Queen of the Dragons

By b00klover09

621K 23.6K 3.9K

"Estelle, I will kill any man who stands in my way of having you. I will kill one to one thousand men!" I sna... More

-Story Aesthetics/ Author Notes-
-Twenty & a half-
Twenty one
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight

Twenty Nine

8.8K 376 76
By b00klover09

"Well what should we do!"

I stared in fear at one of the oldest male fae friend I had. The loud and boisterous Keynai. He was the best, although he yelled constantly. I could not wait til he becomes my brother and I will be allowed to annoy him constantly. I have always wanted to call someone brother and I know Loche is technically my brother but I do not like that heathen!

"Just calm down. We will figure this out!" Keynai announced loudly as we paced the large chambers of my sister and prince Loche. I am not sure why their chambers is so large. Tis ridiculous. I know Loche is a tree of a man but Estelle is small. Why do they need such a large bed? It made no sense, but I cannot think of that right now.

Right now I need to thin of where my poor sister and her annoying close friend are. Dale is a great person but he is just so annoying. Always staring at Stelle and secretly loving her and hiding it. I told him to stop being friends with her and I knew his secret but of course he denies it!

"We can go to Prince Alazar. He is nice then he can have some guards help us look for them!" I suggested, wondering who else we were to turn to. Estelle and Dale have went frolicking away with that nice guard Harkin and have not returned!

I panicked. What if they were lost? What if Harkin was hurt and Stelle and Dale were being harassed by ruffians?! Prince Loche will murder me and Keynai! I am too beautiful and young to die. I have yet to experience everything I want to yet! Not to mention my sister! My baby sister who is so sweet and too kind to be married to such a mean yukata root such as Prince Loche.

What should I do? Sit like a stick in  sap that like  Dina? What would she do? "Yes! Yes we will go to Prince Alazar and if he is angry I shall threaten him with my sword! And-"

I slapped a hand over Keynai's mouth as we heard knocking on the door. Ah! "Shhh, Keynai, stop yelling. If anyone hears us then-"

The knocking was turning into pounding, just like my poor heart! I cleared my throat, trying to sound as much like Estelle as possible. "Wh-who is it?"

The handle was beginning to jiggle and I let lose a yelp. I dove into their bed and fought their covers to get under them. I could pretend to be Estelle. It was  easy. Flowers and deer. Think flowers and deer Juniper!

"Wh-why are you in here, dragon guard?!"

Oh no...oh no it is him! Him! Of all of the people, it has to be him. "I-I am taking care of my Su Anya! She is ill and would like me to take care of her, dragon guard!"

Agh. Maybe I will just wrap myself in this blanket and die. That is a good death...well no not really. Dying in my sister and her husband's bed? That is just sad!

"And you think that is appropriate? You a single guard being in the bedroom of your princess?" He sounded angry...how dare he be angry, when I am!

"Because she is my princess not yours!"

There was silence and I wondered if that certain dragon guard maybe left the room in anger... Then the covers were being pulled from my grasp.

"You have no shame! The princes is sleeping!" Keynai shouted as I was uncovered.

I had my hands over my face, hoping maybe I resembled Estelle in any sense. My heart beat rapidly as I moved my fingers a bit to see dark eyes peering down at me. He was too close!

Letting lose a yelp, I scrambled off of the bed so that Cael was on one side and I on the other. He did not look so happy, he actually seemed... well furious. Why did I care that he was mad?!

"Where is the princess?" He questioned, glancing between Keynai and I.

Time to lie. "My sister is not in here...she is at the kitchen. She is upset that the Prince is gone and has gone to drown her sorrows in sweets." That sounded like something that Stelle and I would do together..

"Keynai may I have a word alone with the Princess?" He questioned, as I watched him press his lips together tightly while staring at Keynai, then at me. The lips that I kissed....the lips that kissed me back!

I did not want to be left alone with him! What if I cannot control myself?! "No, it is not appropriate for you to be alone with Su Anya Juniper!" Yes, that is right! Not appropriate at all...for me at least.

"You were just in here while she was in bed. You should be the man who is ashamed," Cael pointed out to Keynai. Uh-oh.

Keynai clutched at his chest, a painful look crossing his features. "I have never! I would rip out my spine and stab myself with it rather than disrespect a princess!" He cried out as he suddenly rushed out of the room.

That imbecile! "Juniper." I refused to meet his gaze. If I did, I did not know what would happen. I wrung my hands together, giving him a slight smile while turning my attention towards anything but him. "Juniper, I know we have our differences but I am your sisters guard. Let me do my duty and tell me where she is."

Our differences?! Oh no..he is so ashamed that I have kissed him he cannot even think about it right now. What am I saying? Of course he is not concerned with me, he is trying to find Estelle. I cannot keep losing focus like this! "I told you where she is, Cael. In the kitchens."

I risked a glance at him and noted that he was getting closer and closer to me. Not a good thing at all. "Princess you lie again. I am here for the truth. I need to know if she is in danger, Juniper. We will stay here all night and I will bother you until you tell me where she is." Being locked in a room with Cael all night long?!

