Queen of the Dragons

By b00klover09

621K 23.6K 3.9K

"Estelle, I will kill any man who stands in my way of having you. I will kill one to one thousand men!" I sna... More

-Story Aesthetics/ Author Notes-
-Twenty & a half-
Twenty one
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight

Twenty Six

8.8K 345 73
By b00klover09

"I will never, ever, ever as long as I live ride on a dragon's back!"

I giggled as Dale seemed shaken up. He was not happy at all. Not happy with me at least and definitely not happy with Harkin who we just rode on. Dale had held me so tight that my body hurt. It was exhilarating and fun but I do not think my closest friend thought the same.

"But Dale you have wings. Tis the same."

"Tis not the same, Estelle," Dale pouted as we wandered around a small woodland area. Harkin had left us to go grab cloaks from his house. He did not want us to get 'mugged' or harmed because we had nice clothes on so we were hiding out in a small area with a few trees and little to not cute animals. Which upset me a bit, woods always came with cute animals!

I scoffed. "Both of us have wings though, Dale."

Dale frowned. "Our wings are beautiful and quiet. Dragon wings are large and scary...large and scary just like your husband," he murmured as I laughed and pushed him lightly. Dale did not seem happy for some reason and I wondered maybe if the ride had upset his stomach or maybe balance?

He thought Loche was large and scary? Well yes he is but he is not that scary. He is large though. "Loche is not so bad. He is just like a...a pieti tree. Hard bark but once you finally get past the bark, sweet sap is inside!"

Dale frowned. "Sweet? Estelle has he made you eat something to believe such delusions?" He questioned, concern in his voice as he grabbed me by the shoulders, pulling him closer to me.

"Delusions?" I questioned as Dale gripped my shoulders tightly. What had gotten into him? "I do not have any delusions."

My closest friend gave me a look of concern. "Estelle he does not treat you right. I know it...no man as fierce as he is will treat you kindly. No man can-"

"-Dale you do not know him," I defended Loche as I suddenly felt extremely exhausted. I just was arguing with Loche over Dale and now my closest friend wanted to do the same...but about my husband! Why gods! On the day after my wedding ceremony everyone wants to yell at me? I am in need of sweet bread and a hug from my papa.

His grip on me lessened and I was quite surprised how strong Dale's grip was. "Estelle you defend a man who was so rude to your own father."

Why is he so grumpy? What have I done to him! "Dale I am not sure why you are so upset but Loche is my husband. Grumpy, scary, mean or nice he is still my husband and we are going to stay married...wh-whether you like him or not Dale."

Tis not my choice, Loche chose me...he wanted me. I could do nothing about our outcome. He wanted war if I did not come back and Loche is not so bad. His teeth are nice, and he is strong, and he does an odd grumble sound that I like!

I like him. I like my husband a lot.
I just do not like him right now because he is grump just like Dale is being!

"I know," Dale whispered as his hold on my shoulders loosened.

My poor friend Dale. He was upset with me. "Is this about me not telling you that I was leaving? I am sorry Dale," I apologized as he was looking away from me. I placed my hand on his cheek, turning his head softly. "I am sorry Dinah had to tell you and I should have wrote you but..my memory."

He grasped my hand from his face and shook his head firmly. "Tis not about that, Estelle. Has...has Prince Loche treated you well so far?"

I wanted to tell him that yes his lips have treated me well but his mouth has not. Loche had rudely yelled at me then left me earlier and I cried and tis just a mess! "Loche has treated me well, Dale. I promise you!"

The look in his eyes said that he did not believe it. "Yet he is not here a day after you two have wed."

Why is Dale questioning me like this? I just want sweet bread and maybe to lie down for a nap. That is all! "Dale he is a prince who has duties. Please let us talk about something else."

Dale threw his hands up in the air, before he began to pace and murmur. "I-If I was a prince, if I was your prince..."

