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friday afternoon, a couple hours after brooke ate a piece of harrys pancake, brooke laid on the makeshift bed, staring at the wall as her and harry watched another movie.

"oh," brooke suddenly chirped, "we forgot to get paint!"

"oh, yeah i guess we did. you want to go get some now?"

"yeah, let's go, but first i need to take my contacts out because my eyes are hurting really bad."

brooke found her contact case under a pile of clothes and glasses. after taking out her contacts she put on her glasses and blinked multiple times.

harry looked at her with her adorable glasses on and her hair in her usual messy bun and he smiled fondly to himself.

"ready?" harry asked, putting his phone into his pocket.

"yeah, let's go."

traveling down the stairs and exiting out of the front door, brooke almost tripped down the few steps but luckily caught herself before face planting into the concrete and grass.

harry stifled his laughs as brooke mumbled some words under her lips and headed towards the car.

harry and brooke sat in his car, trying to warm it up before heading to the store.

brooke looked down at her black leggings and over-sized tee and wondered if the outfit looked fine to go to the store, but she soon forgot about her thoughts when harry laid his hand on her thigh.

looking at harry and his hand on her thigh, she smiled to herself and looked at the cars in front of them as they drove.

soon arriving to the store they were at the day prior, brooke and harry quickly entered since it was very cold outside.

"paint, paint, paint, where's the paint?" brooke mumbled as she got a cart, walking by harry around the store.

"it's over there i think," he said, pointing to a row of aisles.

soon they were looking at different brands of paint and the many varieties of the color white.

harry grabbed a pale of paint that had a nice looking color slabbed on top of the can, "i think this one looks nice."

brooke nodded excitedly and grabbed two more pales of the same color.

"okay, so, i was thinking about getting some other colors so i can draw on my wall, you know?" brooke told harry as she looked at the paint swatches.

"yeah, that'd be nice, but get smaller cans of the colors."

brooke nodded, tucking a strand of her brown hair behind her ear. harry watched brooke as she scanned the many different colors and he smiled, loving how cute she looked in her oversized tee and her messy bun.

"okay!" brooke giggled, "i like this one, and this one, and this one. what do you think?"

harry looked at the multiple colors brooke picked out which was a light pink, pale blue, black, bright green, and a yellow paint swatch.

"these are so girly, but yeah, they're good colors for the room you want."

brooke smiled at harry and nodded, "okay, let's leave because i'm tired again."

harry laughed and nodded as well, following behind brooke as she walked up to the cashiers.



harry and brooke were sprawled across brooke's room, eating some candy and drinking kool-aid.

harry was thinking about taking brooke out somewhere, but he wasn't sure how to bring it up.

"brooke?" harry said, getting brooke to quickly look at him, her kool-aid almost spilling in the process.

"uh-huh?" she asked, pushing her glasses farther up her nose and taking another sip from her drink.

"do you want to go to this aquarium? i understand if you're-"

brooke nodded, "harry, fishies are cool, i want to go." she smiled sweetly at him and he smiled back.

harry stood up and she glanced up at him from her spot on her stomach on the floor, her feet kicking in the air. "i'm going to go home and change, i'll be back in forty-five minutes, yeah?"

brooke nodded, giggling when he patted her head and walked out of her room, blowing a kiss at her from the door, (she definitely caught it, well after he closed her door and left).

brooke groaned as she got up and went to the bathroom with a towel to finally take a shower after these past two days.

after she shut her bathroom door and locked it, she stripped from her clothing and warmed up the water, sighing to herself as she looked at her bare reflection in the mirror.


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