertainty. Her legs trembled and hips stiffened before her lips parted in a silent moan. Alazar did tell me how sensitive women were when he explained the workings of women and sex but I had no idea it would be like this. I did not even have my cock in her...

Yes. Mate pretty fae!

Before I could reason with him, a loud knocking shocked both of us out of our lust riddled actions. Estelle placed her head on my shoulder and groaned loudly. "I...I am sorry for that. Tis most embarrassing."

Embarrassing? I had words for what just transpired between us and that word did not come to mind at all. "You are my wife. You should not be embarrassed about anything that happens between us. " Now what would be uncomfortable, not embarrassing would be me going to the door with the stiffest cock I have ever had and attempting at being cordial to whomever was on the other side.

She didn't move and I think that had something to do with her embarrassment still. She was even hiding her face. "Estelle, let me see who is at the door. We can continue you taking advantage of me later."

My poor wife gasped, and immediately scrambled off of my lap, a shocked look to her face. "Y-you no! It, it was not like that!"

"Sure. As if making me carry you into this bathing pool and taking care of you was not all apart of your plan," I told her deadpan like as she put her hands over her mouth in disbelief that I would say such a thing. It would also distract her from my very obvious stiffness I was sporting.

"You take that back, Loche! I am not a conspirator. Yes I like kissing but I would not lie to get to your lips!" She cried out as I could no longer hold my lie. It was cruel to keep up such an act with her. I chuckled, watching her eyes widen. "You three eyed toad!"

I have never seen one before but I am sure that was an insult. Ignoring my wife's fussing, I made my way over to the door, and I growled at the scent.

"Prince Loche you cannot keep me from my poor sister anymore!  I know you want me to leave but not before I see her!" It was Juniper of course. I would have to explain to Estelle that she is married now and Juniper was an unnecessary person in the castle... I am sure that will go over terrible.

I cracked the door open slightly and glowered at the short fae woman. A guard was next to her and looked apologetically towards me. "Forgive me your highness, she tricked me."

"Loche you big oaf! Let me see my baby sister!"

A growl left my lips as I kept the door stable, while she pushed at it. "We are not dressed. Wait down the hall and when I leave you can come and be a nuisance to my wife.

Her face morphed from annoyance to anger...then she blushed. "N-not dressed! What do you mean not dressed. I...ugh! I hate you dragon men!" She stormed down the hallway and the guard accompanied to her almost fell on his face bowing to me.

Shutting the door, I sighed out in frustration. I would tell Estelle that she has to begin her role as Princess here and not worry about her sister. Was that not kind? How would one say that in a more kind way?


Well now I have no choice but to confront her. I hope she did not drown or hurt herself in the bathing pool. I rushed into the bathing chambers to not see her at first.

"Estelle, where are you?"

She was in the corner of the bathing pool, the only thing I was able to see was her hands on the tile and her head. Her night shift was in a wet pile near the bench.


"What is wrong?" I asked her as I noticed her eyes kept going to my shaft, and looking away. "Estelle focus."

"I am! I...someone is in trouble," she said as her eyes were caught up, staring at my member once more. "Can you put your robes on?"

It is not my fault, it should be her own. She caused this. I walked back into our chambers and grabbed my robe before making my way back into the bathing chambers.

"Thank you!" She smiled brightly as I frowned at her.

"Now who is in trouble?"

"Petal! Her name is Petal and a terrifying man took her! The man even tried to get the awful man to buy Dale and I!" She exclaimed as I stared at her in confusion. Petal? What kind of name was Petal? That is as insane as naming someone 'Flower.'

"Estelle what are you talking about."

She sighed loudly. "Loche the men who took us. They had a fae woman they were selling and her name is Petal! She said a man came by a lot and I think he was paying money for her. He picked her up and she was crying and scared and we have to find her!"

That is not a surprise I suppose. Excotic animals are sold in some markets but never people. That is a larger issue I will have to deal with... "I will look into it."

"Thank you...what do you think the man will do to Petal? She was so sweet and she has a husband too. I am scared for her."

I have no idea why a peasant would want to buy a fae woman. I had ideas but they were ill and dark...nothing I wanted Estelle to think of. "I do not know what goes on in the mind of all dragon men." She frowned. "She will be fine. I will have someone search for her...speaking of fae women it is time your sister return home, yes?"

The look of fear on her face surprised me. "I...I suppose. She is my sister though." Yes and her being an imbecile directly put her in danger and as Prince I cannot have my wife in danger. I need her safe and...by my side.

"She is a Princess and has duties at home to fulfill does she not?"

Estelle looked away. "Well yes...but who will help me around here? I do not have any friends really."

Friendship? She wanted friendship. "I can be your friend. I can make General Iona be your friend also." If friendship is what she wants it will not be complicated. We are friends already I suppose since she is my wife.

