Queen of the Dragons

By b00klover09

621K 23.6K 3.9K

"Estelle, I will kill any man who stands in my way of having you. I will kill one to one thousand men!" I sna... More

-Story Aesthetics/ Author Notes-
-Twenty & a half-
Twenty one
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight


12.6K 513 64
By b00klover09

Dear father, how are you? I just would like to let you know that Prince Loche and everyone at this kingdom is treating me and Juni very well. How are you? How is your leg? I do hope you are taking your recommended herbs and Juni tells me that Dinah is upset with me. Please do tell her that I am sorry for whatever I have done to upset her. Also please do send back esu pastries because they are very good and I miss them! Anywho, I am writing on a very urgent matter.

As you probably know the lycan king has done an awful thing to the human kingdom. Slaughtering them and taking the princess as a wife. The council here has decided that they want to invade and take their crops and goods! Is that not just so awful father?! I told them that is not a well thought out plan and well just evil! I have told them that you will offer to trade with them. Trade our crops, our knowledge of them and help them learn how to grow crops that will live in their harsh conditions. I beg of you father, for if you do not accept my request they will go through with harming and invading the human kingdom. And I will be very upset if that happens.


After quickly folding and packaging my letter, I called out for Keynai. He appeared quickly in the large study room where Uncle Alazar let me write my letter. "Keynai, I know this is much to ask of you...but do you think you can fly this to my father?" His eyes widened, an unsure look crossing his features. He did not look so confident. I would just have to boost it! "Keynai you are a very strong Fae soldier. I know you can get this letter to my father tonight. Then rest and return by tomorrow evening!"

He made his hand into a fist, before pounding it against his chest. "I will do anything to ensure your happiness Su Anya! If that means traveling Day and night, weathering blistering heat and awful dragon princes! Anything!" He bellowed.

I giggled, putting a hand over my ears. "Thank you, Keynai. I wish you luck on your journey!" I gave him a quick hug knowing he would protest and say he was unworthy. Which he did rather quickly.

"Keynai! When will you let me give you a hug? Is it because you do not like hugging me because you do not think me as a friend or because of I am a princess?" I frowned.

He rubbed his chin in thought. "You are a royal, I cannot. And the day...hmm, the day a dragon breathes fire will be the day I give you a hug Princess."

Now that was just terrible and mean and just awful. Dragons do not breathe fire! "Keynai you break my heart,I hope you know that."

"I will return with good news and mend it, Su Anya!" He told me as we made our way out of the study. I was met with one of my dragon guards. His name was Harkin and he was incredibly sweet. He seemed to blush any time I would speak to him and he followed the other much more serious guard Cael around, everywhere. Juni would always be rude to Cael and I am guessing that is because Cael stares at her a lot and frowns. I do not know why they do not like each other much but Harkin helps ease the tension by being so incredibly sweet.

"Fae Princess," Harkin bowed lowly. "We have to go to the forest to train for your wedding day."

After watching Keynai fly off, the Harkin and I were ready to go to our next destination. "Ready?" He questioned as I nodded my head and we made our way to the forest. I glanced at him. He stared at me often, not in a scary way but as if he was just surprised by me being here.

"Harkin are you alright?"

He glanced away and began to rub his ruby red hair, which was so beautiful to me and unique! "I apologize, Princess. I come from...a poverty stricken village so we never see outsiders. I have only heard of the fae when my mother would tell stories."

"Stories?! I love stories," I gushed in happiness. Stories were fun and magical and sure most stories were not real but that still did not mean that they weren't important. Stories taught lessons! "Does your mother still tell you stories?"

Harkin laughed. "I am a man now so no. She works almost day and night, she has no time for those things. I have a brother and sister and sometimes I tell them stories if I remember."

Now I was a bit confused. "You work all day and so does your mother?"

"Yes, fae Princess."

Well that did not sound right. "Well who watches after the children? They need lessons yes?"

"Lessons for what? Poor like us do not have coin to learn meaningless things such as etiquette or history."

