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saturday morning was starting really well, brooke thought so anyways.

"you should eat something," harry said as he leaned on his elbow.

brooke nodded and watched rosie exit her room, "i will later."

"now," he said, "you haven't ate anything and it's been like two hours since we woke up."

"neither have you," brooke pointed out, not feeling too good about the topic.

"m'still full from last night," he shrugged.

"well so am i," brooke said.

"you ate one chip and drank some water." harry ran his hand through his hair, letting out a puff of air.

brooke shook her head and readjusted the laptop, feeling tears pool at the brim of her eyes, "let's not talk about this anymore."

harry looked at her for a few seconds through the screen, but nodded, "yeah, okay," he said softly.

maybe the morning wasn't so bright after all.


(later that night)

herry: im sorry abt earlier

love: its fine

herry: no i shouldn't of said that if its a touchy subject

love: it isnt

herry: okay im sorry still

love: im sorry too

herry: for what

love: idk...

herry: something wrong?

love: not really

herry: brooke, seriously.

love: yeah idk really

brooke sat in her room with the lights off, her parents went out tonight with some friends, like usual.

she was alone, and tired. brooke had no idea where her dog was, probably downstairs somewhere, brooke wanted to cuddle with rosie.

her laptop screen lighted up and she quickly reached to get it where it laid on the floor.

harry was calling her, on skype.

brooke sighed, but she answered it.

"hey, what's wrong?" harry asked immediately.

brooke turned on her lamp so harry could faintly see her. she saw herself in the self camera thing in the corner, she sighed again.

her skin was ghostly pale and her hair was in a messy bun with pieces sticking out, and her eyes were bloodshot from crying for so long.

brooke lost it.

"i don't know, my parents are out getting drunk again, i'm already behind on my classwork. i feel like shit and vomited like, four times so now my throats burning and of course i feel too weak to get up."

harry's eyes were all shiny and glazed over with tears, "i'm sorry, brooke."

brooke nodded and sniffled, trying to push away her stray hairs, "i know, but you shouldn't be apologizing for anything, you didn't do anything wrong."

"no, i'm sorry for not being there."

an: sorry idk honestly

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