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after an hour of clearing out brooke's room and putting newspaper and other materials on the floor, harry was finally finishing off adding protective tape to the borders of brooke's room so no colored paint would possibly end up on them.

harry opened the paint can, and almost immediately, they both started to paint the walls a nicely colored white.


"how long will it take to dry?" brooke asked staring at the walls, wet with the chemicals.

"three hours or so, just to be safe." harry said.

brooke groaned and walked out of her room - both of them in clean clothes - and walked down to the living room to sit on the couch, harry no further than three feet behind her.

"well, what do you want to do then?" brooke questioned, looking at harry with his phone in his hands.

"um," he glanced up at her before asking, "niall and the boys want to meet you, you mind?"

"oh," brooke mumbled, wondering how she'll be able to feel comfortable around five boys, "yeah, um, sure."

"you sure? we don't have to if you don't want to."

brooke shook her head and smiled, "no, it'll be fun."

harry smiled back at her and then proceeded to drag her out of the house and into his car.

"so, where are we going?" brooke fiddled with her thumbs as harry started the car up.

"nando's, niall's a really big eater by the way. so, just don't get worried or something if he eats two or more plates full of food." harry laughed which caused brooke to laugh as well.

as they were driving, harry constantly glanced at brooke staring out the window, her eyes on the scenery of the town.

he wondered what she was thinking about, but instead, he put his hand on hers, trying to comfort her even if he wasn't sure whether she was upset or not.


brooke's eyes flicked from house to house and building to building, wondering how far nando's was.

she wasn't sure if it had slipped harry's mind or not, but he was taking her to a restaurant, where his friends would be, and all of them would most likely look at her weirdly, wondering why she wasn't eating.

she was honestly thinking of telling harry she wasn't feeling too well and to just turn around and go back home. but she didn't, she couldn't. the air was thick was silence and if brooke spoke, she thought she would just start coughing relentlessly and possibly begin to cry.

so, she kept her mouth shut, even when harry's rough - but soft hand was placed over hers. her heart reacted vigorously but she didn't turn to look at him and smile like she usually would. brooke just continued to stare out the window.

soon enough, they were in the parking lot of a normal looking restaurant, and brooke and harry were entering through the front doors.

harry grabbed brooke's hand once again and gently lead her to a booth in the corner of the building, probably the loudest table in the whole restaurant.

brooke saw a blonde boy who she immediately recognized as niall, and the other goof ball louis, and then liam, who harry has previously mentioned millions of times before to her.

"hey, where's zayn?" harry said pulling two chairs up to the table.

"he said something about leaving for a trip, not sure though." niall mumbled, not looking up from his phone.

"well, well, well, it's about damn time i finally meet the ''most beautiful girl in the fucking world, like holy shit her eyes are so god damn pretty i think i die a little every time i look at her.' quoted from mr. harry styles himself." louis laughed as harry clearly blushed, and brooke was just painfully red in the face.

"nice to meet you too," she smiled, laughing a little as he nodded and smiled back at her.

"well," liam coughed, "i'm liam, nice to meet you."

brooke nodded at liam and continued to smile, "you too."

"the best for last," niall said under his breathe - but everyone heard because that kid is so darn loud.

"i'm niall, niall horan. and harry one time said that you were,-" and niall was cut off from harry shushing him nervously.

"i think that's enough of telling brooke things i may have or have not said."

brooke smiled and realized she didn't feel as uncomfortable as she thought she would.

"we already ordered by the way, so you guys can order some food if you want." niall said, tapping his fingers against the table.

brooke's throat tightened and her stomach did a little jump.

"oh, um," harry glanced at brooke before shaking his head, "no, we just ate, we're good."

"suit yourself," niall shrugged.

brooke never felt more relieved in her whole entire life, and in gratitude, she placed her hand over harry's and gave him a smile, thanking him without using words.

an: okay so um it's becoming hard for me to write more chapters, it's not like i don't have time because i obviously have butt loads of time, it's just that i'm running out of idea's so this book will be ending soon. i'm not sure when though, maybe at around 50 or 55. it just depends on what i come up with.

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