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"wait, what gram?" brooke asked her grandmother over the phone.

"i was thinking, if i just fly over to new york right now, we can just leave then instead of waiting for the weekend?"

"but i still have four days left of school." brooke said.

"i know, but when i get there we can stay until wednesday afternoon, and we can leave then, sound good?"

brooke groaned, "yeah, sure that's fine."

"great, because i'm already at the airport, love you see you in a couple hours."

brooke huffed and kicked her shoes against the pavement, she disliked that she was leaving earlier than planned, but then again, she liked it because she gets to meet harry sooner.

putting her earbuds back in, brooke continued to play one of pandoras radio stations on her phone.

love: herry me and gram are leaving wednesday actually

lover herry: really ????!?!?!1!1?

love: well duh i just kind of told you

lover herry: ():

love: is that like suppose to be you getting ready to suck my dick or ..???

lover herry: ();

love: ;o

love: bc i dont have to open my mouth that wide bc ur dick not bomb af

lover herry: my pp is very large thank you very much

love: yeah just like my boobs are big hahahahhahahahahhaha

lover herry: jerkk

lover herry: but what if i say ur boobs are big???

lover herry: then that means my pp is large too

love: no that just means you spend too much time looking at my tatas

lover herry: okay you know what

lover herry: i came out here to have a good time and honestly im feeling so attacked right now

love: well js no girls wanting to attack you bc your buddy is too small man


love: *shrugs*

lover herry: im no longer showing you around school once you get here

lover herry: so ur gonna be that weird american girl with no friends

lover herry: then knowing louis or liam they'll take you in and then it'll be mean girls all over again but british style

love: what

love: man im walking home and honestly i almost tripped when i read that

love: bc mean girls affffffffffffff

lover herry: ik thats why you must love me

lover herry: bc im a sassy girl ((((;;;;;;;;

love: i think we established this yesterday but im the only one who can do the double chin horny guy okay?

love: (((((((((((((((((((;

an: writers block is the devil man

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