My Friend (Harry Potter Love...

By Ocean-Girl

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~ Years 5-7 ~"Ro, I love you, that's because!" shouted Harry. I stop dead and I turn around "What?" I sa... More

Part One
Rosemary Fisher
Chapter 1 Annoying Dudley and Danger
Chapter 2 Yelling, Letter's, Expelled.... Kind Of
Chapter 3 Odd Arrivel
Chapter 4 Flying and Number Twelve Grimmauld Place
Chapter 5 Forever And Always
Maggie Thorn
Chapter 6 Hearing
Chapter 7 Electricity
Chapter 8 Sweet Kiss but Confusion
Chapter 9 Going To Our Second Home
Lost Chapter Ten
Carly William
Chapter 11 Oh Darn, And New Song, Ron's idiotic
Chapter 12 Supportive Friends
Chapter 13 Singing In The Forest
Chapter 14 Umbridge's Class
Chapter 15 Carly's Point of View
Chapter 16 Pain
Chapter 17 Telling Harry And Violet's Letter
Chapter 18 Their Starting To Believe
Chapter 19 Detention With Umbridge
Chapter 20 Catching Ronald
Chapter 21 Nervous and May Be Possessed
Chapter 22 Birthday And Singing About Him
Chapter 23 Bad Day
Chapter 24 "Baby, i'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake"
Chapter 25 What The Grade's Stand For
Chapter 26 Hermione's awesomeness
Chapter 27 Our Fun
Chapter 28 Sharing How I Feel
Chapter 29 Out of Control
Chapter 30 Meeting
Chapter 31 Me?
Chapter 32 Umbridge's New Rule
Chapter 33 Injured Hedwig
Chapter 34 Neville's Wrath
Chapter 35 Another Plan
Chapter 36 Into the Closet With You
Chapter 37 Finally (You'll love this chapter)
Chapter 38 Nervousness and Telling
Chapter 39 Meeting Dobby at Last.
Chapter 40 Trying But Not Working With Me
Chapter 41 Did Hermione Granger kiss Ronald Weasley?
Chapter 42 Damn Slytherin's and Ravenclaw
Chapter 43 A Mother's Care
Chapter 44 "Can you two drop it already!" (Part One)
Chapter 45 Hagrid's Story (PaRt ToW)
Chapter 46 "You must promise"
Chapter 47 First Date
Chapter 49 Pain
Chapter 50 "It's a curse and blessing"
Chapter 51 Aunt Scarlet
Important to Read!
Chapter 52 May My Boyfriend and I Be Possessed?
Author Note
Author Note Once Again...
Chapter 54 "What?"
Chapter 55 Rosemary's Birthday Plan
Chapter 56 Damn You Violet
Chapter 57 "Think Again"
Chapter 58 Asking Ro Out and Welcome to My Lessons, Harry.
Chapter 59 Valentines Dance
Chapter 60 Singing For Our Loved Ones
Chapter 60 "Kill him, more like,"
Chapter 61 "I believe you both"
Chapter 62 Dreams
Chapter 63 Umbridge's Worse Fear
Chapter 64 Two Mistry Messages
Chapter 65 New Nightmare
Chapter 66 The Lord Family
Chapter 67 Where did Rosemary Go?
Chapter 68 A Glimpse's of the Future
Chapter 69 "Teaching a Player to not mess with my heart,"
Chapter 70 Shocking News
Chapter 71 A Glimpse Of My Teen Mother
Chapter 72 "Never go near me again, James Potter,"
Chapter 73 The Mystery Man Is Back
Story Update
Chapter 74 "Harry!"
Chapter 75 "Till the match is over?"
Chapter 76 Meeting a New Friend
Chapter 77 Ron Scored
Chapter 78 Examination.

Chapter 48 "I love you,"

2.5K 37 4
By Ocean-Girl

Chapter 48
(Year Five)

