Queen of the Dragons

By b00klover09

621K 23.6K 3.9K

"Estelle, I will kill any man who stands in my way of having you. I will kill one to one thousand men!" I sna... More

-Story Aesthetics/ Author Notes-
-Twenty & a half-
Twenty one
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight

Thirty One

8.8K 422 38
By b00klover09

It seemed like the pain quickly faded away as I realized Loche was battling these dragons. Tis not good at all. What if he is hurt?!

"Cael over here!"

My eyes widened as the men on horse back approached us. Looks of anger and fury passed their faces as they looked over me.

Cael was leading them and his expression grim as he got off of his horse and approached me. "Princess on your dress, is that all of your blood?"

He seemed to sniff me out, and frowned, looking down. Agh! Tis Dale! "No it is mostly Dale's. He is injured! Please have one of your men get him back safely," I told him as Cael looked down at Dale grimacing.

"Princess we need to bring you back to the castle immediately," he said as I stumbled forward. Juni attempted at catching me but Cael did so.

"N-no. Loche is going to kill them all. We cannot let that happen," I yawned tiredly as Cael picked me up gently. He seemed to be processing what I have said before we heard a man yell.


Cael threw me to the floor and pushed Juni down also as a tree came crashing down around us. It was due to the dragons swishing their large meaty tails all around and fighting! Do they realize we are here also?!

A soldier helped me up while Cael had to struggle to help Juni out. The tree almost fell on her!

Once we are all safe and Dale not in harms way, Cael gathered his men. "The Prince is not in his right mind and is trying to kill all of the princesses captors. If we let that happen then we cannot question them further. We need to restrain the ones we can!" Cael shouted to the men who were all looking at me and then beginning to clench their fists and becoming enraged. Did I look that awful?

"Cael, please you have to get Dale out of here!"

One of the men with them picked Dale up and another helped him situate my bloodied and battered friend on the horse. They rode off into the darkness.

"Captain Cael watch out!"

Captain Cael? Was Cael apart of a sea group? I would laugh but my body hurts too much to do so. As soon as I was going to ask the question, Cael had thrown me!

I was in the air for a few seconds, a yelp making its way from my lips as I collided with another body. Letting lose a loud grunt, I struggled to see who I landed on.

It was Keynai. "Su Anya!" He said loudly as I pushed at him, trying to get out of his hold. "Su Anya you look terrible you must let me hold you!"

"Someone get the Captain...get the Prince!"

I struggled to get out of Keynai's hold so that I could turn around and see what was happening. My eyes widened at what I saw.

The red dragon lying on the ground, panting it looked like. I knew he was injured by the way it was breathing. Cael was stuck under him...I think he was unconscious.

"This is not good," I told Keynai as we both winced at hearing a loud roar.

Looking up, I could vaguely make out a large black dragon soaring down from the sky, heading straight towards the red dragon. Why is Loche attacking Harkin?! He has done nothing wrong!

"Please hurry and get Cael!" I told the soldiers as they rushed forward, pulling and pushing the dragon to get Cael out of harms way.

They had successfully grabbed Cael and as soon as they got him within a few inches away, the black dragon pounded into the earth, making the ground shake.

Another loud roar rattled my senses as I watched the black dragon tear into the red dragons shoulder. Was he trying to tear his arm off!

I watched in horror as a few soldiers approached Loche's dragon, trying to speak to him. The dragon paused in its movements, lifting its large head up and roared in the soldiers faces.

When they stood their ground, a snarl passed through those gleaming white teeth. Why was Loche's dragon being so angry and rude! I watched as he took one of his large limbs and swiped at the row of soldiers. His claws sunk into one man before tossing him into the trees. That was not kind at all! Then he went back to trying to rip the poor red dragon's arm off again!

"Loche!" I yelled, with all of my might. I was in pain and he wanted to be awful to people he did not even know. "Stop being mean and change back into a human please!" I yelled at him as I limped over to where he was. I was heavily leaning on Keynai though, since everything was in pain!

I watched as Loche...or well his dragon reared his large head towards me. His bright glowing eyes widened once they met my own. I smiled briefly, wincing as my bruised lip pulsed. "Please stop," I pleaded with the large dragon.

His head tilted to the side. His large nostrils flared. I watched as the dragon stood up on its hind legs before slamming his front limbs down unto the red dragon. He snarled and snapped his jaws before his nostrils widened again.

He began to breathe hard, the big animal's chest began to expand unlike anything I have ever seen before. Was I in so much pain that I was hallucinating?

I watched in confusion as the dragon's nostrils began to...began to smoke! I was surely hallucinating...

Keynai gripped me tight as I did the same to him while we watched the odd spectacle. Loche's dragon opened it mouth with a roar...but with that roar searingly hot air was being expelled.

He closed his mouth again, his claw going to swipe against the red dragon's face before opening up his mouth again! I let lose a scream as a blinding light came from his mouth. It wasn't a light...it was fire!

Keynai pushed me to the ground, and covered me as I watched the fiery roar of Loche's hurl into the trees and the sky. He breathes fire! Loche breathes fire! I thought that was a myth!

"Cover the princess!" Some men yelled as burning trees toppled down around us. Keynai was scrambling up and grabbing me. "Duck fae!" Keynai threw me to the ground and covered me as a ball of fire passed us, hitting the fleet of soldiers and horses.