Prince? What is Dale speaking about. "Dale you should sit. Maybe we can go over the flowers you have picked in your pockets. Talking about all of
this..I-is tiring."

"You do not understand Estelle. You never understand," he spoke cryptically as I sighed, rubbing my hands over my face. Dale has never been this emotional before. He seemed seconds from yelling or crying at me. What was I to do? Usually we always have fun and cry or be emotional together over beautiful things...

I leaned against a nearby tree, and fiddled with my thumbs. "Well I am just trying to make you happy again. I-I do not like when people who I care about are upset."

Dale was pacing for a while before he paused. "Estelle I cannot be happy when you are here with him." He walked up to me and I suddenly felt weird. Why was he acting like this? Why was he so close?

Loche enjoys invading my personal space but Dale does not usually do so. "Dale please, let us talk about something else."

"If I were your prince...you would want for nothing. I would be here with you not doing my duties I could have another do. I would love you and cherish you and worship the ground you walk on," he spoke gently as I looked away from him, wondering what was going on in that head of his. If he were my prince?

After so many seconds of him not speaking and I also not saying a word, I looked up at him. Dale seemed on the verge of tears. His beautiful blue eyes shining with unshed tears. My throat constricted and I began to panic. "Dale y-you speak as if we still are not friends. You are my friend and Loche my husband."

"I cannot be your friend Estelle."

He was on the verge of tears and now so was I. Why is he being like this? "Dale," I said softly as I grasped his hand. "We have been friends since we were sprites. We cannot throw away our friendship! I-I know you do not like Loche but you will see that he is-"

"-It is not Loche, Estelle!" He exclaimed, making me a bit nervous and pressing myself into the dark tree supporting me. Dale was scaring me and he never, ever scares me.

"I love you, Estelle not like a family love. I love you like a husband loves a wife. I have loved you for so long a-and to see you slip so easily into the arms of a man who will not treat you right...it..it is breaking me."

Dale was crying. He was taking shaky breaths and crying and lying to me. Telling me things that were not true...but it had to be true. He was crying and he did look...broken.

What could I say? Or do? I have never been in this situation before. Juni would know what to do..no. No Juni would give me terrible advice, Dinah would know what to do.

"I am trained to be happy and observant, t-to serve and I just am in a terrible space right now." Trained? What is Dale trained in? He is a well trained Gardner but I do not think they have gardener training, I am sure his father taught him all he knows. My heads hurts very much...

"Dale why tell me this? I-I can do nothing about your love. I...I lose you as a friend because you love me? I-I do not have any friends except for you and my sisters," I whimpered. Dale was crying and I began to cry.

Why does the world have to be so cruel? How does he know he is in love with me? How does he know what love feels like? I do not love him like a wife would love a husband. I do not love Loche yet and he is my husband.


"-I know you do not love me," he spoke as he wiped his face with the cloth covering his arms. "I know I should not have told you this. I am compromising everything and I ruined our friendship."

Ruined? Tis not ruined... "No, Dale we are still friends. Nothing you do or say can change that," I sniffled as he shook his head sadly.

"No. Estelle. I-I cannot have you remember this. Tis not right. I have been selfish. I-I am always so selfless but today I have been selfish," he groaned as he wiped a hand over his wet face. He is not selfish, Dale is never selfish...he just was overcome with emotions.

What was I to do or say now? "Dale tis okay. Y-you cannot help who you care for, yes?"

"You will tell Loche and he will kill me or banish me from ever seeing you. I cannot fathom not ever seeing you again," he worried. I would not tell Loche. It would be a secret. I am sure Loche would be very upset if he knew, he already did not like Dale for reasons I did not know.

Dale worries too much. I have never seen my friend act like this in all of the years I have known him. I am worried. Very worried. "I will not tell him, Dale. He does not even know about my healing."

