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harry was nerve wracked, school started in less than twenty four hours, and him and brooke were currently in that in between level of not dating and dating.

it was all so weird to him though, they barely even started talking, but it felt like they knew each other for years.

he honestly liked brooke, a lot. she was sweet and kind, but she had that sarcastic little side to her that made her even more lovable.

harry was still wondering if she had some sort of eating disorder or not, she was just so, small, it worried him so much. he wished he could know why she wasn't eating, if she wasn't.

it was just all so overwhelming for him, they lived so far away from each other, he wondered when they would meet, that's if they do.

harry put down his phone and ran his fingers through his hair. why was he so flustered and so, addicted to this girl, (god he didn't even know if that was the right word choice).

he was use to the girls wanting to talk to him, and date him. he was even use to girls throwing themselves at him. he knew he was an asshole for basically using them, but he knew none of them were the right girl, for him.

whenever he talked to a girl at a party or at school, that was obviously interested in him, he never felt this, click. it was just a normal conversation to harry that he would forget in a matter of days.

but with brooke, it was just this, magnet pulling them together even when they only knew each others first name.

harry felt an immediate attraction towards brooke, not in an sexual away, but an attraction to where you want to read the persons favorite book and listen to their morning thoughts about the sun rising in the sky.

it was just so, odd for him to want to learn more about a person who he actually liked. to strive to hear her thoughts and opinions.

and honestly, he didn't mind it.


harry was currently in his morning classess, second hour. he was so tired and worn out. he really just wanted to text brooke.

he knew that brooke was most likely asleep still, so he deicided to hold off texting her until later that night.

harry would've been texting her as soon as he knew she was awake, but he thought she didn't need any distractions during the first day of school.

his foot was tapping against the carpeted floor of the maths room, waiting unpatiently for the bell to ring, signalling lunch for harry.

as soon as the bell rung, harry basically bolted out of the room, not caring who he ran into.

when he was in the hallway, harry searched for his four other mates, wondering if they had the same lunch hour as him.

when he saw that god damn leather jacket, harry immediately spotted it as zayn, flirting with some girl against the lockers.

grabbing zayn by his arm, harry pulled him away from the girl, "when is your lunch hour?"

zayn rolled his eyes and gave the girl a slight smirk, "right now, why?"

"oh great, let's go try finding the other guys."

zayn huffed, but followed behind harry as he searched for the other boys.

"there's liam," zayn pointed out liam walking through the halls ahead of him.

"hey," liam greeted as he reached behind harry to open his locker.

"do you know where niall and louis are?" harry asked.

liam nodded, "yeah, they both have chemistry right now."

"alright, let's go to lunch." zayn said as they began to walk towards the cafeteria.


"wait, you mean, you met, like the, girl?" zayn asked as he leaned in towards harry, making sure he heard him right.

"well, like, i haven't met her, i just met her on some website." harry shrugged.

"so, you fancy her?" liam questioned.

"i dont know, i've only been talking to her for maybe a week, less than a week."

"less than a week, what the hell, styles?" zayn laughed and playfully pushed harry on the shoulder.

"i'm serious! i think, i think i do fancy her. i really want to meet her."

liam patted harry on the back, "good luck."

an: okay hi it's late and i wrote this excuse grammar mistakes or something

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