How upsetting. Poverty? Dragons have so many jewels how can anyone live in poverty here. I think I will most definitely have to speak with Loche about this! "I am very sorry you grew up like that. If you would like you can have this jewel here on my neck." I pointed to the shiny azure jewel that was a big heavy. I did not particularly like it. I only cared for small rings and my mothers ruby necklace. Tis all.

Harkin's eyes darkened as he stared at the jewel around my neck, before he shook his head profusely. "No, I cannot. Cael will have my head. As a guard I cannot do that. I receive gold and coin from the castle for this job."

"Yes but you are still in poverty, yes? Take it if you want," I smiled, as I slipped it off my neck and held it out for him.

He turned away from me and suddenly knelt down. "I am being tested by the gods. I-I cannot take it." First Keynai does not want hugs then now Harkin will not take my jewels. What is next? Maybe Loche will appear and not want to marry me anymore!

I knelt down beside him. "Harkin, I know tis complicated to take from someone what you think you do not deserve but everyone deserves good things. You can sell it."

"Princess? Harkin? What is going on?"

Oh, someone has finally found us! I turned slightly to see our other guard, Cael. He was staring at us in confusion, and suspicion. 

Harkin immediately rose up from his kneeling position and I did the same. "The princes and I were just observing some flowers," he lied as I nodded my head in agreement. Cael seemed a bit angry and I am sure that is why Harkin lied.

Then I watched in horror as Cael charged toward us with his sword swinging. I let out a yelp as he slashed it into to the ground. Just a few paces away from me.

I scrambled up to the ground and rushed towards where he slashed. I glanced down...and noticed a snake. Cut in half. Bleeding. "Sir that was not necessary at all!" I gasped, watching the two halves of it squirm around on the ground.

My hands began to itch as he took me by the hand and moved me away from the suffering creature. "That is a highly venomous snake, your highness," he explained to me as my chest began to ache. It was not the creatures fault that it was created with such venom...

I glanced at my two guards and then back at the squirming creature. It was beginning to move less and less. It was dying. Juni would kill me...but I had to do it. I could not just stand by and watch this happen.

"Guardians do you think you two can maybe search the area before we continue walking? I will stay right here," I promised them as Cael sighed before holding out his sword and going to scout around the area. Harkin followed.

I quickly dropped to my knees and pressed the two parts of the snake together. I took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly. I felt the energy in my body beginning to pool in my hands which held the dying snake. An odd hue of blue surrounded my hands, my energy and bled into the two parts of the snake.

My body shook, my energy wavering as I continued to let the snake heal. It felt as if someone was squeezing every inch of my body, pushing me down....it was most uncomfortable, but it happens often when I heal.

A shaky sigh left my lips as the blue hue disappeared and a mended snake slithered around in my hands. "You are okay!" I gasped in joy as my head felt heavy with exhaustion.

"Y-you just....you just..." I looked up to see Harkin standing a few paces away from me...his eyes wide in shock.

"Th..this is a different snake!" I panicked as I quickly got up. Wavering in my footing and holding onto the trunk of a tree.

He still stared at me unmoving, "How....how did you do that?" Harkin trembled as Cael drew his sword, the look he gave me a bit frightening.

"Are you a sorceress?" Cael questioned, his eyes darkening, "have you come to bewitch the Prince?!"

The calm demeanor of the man who always sighed and looked to be almost sleeping on the job turned Angry. Very angry. "N-No! I am not a witch...I just...um I did not do anything!" I lied as I gripped the tree trunk tighter.

"What are you doing! Get that sword away from my sister!" I looked to the left of me where Juni and Winona were rushing towards us.

"Stay back! All of you!" The dragon man snarled, as I took a deep breath. Leaning my weight on the large tree, behind me. "Your sister has just cast a spell on that snake I just killed!"

I yawned tiredly as I glanced at my sister, who now had the look of a thousand angry women in her eyes. I gulped. I was more terrified of her than the man with the sword. Juni sighed angrily, stalking up to the man who still had his sword in front of him.