"You will go to the meadows with me and pick flowers?" We have a garden behind the castle why would we go to a meadow and pick them? That is a maids job is it not?


She smiled. "Okay great! Dale is here too I suppose he can come with us. We used to love going to the meadows. Tis so much fun. Does General Iona like picking flowers?"

Iona loathes almost everything I am sure and Dale does not need to accompany my wife and I to pick flowers. Even if he does remind one of dirt. "What do you like to do, Loche? For fun."

Fun? Who had time for fun. All I did was train soldiers and sit in at meaningless meetings. "Wait...you enjoy fighting yes?!"

"I suppose."

"Well you will teach me how to fight, then!"

How did we go from her sister leaving to meadows and friendship to fighting? "No I am not teaching my wife how to fight."

"Is it because I am a woman? Papa does not let women be in our army. Is it because of that?" She questioned me as I watched her begin to wash her hair while still hiding her body from me.

What kind of question is that. Why would I not want women to fight? "It is because you are my wife. I can protect you." She looked away and I am angered to think this, but I am ashamed of just saying that. "I know I failed to protect you this time but-"

"-Loche tis not your fault that awful people are awful. I just want to learn to fight because you like it. That is what friends do. Do things we like together and share laughs and sweet bread."

I have more important things to do than argue with Estelle on why I do not want her to learn to fight. "I will teach you...eventually. Right now I have things to do, are you okay? I am sending Juniper in here when I leave."

She nodded her head, wincing a bit as she continued washing her hair. "I feel better. Juni can help me wash my hair. My arms are tired."

"Good. I will check in on you later."

"Okay, Loche. Bye!"

I closed the door to the bathing chambers and threw on clothing. The next task at hand was to find Cael and the group of idiots he was with and to see their progress...

Once I walked out of my chambers, I was met with Princess Juniper and the shadow fae. "Su Anyi Loche! How does Su Anya Estelle fare?"

"She is fine. Juniper you may-"

"-Stelle! What has this awful lizard done to you!" She yelled as she barged past me and into our chambers. I cannot wait til the day I stuff that Princess in a carriage and rid of her.

"Su Anyi Loche do you need assistance with any interrogations?" What could the shadow fae aid me in?

"You can make sure that my wife does not leave this room. She needs to heal."


I could hear my sister screaming from my bedchambers. I still could not think straight...what had Loche and I just done? We almost did the forbidden acts...or some odd variation of it. It felt good....too good!

Today was such a tiring day. Loche apologized for being mean but I do not know what he was upset for. I do not remember. He did not push me though which I am grateful for. I did not want him to get suspicious of me so I just was very quiet and held on to his strong body as he apologized and the healing water worked it's magic! Loche already knew of my memory problems but he did not know why.

Mother always said I should keep it a secret...like she attempted to do with hers at first, but she revealed her true gifts. Mother used to go into the villages in secret and heal...I would even follow along at times!

Loche was my husband...I was supposed to trust him but I had a feeling that he would be furious with me just as my papa was angered that my mother would give her memories away to help people in need. I do not think dragon people think the fae way...often times I do not think my papa even thought the fae way...


Juni rushed into the bathing chambers and a look of relief crossed her features...before confusion overtook her face. "Stelle why are hiding in the bath?"

So Loche would not see me naked! "Ah...I did not want Loche to see me." She gave me a wary look. "I was trying to wash my hair...will you help me?"

"Of course Stelle." She quickly made her way over to my side of the bathing area. I sat on the second step and she sat on the first. My arms ached terribly and I thought Loche was going to help me wash my hair! "Stelle what happened? Why were those men trying to take you?"

I took a deep breath, "I do not remember. All I remember is myself healing Dale and then the men coming out of nowhere and taking us."

I could tell Juni this, but if I were to tell Loche I do not think he would agree about the red headed man being kind. "You healed Dale? Stelle...his injuries are still bad. He must have been on the verge of death!"

A sigh left my lips. "I had to, to save Dale...but I forgot about the day after my wedding ceremony. Juni please tell me what happened." I think that was the thing that upset me most!

I cringed as she pulled at my hair, but remained sitting in my position. "Well let us seee. You told me that, that awful baboon did not bed you. Oh and Loche is deathly jealous of Dale, that is why you two had an argument before he left to go to the Vampyr kingdom." Why would Loche be jealous of Dale? Dale is a nice and wonderful person, but Loche is....Loche. "And he called you some names and was acting like a real rear end."

So that was why he apologized to me... "Oh and I also have to tell you something else, Stelle. 'Tis about father."

I do mis father and Dinah terribly. I hope they are both doing well and not missing Juni and I too much. "What is it, Juni?"

