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five days until brooke was on the airplane to holmes chapel, england. harry was beyond excited.

he's been waiting for this day for over a month now, and it's finally happening, finally.

he was thinking of introducing brooke to the lads, but he was nervous and worried about that.

any one of them could easily swoop her away, and harry would be that friend-zoned, best friend. but harry knew his mates wouldn't purposely do that, but you just never know.

love: hey wassup lover

herry: lover ???

love: yeah ur my lover ((;

lover: okay lover im doing hw

love: british homework sounds cool

lover: its noT

love: i bet it is

lover: its not, american hw sounds cool tho

love: lol sOUNDS

lover: yeah, i bet its all americanish

love: no stop pls

lover: i bet its all like if frank built five mcdonalds and every building made 233 hamburgers a day and one person ate two hamburgers how much people go to all the mcdonalds in one day

love: literally legit af tbh

lover: ikr wow

love: woW

lover: im excited for this week

lover: like very excited

lover: very happy

love: i bet u are ((;

lover: pls stop with the double chin winky faces thing

love: (((((((((((((((((;

lover: sTOP

love: ))))))))))))))));

lover: aw wait no

lover: now he's all sad but still horny af

love: the biography of my life but its a she instead of he

lover: i can fix that

love: the sad part or horny part????!?!!1!1!!1

lover: both !!!!

love: now i definitely cant wait for this week !!!!

an: oh my *shrugs violently*

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