Out of nowhere Dale had suddenly become very close to me, worrying me. "Dale...," I questioned nervously, feeling odd. His face was getting closer to me and I pressed my head into the tree, giving him a nervous look. Then he did something I have never, ever thought would happen.

He kissed me.

It was quick, our lips pressing together oddly for more than a few seconds before I processed what happened.

I immediately pushed against his chest, letting out a yelp of surprise and anguish. "Dale!"

"I had to, I'm sorry Estelle. I'm sorry for all of this. I'm sorry you will not remember. I am sorry I am a terrible man," he babbled on as I wiped at my mouth and considered yelling out for Harkin. Dale was not in his right mind. Not at all!

"I-I am married and you a-are not in your right mind. A-at all!" I yelped, wiping my mouth continuously and pacing nervously. This had turned to be out such an awful day.

First Loche and now Dale! What am I to do? What am I to possibly do?! We cannot stay friends anymore, not after Dale has kissed me. Not after he has confessed his love.

He said he ruined our friendship and I said he had not, but now he certainly did! These lips were for...for a dragon husband who was currently angry at me. Not a fae friend who smelt like earth and whom I counted a brother!


I glanced around the foliage, searching for my friend who had betrayed me! My eyes widened as I found him on the forest floor. "D-Dale?"

He was hunched over on his knees, a pained look on his face. "What are you doing?!" I screamed as I saw his shirt was stained red and his hand was covering something.

"I ruined us. E-Estelle I-I am selfish. You have s-so much happening in your life. You do not deserve this burden I just laid at your feet," he said through clenched teeth. "H-heal me and forget!"

I fell to my knees, crawling up to my only friend, the feeling of pure fear and confusion twisting up my insides. I have never felt so angry and upset with someone. I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry. I wanted my mother.

"How could you do this!" I cried out, shakily placing my hands on his face that was slick with sweat and his tears. "How could you do this to yourself?"

"Tis a shallow wound...I am just bleeding a lot. I need to right this wrong," he claimed as he winced while saying so. "I-I was not supposed to come here and do this."

"How selfish of you," I croaked out as Dale gave me a pitied look.

"I cannot have you upset and burdened. You deserve a fr-friend," he breathed shallowly. "A friend who is there for you. I-I cannot be this friend w-with you remembering th-this!"

I watched in horror and through my tears as he pulled a dagger from his stomach. The ruby red blood seeped further on his clothing, making me shriek and place my hands over his wound.

"I-I cannot believe you are making me do this," I sobbed as I closed my eyes, trying to concentrate on my only friend who has now betrayed me.

I should be happy yes? I will not remember this. The kiss, the confession, his self harm. I wanted to remember...but I cannot let my friend be in pain or bleed out!

"Dale...you have broke my heart," I whimpered, as my tears dribbled down my chin and splattered onto my crying friend. "I will save you of course because I love you...but you have betrayed me."

"Qesuin, mi esero."

I shut my eyes tight. He said he was sorry...and called me his love.

Pushing past this awful scenario the gods gave me, I mustered up the courage to begin to heal Dale...my only friend.

The more my finger tips tingled and the weaker I became the more I knew it was working. I had to clear my mind, I could not keep thinking of what my friend had done to me and himself...

After a few seconds things became hazy and my mind was a bit disoriented. What was I doing?

A sudden wave of exhaustion washed over me before I was being shoved to the ground...

My mind felt so foggy and why is my face so wet? What is happening?

Looking around in complete confusion, I noticed that I was on the forest floor and someone was on top of me?

"Estelle be quiet someone is near."

Who is that? That is not Loche's voice? I struggled weakly against the person and was able to get a peak. A gasp left my lips.


What is my closest friend doing here? The last thing I remember is about to disrobe for Loche and then him telling me that I did not need to do such a thing...and of course dancing and having fun because Loche and I are now husband and wife!

Shock and fear washed over me as I stared at my hands. Blood. Blood! Glancing over Dale I suddenly felt faint. Dale was the one who was bleeding. Why was he bleeding? Where were we? What is going on?!

