My Friend (Harry Potter Love...

By Ocean-Girl

169K 3.6K 447

~ Years 5-7 ~"Ro, I love you, that's because!" shouted Harry. I stop dead and I turn around "What?" I sa... More

Part One
Rosemary Fisher
Chapter 1 Annoying Dudley and Danger
Chapter 2 Yelling, Letter's, Expelled.... Kind Of
Chapter 3 Odd Arrivel
Chapter 4 Flying and Number Twelve Grimmauld Place
Chapter 5 Forever And Always
Maggie Thorn
Chapter 6 Hearing
Chapter 7 Electricity
Chapter 8 Sweet Kiss but Confusion
Chapter 9 Going To Our Second Home
Lost Chapter Ten
Carly William
Chapter 11 Oh Darn, And New Song, Ron's idiotic
Chapter 12 Supportive Friends
Chapter 13 Singing In The Forest
Chapter 14 Umbridge's Class
Chapter 15 Carly's Point of View
Chapter 16 Pain
Chapter 17 Telling Harry And Violet's Letter
Chapter 18 Their Starting To Believe
Chapter 19 Detention With Umbridge
Chapter 20 Catching Ronald
Chapter 21 Nervous and May Be Possessed
Chapter 22 Birthday And Singing About Him
Chapter 23 Bad Day
Chapter 24 "Baby, i'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake"
Chapter 25 What The Grade's Stand For
Chapter 26 Hermione's awesomeness
Chapter 27 Our Fun
Chapter 28 Sharing How I Feel
Chapter 29 Out of Control
Chapter 30 Meeting
Chapter 31 Me?
Chapter 32 Umbridge's New Rule
Chapter 33 Injured Hedwig
Chapter 34 Neville's Wrath
Chapter 35 Another Plan
Chapter 36 Into the Closet With You
Chapter 37 Finally (You'll love this chapter)
Chapter 38 Nervousness and Telling
Chapter 39 Meeting Dobby at Last.
Chapter 40 Trying But Not Working With Me
Chapter 41 Did Hermione Granger kiss Ronald Weasley?
Chapter 42 Damn Slytherin's and Ravenclaw
Chapter 44 "Can you two drop it already!" (Part One)
Chapter 45 Hagrid's Story (PaRt ToW)
Chapter 46 "You must promise"
Chapter 47 First Date
Chapter 48 "I love you,"
Chapter 49 Pain
Chapter 50 "It's a curse and blessing"
Chapter 51 Aunt Scarlet
Important to Read!
Chapter 52 May My Boyfriend and I Be Possessed?
Author Note
Author Note Once Again...
Chapter 54 "What?"
Chapter 55 Rosemary's Birthday Plan
Chapter 56 Damn You Violet
Chapter 57 "Think Again"
Chapter 58 Asking Ro Out and Welcome to My Lessons, Harry.
Chapter 59 Valentines Dance
Chapter 60 Singing For Our Loved Ones
Chapter 60 "Kill him, more like,"
Chapter 61 "I believe you both"
Chapter 62 Dreams
Chapter 63 Umbridge's Worse Fear
Chapter 64 Two Mistry Messages
Chapter 65 New Nightmare
Chapter 66 The Lord Family
Chapter 67 Where did Rosemary Go?
Chapter 68 A Glimpse's of the Future
Chapter 69 "Teaching a Player to not mess with my heart,"
Chapter 70 Shocking News
Chapter 71 A Glimpse Of My Teen Mother
Chapter 72 "Never go near me again, James Potter,"
Chapter 73 The Mystery Man Is Back
Story Update
Chapter 74 "Harry!"
Chapter 75 "Till the match is over?"
Chapter 76 Meeting a New Friend
Chapter 77 Ron Scored
Chapter 78 Examination.