"Listen you dumb dragon, my sister is not a witch. She is a healer. If she were a witch she would have to mouth the words...say something aloud for the spell to work! Did you hear her say anything?!" The man slowly shook his head. "Then put that darn sword down!"

She was right...of course. Sorcerers have to learn how to do spells and say them aloud...I could do nothing more than...just push my energy into another being. That was all. Nothing as terrifyingly magical as what sorceress do.

"Y...you are just like your mother," Winona gasped. She hesitantly approached me. Tears in her eyes. "Bless Titania Esiela...she has given you her gift!" She cried as she fell to her knees and bowed to me.

"Please get up," I pleaded with her as I helped her to stand...then she hugged me. Just the sound of my mother's name made my heart sad. I hugged back the older woman Fae as she sniffled a bit before letting me go. "I am so sorry...I did not mean to touch you, Su Anya...I just was overcome with...she has given you the gift!"

I glanced at Juni who seemed to be boiling with anger as she stared at me. I looked away... "It is a curse!" Juni spat. "It is nothing more than a curse that my mother had...now my sister is forced to have, Winona! Do not ever say something like that again."

Winona's happy demeanor shifted. I watched her light mood sour. I frowned at Juni. "Do not yell at Lady Winona,  Juni."

"You do not care, Estelle! You do not care just as mother did not!" Juni now had tears in her eyes, wiping them away fiercely as she approached me. "What happened this morning? What did you do?"

I have done a lot of things this morning...like... something with Keynai maybe. Did I see Loche? "I...I well I-"

"-You do not remember, do you?! You wrote a letter to father and asked Keynai to bring it to him!" So...I did write the letter. And I asked Keynai to bring it? I am sure he was adamant about traveling such a long distance alone.

"I am sorry Juni..."

She shook her head, turning away from me and towards the dragon guards. "You two do not tell a soul or else! No one must know about this. Not the Prince, not the King. No one, do you understand?!" Juni hissed, her wings beginning to sprout, as they both nodded their heads. Glancing between her and I.

"I understand," both men agreed. Cael seemed confused still, Harkin was in complete shock.

"Good! I am going to eat!"

Juni marched off into the trees, on the path back towards the castle. "Su Anya?" I weakly looked up at Winona with a smile. "I do apologize...your mother has been-"

"-Winona, I am sorry but...well I do not wish to talk about her. My heart aches too much," I said kindly to her. "Maybe...if we can just speak about the ceremony." I did not want to talk about our mother. Although she was a great woman, father rarely let us speak about her. I feared a pinch or slap to my bottom for speaking of mother.

"Right! Well your sister and I made a sort of map," she told me as opened up a piece of paper. "This is where the ceremony will begin. After saying words, the Chase will begin soon after." I could tell that Juni had drawn the trees and river by the way they looked. Not to well...but good enough that we could understand what they were.

"Your safest thing to do will to be rid your clothes. That will be the last scent that the dragon has smelt so it will be easier to catch you. You need to find another change of clothes to change into. Something inconspicuous...I am not aware if you enjoy the water or not but maybe stick near the rivers no waterfalls," She said while pointing to a large one that Juni drew.

"I have never seen a waterfall," I thought out loud as Winona gave me a wary look. "Oh do not worry, I will not go near it!"

A look of relief passed over her, "Yes that is for the better...would you like to walk to the rivers today?"

I was a bit tired. I would like a quick nap and to maybe beg  Juni for forgiveness. Which will take much energy from me also. "No...may we just sit and talk for a moment?" I questioned. "Maybe more about the ceremony." My two weeks till this marriage ceremony was quickly approaching and I did not really know what to expect.

She nodded her head quickly, a smile even britghter than before coming to her lips. "Well if you two succeed in the ceremony, a large celebration will spread across the kingdom. After the ceremony you will promptly change your clothes and enjoy in the festivities! Drinking and dancing and friendly sparring matches will ensue, and you two will have to consummate the marriage. It is a long celebration. After a week of you two ensuring your heir, you will receive the official seal of the dragon and-"

"-Seal? Consummation? I am afraid I do not know what those things mean," I told Winona as she gave me a quizzical look. I glanced at Cael to see him beginning to walk away. What was wrong with these two?