"Where did that crimson bastard take those two fae? Gettin pretty sick of lookin for em."

Who? Crimson dragon? I heard the voices but I didn't see anyone. Where was the voices coming from? Dale kept his hold on me tight as the voices faded and I kept my eyes on his wound. I had to finish healing him.

"Dale what is going-"

"-I was attacked b-by an animal," he whispered to me as I gasped in horror. Oh my. "I came here to visit and to help. You and I are waiting for your guard Harkin to come take us to his sick sister," he explained to me in a quiet tone. So Dale was attacked! I am trying to heal Harkin's sister and well we are hiding?

"And who are those men coming near?" I whispered at him, wondering why Dale looked as if he was head butted by a three horned stallion. Maybe it is because he is still in pain? "Have I finished healing you?"

Dale put a hand over my mouth and struggled to grab something with the other hand.

"You smell blood?"


The men had swords and tattered clothing. Some had scales covering half their face and others had snares that made me want to run and hide. Who were these scary men?

"Estelle you are not a Princess okay?"

"Okay," I whispered quietly as Dale held me tight, whispering a prayer up to our gods.

"Look what we found!"

The men crowded around us as if we were not of this world, or like we were bugs. Dale struggled to get up, his wound from that horrid animal effecting him. I wish I could have finished healing him properly...

He held out his small dagger. "What is it you all want?"

The men were salivating while looking at us and it made me scared. I took a step back watching the largest man who seemed to be their leader smile.


"We have none. Be gone," Dale snapped harshly as I nodded my head in agreement. Good thing I did not wear any jewels today!

They all burst into laughter. "No, no, no. We're looking for money that comes from selling the two of you. A Princess and her guard. A pretty little one at that."

"Estelle run."

I stared at my best friend, bloodied and battered. I could not leave him..he was my only friend! "Estelle go!"

He pushed me and I began to run, screaming for help as I heard the sounds of grunts and metal clashing.

Through my teary eyed vision, I could see a village up ahead but I could also hear someone behind me.

"Come ere lil fae!"

Before I had the chance to glance back to see how close my attacker was, I was being thrown to the ground. I screamed and struggled but the horrible man was too powerful.

"Don't cry lil fae. I ain't gonna hurt ya. We cannot damage such valuable treasure." He had ropes and cloth and made quick work of tying my hands and feet up, along with stuffing my mouth with cloth!

As my nose and eyes ran freely, the man hoisted me up over his shoulder and the wind rushed out of my lungs in a great whoosh! Someone help!

He patted my behind with a laugh as I watched the little village become smaller and smaller. What were we going to do? Harkin knew where we were, maybe he would be help?!

"D-did that fae scum kill him?!"


The man's arms who I was in twirled around and I struggled to see what they were talking about. Some man was lying on the ground, face up. A large dagger was jutting out of his throat. Blood was seeping from him neck and he was twitching...gurgling noises left his mouth. I whimpered looking away.

"Stop beating on him. We can sell him if he isnt too injured..we leave Tarek to die he is almost half there. He was weak as it was."

"We canna leave him!"

The large man scowled. "Of course we can. We put his bleeding body in the wagon with the two fae and they have a scent trail. The trail ends with him."

How cruel...

Looking to my side, I let out a muffled cry. Two men were pummeling Dale. He was not even trying to fight back.

"Hurry up! Cant let that crimson bastard find us."

"Where we goin?"

"To the markets to sell them at the highest price. I got another fae woman there. A man been askin about her for the past two days. Keeps saying he'll pay whatever price. I'll sell both women to him and we'll be rich! Plus we get paid from a special someone for nabbing them."

They all let loose cries of happiness.What on earth am I to do?!

Loche and Juni are going to kill me for being kidnapped a day after my wedding!

Soooo that happened.
Double update swipe up!😁

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