Sweet Venom

By Mari_The_Ghost

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The classic high school Vampire Gerard Way x Reader. Being best friend's with Mikey makes for a wonderfully... More

Chapter. 1
Author's note
2. And So It Begins
3. Bite Me
4. Trust Me
5. BFF's
6. Alone Together
7.Where do we go from here?
8. A Night Together
9. Mall Rats
10. Awkward much?
11. It's not a Date
12. Not a Date, Date.
13. Comic Shop Date
14.What is Normal
15. Sneaking Around
16. Sleepover
17. Brunch
18. Friends
19. Bonding Times
20. Hide and Seek
21. A What?
22. GRWM
23. Party Pt. 1
24. Party Pt2
25. Girl Talk
26. Panic! in the feels
27. Flirting?
28. Vibing
29. Distanced
30. Game Night
31. Yikes
32. Double Yikes
34. Gerard
35. Gerard pt 2
36. Ow
37. Everything Hurts
38. Apologies
40. Secret in Your Throat
41. I'll Never Let Them Hurt You
42. I Promise
43. We Good?
44. Tell Me
45. Holding Hands and Life Was Perfect
46. Hanging with Corpses
47. Hand in Mine


1.4K 53 235
By Mari_The_Ghost

A/N 2nd person for a few chapters of your pov. its a thing.

Lemme know if you figure it out. :3


Don't you love that your last coherent thought was thinking some boy was lonely like you? Well after that actually very cute coffee date that is all a blur by now Dominic walked you home with the promise of taking you to school today, which is Monday. He was very sweet with his goodbye and even kissed your cheek.


You woke up Monday with a headache and feeling out of place. Your room seemed like it wasn't yours but you knew everything was where it should be. Everything felt off but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. You got up and got ready for school as usual. It's October now so it's best to dress for cooler weather, that means pants, band shirt and a jacket with your favorite pair of vans to complete the look. You went downstairs to grab breakfast before scrolling through your phone. No one had texted you since Friday, not even Mikey had reached out to you to try and patch things up. Gerard hadn't texted either. Well he hadn't texted you but you had texted him saying that you had a ride to school for the week and you weren't carpooling. He didn't respond to that. He definitely feels weird and knows about the crush you have on him, doesn't he?

Guess it is for the best Dominic is taking you to school this week. You grab some snacks and pack a lunch just in time to hear an unfamiliar honk outside. You make sure you have everything before heading out to see Dominic's black car. It's not very fancy but it does look quite nice, much better than Gerard's beat up hand me down.

"Good morning, baby doll." Dominic said as you climbed into his car.

"Hey," you spoke, taking in the clean car before buckling in.

"You sure you wanna go to school today? We could always just hang out." He spoke reaching over and taking your hand in his.

"Yeah, I mean I can just avoid the boys the best I can. I'm not a coward." You said squeezing his hand before letting go.

"Good to know, Doll." He smiled down at you before putting the car in drive and heading to your high school.

The ride wasn't awkward, just silent. The only sound being that of some indie band coming over the speakers. Nothing you liked or had listened to before, if anything that made you feel even more distant from your friends. Things were a blur after Saturday and staring out the window made it feel like life in general was just a blur. You came up to the school pretty fast, or maybe it just felt fast. Considering the weird music and no conversation the ride should have felt a lot longer.

Dominic pulled into the parking lot and you could see Gerard and Mikey getting out of their car. Dominic thankfully must have sensed your discomfort and just pulled up to the stairs to drop you off.

"I hope today goes well. If you want me to pick you up early I can totally do that." He smiled at you sweetly.

"Thanks, I think I'll be fine." You gave him a small smile. "Thank you for taking me to school. I'll see you later, yeah?"

"Of course Doll," He leaned over and pressed a kiss to your cheek. "I'll see you after school."

You smiled at him before opening the door. "Thanks, see you later." You grabbed your backpack and closed the door waving to Dominic before practically booking it into the school. You wanted to put as much space between you and the boys as possible. It would be hard avoiding them when your locker is right next to theirs. But considering they were still down at the cars you were able to grab the next few classes worth of books so you wouldn't need to stop there the same time Ray will or Mikey.

You took your stuff and got to your English class well before the bell and grabbed a seat in the back corner opposite of where you usually sat next to Gerard. Thank god most of your classes didn't have assigned seats. But it made it worse because then the boys would know you were avoiding them. I mean why wouldn't you? You're hurt after that argument and no one even tried to reach out to you after that. Some friends they are.

You sat in the back and waited for class to start by playing games on your phone or scrolling tumblr. Not much to do when you're avoiding the people you like. Gerard must have walked in and noticed at some point because when the bell rang and you finally looked up from your phone Gerard had his head down and was sitting where he always does.

The rest of class went by slowly but the minute the bell rang you practically sprinted out of the classroom to avoid Gerard. Sure he could catch up to you if he wanted too, but he's giving you space or just doesn't care at this point. In the next class that you had with Ray and Pete you figured since this teacher talks the whole time anyway they wouldn't really notice you trying to ignore them. It kind of worked. It was easy for you to tell that Ray noticed something was up but Pete just talked and talked and noticed nothing was wrong with you. When class finished you went to your locker alone and traded out books ignoring the feeling of someone watching you.