She cleared her throat, laughing lightly, "Well I do not have to go over the consummation, Su Anya you know what that means already," she said while giving me a knowing look. I most certainly did not know what she meant... I gave her a blank look.

Winona gasped, her face turning pink as a hand went to her cheek. "Oh...oh my word. I suppose a young woman like you would not know what it is...I lived in a village next to a brothel so I have seen everything!" She blushed as she shook her head even more, seeming a bit flustered.

Or maybe I was flustered? I was very tired and Winona was not making much sense. "Winona what are you speaking of? Will you explain this all to me?"

She seemed to be getting worked up then took a deep breath. A few more and she was her calm self once again. "I am sorry, Su Anya ," she apologized. "With your mother not being here, and your sister just a few years older than you, no one has explained such things...I will explain as best as I can."

"Oh, okay great!"

*An hour later*

"This all sounds very different," I admitted to Winona as she looked ready to pass out. I had asked her many questions which she looked ready to faint in answering. She did answer quiet a few questions but declined to answer all of them. She told me that some things I would just have to learn from Loche! Which I did not wish to. It all seemed so embarrassing. Just thinking of Loche and I alone scantly clothed had my mind reeling in confusion and intrigue...

I had also come to realize that the things she spoke of where the things that Dina called the forbidden acts. Which she never made clear on what they were but would always say it involved inappropriate things. And now that I knew what it was...I now know why it is called 'forbidden.'

Winona sighed, rubbing her head gently. "It does sound different...but if it is with someone you truly love or have feelings for then it will be a pleasant experience."

I did not love Loche though. He does not love me...I know that for sure. We do not know much about one another. "Will we have to do these forbidden acts all of the time?"

Winona was silent for a few seconds, "That depends on the Prince...or well you. Well...Su Anya some men demand it from their wives, and it is not pleasurable at all for them. If the Prince cares for you he will not force you to do such things."

If he cares for me... Did Loche care for me? He often yelled at me...I do not think that was what caring looks like. But then again my father yells at me and he loves me...

"Well I will just ask him if he will-"

"-Oh no you mustn't ask him such vulgar questions, Su Anya. You two have not even completed marriage, yet! Let alone done anything remotely scandalous-"

"-We kissed! I kissed him yesterday," I explained to her as she made a noise and put her face to her hands. As Winona tried to explain to me the dangers of bringing up that subject with Loche, Cael had appeared.

Winona quickly ceased talking about 'the forbidden acts' and we both looked to him. "It is almost sundown, I must get the Princess back to the castle."

I glanced at Winona and gave her a quick hug. "Thank you for helping me with the map. Maybe we can go over it tomorrow...oh and thank you for telling me about the forbidden acts!"

Cael glared at Winona who cleared her throat, "Oh...oh you are welcome Su Anya! I will see you tomorrow!"

After we had said our goodbyes, Cael and I made our walk back to the castle. It was fairly quiet when I decided to ask my next question.. "Cael are you married? Have you done the forbidden acts?"

He stared at me for a few seconds...before his eyes widened. "Princess I am not a woman to speak to about these things with. I am not married."

So he was not a married man... "You are not married but you have done the forbidden acts."

"I never said that!"

My hand went to my lips, covering a smile. "You never said you did not." He just glared at me and continued to walk. HA! I knew it. "So when you do the forbidden acts-"

"-Princess if you bring the forbidden acts up in conversation again I will be forced to tell the Prince. He will not be happy about that."

Well if I am a princess and did not know what the forbidden acts were, Loche is a prince so he should not know what they are either... I would hate for him to find out that way. I would cease talking about such things... "Okay, I apologize. No more forbidden acts talk."

"Thank you, Princess."

Hey hatchlings!
Thoughts on Harkin?🤔

I feel much, much better. Thanks for all the kind words❤️

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