I open my eyes feeling the cold breeze hit my face i look around a little seeing it is covered in white stuff then my eyes widen i look over seeing what i'm sleeping on or really cuddling their arm around me my legs over his i was sleeping with Harry but there was a blanket over us. i shook Harry a little "Harry," I said.
he didn't wake up.
"Harry, wake up, we slept outside" I said, and shook him a little again, still he didn't wake up. i instead grab a little snow beside me and sprinkle it onto his face still he didn't wake up i roll my eyes and grab a hand full making it a little snowball and hover it over his face then let it fall making him shot up wiping off the snow "There's better ways, you know," he said, wiping off the snow from his glasses.
"Yeah, i'm not kissing you awake," I said, sitting up next to him. "We slept did this blanket get on us?" I ask.
"You fell asleep so i summoned a blanket feeling you shiver and feel asleep with you" said Harry. i smile in the inside and i felt blood rush to my cheeks Harry chuckled and kissed my cheek "Your cute when you blush" he whispered in my ear i felt his hot breath hit my neck making me blush harder.
"W-we should hurry so nobody will come looking for us," I said. i went to get up but halfway up Harry got my waist i fell on top of him my legs on either side of him while he lays down. "Five more minutes pwease" he said in a baby voice.
"I haven't heard you use the baby voice in a while," I said leaning down so our noses touch, "i like it,"
i kiss him he kissed back i felt his hands go to my back i smile a little and pull back letting our foreheads touch.
"I love you," he said i tense up did Harry just say he loved me? i pull back a little sitting up he sat up too so i'm in his lap he had worry in his eyes i smile and scoot up closer to him our noses touching also our chests and put my hands in his hair and pulls him closer to me and kissing him i pull away and said the three words that mean the world to everyone
"I love you too," I whisper.
Harry smiled and i smile back he kissed me on the forehead we both got up and head up to Hogwarts

we stand by the stairs between the stairs i kiss Harry lightly "Thanks for an amazing night," I whisper.
"Your welcome, we'll do it again," said Harry i smile and head upstairs.
i close the door and lean on the door with a dreamy look "Somebody had fun," said a voice i jump and look over to Carly, Jamie, Hermione, and Julie who has moved into our dorm since nobody in her dorm likes her for some odd reason. "What'd you do?" asked Hermione eagerly.
"He took me to a small spot near the lake the moon high we had a picnic and then watched the starts talked about random stuff then we fell asleep" I explain happily.
"Oooh, cheesy!" said Jamie.
"Yeah, but cheesy dates are the best," said Carly.
"But here's the best" I said smiling. they all look at me Carly had the excitement in her eyes "when we woke up we cuddled for a bit and he told me he loved me"
three things happened
1# Carly and Jamie gasped
2# Hermione's eyes widen
3# Julie faked a faint and fell on my bed
i laugh at my friends and sister and half-sister "And what did you do!" said Hermione.
"I said it back," I said smiling we talked a little of dates we used to have, not me Harry's my first boyfriend I had with a date, then i changed into my uniform and walked down to the Great Hall with Ron and Harry, me and Harry walking hand-in-hand, we got there i sat next to Carly on a Tuesday morning. she was really hyper for some reason making Jamie laugh not able to eat "Did someone give Carly peeps?" I ask.
"What are peeps?" asked Ron.
"They're a marshmallow candy with sugar coated on it, Carly get's really hyper if she has more then three," I said.
"I may have brought some from home and Carly ate them..." said Hermione making Carly nod at me i giggle quietly to myself and continue to eat.

We walked over to where our Care of Magical Creatures lesson seeing Harry badly injured but he had like a half-cow on his shoulder making Jamie scrunch up her nose in disgust "Okay, if i throw up in the middle of class, blame Hagird for bringing a half-cow," said Jamie making me laugh a little.
"We're workin' in here today!" Hagrid called to us students nodding to the Forbidden Forest. "Bit more sheltered! Anyway, they perfer the dark..."
What prefer the dark? I thought Hopefully not a hippo
"What prefers the dark?" I heard Malfoy say in a panic voice i smirk a little knowing Malfoy is afraid of the Forbidden Forest even if he doesn't admits it himself "What did he say prefers the dark ---- did you hear?" said Malfoy. I saw in the corner of my eye Harry smile to himself i roll my eyes to the ground.
"Ready?" said Hagrid happily, looking around us students. "Right, well, I've bin savin' a trip interthe forest fer yer fifth year. Thought we'd go an' see these creatures in their natural habitat. Now, what we're studyin' today is pretty rare, I reckon I'm probably the on'y person in Britten who's managed ter train 'em ----"
"And you're sure they're trained, are you?" said Malfoy, still panic in his voice, I'm having control of my powers so I can't feel his panic or anything. "Only it wouldn't be the first time you'd brought wild stuff to class, would it?"
can't believe I'm thinking this but Malfoy has a point

"'Course they're trained," said Hagrid, hosting the half-cow more up his shoulder making Jamie clutch her stomach Jamie get's sick when she sees dead body's, organs, or bones it's weird.
"So what happened to your face, then?" demanded Malfoy making me clutch my hand into a fist i felt a hand in mine it was Harry's he intertwined our fingers.
"Mind your own business Ferret!" Yelled Carly making the Trio, me, Jamie, and almost all the Gryffindor's crack up laughign seeing Malfoy turn red. "Now if your done talking and asking dumb ass questions, i think we have some learning to do for our O.W.Ls!" said Carly.
"Thank yeh, Carly, follow me!" said Hagrid.