"Well father's leg infection has spread and well Dinah has taken over for now. I do not know if you remember but that is the whole reason why Dale is here. She answered the letter about helping with the grains and such. He is here to help grow some of our crops in this kingdom."

Now things are finally starting to make sense! Trying to wrap my mind around everything was upsetting me earlier...but now I was glad that Juni was here to help me understand. "Wait...father is even more sick?" I held my breath as she poured water over my head to finish cleaning it.

Poor father. He has always has problems with his legs. Mother would always heal it though, and when she passed on, I would try but father would never allow me close enough to heal him. It always terribly upset me...but I knew it was his wish, so I tried to respect it.

"Yes, Stelle. And she also requested to have me back...it might be for the best. Loche does not seem to like me very much. I think it is just because I do not let him treat you any kind of way," she claimed as my chest began to ache.

What would I do without Juni? I have never been apart from her. When Dinah always messed with me as a child she was there to tell her to stop. When our teacher Madame Fenway was unkind and cruel at times, Juni would tell father. When I would heal and forget, Juni would help me remember. She was going to leave me...she was going to leave me just like mother did!

Loche and I already spoke about it. He said he would be my friend, but tis different!

She held me tightly, tighter than I have ever felt anyone hold me before. "Gah, stop...stop crying Estelle. You knew this day would come," she said while I looked up at her through my teary gaze. She was crying too! "Dinah is running the country...as much as a donkeys butt she is, she needs my help...and-"

"-I will not have anyone though," I whimpered, knowing this was the smart thing to do for my sister...but still not wanting her to go. "What if I heal...heal and forget."

Juni sighed, "that is what Winona is for...she is like another mother to you. Kind and nice...but I heard she was upset with you earlier..." Yes she was...I felt a bit bad for being so unkind to her but I just really did not want to get into the bath, it hurt so much when the herbs cleaned my wounds. Loche helped a lot though.

"Yes...I will beg her for forgiveness and well Juni...maybe I should tell Loche. He is my husband after all." Juni tensed behind me and I turned to look at her. She seemed a bit worried. "What is it, Juni?"

She shrugged, "I do not know...maybe you can trust him. He is a bit of a heathen...and is not very sane. I heard he wanted to rip down the mountain that they kept you in...but he likes you a lot, Stelle."

What did he like about me? Madame Fenway would always tell me that men would only like me for being scatterbrained, witless and beautiful. That was all. I knew the two out of the three were insults...

"You think I can tell him?"

Juni nodded her head. "I think so...and think of this. He is so strong, firey and scary no one would dare try and steal you for your gifts!"

That is true...Loche was a bit scary at times. I found it sort of attractive..but I would not dare tell Juni! I just mean his scales and well his eyes and when he growls and speaks deeply. He is a very pretty man. Was that an odd thing to think? Maybe I would have to ask Winona. "Stelle why are your cheeks pink? Are you thinking about forbidden acts?"

"No!" I said quickly while my sister gave me a knowing look. "I-I was thinking about ah...-"

"-I can tell you were. I wish you would gain your wings so that you can tell me how the forbidden acts are. I am not marrying anytime soon so I will never know," she admitted. "Once you two do, do it, I need a very detailed letter alright?"

I could not even think about what just happened to us inside of the bathing pool. How was I supposed to write the forbidden acts down on paper? What kind of person does that?

"Okay. I will. I will make Winona read it over before sending it because she is-"

"-No! Stelle you do not want Winona knowing what you and the heathen do inside of your bed chambers," she warned as I gasped. Oh yes...poor Winona would probably pass out. Her old heart!

This is why I needed Juni to say. Sometimes I just say things before thinking properly. "Come on, Stelle. Let us change clothes and then have supper maybe."

I wanted to wait for Loche to have supper... "No, let us talk more about what I have missed and what you think about Loche!"

Juni opened up quickly, telling me all of the things that she disliked about Loche and the minimal things she did like about him. I was a bit nervous to hear what she had to say but Juni did not like people that much. She did say we were a good match though. That was a good thing at least.

As we talked and found nice evening dresses to wear to supper, the time began to pass quickly and I began to be a bit upset. I wanted to eat with Loche...I hope he was not hurting the men who had stolen me. I would not want want that to happen even if they were awful men...

"Stelle I am so hungry! My stomach is eating itself," Juni complained as I sort of agreed. My stomach kept grumbling...I had not eaten in so long it seemed!

Sighing I glanced to Loche's side of the bed. Well we can always have our morning meal together tomorrow, and I will see him when I go to sleep! "Okay...let us go."

Once we were dressed we headed towards the dining area, with Keynai who stared down at each and every guard as if they were plotting to take us right under his nose. I suddenly paused as we made our way down the hall. "I...I need to see Dale! Where is he?"

Juni paused, putting a finger up to her chin. "Oh Stelle he is just resting. Let us visit him after we had some food, okay?"

I did not want to wait. Not at all. I wanted to see my friend now... "Juni you go. I will be back okay? I am just going to go visit, Dale."

She frowned. "Okay, okay fine. You three guards follow my sister and one guards follow me. Hurry and see Dale!"

"Okay!" I waved bye to my sister as she walked down the hall with one of our guards and then turned to go look at the other three. All three men looked as if they were ready to kill. I gulped.

"Hello...I suppose you all are my new guards?" They all nodded. "Do you talk?" They all looked at one another. "Has Loche told you three not to talk to me?" They all nodded. Oh Loche. Why is he like this?! "Okay. Well can someone show me where my friend Dale is at?"

One of the three stepped in front of me and then he began walking. I followed, with the other two behind me. I did not feel scared or sad with these men. I knew Loche would not place me in the hands of bad men. I am sure of it.

As we walked down halls, I noticed that more guards were approaching us. Squinting my eyes, I realized that they were protecting someone. Who?

While we walked and got closer to the person they were protecting, I finally saw who was flanked with guards. It was King Hrain!

"Ah! The jewel of the fae!" He said rather loudly as I noticed that he did not smell that well. He smelled like the sour drink that dragons often drink. And maybe fae? I do not remember very well.

"Oh, King Hrain! How are you?" I questioned the man as he looked around the hall and glared at all of our guards.

Why was he frowning at the guards? Maybe he does not like one of them? "Give me time with my daughter. Come fae, let us sit and talk."

He took me by the wrist and pulled me into a room I have never been in. I was still in pain and tried not to seem as if I was not in any pain as he shut the door in the guards faces.

I looked around the room and noticed it had to be one of the many rooms filled with books in this castle. Dragons sure do enjoy reading and fighting...

"My dear how are you?"

I was staring intently at a painting on the wall, I did not realize how close the king was, until I felt his fingers on my hips.

Jumping away from him quickly, I cleared my throat. "I am fine. Loche and my guard saved me. I am much better," I smiled at him nervously as he began to circle me.

Now I wish my guards would have followed me in here... "My son has chose a strong wife. I am proud of that. I thought surely you were dead."

"N-no. I am alive and well."

I watched him pause in the middle of his step, then turn towards me. He grabbed me by the shoulders, his eyes glowing brightly. "Have you healed yourself, my dear?"

Healing? How could he know that I heal people? I have been careful! "I-I am not sure what you are talking about, King Hrain."

He chuckled darkly. "Your mother had the gift. She had to have passed it down, yes? I knew it was you. I knew it! You are the spitting image of Esiela."

Hearing my mothers name made my body feel even more weakened. How does he know all of this? I tried to gently get out of his hold, but it was tight. Too tight. "Y-you knew my mother?"

King Hrain scoffed. "Knew? Your mother was my close friend...until your father stopped our friendship," he spoke, his sour breath tickling my nose.

Friendship? He was friends with my mother? Papa would have told us. He would not forget such important information. "I did not know that."

"I hope you are being careful, my dear with your gift. Bad men will take advantage of such a kind soul like you," he spoke, his clawed hand sliding over my cheek.

Father did warn me about bad men... "I-I do not have the gift." Friend of mama's or not, I cannot say anything more.

"Yes you do. Memory loss, fatigue. I know you, Esiela."

I pushed at his hand, and stumbled out of his hold. He did know my mother...but I am not my mother. I am not! "No, tis my wings. Those are just because of my wings ready to sprout."

I was shaking now. Who would he tell? He knew I was lying. He knew it. He gave me a knowing look. "I am surprised Loche has not been using you to heal his injured men, even himself. We heal quickly, but not quick enough."

"Loche would not do that."

The man chuckled. "He is my son and he is vile. He will do whatever it takes to be perfect. He has even killed those men who have taken you. They knew all of your healing properties."

"You are not telling the truth. If I told Loche of my powers he would keep me safe. N-not use me," I whimpered out. He was a terrible liar. He was awful. Who would say something like this?

King Hrain smiled widely. "You poor girl. You have lied to my son? You have not told him? He will be furious. If it is one thing my son loathes with a burning passion it is lying and such a large one at that!"

I need to leave. "Loche will not be angry."

"He may treat you kind now, but that is just a new marriage. In time you will see how vicious my son can be to those who betray him."

"I did not betray him!"

King Hrain took my hand. "I know you are just protecting yourself but my son will see it as betrayal. Do not worry my dear, I will not tell him. It will be our little secret."

His palms were moist and hot...I was on the verge of tears as he squeezed my hands. "Th-thank you for keeping my secret. I-I must go."

Without letting him say anything else horrible, I ran.

King Hrain needs to keep away from Stelle🤮

I have Amazon prime now and suggestions for tv shows?

Hope you guys enjoyed the updates❤️

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