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after brooke's first week of attending high school in england, she was hanging out with harry at her house.

"no, if we watch romance i think i might cry." harry admitted, scrolling through netflix.

"just watch bob's burgers." brooke set down her bowl of grapes on the small table.

"alright, alright." harry clicked on the show and laid back down, his arm immediately going around brooke's waist.

brooke sighed, "we have four more months of school and i'm out for the summer and you're out until college or whatever."

"so, serious question here, love." harry said as he turned towards brooke.

"you may ask." brooke gave him a small, reassuring smile.

"so, i was thinking, what if i took a gap year, you know? and i could just work or whatever and wait for you to finish high school so we could start college at the same time?"

brooke smiled, his words were like sweet candy to her. she loved how he saw a future for them, how he was talking about starting college together, even though brooke still had another year of high school.

"if you want to, but it sounds pretty cool." brooke kissed his jaw and laid her head on his chest.

"another question," harry laughed nervously, his hand lifting up brooke's shirt so he could trace random shapes into her skin.

"go ahead," brooke slowly shut her eyes, becoming sleepy as harry traced patterns into her hip and the sound of the tv show playing in the background.

"what if, like, what if we moved in together this summer? like we could get a cute flat together and maybe even buy a little puppy. i know you're still finishing high school, but like, why not?"

brooke was smiling ear to ear as she put her hand on harry's chest for support as she sat up, "you're serious?"

harry nodded, "yeah, it would be so much easier instead of going back and forth between houses, and we can share one bed, every single night."

brooke knew that she was maybe a little too young to be moving in with a guy, but honestly, she really wanted to. she knew her and harry had something special, and she wasn't going to deny it.

"yeah, it sounds fun. me, you, and a puppy, in a small apartment. it sounds perfect." brooke smiled as harry sat up with his excited, green eyes.

"really?" harry asked, smiling widely.

"really." brooke laughed as harry gently pushed her back on the bed and started to leave sweet kisses all over her face and neck.

harry finally kissed brooke, his hands by her head to support his weight. brooke held his face in her hands and her lips moved perfectly with his, in a slow and passionate kiss.

harry started to move his lips down to her neck, sucking and nipping at her sweet spot, bringing her blood to the surface.

"i'm really glad you said yes to moving in with me." harry said as he left a short kiss on her lips.

"me too, it'll be a cute, small flat. and i'll put flowers by the windows and really good smelling soap in the bathrooms with cute, colorful towels. and we'll have one of those really odd but cool shower curtains. oh, and just imagine how cute our bed set is going to be!" brooke sighed in happiness as she looked up at harry who was still above her.

"you're really cute, as cute as a button, you know that right?"

"yeah, i know. this weird, british dude keeps telling me." brooke playfully rolled her eyes as harry laid down next to her, pulling the covers over their bodies.

"for your information, he is not weird."

"no, i'm telling you, he's really weird. like, he calls an apartment a flat and a television a telly. like c'mon dude."

harry jokingly gasped and pinched brooke's side as he left a kiss on her lips as she laughed.

"we're going to get a cool flat, with a nice view. and our pillows will match the couches, and them we can have a cute rug." brooke sighed happily, day dreaming about her dream apartment.

"and we can have book shelf with all your books and put plants on the top shelf with portraits." harry said, smoothing back brooke's hair.

"it sounds so dreamy," brooke smiled, laying her arm over harry's chest.

"any future with you sounds dreamy," harry ran his fingers through brooke's hair as she sat up on her elbows.

"aw, harry!" she laughed, "you're so cute, you softy!"

harry cleared his throat and faked a deep voice, "no, i'm tough and rough."

"babe, you wish." brooke laughed as she put her hand on his chest.

harry playfully rolled his eyes before he kissed brooke's cheek, "so, where has your grandma been?"

brooke's eyes popped excitedly, "she told me she's been seeing this guy recently, and i met him the other day and he was such a nice, old man. so, she's usually with him for most of the day. i ship them."

harry laughed, "i guess i ship them too."

"harry, it's not a 'i guess,' it's a 'i do'."

harry smiled, "okay, i ship them. but i ship us more."

"definitely," harry kissed brooke's nose before she scrunched up her face and laughed.

an: we're so close to the end fuck me :'-)

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