I glanced at him and took a deep breath. How on earth did my sister manage sleeping in a bed with a dragon who she liked? I cannot even fathom to stand with him in here?! "I am a princess and you-you cannot hold me against my will you dragon heathen!" I scoffed as I began to walk past him. I was getting out of here right now! Keynai and I will find Stelle all on our own!

Before I had the chance to leave, I felt a hand on my arm. "Let go!" I struggled as I was being whipped around and quickly faced with a now bright eyed Cael. Estelle warned me that when dragons eyes brighten you should be very careful. "You heathen, let go! Do all of you dragon men manhandle women like this?!"

My heart thumped wildly as he glared down at me. My eyes glanced to his lips before shaking my head. I am acting so...so rash and insane like. What is wrong with me? "I have tried to treat you well, Princess! You berate me constantly and not to mention last night-"

"-Okay! I will tell you what happened to my sister," I gulped nervously as he frowned before letting me go. "Harkin, Dale and Estelle left to go visit the fields after morning meal and have not been back since."

"What?!" Cael shouted, throwing his hands up in the air as I moved a bit towards Keynai. "Does anyone else know their whereabouts?"

Before I had the chance to say anything, we heard an ear splitting dragons roar. I cringed and covered my ears. It sounded a bit familiar... "Who was that?!" I yelled, as Cael gave me a grim look.

"That would be the Prince...Princess."

The Prince?! Prince Loche. Ah! "Cael I know we are mad at one another but please do not let him kill me!"

Cael glared at me, grabbing me by the shoulders. "Anything else you want to tell me before he comes here?"

"Our kiss was nice and do not let me die!"

Cael let me go quickly as if what I have just said injured him. Or burned him. "Let us go over this again. Princess Estelle has been missing since morning." I nodded my head slightly. "With that Fae man who has feelings for her?" I nodded my head once again.

Dale did have feelings for Estelle. It was obvious, but she did not like him back. That I was sure of. "Yes, they wanted to go to the meadows. A guard went with them I think and well..we have not heard from them since. Oh and Harkin is with them."

"So she ran away with her friend?" Cael questioned as I gasped.

How could he say that? Estelle would never 'run away.' She knew she had a duty. She was not an imbecile like so many people think she is! "No, no Stelle would never do that. She is probably just-"

"-That is the only reasonable explanation," Cael  told me while shaking his head.

How dare he! "My sister would never, ever do something so inconsiderate like that! You know her, she is a kind and rational woman!" I shoved at him, even though he did not move it still gave me some type of satisfaction.

Cael scoffed, "I have heard about how Fae women can never make up their minds. Their thoughts and decisions like the wind. Did your sister and Prince Loche not have a terrible falling out before he left? She probably found comfort in that Fael fellow," he explained to me as I shook my head. I did not want to hear it! Lies. Just lies!

"Stelle would never, do not say lies outloud like that!" I shouted at him as I heard noises coming from the door.

Cael turned to me, his soft features morphing into one of rock. "This might be hard for you to understand but it is most likely true, Juniper. When the Prince asks me what has happened I will tell him the truth."

"-You are her guard!" I emphasized.

"Yes I am her guard but I am also a dragon, I serve the Prince and the King. I will not lie to him because you do not want to accept the truth."

As soon as those words left his mouth, the door swung open. Prince Loche marched through the doors. I immediately tensed, as I looked at the stern scowl that was placed on his face. His hair seemed shorter...making the rest of his hardened features seem sharper. He wore a shirt that had no sleeves on it, showing his very...prominent muscles. I gulped. What was wrong with these dragon men that they had to have so much muscle?! His dark eyes quickly scanned over the room before landing on us.

"Your highness," Cael said as he bowed slightly.

A growl sounded from his way that had me stepping a bit closer to Cael. "Why are you two in my room? Where is my wife?" He snarled as I glanced to Cael.

I knew today would be my last day on earth!

Cael cleared his throat, as he dropped to one knee. "Your highness, we do not know the precise location of the Princess."

Loche's eyes widened, something that resembled a strangled laugh came from his lips. "Repeat your answer carefully, Cael. I am in a foul mood." Well that was accurate. Loche was not in a good mood, but when ever was he? How does my sister like such a man?! I will never understand.

Cael tensed as I was getting ready to explain. He spoke over me though. "The Princess and her friend wandered off of castle grounds. I was not aware until recently that she has not returned."

"You mean the garden boy?" Cael nodded his head as I watched Prince Loche's face morph into something that made me want to scream and hide.

His exposed arms became scaled. His eyes resembled something from a nightmare. The noises reverberating from his chest sounded like the word creature you could imagine chewing on your foot or trying to eat you times ten.

"So you let...my wife," he spoke slowly, my ears picking up how odd his voice sounded. "My little Fae, the woman I just tied my life to run away with the garden boy?!" He roared. Oh my.

I thought maybe Loche did not like my sister. Staring at him now, looking as if he is two seconds from morphing into a scary beast and eating us, I was now thinking that he did like Estelle. A lot.

I need paper and a writing utensil. I have to write my death letter before he kills us!


So we met Petal. Thoughts 💭
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas or just a wonderful Saturday.
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