Chapter 7: Getting Along

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The next morning...

Jennie's POV:

I was woke up to sun rays hitting my face. I turned around and found myself in the arms of someone else. I then groaned and sat up on the bed when a sudden headache hit me.

"Ugh, what happened last night?" I mumbled.

"Oh you're awake."

I got startled by the sudden voice next to me. I immediately looked next to me to see (Y/N) looking back at me.

"I'll go get pain killers and a glass of water for you." (Y/N) said.

(Y/N) then got out of bed and left my room. She soon came back a few minutes later with a pain killer and a glass of water. I took the pain killer and drank the glass of water and my headache went away.

"You feel better now?" (Y/N) asked.

"Yeah" I replied and nodded.

I looked over at (Y/N) to see that she was naked. My eyes immediately widen and I quickly looked down and sighed in relief when I saw that I was wearing pajamas.

"*chuckle* Don't worry we didn't do anything." (Y/N) said.

"Then why are you naked?" I asked.

"I'm not naked." she said.

(Y/N) stood up again and she was shirtless but not completely naked.

"W-wait, why are you wearing boxers?" I asked.

(Y/N) looked down before looking back at me.

"Oh yeah, I forgot I didn't tell you about that." (Y/N) said.

"Tell me about what?" I asked.

"Well I was born with a man's gential." she said.

"H-huh?" I said confused.

"Or in other words, I have a dick." she said.

I immediately blushed after she said that statement.

'Holy shit.' I thought.

"You hungry? I could make you something to eat if you want." (Y/N) said.

"Yeah" I said.

"Okay. Are you in the mood for anything specific?" she asked.

"No. You can make anything." I said.

"Okay" she said.

(Y/N) then took her clothes that were sitting on on a nearby chair and left my room.

"Oh fuck, she has a dick." I mumbled to myself.

'Hmm, I wonder if her girlfriend enjoyed it.' I thought.

I then got out of bed and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine.

After a while...

Me and (Y/N) were now in the living room. After breakfast, I washed the dishes.

"Hey Jennie. Question." (Y/N) said.

"What's your question?" I asked.

"Who said I had a girlfriend?" she asked.

I blinked my eyes at the question.

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I asked.

"No. I had one but then certain things happened and she's not around anymore. But no, I don't have a girlfriend." she said.

'I want to ask what happened but I don't think she wants to talk about it.' I thought.

"Then who's the girl that you call 'sweetheart'?" I asked.

My Cold Cousin(Jennie KimxFem;Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz