Chapter 1: First Day at School - Revival of the Revolution Project

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"Whether the world sees you as a devil or a demon, be the storm that keeps going forward."

Strider Xanthos gradually woke up at around 6am, grabbing his prepared outfit, grateful at the lack of dress code as he dashed to the bathroom, plastering as many cosmetics as he possibly could over his dark skin he needed to have more confidence in. 20 minutes later, he was grabbing his books while waiting for both waffles and eggs to finish, inserting everything in. With still some time to spare as the alarm clock turned to 7, he took the time to concoct a list for himself.

1. Be more positive. You've escaped hell twice, it could be a heaven compared to that.

2. Do your best, and if you can't, ask for help.

3. Keep no more than 6 close friends, 8 acquaintances, and try not to make too many enemies.

4. Avoid almost as many fights and dean office visits.

5. Don't fall in love. You're only gonna regret it.

6. Don't give up. College will be even harder.

7. Actually join clubs this time. Only up to 3.

8. Try to have fun and enjoy it. Even you deserve to be happy once in a while.

9. Remember what mom and Kellisha told you.

10. You're black and that's okay. No one can take that away from you.

11. If all else fails, Kevin is still there with you.

12. Be the storm that keeps moving forward

After finishing the list, eating, and heading back into the bedroom to see his mom getting ready for work, he leaves a plate of food for her to eat, telling her goodbye as he rushes for the train.

Though it was only a block away, he quickly started running despite the heavy load on his back, turning the corner before his path collided, spotting a woman slightly older than him with raven black hair about to crash in him. Time slowed down as their eyes met...and hearing a train rushing in from the ducts on the sideways, he quickly sidestepped her and ran into the station, blitzing into the turnstile as he ran down the stairs, spotting a train having just arrived.

Quickly running down the stairs, he jumps halfway down as passengers exit, maneuvering around all the ones in his ways, making a quick leap towards the doors as they close in on his entrance, wrestling them to get inside as the doors close behind him. Heavily panting as he gets inside, the young teen struggles for breath, relieved that he managed to make it in time as he readjusted his glasses.


    "Cheer yourself on to create the reflection that will captivate your frozen heart. Even in the cold, clear this cruel world with no continues."

Inside the Marriott Hotel, a young teenager was quickly hurrying to grab her belongings. Tying her blue hair into two pigtails, she quickly attached her knee pads and helmet in a hurry. Though her stomach was roaring, she felt her plan that involved skip breakfast would be worth it even though she was proud of her size and weight. She looked into the mirror, seeing herself as if she was frozen in ice, struggling to move from the worries of her first day.

"New school, new you. I don't need those two to find my smile."

Dropping her sneakers into her bag, she quickly put on her rollerskates and blazed out the room. She dashes through the hallway when in her vision, a man in a butler like attire was waiting for her with a plate load of food.

"Sebastian? Eliza and Tori are about to-"

"-end their bickering." Krystal woke up later than usual and was worried they would stop her.

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