Queen of the Dragons

By b00klover09

621K 23.6K 3.9K

"Estelle, I will kill any man who stands in my way of having you. I will kill one to one thousand men!" I sna... More

-Story Aesthetics/ Author Notes-
-Twenty & a half-
Twenty one
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight


10.6K 515 106
By b00klover09

Once Cael and I rushed back to the castle, he began to ask around about the whereabouts of Loche. Not too long after and we were approaching a room full of books and a large desk. Most likely someone's study.

The door was cracked open and my eyes peeped in at the sight. Loche stood with the woman who was always in armor and glaring. She was General Iona, the woman who sat next to me at the meeting.

"Prince Loche my soldiers are able and ready to move out as soon as you give the call. The Fae guard has not been back yet...I implore you my first group of soldiers are ready at the command," the woman explained as I frowned.

They both had gilded cups in their hands and I wondered why they would be having drinks in a study. "Iona wait till tomorrow, if the Fae is not here then you shall have your wish of invading the human kingdom. Although...you may miss my wedding, you would not want to postpone until after the celebration?"

The woman made a noise then quickly cleared her throat. "My Lord their is no guarantee that she will succeed...for if she does not we will have no celebration."

"I suppose you are right...Now drink, in honor of your future achievement of conquering Histania." Loche's aura did not seem right and I did not know what was happening...

Both of them drank from their cups and I watched as she handed him back the beautiful gilded cup. "That was surprisingly not terrible."

"Yes well it was from my father's collection." Did Loche possibly like this woman? Why else would he be sharing private drinks with her.. And he was being incredibly nice to her too. An odd feeling that I was not accustomed to feeling rose up in me..

"You have a long night ahead of you, yes. Catching the animals for such a sacrifice. Is your behemoth excited?"

Loche did not look happy about her question. "No but the Caticala claim that will appease the gods in favor of this union." What is a Caticala?

"You have no hope that the fae Princess will succeed?" What if he said no? Does Loche doubt me? I have been studying and practicing and I will succeed. I hope he thinks I will.

A growl left Loche's body and I jumped a bit. "I do not believe in hope, Iona. You and I both know hope and love is not something instilled into us. I do not think Estelle has what it takes, so I am doing what I am able to do to make sure she becomes my wife."

"It is odd to see you pay attention to a female," the general spoke. Well she is a woman, yes? Does she not see herself as a woman? Whomever she sees herself as I want to be her friend! If she is not trying to steal Loche from me of course. That would be very, very upsetting. Loche gave her an odd look.

"I am just upholding a treaty...Estelle you can enter. The General and I are done with our conversation." Oh darn! How did he notice me?! As he stared at me his eyes shifted to his dragons and it suddenly made sense. His dragon knows my scent well I think. Or maybe both of them do?

General Iona bowed to Loche and then sort of to me before leaving us alone. She did not seem to like me much...

"What do you want, Estelle?" He questioned as he finished off what was in his own gilded cup. Why is his stare always so intense?

I had to be calm if I was not calm Loche would not listen to me. "To say hi," I lied as Loche crossed his arms over his chest. I neared him with a smile, watching him reach out. I am
not sure why he was reaching out to me, but I found out why as he picked some grass from my hair.

"I met you and you had grass in your hair. You still have grass in your hair," He commented as he twirled the blade of grass between his fingers...

"Because I like nature," I frowned as he let the blade of grass fall to the ground and then began to pick at my hair again. Tis not my fault grass likes me.

Before he could reach for more grass in my hair, I grabbed at his large hand and smiled. He gave me a suspicious look. "Why are you here," he tried again as he stared at my hand gripping his own.

"Because I want to spend time with you, Loche. We will be married soon," I stalled suddenly as he stared at me as if I had three heads. What was wrong with spending time together?

Loche wiggled his hand out of my own, his face telling that he did not necessarily want to spend time with me. Not at all. He seemed tired...actually? His shoulders were tense and his eyes seemed tired. "We will have plenty of time to spend together when we're married."

"Loche can we try something?"

I will have Loche try meditating. Maybe it will help him relax. He gave me an unsure look, before running his finger over my cloak. "Why are you wearing this? It is not yours."

Oh yes, because Cael did not think I should be wearing such an outfit. "Cael did not like my outfit."

Loche's eyes widened and I am not sure why he was so angry about what I said but he grabbed it, glaring at me. "You do not have to listen to Cael. What is so awful about it."

"I am not sure. Tis comfy."

He removed my cloak and snarled. His eyes brightened and shifted to his dragons, and scales broke out in patches all over his exposed skin. "You are angry?"

