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brooke laughed and hoped this person wouldn't disconnect because she was having fun.

"well my momma told me when i was young"

brooke was listening to lady gaga a couple of hours ago.

"that your shit? wow ur mum is really honest."

she liked who ever this was, their personality was similiar to hers.

"how old are you?"


brooke face plamed, harry probably thought she was some pervert.

"oh goodness sakes i swear im not a pervert im a sixteen year old female who goes to high school and hates it btw"

"good to know???"

"fucking sakes can i just have ur number bc my laptop is dying and the charger is in the living room and im a lazy sixteen year old female who goes to high school and hates it"

brooke really, really wanted to continue talking to harry.

"lololol you could've just asked gosh it's 477 348 893"

brooke sighed and grabbed her phone to put in his number and saved it under "herry."

"ok my laptop is dying i'll text you in a minute my number has a 607 area code."


harry didn't even have a chance to reply before his laptop screen displayed that the "user has disconnected".

he sighed and grabbed his phone to wait for her text.

harry liked brooke, she had a good sense of humor, (or at least to him she did).

he honestly was hoping she was actually who she made herself seem, a lazy sixteen year old female who goes to high school and hates it.

harry checked the time and noticed that it had already been two minutes.

scrolling through his twitter notifications, he finally recieved a text from an unkown number, but he already knew who it was.

unkown number: omg lol sorry i ordered pizza hut

herry: those pizzas r really greasy tbh

brooke: stfu they have feelings

herry: r u serious

brooke: obviously plus it's like night and the deliver guy is really hot so

herry: where the hell were you raised


herry: explains a lot

brooke: well where the fuck were you raised son

harry laughed and covered his mouth to try and muffle the noise.

herry: holmes chaple, england

brooke: holy shit do you have an accent

herry: i guess

brooke: woo u my son r a hoTTIE

harry may have blushed a little.

herry: you don't even know what i look like omg

brooke: so you have an accent ur already considered hot

herry: well you have an accent too does that consider u hot?

brooke: im hot one way or another

herry: or so you think

brooke: i am gosh stop being mean

brooke: i swear im hot

brooke: totally hot

brooke: hotter than regina

brooke: if you dont know who regina is stfu and go away pls

brooke: wait dont stfu bc you have an accent

brooke: just

brooke: just keep talking

brooke: lol idk

harry watched his phone blow up with messages and laughed basically at every one, he liked brooke, she seemed cool and funny.

herry: boo you whore

brooke: yaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAS

an: lol I made that number up don't call it

mean girls is my bible then mean girls 2 can go down a drain bc i hated it tbh bye

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