Chapter 43 A Mother's Care

1.3K 34 0
By Ocean-Girl

Chapter 43

(Year Five)

**Daisy Fisher’s Point of View**

I was watching the game today to surprise Rosemary and Harry, Sirius owes me 10 galleons for Rosemary and Harry together, but when I saw Harry and Carly attack thoughs kids I knew Rosemary would feel it I gasp and hurriedly went down

I finally got down to see Rosemary being held by Hermione as is saw tears falling freely “I’ve never seen behavior like it ---back up to the castle, Potter, William-Lord, Weasley, and straight to your Head of House’s office! Go! Now!”

Harry turned to see Rosemary his eyes softened and he seemed to forget this but when he saw me worry struck him “Harry James Potter, you go up to that castle now!” I order him he nodded along with Carly and George and they march out of the game Hermione saw me and she whispered to Rosemary she lifted her head to me and rushed over and hugged him I hug her back stroking her hair a little “I know the pain, Ro, let’s head to the Hospital Wing” I whisper to her. She nodded into my chest and I brought her to the Hospital Wing.

I sat her on a bed and Poppy gave me a ice pack and Rosemary sets it on her eye “Why does it have to be me, Mum?” said Ro, tears falling freely.

“I don’t know, honey, but I know your pain James and Maggie did the same thing” I said.

“they did?” said Ro, curiosity swimming in her eyes.

“Oh, yes, we just lost a game and Jay Luke, a Chaser on our team, was pissed so he taunted us and Maggie and James cracked I was losing control of my powers then because Remus scratched me badly and I lost some blood and I was still shaken from it.

“anyways, Maggie go him and so did James I was screaming from it and Remus was holding me while It happened I was flinching by every hit until Professor McGonagall came down and Maggie and James had detention for two months cleaning the floors of the boys and girls bathroom.

I forgave them later that day but the pain was horrible so I know what your going through, Honey,” I said, a tear slipped and I wipe it away.

Rosemary smiled “I can’t stay mad at Harry I’ll have to forgive him,” said Rosemary. I chuckle soon an hour later me caring for Rosemary’s inside wounds Harry came with Carly and Hermion “Ro, are you okay?” asked Hermione worriedly I smile remembering Sirius did the same thing.

“Nearly,” said Rosemary, holding her stomach she has a wound there I can’t get so we need to wait for it the heal I’ve asked Poppy to warm up a bag to put on it.

“Mary, I’m so sorry we did that! I forgot your powers were out of control and I couldn’t hear your cries!” panicked Carly reminding me of Maggie.

“It’s okay, Carly,” said Rosemary.

“It’s not okay! I gave my best friend pain and now we’ve banned you from Quidditch!” said Carly. Then  her eyes widen with shock I look at her

“What?” me and Rosemary said in union.

“Shit,” muttered Carly.

“Me, George, and Fred got banned from quidditch for life because we beat Malfoy and Carly got a three month detention with Umbridge for getting Susan….you got banned because you were going to if Hermione wasn’t holding you” explained Harry, not looking at me or Rosemary, I could tell he’s afraid to look at her. Poppy came back with the bag and Rosemary puts it over her stomach,

“Umbridge did this, didn’t she” growled Rosemary.

They all nodded

“Of course her” muttered Rosemary.

Harry still wasn’t looking at Rosemary and Rosemary chuckled “Harry, I forgive you,” said rosemary. Harry looked up finally looking at Rosemary “What?” said Harry.

“I forgive you” said Rosemary slowly, “I can’t stay mad at you, to be honest, if I hadn’t gotten my powers all wonky I would have beaten Susan to a little mushroom” I chuckle and Harry smiled.

I got up “By the way, Mrs. Fisher, why are you here?” asked Hermine I smile “Well, Hermione, I wanted to surprise Ro and Harry and I got permission from Dumbledore to come and watch he thought it would be a good idea, I am actually glade I did” I said.

I ruffle Harry’s hair “I must go though, I’ll see you at Christmas, and Ro stay calm and take deep breaths you’ll get this power sorted if I could you can” I said. I kiss her head and wave goodbye to Poppy and left. I hope Umbridge doesn’t do anything to get rosemary’s power more out of control because I saw her scars of I Must Not Tell Lies I sigh and Flooed to my house and went to Headquarters.

A/n: short chapter but it's a filler i hope you liked the chapter BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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