"You enjoy testing me, Estelle?" He said through gritted teeth, his eyes raking over my outfit and a scaled hand slapped over his face. He pushed his body off the desk he was leaning on and began to pace. "You have no idea what you do to men."

Men? I do nothing to men. I do not even talk to men except for him and my guards. And my papa ofcourse. "I do not do anything. You do not like my outfit? Tis breezy, Loche."

"Just walk around naked, Estelle and I can follow you around and kill any man who looks at you. That will rectify the problem," he snapped at me as I walked over to him and attempted at calming him down. Loche is not very logical.

"Loche you are not acting logical. Tis just an outfit and I do not want to walk around naked. I would be much too cold and I do not want anyone to see me naked. Not even you."

If Loche was a snake I am sure he would bare his fangs at me. "Put on this cloak and leave, Estelle. I have to be up all night. I do not have time to murder every man who has seen you in this."

Why does he enjoy violence so much? "Loche can you just sit down? Please? I think I can help you calm down." He exhaled loudly, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Right on the floor, please."

He was not budging so I walked up to him and sat then patted the spot next to me. "I do not understand why I am doing this," he murmured as he sunk down to the floor and I smiled. I moved over so that we were facing one another and he just continued to glare at my outfit.

"Do you want me to put on my cloak?"


I took the cloak out of his hands and wrapped it around my self, he instantly relaxed once I did so. Did I possibly make Loche worry?

"Okay! Now close your eyes."


"Loche! I am tying to make you feel better."

He squared his jaw before angrily closing his eyes. He was still so tense. "You are too tense. Calm down."

"I am calm."

No he was not! I went to my knees and got closer to him, I pressed my fingers on his wrinkled forehead. "Let your eyebrows down." He did it, surprisingly.

Yes, it worked! "Okay now your shoulders." I kneaded his shoulders gently and his eyes flew open. "Close your eyes you big dragon!"

"What are you trying to do to me?" Loche questioned as his shoulders still were not relaxed. How to get Loche relaxed? I am not really sure..

"I am trying to help you! Close your eyes!" He did so again and I smiled. "Okay great. Now think of something that makes you happy. A smell, or a um someone or anything."

I couldn't tell if his breathing was slow and relaxed or not so I took my hand and placed it on his chest. "Is your heart beating slowly?" The more I pressed my hand on him, the more his heart beat quickly. "Why is your heart beating so fast?"

"Little fae would you like my hand to be on your chest? Would you be calm in such a situation?" Oh. I was making him nervous maybe? At least his eyes were still closed...

I took my hand off his chest, and quickly apologized. "S-sorry. Um did you think of anything that makes you calm? I am trying to help you stay calm and relax-"

"-I cannot think or be calm when your scent is filling my nostrils," Loche growled out as he opened his eyes and his hand caressed the side of my neck, bringing me closer to him. "You came in here for a reason and I want to know it," he breathed out as I tried to move away from him, to try and get some space between us. He was not letting me move. I suppose I have to tell him.

"This...sacrifice...Winona says that you will be sacrificing animals."

I am not sure why my body shivered so hard as his sharp nails stroked the side of my neck, but it felt odd. "Yes, Estelle it is a sacrifice to the gods. You do not believe in it so I did not tell you."

"But you can't-"

"-It will help the gods favor us. This is not an argument."

"You cannot sacrifice animals not in favor of me," I whimpered as I took my hand and placed it on his own.

His shifted to his dragons and he drew in a slow and steady breath. "Estelle you do not tell me what to do, what do you not understand about that?" He questioned, "This is my culture and just because you Fae believe one thing does not mean I will throw away my own beliefs."

He was right...but I could not just sit by and watch the murder of animals. I did not know what to do...I wish someone could tell me what I should say to him. "But tis wrong," I reasoned as his eyes seemed to be focusing on my lips. Did he want to kiss me right now? Maybe I should attempt to kiss him? I am not sure a kiss would do much to change his mind though. It was worth a try...

I closed my eyes and leaned in to kiss him. As soon as our lips touched, warm hands were on my shoulders. Stopping our kiss from going any further.

My eyes flew open to see Loche glowering at me. Our noses were touching...but not our lips anymore. "Estelle, tell me why every time you are upset with me you try to kiss me."

Why would he ask this question?! "I...I well..." I stammered, becoming flustered at such a question. And his close proximity was doing nothing to help me think.. "You frustrate me, Loche!"

"And that makes you want to kiss me?" He questioned, a smirk was now on his lips. It made my heart stutter like my words.

"Yes...no," I gulped, my hands going to his chest, stopping him from crushing me against his firm body. I could not tell him that a lady told me kissing distracts men! I just could not.

