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it was thanksgiving day, and brooke and her family were gathered around the table. bowls of food were laid out, and a medium sized turkey, perfect for four people, was placed right in the middle.

"alright, brooke, you can give thanks." her grandmother said as she bowed her head and closed her eyes.

the family held each others hand as brooke said a prayer, and after she was done everyone began digging in.


throughout dinner, brooke constantly was receiving texts from harry.

herry: im bored and stuffed help

love: im eating rn so no

herry: eat a lot pls

love: im trying too but i feel like i need to throw up already

herry: dont throw up pls okay

love: im trying not too.

herry: send me a pic of what you're eating

brooke sighed and put down her fork and took a quick picture of her plate containing two small portions of mashed potatoes and corn, plus a sliver of turkey.

herry: eat some more turkey

love: i dont really like it, it tastes funny

herry: then put some gravy on it it'll taste better

brooke drizzled some gravy over her slice of meat, nodding to herself that it does taste much better.

love: it does taste better

herry: told you

love: i still feel like puking tho

herry: keep that food in ur stomach missy

love: *dramatically sighs* okay then but when we meet u have to give me a piggy back ride and tell ppl we're married

herry: alright, i can definitely do that

love: okay it's settled then

herry: but when we meet im taking u out to eat

love: okay but then you have to get me a ring from those quarter machines or those pop rings

herry: ill buy u a real ring

love: ill probably lose it in a week fyi

herry: remind me abt that when we actually get married so i know to just get you a ring for 25 cents

love: oh so ur gonna propose to me i see

herry: yep i have it all planned out babe

brooke blushed and her grandma caught her, "what're you blushing about over there?"

"nothing gram," brooke said, her grandma smiled knowingly at her but didn't reply.

love: what kind of flowers huh

herry: idk maybe like lilies or those flowers that are shaped like a heart

herry: wait idek if those are actual flowers

herry: eh whatever yoLO

love: okay our honeymoon??

herry: so we're gonna stay here in this cool ass place and like go to a cabin and watch movies and have sex and then fall asleep and eat

love: did i hear what i thought i heard

herry: what

herry: all i said was we're gonna watch movies and eat and fall asleep

love: no no i think there was something in between that

herry: lol i have no clue what you're talking about

herry: all i said was eat sleep repeat basically

love: i think

love: i think there was some mention of sex ?

love: yeah, yeah i think there was

herry: pssshhhhh seX

herry: no

herry: i said nothing about sex

herry: not at all

herry: sex is bad v bad

love: yeah okay what about after the whole sex part and sleeping

herry: then we snuggle and you will be snuggled to death bc im a gr8 cuddler

love: you think you're a gr8 cuddler ?

herry: yeah i believe so

love: why dont u come over here and prove it, punk

herry: if i have too

"you do realize you've been smiling at that phone for the past five minutes, right?" brooke's father asked.

herry: i'll cuddle the cuteness out of you

herry: oh wait

herry: thats impossible

herry: bc ur cute af

an: harry no pls my heart

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