This was awful! I had to get him to stop! He hurt his men and his horses! "Keynai let me go!" I struggled as he glared at me, turning me around. "No, no let me go he'll burn everyone up!"

One of the soldiers nearest to me seemed paralyzed. He had tears in his eyes. Was he hurt? Why was he upset? "W-we have not witnessed a fire breather in three hundred years!" He cried out as I gasped. Three hundred years?! Tis a very long time indeed.

"Keynai...I will send you back to our kingdom without your title if you do not let me go!" I struggled against him as he gasped, letting my arm go. I hated to be so mean to him but I needed to get to this fire breathing Loche!

I glanced at some of the soldiers to see that they were bowing down to Loche, while others were running. Cael was slowly awaking at the sounds of panic arising which was Juni yelling.

"Loche, please stop this right now!" I rose my voice so much that it began to crack. I did not want to argue with a dragon, I wanted to take a nice bath and go to sleep! Not yell at a fire breathing dragon! "Loche please!"

The furious dragon closed its mouth, turning its head towards me. Smoke rose from his nostrils as I watched his chest swell again. The dark scales around his chest brightened as it expanded. His body was getting ready to spew fire again! "Loche...Loche I am your wife, stop this! I-I need you, you are being very selfish!" I yelled out, my voice cracking as I looked towards the red dragon. He was...the Dragons face and chest...was all burnt up. Poor Harkin!

I put a hand over my mouth...that was the smell. The smell of burnt flesh, scales. It made my stomach churn.

"Look it is working!"

Through my watery haze I could see the black dragon becoming smaller and smaller. I wiped my eyes, stumbling back as I could see Loche's naked self walking towards me.

Fifty percent of his body was still covered in scales. His mouth was stained red. His eyes were not his regular snake like look...now they were swirling with a fiery orange. His entire body was shining with sweat and he had a few open wounds across his body.

"Fae," he growled out as I shook my head, slowly trying to put space between us. He was naked and scaring me! I did not want him near me...

I let lose a yelp as I stumbled back, hitting the ground. More pain than I was already feeling bloomed within my bones and I found myself slowly sitting up, cradling my forehead.

Suddenly I began to sweat, and I slowly looked up to see Loche naked, bending down. He was so close to me that I was sweating! His body was radiating entirely too much heat!

"Loche," I gasped, my entire body beginning to perspire as I felt his warm hand cup my cheek. "G-get away." I weakly pushed at his strong body as his hand slipped behind my neck. "What are you doing?" I whimpered as his eyes met my own. His head titled a bit as his snake like eyes took in my form..the orange swirls still remained. His mouth slowly opened to reveal a set of needle like teeth.

A muffled cry left my lips as the grip on my neck became tighter. He pushed my hair aside, and pressed his nose to my neck. "Loche...pl-please l-let me go," I shook as I closed my eyes when his teeth grazed my neck. I prayed to the gods that he would not hurt me.

Then I felt a piercing pain wrack my body.

He bit me...Loche had bit me!

"Stop!" I screamed out, my body not having enough energy to stop his attack. He had pressed me against his body, crushing my arms against him as his teeth sunk deeper into my neck.

After a few tense and painful moments passed by, his teeth gently withdrew from my neck. Instead of letting me go like I had hoped, he put his hands underneath my body and lifted me up, into his arms. My hand went to his slick chest, trying to stop our contact.

"Fae." His voice was raw and harsh and I closed my eyes not being able to look at him. I was so scared that I was shaking like a leaf! A sweaty leaf. My neck was in throbbing pain as he did not even give a reason as to why he bit me...

I could feel his head pressing against the side of mine. He was nudging me with his head gently. "My fae," he growled out, his voice sounding very husky and deep. "Mine." Much different than his regular voice.

He had to stop this. This was all too much for me right now. "L-let me go Loche," I whimpered as I heard shuffling beside us.

"Put some clothes on when you are holding my sister! And why did you bite her?!" I opened my eyes to see Juni flailing her arms trying to get to us, but Keynai was holding her back. "Get away from her! You dragon people are all maniacs, including you Cael!"

A gasp left my lips as Loche's hold on me became unbearably tight. His fingernails were growing, piercing my skin. I did not want him to turn on my poor sister. "Loche, please let us go home," I pleaded with him, taking a deep breath before a shaky hand reached out to his cheek. His eyes followed the tears that were trailing down my cheeks. Every tear his eyes followed seemed to make his body even hotter, him angrier.

When I touched him, he momentarily closed his eyes. A strangled growl shook his body before he snapped them open. His eyes were still bright and snake like but the orange spirals were no more. I was glad of that.

"Are you okay?" He questioned, his eyes going to my neck before focusing on my face. His jaw clenched and unclenched. I nodded my head slightly. He turned around, looking towards the remaining soldiers. "If you all do not find the other men who took my wife do not bother coming back to the castle! Do not bother even thinking you will be allowed to live in this kingdom anymore. You all have failed the future Queen of this kingdom and that will never be forgiven," he scolded them as his eyesight was now directed towards Cael. "Once you are done leading these men I think you know where to go."

I watched as the remaining men instead of bowing, all went to their knees, bowing so that their foreheads touched the ground. I do not think I have ever seen them do such a thing before. I could feel Loche tensing while staring down at them.

"I am taking my wife home and I do not want to be bothered unless you all have found the rest of her attackers!"

Hope you guys enjoy these chapters!

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