He chuckled, and I frowned looking up at him...to see what could possibly make him laugh like this. I risked a look at him and noticed that his eyes were shifting...he seemed angry. I was not putting myself in a good situation was I? I soon realized how the tables have turned when his lips fell upon me and I could not think straight.

His lips were so warm...and demanding. I had never been kissed like this. Even the time when I had kissed him to distract him was not like this...

His lips were caressing me in a way that made my legs quake. His tongue sliding over my bottom lip making me clutch his chest. I knew Loche did not spew fire but...his mouth was making me think otherwise!

"Loche," I whimpered out as his tongue slipped into my mouth. I tentatively followed his lead, as he held me closer to him a groan coming from his lips as my tongue replicated his actions.

I gasped when his hand nails scraped even more against my skin, almost to to point of pain. His teeth were also sharpening...our kiss seemed more urgent.

Then he stopped. Breaking the assault on my lips. Both of our breathing was ragged and I felt my cheeks reddening as he groaned, his eyes lingering on my lips. I wanted to kiss him more...

When I thought that he might have read my mind and moved closer to me, he paused just a ways away from my lips. "I want to kiss more," I admitted shyly to him as he made a sound that reminded me of a scary whine. From a dragon...

"You should have dinner and then retire to your bedchambers," he told me, his tone deepening as I nodded my head mutely. Still a bit confused from that kiss.

"Oh...Okay, Loche."

He got up quickly and helped me up, spinning me around towards the door. I could not help the blush finding its way to my cheeks as I thought about our kiss. Then I paused, looking back at him. "You-you tried to distract me!" I gasped, as he pressed his hands to my back, ushering me away.

"Yes and it worked," Loche claimed as I spun around glaring at him. "For the most part," he added drily as I took a deep breath. I could not believe him!

"No it did not, because I am still here telling you not to harm these animals," I protested watching him still trying to turn me around and push me out of the room.

How dare he! I am a princess and I should not be pushed out of a room like this. Loche needs to learn better manners! "Estelle realize this. I do not care what you think. If I want to kill, I will kill!"

How could someone be content in saying such awful things? Especially when speaking about animals who have done nothing wrong but try and live their lives! "You sound like a...a-"

"-A what, Estelle?" He pressed, as I pulled away from him, my entire body warming with anger as I looked at him.

"A-A mean selfish man!" I shouted at him watching his eyes widen when I yelled at him. I had never felt this anger before and I felt like screaming. Why could he not understand these things? Why is he so mean yet I like to kiss him!

He chucked, "I have been called worse than that by my father. I do not have time to entertain your childish views on animals!"

Childish? I am being childish because I wish for him not to slaughter animals! "I hope that the souls of the animals you kill haunt you, Loche. So maybe you might see how wrong it is!"

"The people I have killed, their souls already haunt me, Estelle. I doubt animals would do anything to move my spirit," he spat, as I was stunned. I was at a lost for words. What did one say to that?

I knew what to say but I knew he would not listen to me. He never listens to me. "You do not have to kill people, Loche. You have a choice in these matters."

"It is in my blood, Estelle. Your blood is fresh, innocent. My blood is tainted and nothing you or anyone else says or does will make the difference."

He was wrong. People make mistakes. People do awful things, but any stain can be washed away with the right ingredients. I would find the ingredients and wash this entire kingdom clean!

"We will see about that, Loche," I smiled as he gave me a suspicious look. I felt my stomach began to grumble and wondered if I had missed supper...

"Estelle are you ready?"

I glanced at him. He had his arms crossed over his chest...neglecting to look at me. Did he look...worried? I nodded my head on impulse, smiling widely. "Of course! Are you and your dragon ready to not find me?" I questioned as I watched the corner of his lips tug upward a bit.

"Good. You probably will not see me tomorrow at all. So...rest, go over your plans and-"

"-Loche I know what I am doing. Do not worry about me."

Why was he telling me to get some sleep and go over my plans? Was it possible that Loche...that maybe he actually liked me? Wanted me as a wife?

"Good night, Loche!" I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him quickly. I did not expect a hug back...but one of his arms did slide around my body.

"Go, Estelle."

"Can I have a kiss for luck? Since you gave me a hug for luck?" I mused, watching Loche's ears seem to redden. He scowled at me.


I tried to kiss him as best as I could, but he was too tall and not bending down! My lips hit his chin before letting him go.

"Goodnight, Loche, my almost husband!"

Estelle taught Loche how to meditate🤣❤️
Well kind of.

Not going to lie my mind went to other thoughts on how Estelle could get Loche to relax but they aren't ready for that just yet lol

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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