Hagrid walked into the forest Ron and Hermione sighed as i look at them but Carly was excited this is her first lesson with Hagrid and she's been excited all morning, also hyper, she's no longer hyper thought, we follow Hagrid, the class trailing behind.
We walk for ten minutes i didn't have my jumper on i had it tied around my waist having a piggy back ride by Jamie i jump down when we were at the clearing, which was dark as midnight from the tress so close together, Harry let the dead cow down with a thud and Jamie turned a little green i rub her back knowing the feeling from second year when Ron was puking out slugs and me and slugs...not a good mix...Hagrid turned to us "Gather roun', gather roun'," said Hagrid, "now, they'll be attracted by the smell o' the meat but I'm goin' ter give 'em a call anyeay, 'cause they'll like ter know it's me..."
Hagrid made a really strange nose between a strangle cry or howl i look around seeing many scared faces not laughing at this and i couldn't blame them i look over to Carly she gave me the 'What the hell' look i just smile and turn back to Hagrid as he made the sound again. Carly nudged me in the ribs i look over she pointed to the spot between some trees where some shining white eyes, large lethery body, and you could see they're bones clearly and it was amazing black, and it was winged, it was those strange creatures me, Harry, and Carly could only see in the start of term.
it started to eat the flesh with it's pointed teeth i started to smile me, Carly, and Harry will finally learn what the heck are these things i look over to Ron to see he's still staring at the trees and then whispered to Harry and me: "Why doesn't Hagrid call again?"
i look over to Carly she was pale, shaking slightly, and her hands were shaking i remember how she was a orphan and i take her hand and rub the back of her hand with my thumb in a sisterly way as she closes her eyes i saw a small tear fall.

i look around trying to see if anyone can see these great creatures i saw it was some Slytherin boy and Neville who was watching the tail of the great creature 
"Oh, and here comes another one!" said Hagrid proudly, as a second black horse appeared out of the trees, and went over to the meat and started to eat. " Now...put yer hands up, who can see 'em?"
i raise my hand along with Harry and Carly Hagrid frowned at Carly and me sadly but said to Harry: "Yeah....yeah, i knew you'd be able ter, Harry, an' you too, Neville, eh? an ----"
"Excuse me, but what exactly are we supposed to be seeing? said Malfoy making me want to punch him. Hagrid smiled and pointed to the meat and everyone looked to the cow and some flesh was eaten many people gasped but Parvati and Jamie squealed making me jump not ready for the double squeal.
"What's doing it?" demanded Parvati in a terrified voice, i could feel her fear, and she backed up behind a tree. "What's eating it?"
"Thestrals," said Hagrid proudly. Hermione gave a soft "oh!" and Carly's watery eyes widen "Hogwarts has got a whole heard of 'em in here. Now, who knows ----"
"But they're really, really unlucky!" Parvati interrupted Hermione, looking alarmed. "They're supposed to bring all sorts of horrible misfortune on people who see them. Professor Trelawney (I roll my eyes at the mention of her) told me once ----"
"No, no, no," chuckled Hagrid, "Tha's jus' superstition, that is, they aren' unlucky, they're dead cleaver an' useful! 'Course, this lot don' get a lot o' wok, it's mainly jus' pullin' the school carriages unless Dumbledore takin' a long journey an' don' wanter ter Apparate ---- an' here's another couple, look ----"
two more creatures came out of the trees quietly passing Parvati closely she said: "I think i felt something, i think it's near me!"
"Don't worry, it won' hurt yeh," said Hagrid patiently. "Right, now, who can tell me why some o' you can see them an' some can't?"
Hermione and Carly raise they're hands Hagrid smiled at them both "Carly, go on," he said.
Carly closed her eyes and took in a shaky deep breath "The only p-people who can s-see thestrals, are people who h-have seen d-d-death" stuttered Carly, i could hear some Slytherins snicker at her making my hand clutch into a fist.
"Tha's exactly right, " said Hagrid, "ten points ter Gryffindor. Now, thestrals ----"