Choir was easy, especially considering Gerard was in a completely different section than you. Math was harder. No way to find a new seat when you got there because the choir room was so far from this one that there were only two seats left. Either you sit next to Mikey and ignore him or you can sit near Dickie the Jock who hits on literally anyone that breathes. Considering you already have a cute boy hitting on you, you elect to sit next to Mikey and ignore him. He doesn't try to reach out to you either. Well he does one time but the teacher absolutely threatened him with detention and he didn't try to talk to you again.

Leaving Math you did what you had done early and just booked it, being one of the first few people out of the room. You got to your locker, grabbed lunch and left not bothering to grab anything for after lunch. You just needed to get out of there before any of the boys showed up. Heck you didn't even go to see your boys and Kristin for lunch. You absolutely left everyone and hid under a tree by the P.E. yard where you know none of your friends would even think to look for you.

The rest of the day went with you sitting as far from Mikey as possible in your music theory class and then being alone in your mythology class since all your friends had band together. It was nice finally having a class to yourself where you didn't need to worry about one of your friends trying to figure out what was wrong. You're hurting and as good as a hug from Kristin or Patrick would be, it was better to just keep your thoughts to yourself for a while and be alone.

You walked to your locker during your last class so you wouldn't have to see Gerard or Mikey or any of the boys at your locker after school. Once the bell rang you headed straight out of the school and to the parking lot. You could hear Mikey calling after you but you ignored him and headed to Dominic's black car that was waiting there for you. He stood at the passenger side and immediately perked up the moment he saw you. Dominic waved at you and opened the car door as you approached.

"Hey," You said going into his open arms and giving him a hug.

"How was school Doll?" He hugged you back.

"Okay I guess. Can we just go?" You said pulling away trying not to look back at Mikey who you knew was probably staring at you.

"Of course. I'm guessing the tall boy with the glasses and the dark haired boy are your friends?" He nodded his head back towards the steps.

You paused after throwing your backpack in his car and turned to look. There Mikey and Gerard stood watching as you went home with a random boy they didn't know. "Yeah," you said quietly getting into his car.

Dominic closed the passenger door before walking over to the drivers side and getting in. "Don't worry, Doll. I'm sure things will work out eventually." He placed a hand on your thigh and squeezed it reassuringly before turning the car on and pulling out of the school.

Dominic took you home and you both hung out in your living room for a while since your parents weren't home. You talked a little but mostly just watch some Supernatural reruns since the newer seasons scare you. Not the content or anything just... there's a lot of new stuff happening since you last binged up to season 7. You were told it goes downhill from there so you haven't tried to watch it again since summer. Dominic kept an arm slung around your shoulders on the couch which was oddly comforting considering the circumstances. He was a perfect gentleman and didn't try anything which was a great change of pace from most boys your age.

After sometime you suggest Dominic go home so your parents didn't question why there was a random boy they didn't know in the house... with you... alone. Dominic was very understanding and offered to take you to school again the next day and for however long you would like till you felt better. You accepted the offer with a hug of gratitude and walked him to the door.

"I'll see you tomorrow baby doll." He said, stepping away from you.

"See you!" You waved at him, watching him walk to his car. Once he got in you headed back into your house and headed up to your room to get homework done. That's how the rest of the week went too. Dominic taking you to school and bringing you home. Then you two hung out for a while, watching tv or just talking and getting close.

Thursday had a bit of a hiccup with Gerard trying to talk to you but you ignored him. Its too early to even bother trying to talk to your friends. Then Friday rolled around and Dominic decided that you two should go out to dinner instead of just staying in your home again. So once school gets out for the day Dominic picked you up as usual and dropped you off at home so you could change into something cute before dinner.

You went upstairs and took a shower to be all clean from icky school and did some makeup before hunting down a cute outfit in your room. You dug through your closet before settling on a long sleeve Wednesday Addams looking dress that was a dark velvet green instead of black. It was perfect considering the slowly changing fall weather. It made your eyes stand out especially with the bit of makeup you put on. Once you were all ready you grabbed black heeled boots that you laced up while you waited downstairs at the kitchen table for Dominic to come pick you up.

After a short time Dominic rolled up to your house and picked you up in his shiny black car. Who even knows what kind of car it is, probably something expensive but not too new ya know? He took you out to a nice Italian restaurant on the upper side of town where the richer people live. It was a sweet date filled with lots of laughs and flirting. It felt like a perfect first date. He picked up the check which wasn't too bad but still a shocker since the restaurant is so up scale. He must be really trying to impress you. Afterwards you guys walked around before he finally took you home.

Being the gentleman he was, Dominic walked you up to the door and stopped there with you looking down at you. His eyes look like an almost darker shade of warm brown as he smiles down at you. Weird. You could have sworn his eyes were blue. Of course they're blue! It must have been a trick of the lighting. Dominic leans down and presses a kiss to your cheek before pulling away and smiling, dark blue eyes meeting your own sparkly ones.

"Was that okay?" He asked quietly looking into your eyes.

"Yeah, it was." You gave him a small smile with a slight blush on your cheeks.

"Good, maybe I could move a little closer this time?" He leaned down with a crooked smile, his nose brushed yours but he didn't move any closer.

You looked into his dark eyes before whispering out a small uh-huh before leaning in slightly yourself. Dominic closed the rest of the space and pressed his lips firmly against yours. The kiss was dull at first! Then it turned magical with sparks and fireworks just like the movies!

He pulled away after a second brushing some loose hair away from your face. "Good night, doll." He smiled, pressing a kiss to your cheek again.

"Night Dominic." You waved to him as he walked to his car before entering your house and smiling like an idiot as you walked up to your bedroom. Things are beginning to look up again. Aren't they?

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