"Hem, hem."
i scream out of shock and Harry covered my mouth with his hand my eyes wide "Be quiet, you'll scare them off," he whispered into my ear. i saw Umbridge was close to us that is why i screamed i was surprised and shocked how close she was without me knowing. i nodded and Harry removed his hand. i don't really like Umbridge's fake cough it is disturbing she did her cough again and Hagrid finally noticed her.
"Oh hello!" said Hagrid, smiling.
"You recived the note I sent to your cabin this morning?" said Umbrid, her voice loud like Hagrid couldn't hear or he couldn't speak English and was speaking very slow too. "Telling you that i would be inspecting your lesson?"
"Oh yeah," said Hagrid brightly. "Glad yeh found the place all righ'! Well, as you can see ---- or, i dunno ---- can you? We're doin' thestrals today ----"
"I'm sorry?" said Umbridge loudly, cupping her hand around her ear frowing. "What did you say?"
Hagrd looked a little confused.
"Er ---- thestrals!" Hagrid said loudly. "Big ---- er ---- winged horses, yeh know!"
he flapped his arms like a bird making me glance over to Harry nervously he grabbed my hand and i intertwined our fingers i notice Umbridge make a note and i could hear what she's writing "''"
"Well...anyway..." said Hagrid, "Erm....what was i satin'?"
"''" muttered Umbride making sure we all could hear her mine and Harry's grip tightened in anger i saw Hermione and Carly turn red in rage Carly's hands clutched into a fist i glance over to Malfoy seeing it was like Christmas has come early this year.
"Oh yeah," said Hagrid, throwing an uneasy glance at the clipboard, "yeah, i was gonna tell yeh how come we got a heard. Yeah, so, we started off with a mal an' five females. This one," Hagrid patted the first horse who appeared. "Name o' Tenebrus, he's my special favorite, firs' one born here in the forest ----"
"Are you aware, that the Ministry of Magic has classified thestrals as 'Dangerous'?" interrupted Umbridge making me want to do horrible things to her. Hagrid just chuckled at her. "Thestrals aren' dangerous! alrigh;, they might take a bite outta you if yeh really annoy them ----"
"''" muttered Umbridge, writing again. 
"Oh, come on!" yelled Carly, losing her temper, everyone looked at her and Umbridge looked at Carly with dislike "Look, if you annoy a dog or cat to the very end they'll attack but look at this! people and wizards and witches still get them! and the thestrals just have a bad reputation of bad luck, which isn't true, they're just not understood, kay, so bug off them!"
Carly crossed her arms and glared at the ground a giant frown of anger on her face my eyes were wide at her. Umbridge finished her writing and looked up and said again like Hagrid can't hear "Please continue teaching as usual. i am going to walk ----" she mimicked walking i let go of Harry's hand to not crush it from it clutching it in a fist from anger she's judging him! ---- "Among the students" ---- she pointed to all of us ---- "and ask them questions" she pointed to her mouth mimicking talking i saw Carly tense up muttering "Blubering Bitch,"(SORRY ABOUT THE CUSSING!)
Hagrid stared at her clearly lost Hermione was now in tears of rage  she asked Pansy she said that she couldn't understand him then Umbridge turned to me and i tense up "You can see the thestrals, Fisher, can you?" she said to me. i felt Harry tense up next to me and i gave a small nod
"Whom did you see die?" she asked my eyes widen and they washed with tears as some fell i didn't answer i tried but couldn't Harry pulled me away slowly and i buried my face in his chest i felt no pity from her i felt the smallest satisfaction from her making me tense up more Harry rubbed my arms not making it better i didn't relax at all from his touch.

**Carly's Point of View**
"That foul, lying, twisting old gatgoyle!" bursts Hermione. Mary (Rosemary) isn't with us she ran off when class ended and none of us know where she is, making Harry slightly worried. "You see what she's up to? it's her think about half-breeds all over again ---- she's trying to make out Hagrid's some kind of dim-witted troll, just because he had giantess doe a mother ---- and oh, it's not fair, that really wasn't a bad lesson at all! even if Ro did cry in the middle of it" we all stare at her like she's crazy "I mean, alright, if it had been blast-Ended Skrewts again, and Ro tell us what has happened, but thestrals are fine ---- in fact, for Hagrid, they're really good!" i look around for Jamie she has disappeared too "I'll be back," I mutter to the Trio and run off.

I run into the Forbidden Forest and ran for a while until i ran into a tree and fell on my butt and look up to see legs and comforting hug with a long brown hair girl and a black haired girl. i climb the tree to see Mary and Jamie in a comforting hug.
"Mary, it's okay, it was wrong of her to ask you that," I said. i climb over to her other side but she didn't stop crying. it's good she cry's it doesn't mean she's weak it means she can let her emotions out that's why i take a liking to Mary she isn't afraid to show her true feelings.
"Ro, nobody will make fun of you, i promise," whispered Jamie.
"B-but i still t-told every-everyone..." she stuttered. i thought of something and give Jamie a look she nodded and i got my guitar out of my bag and started to play a song to Mary to make her feel better
(Here Comes the Sun - Colbie Caillat)(Originally By The Beatles)
Mary smiled a little and wiped her tears "Thanks, Carly," said Mary in a small voice. "No need to thank me, i'm your best friends, i'm supposed to do this," I said. we all at each other and climb down to go back to the castle.

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